Пример #1
    async def cancel_queued_transaction(self, tx_hash, signature):

        if not validate_transaction_hash(tx_hash):
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_transaction_hash', 'message': 'Invalid Transaction Hash'})

        if not validate_signature(signature):
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_signature', 'message': 'Invalid Signature'})

        async with self.db:
            tx = await self.db.fetchrow("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE hash = $1 AND (status != 'error' OR status IS NULL)",
        if tx is None:
            raise JsonRPCError(None, -32000, "Transaction not found",
                               {'id': 'not_found', 'message': 'Transaction not found'})
        elif tx['status'] != 'queued' and tx['status'] is not None:
            raise JsonRPCError(None, -32000, "Transaction already sent to node",
                               {'id': 'invalid_transaction_status', 'message': 'Transaction already sent to node'})

        message = "Cancel transaction " + tx_hash
        if not personal_ecrecover(message, signature, tx['from_address']):
            raise JsonRPCError(None, -32000, "Permission Denied",
                               {'id': 'permission_denied', 'message': 'Permission Denied'})

        log.info("Setting tx '{}' to error due to user cancelation".format(tx['hash']))
        self.tasks.update_transaction(tx['transaction_id'], 'error')
Пример #2
async def post_login(request):
    token = request.json['auth_token']
    url = '{}/v1/login/verify/{}'.format(ID_SERVICE_LOGIN_URL, token)
    resp = await app.http.get(url)
    if resp.status != 200:
        raise SanicException("Login Failed", status_code=401)

    user = await resp.json()
    toshi_id = user['toshi_id']
    session_id = generate_session_id()
    async with app.pool.acquire() as con:
        admin = await con.fetchrow("SELECT * FROM admins WHERE toshi_id = $1",
        if admin:
            await con.execute(
                "INSERT INTO sessions (session_id, toshi_id) VALUES ($1, $2)",
                session_id, toshi_id)
    if admin:
        response = json_response(user)
        response.cookies['session'] = session_id
        #response.cookies['session']['secure'] = True
        return response
        toshi_log.info("Invalid login from: {}".format(toshi_id))
        raise SanicException("Login Failed", status_code=401)
Пример #3
async def wait_for_migration(con, poll_frequency=1):
    """finds the latest expected database version and only exits once the current
    version in the database matches. Use for sub processes that depend on a main
    process handling database migration"""

    if not os.path.exists("sql/create_tables.sql"):
            "Missing sql/create_tables.sql: cannot initialise database")

    version = 0
    while True:
        version += 1
        if not os.path.exists("sql/migrate_{:08}.sql".format(version)):
            version -= 1

    while True:
            row = await con.fetchrow(
                "SELECT version_number FROM database_version LIMIT 1")
            if version == row['version_number']:
        except asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedTableError:
            # if this happens, it could just be the first time starting the app,
            # just keep waiting
        log.info("waiting for database migration...".format(version))
        # wait some time before checking again
        await asyncio.sleep(poll_frequency)
    # done!
    log.info("got database version: {}".format(version))
Пример #4
 async def _start(self):
     if 'database' in config:
         from toshi.database import prepare_database
         await prepare_database()
     if 'redis' in config:
         from toshi.redis import prepare_redis
         await prepare_redis()
     self.listen(tornado.options.options.port, xheaders=True)
     log.info("Starting HTTP Server on port: {}".format(
Пример #5
    async def send_transaction(self, *, tx, signature=None):

            tx = decode_transaction(tx)
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_transaction', 'message': 'Invalid Transaction'})

        if is_transaction_signed(tx):

            tx_sig = data_encoder(signature_from_transaction(tx))

            if signature:

                if tx_sig != signature:

                    raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={
                        'id': 'invalid_signature',
                        'message': 'Invalid Signature: Signature in payload and signature of transaction do not match'

                signature = tx_sig

            if signature is None:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'missing_signature', 'message': 'Missing Signature'})

            if not validate_signature(signature):
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={
                    'id': 'invalid_signature',
                    'message': 'Invalid Signature: {}'.format(
                        'Invalid length' if len(signature) != 132 else 'Invalid hex value')

                sig = data_decoder(signature)
            except Exception:
                log.exception("Unexpected error decoding valid signature: {}".format(signature))
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={
                    'id': 'invalid_signature',
                    'message': 'Invalid Signature'

            add_signature_to_transaction(tx, sig)

        # validate network id, if it's not for "all networks"
        if tx.network_id is not None and self.network_id != tx.network_id:
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={
                'id': 'invalid_network_id',
                'message': 'Invalid Network ID'

        from_address = data_encoder(tx.sender)
        to_address = data_encoder(tx.to)

