def get_initenv_args(self): returnvals = [] printout(_("Creating a new Trac environment at %(envname)s", envname=self.envname)) printout(_(""" Trac will first ask a few questions about your environment in order to initialize and prepare the project database. Please enter the name of your project. This name will be used in page titles and descriptions. """)) dp = 'My Project' returnvals.append(raw_input(_("Project Name [%(default)s]> ", default=dp)).strip() or dp) printout(_(""" Please specify the connection string for the database to use. By default, a local SQLite database is created in the environment directory. It is also possible to use an already existing PostgreSQL database (check the Trac documentation for the exact connection string syntax). """)) ddb = 'sqlite:db/trac.db' prompt = _("Database connection string [%(default)s]> ", default=ddb) returnvals.append(raw_input(prompt).strip() or ddb) print() return returnvals