def execute(self, sql, args=[]): try: self._cursor.execute(sql, args) except BaseException as e: logging.error('Error execute') logging.exception(traceback.format_exe()) raise DbException(e)
def get(self, key): c = -1 try: c = int(self.db.Get(key)) except Exception as e: import traceback logging.error(traceback.format_exe()) return c
def main(self): # 创建多个接收线程 #self.get3DCSN() try: _thread.start_new_thread(self.Server()) # 6001 接收标定工位端口 #_thread.start_new_thread(Server, (ip, port)) # 7001 接收深度工位端口 #_thread.start_new_thread(Server, (ip, 8001)) # 8001 接收 AE 工位端口 while 1: pass except: print(traceback.format_exe()) #print("Error: 无法启动线程") # c=Accept
def get3DCSN(self): try: base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) #print(base_dir) #self.Txt_write("base_dir:%s"%base_dir) cc = os.path.join(base_dir, '3DCSN.xlsx') try: if os.path.exists(cc): self.Txt_write('load_workbook') wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(cc) # 加载存在的Excel表 self.Txt_write("wb:%s" % str(wb)) else: self.Txt_write("error_exist") return except: msg = traceback.format_exe() self.Txt_write("error_msg:%s" % (str(msg))) a_sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1') # 根据表名获取表对象 now = time.strftime('%m%d', time.localtime(time.time())) count = a_sheet.max_row number = ("%06d" % count) sn = 'HMD3DC20' + now + number # 保存新的SN号 ws = ws.append([sn]) #self.Txt_write("now:%s" % now) print(a_sheet.cell(row=(a_sheet.max_row), column=1).value) self.Txt_write( "a_sheet.cell(row=(a_sheet.max_row),column=1).value:%s" % a_sheet.cell(row=(a_sheet.max_row), column=1).value) return a_sheet.cell(row=(a_sheet.max_row), column=1).value except: print(traceback.format_exe()) self.Txt_write(traceback.format_exe())
def create_message(access_token, channel_id, text='', attachments=[], in_channel=False, is_async=False): try: is_image = False if '' in text: is_image = True if len(text) >= 3500: search_text = re.findall( '^(.* posted the) <(https://.*)\|(.*)>.*:\n', text) if search_text: new_content_text = search_text[0][0] link = search_text[0][1] new_content_type = search_text[0][2] text = '%s %s. WARNING: this content cannot be displayed, ' \ 'please read the complete content <%s|HERE>' \ % (new_content_text, new_content_type, link) params = { 'channel': channel_id, 'text': text, 'attachments': json.dumps(attachments), 'unfurl_links': False, 'unfurl_media': is_image, } if in_channel: params['response_type'] = 'in_channel' if not is_async: return requests.get( url='', params=params, headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}) else: return get_request_task( '', params, access_token) except: print(traceback.format_exe())
def copyfilesmulti(fileslist, threadsnum, targetfolder): try: po = multiprocessing.Pool(threadsnum) start = 0 groupSize = int(len(fileslist) / threadsnum) for idx in range(threadsnum): if idx == threadsnum - 1: end = len(fileslist) else: end = (idx + 1) * groupSize po.apply_async(func=copyfile, args=(start, end, fileslist, targetfolder), callback=f_callback(start, end)) start = start + groupSize po.close() po.join() except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exe(e)) exit()
def Server(self): try: self.get3DCSN() print(self.port) ip_port = (self.ip, self.port) print(ip_port) sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print(sk) sk.bind(ip_port) sk.listen(128) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) except: print(traceback.format_exe()) # 当前路径 while True: print('server waiting...') self.Txt_write('server waiting...') conn, addr = sk.accept() # 阻塞等待客户端连接 print("来自%s的连接:" % addr[0]) self.Txt_write("来自%s的连接:" % addr[0]) while True: client_data = conn.recv(1024) print(len(client_data)) # 判断长度 if len(client_data) == 6: # 判断数据的长度 aa = client_data.hex() print(aa) if aa == "7e800501097e": # 反馈SN号 print(self.get3DCSN()) conn.send(self.get3DCSN().encode()) elif aa == "7e800101097e": # 接收SN conn.send('start rsv SN'.encode()) data = conn.recv(1024) # 接收SN # 创建文件 file_name = path + '\\' + 'test' + '\\' + bytes.decode( data) print(file_name) my_file = Path(file_name) print(my_file) if not my_file.exists(): os.mkdir(file_name) conn.send('SN is OK'.encode()) elif aa == "7e800201097e": # 接收ZIP包 conn.send('start rsv ZIP'.encode()) data = conn.recv(1024) # 接收压缩包 f = open(file_name + "/", 'wb') print('start rsv ZIPHASH') while len(data) > 0: f.write(data) print(len(data)) if len(data) == 6 and data.hex() == "7e8002010a7e": conn.send('start rsv ZIPHASH'.encode()) data = conn.recv(1024) # 接收压缩包HASH指令 if bytes.decode(data) == self.CalcSha512( file_name + "/"): conn.send('ZIPHASH is OK'.encode()) break else: conn.send('ZIPHASH is ERROR'.encode()) elif len(data) != 1024: conn.send('ZIP is OK'.encode()) self.Txt_write('ZIP is OK') break # ad1b6699ab5cd76c5edd0b31b61b1046b6efd02ea637277711f62931be1989561145b4fa3afc5dc207e42239c13039664818c417287903c1fa8c3629ebd5948a data = conn.recv(1024) # 接收压缩包 f.close() print('ZIP is OK') elif aa == "7e8002010a7e": # 接收压缩包HASH指令 conn.send('start rsv ZIPHASH'.encode()) print(self.CalcSha512(file_name + "/")) data = conn.recv(1024) print(bytes.decode(data)) if bytes.decode(data) == self.CalcSha512(file_name + "/"): conn.send('ZIPHASH is OK'.encode()) print('ZIPHASH is OK') self.Txt_write('ZIPHASH is OK') else: conn.send('ZIPHASH is ERROR'.encode()) self.Txt_write('ZIPHASH is ERROR') elif aa == "7e800601097e": # 确认建立连接 conn.send('socket OK'.encode()) print('socket OK') elif aa == "7e800401097e": # 断开连接 conn.send('close OK'.encode()) print('close OK') self.Txt_write('close OK') break else: print("等待连接....") #except: #print("SOCKET ERROR") sk.close()
method="sync") producer.send(resp_msg) print(f"Response is sent: \n {resp_msg} \n") if __name__ == '__main__': consumer = MessageConsumer(consumer_id="1", consumer_group='actuator_req_manager', message_types=["requests"], auto_ack=False, offset='earliest') while True: try: print("In receiver") message = consumer.receive(timeout=0) #consumer.ack() #continue msg = json.loads(message.decode('utf-8')) print(f"Got a request: \n {msg} \n") consumer.ack() # Create a new sender for topic requests send_response(json.dumps(msg)) except Exception as e: print(e) print(traceback.format_exe()) sys.exit(0)