        # prevent spamming of transactions with the same nonce from the same sender
        with RedisLock(self.redis, "{}:{}".format(from_address, tx.nonce),
                       raise_when_locked=partial(JsonRPCInvalidParamsError, data={'id': 'invalid_nonce', 'message': 'Nonce already used'}),

            # check for transaction overwriting
            async with self.db:
                existing = await self.db.fetchrow("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE "
                                                  "from_address = $1 AND nonce = $2 AND status != $3",
                                                  from_address, tx.nonce, 'error')

            # disallow transaction overwriting when the gas is lower or the transaction is confirmed
            if existing and (parse_int(existing['gas_price']) >= tx.gasprice or existing['status'] == 'confirmed'):
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_nonce', 'message': 'Nonce already used'})

            # make sure the account has enough funds for the transaction
            network_balance, balance, _, _ = await self.get_balances(from_address)
            if existing:
                balance += parse_int(existing['value']) + parse_int(existing['gas']) * parse_int(existing['gas_price'])

            if balance < (tx.value + (tx.startgas * tx.gasprice)):
                raise JsonRPCInsufficientFundsError(data={'id': 'insufficient_funds', 'message': 'Insufficient Funds'})

            # validate the nonce (only necessary if tx doesn't already exist)
            if not existing:
                c_nonce = await self.get_transaction_count(from_address)

                if tx.nonce < c_nonce:
                    raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_nonce', 'message': 'Provided nonce is too low'})
                if tx.nonce > c_nonce:
                    raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_nonce', 'message': 'Provided nonce is too high'})

            if tx.intrinsic_gas_used > tx.startgas:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={
                    'id': 'invalid_transaction',
                    'message': 'Transaction gas is too low. There is not enough gas to cover minimal cost of the transaction (minimal: {}, got: {}). Try increasing supplied gas.'.format(tx.intrinsic_gas_used, tx.startgas)})

            # now this tx fits enough of the criteria to allow it
            # onto the transaction queue
            tx_hash = calculate_transaction_hash(tx)

            if existing:
                log.info("Setting tx '{}' to error due to forced overwrite".format(existing['hash']))
                self.tasks.update_transaction(existing['transaction_id'], 'error')

            # add tx to database
            async with self.db:
                await self.db.execute(
                    "INSERT INTO transactions "
                    "(hash, from_address, to_address, nonce, "
                    "value, gas, gas_price, "
                    "data, v, r, s, "
                    "sender_toshi_id) "
                    "VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12)",
                    tx_hash, from_address, to_address, tx.nonce,
                    hex(tx.value), hex(tx.startgas), hex(tx.gasprice),
                    data_encoder(tx.data), hex(tx.v), hex(tx.r), hex(tx.s),
                await self.db.commit()

            # trigger processing the transaction queue
            # analytics
            # use notification registrations to try find toshi ids for users
            if self.user_toshi_id:
                sender_toshi_id = self.user_toshi_id
                async with self.db:
                    sender_toshi_id = await self.db.fetchval(
                        "SELECT toshi_id FROM notification_registrations WHERE "
                        "eth_address = $1",
            async with self.db:
                receiver_toshi_id = await self.db.fetchval(
                    "SELECT toshi_id FROM notification_registrations WHERE "
                    "eth_address = $1",
            self.track(sender_toshi_id, "Sent transaction")
            # it doesn't make sense to add user agent here as we
            # don't know the receiver's user agent
            self.track(receiver_toshi_id, "Received transaction", add_user_agent=False)

        return tx_hash
Пример #6
    async def create_transaction_skeleton(self, *, to_address, from_address, value=0, nonce=None, gas=None, gas_price=None, data=None, network_id=None, token_address=None):

        # strip begining and trailing whitespace from addresses
        if to_address is not None and isinstance(to_address, str):
            to_address = to_address.strip()
        if from_address is not None and isinstance(from_address, str):
            from_address = from_address.strip()
        if token_address is not None and isinstance(token_address, str):
            token_address = token_address.strip()

        if not validate_address(from_address):
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_from_address', 'message': 'Invalid From Address'})

        if to_address is not None and not validate_address(to_address):
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_to_address', 'message': 'Invalid To Address'})

        if from_address != from_address.lower() and not checksum_validate_address(from_address):
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_from_address', 'message': 'Invalid From Address Checksum'})

        if to_address is not None and to_address != to_address.lower() and not checksum_validate_address(to_address):
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_to_address', 'message': 'Invalid To Address Checksum'})

        # make sure if the network id is set that it matches the current network id
        # NOTE: this is only meant as a sanity check, to make sure clients abort
        # early if they think they're creating a request on a different network
        if network_id:
            log.info("NETWORK ID USED: {} ({})".format(network_id, type(network_id)))
            if type(network_id) == str:
                    network_id = int(network_id)
                except ValueError:
                    raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_network_id', 'message': 'Invalid Network Id'})
            elif type(network_id) != int:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_network_id', 'message': 'Invalid Network Id'})

            if network_id != self.network_id:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={
                    'id': 'invalid_network_id',
                    'message': 'Network ID does not match. expected: {}'.format(self.network_id)})

        # check if we should ignore the given gasprice
        # NOTE: only meant to be here while cryptokitty fever is pushing
        # up gas prices... this shouldn't be perminant
        # anytime the nonce is also set, use the provided gas (this is to
        # support easier overwriting of transactions)
        if gas_price is not None and nonce is None:
            async with self.db:
                whitelisted = await self.db.fetchrow("SELECT 1 FROM from_address_gas_price_whitelist WHERE address = $1", from_address)
                if not whitelisted:
                    whitelisted = await self.db.fetchrow("SELECT 1 FROM to_address_gas_price_whitelist WHERE address = $1", to_address)
            if not whitelisted:
                gas_price = None

        if gas_price is None:
            # try and use cached gas station gas price
            gas_station_gas_price = await self.redis.get('gas_station_fast_gas_price')
            if gas_station_gas_price:
                gas_price = parse_int(gas_station_gas_price)
            if gas_price is None:
                gas_price = await self.eth.eth_gasPrice()
                if gas_price is None:
                    gas_price = config['ethereum'].getint('default_gasprice', DEFAULT_GASPRICE)
            gas_price = parse_int(gas_price)
            if gas_price is None:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_gas_price', 'message': 'Invalid Gas Price'})

        if gas is not None:
            gas = parse_int(gas)
            if gas is None:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_gas', 'message': 'Invalid Gas'})

        if nonce is None:
            # check cache for nonce
            nonce = await self.get_transaction_count(from_address)
            nonce = parse_int(nonce)
            if nonce is None:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_nonce', 'message': 'Invalid Nonce'})

        if data is not None:
            if isinstance(data, int):
                data = hex(data)
            if isinstance(data, str):
                    data = data_decoder(data)
                except binascii.Error:
            if not isinstance(data, bytes):
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_data', 'message': 'Invalid Data field'})
            data = b''

        # flag to force arguments into an erc20 token transfer
        if token_address is not None:
            if not validate_address(token_address):
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_token_address', 'message': 'Invalid Token Address'})
            if data != b'':
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'bad_arguments', 'message': 'Cannot include both data and token_address'})

            if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == "max":
                # get the balance in the database
                async with self.db:
                    value = await self.db.fetchval("SELECT balance FROM token_balances "
                                                   "WHERE contract_address = $1 AND eth_address = $2",
                                                   token_address, from_address)
                if value is None:
                    # get the value from the ethereum node
                    data = "0x70a08231000000000000000000000000" + from_address[2:].lower()
                        value = await self.eth.eth_call(to_address=token_address, data=data)
                        log.exception("Unable to get balance for token {} for address {}".format(token_address, from_address))

            value = parse_int(value)
            if value is None or value < 0:
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_value', 'message': 'Invalid Value'})
            data = data_decoder("0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000{}{:064x}".format(to_address[2:].lower(), value))
            token_value = value
            value = 0
            to_address = token_address

        elif value:

            if value == "max":
                network_balance, balance, _, _ = await self.get_balances(from_address)
                if gas is None:
                    code = await self.eth.eth_getCode(to_address)
                    if code:
                        # we might have to do some work
                            gas = await self.eth.eth_estimateGas(from_address, to_address, data=data, value=0)
                        except JsonRPCError:
                            # no fallback function implemented in the contract means no ether can be sent to it
                            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_to_address', 'message': 'Cannot send payments to that address'})
                        attempts = 0
                        # because the default function could do different things based on the eth sent, we make sure
                        # the value is suitable. if we get different values 3 times abort
                        while True:
                            if attempts > 2:
                                log.warning("Hit max attempts trying to get max value to send to contract '{}'".format(to_address))
                                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_to_address', 'message': 'Cannot send payments to that address'})
                            value = balance - (gas_price * gas)
                            # make sure the balance isn't negative
                            if value < 0:
                                raise JsonRPCInsufficientFundsError(data={'id': 'insufficient_funds', 'message': 'Insufficient Funds'})
                                gas_with_value = await self.eth.eth_estimateGas(from_address, to_address, data=data, value=value)
                            except JsonRPCError:
                                # no fallback function implemented in the contract means no ether can be sent to it
                                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_to_address', 'message': 'Cannot send payments to that address'})
                            if gas_with_value != gas:
                                gas = gas_with_value
                                attempts += 1
                        # normal address, 21000 gas per transaction
                        gas = 21000
                        value = balance - (gas_price * gas)
                    # preset gas, run with it!
                    value = balance - (gas_price * gas)
                value = parse_int(value)
                if value is None or value < 0:
                    raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_value', 'message': 'Invalid Value'})

        if gas is None:
                gas = await self.eth.eth_estimateGas(from_address, to_address, data=data, value=value)
            except JsonRPCError:
                # this can occur if sending a transaction to a contract that doesn't match a valid method
                # and the contract has no default method implemented.
                # this can also happen if the current state of the blockchain means that submitting the
                # transaction would fail (abort).
                if token_address is not None:
                    # when dealing with erc20, this usually means the user's balance for that token isn't
                    # high enough, check that and throw an error if it's the case, and if not fall
                    # back to the standard invalid_data error
                    async with self.db:
                        bal = await self.db.fetchval("SELECT balance FROM token_balances "
                                                     "WHERE contract_address = $1 AND eth_address = $2",
                                                     token_address, from_address)
                    if bal is not None:
                        bal = parse_int(bal)
                        if bal < token_value:
                            raise JsonRPCInsufficientFundsError(data={'id': 'insufficient_funds', 'message': 'Insufficient Funds'})
                raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_data', 'message': 'Unable to estimate gas for contract call'})
            # if data is present, buffer gas estimate by 20%
            if len(data) > 0:
                gas = int(gas * 1.2)

            tx = create_transaction(nonce=nonce, gasprice=gas_price, startgas=gas,
                                    to=to_address, value=value, data=data,
        except InvalidTransaction as e:
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={'id': 'invalid_transaction', 'message': str(e)})
        except binascii.Error as e:
            log.exception("Error creating transaction skeleton: nonce:{} gasprice:{} startgas:{} to:{} value:{} data:{} network_id:{}".format(
                nonce, gas_price, gas, to_address, value, data, self.network_id))
            raise JsonRPCError(None, -32000, "Error creating transaction skeleton",
                               {'id': 'unexpected_error', 'message': "Error creating transaction skeleton"})

        if tx.intrinsic_gas_used > gas:
            raise JsonRPCInvalidParamsError(data={
                'id': 'invalid_transaction',
                'message': 'Transaction gas is too low. There is not enough gas to cover minimal cost of the transaction (minimal: {}, got: {}). Try increasing supplied gas.'.format(
                    tx.intrinsic_gas_used, gas)})

        transaction = encode_transaction(tx)

        return {"tx": transaction, "gas": hex(gas), "gas_price": hex(gas_price), "nonce": hex(nonce),
                "value": hex(token_value) if token_address else hex(value)}
Пример #7
async def create_tables(con):

    # make sure the create tables script exists
    if not os.path.exists("sql/create_tables.sql"):
            "Missing sql/create_tables.sql: cannot initialise database")

        row = await con.fetchrow(
            "SELECT version_number FROM database_version LIMIT 1")
        version = row['version_number']
        log.info("got database version: {}".format(version))
    except asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedTableError:

        # fresh DB path

        await con.execute(
            "CREATE TABLE database_version (version_number INTEGER)")
        await con.execute(
            "INSERT INTO database_version (version_number) VALUES (0)")

        # fresh database, nothing to migrate
        with open("sql/create_tables.sql") as create_tables_file:

            sql = create_tables_file.read()

            await con.execute(sql)

        # verify that if there are any migration scripts, that the
        # database_version table has been updated appropriately
        version = 0
        while True:
            version += 1
            if not os.path.exists("sql/migrate_{:08}.sql".format(version)):
                version -= 1

        if version > 0:
            row = await con.fetchrow(
                "SELECT version_number FROM database_version LIMIT 1")
            if row['version_number'] != version:
                    "Warning, migration scripts exist but database version has not been set in create_tables.sql"
                    "DB version: {}, latest migration script: {}".format(
                        row['version_number'], version))


    # check for migration files

    exception = None
    while True:
        version += 1

        fn = "sql/migrate_{:08}.sql".format(version)
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            log.info("applying migration script: {:08}".format(version))
            with open(fn) as migrate_file:
                sql = migrate_file.read()
                    await con.execute(sql)
                except Exception as e:
                    version -= 1
                    exception = e
            version -= 1

    await con.execute("UPDATE database_version SET version_number = $1",
    if exception:
        raise exception