def shot_one_book(book_id): '''抓一本书,返回是否成功''' try: print "=" * 50 # 如果存在则跳过 if bookorm.exist_book(book_id): print "%s has exist, continue" % book_id return True # 开始抓取 print "begin crawl : %s" % book_id book = bookcrawl.crawl_book(book_id) if book != None: print book.bookName if bookcrawl.add_book_to_lebook(book_id): print "add book to lebook ok: " + book_id if bookorm.insert_book_chapter(book): print "insert book ok: %s" % book_id d_t = book.bookSize / 50 # 根据文件大小计算下载时间,每秒50k if d_t < 15: d_t = 15 if not bookshot.shot_first_book(book, down_time=d_t): return False else: print "insert book fail: %s" % book_id else: print "add book to lebook fail: " + book_id else: print "crawl book fail: " + book_id except: traceback.print_stack() return False return True
def get_default(self, name, default, force=False): # Temporary name fix for when we're given a setting name with the prefix # In the future, this test will be gone and no setting will have # the 'lldb.' prefix if not name.startswith(self.__prefix): # Final code should be: name = self.__prefix + name else: debug(debugAny, 'Setting name has lldb prefix: %s' % name) import traceback traceback.print_stack() if not force and name in self.__values: return self.__values[name] setting = default if sublime.active_window() and sublime.active_window().active_view(): setting = sublime.active_window().active_view().settings().get(name, default) if setting is default: setting = self.__settings.get(name, default) # Cache the setting value and setup a listener self.__values[name] = setting if name not in self.__settings_keys: self.__settings_keys.append(name) listener = self.create_listener(name) self.__settings.add_on_change(name, listener.on_change) debug(debugSettings, 'setting %s: %s' % (name, repr(setting))) return setting
def fatalError(explanation): if config.state['Debug']: print "omniidl: fatalError occurred, in debug mode." for line in explanation.split("\n"): print ">> " + line if have_traceback: print "Stack:" print "-------------------------" traceback.print_stack() print "Exception:" print "-------------------------" traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) lines = explanation.split("\n") lines = [ "Fatal error in C++ backend", "" ] + lines for line in lines: sys.stderr.write("omniidl: %s\n" % line) sys.stderr.write("""\ For more information (mailing list archives, bug reports etc.) please visit the webpage: """) sys.exit(1)
def cry(out=None, sepchr='=', seplen=49): # pragma: no cover """Return stack-trace of all active threads, taken from""" import threading out = WhateverIO() if out is None else out P = partial(print, file=out) # get a map of threads by their ID so we can print their names # during the traceback dump tmap = {t.ident: t for t in threading.enumerate()} sep = sepchr * seplen for tid, frame in items(sys._current_frames()): thread = tmap.get(tid) if not thread: # skip old junk (left-overs from a fork) continue P('{}'.format(thread)) P(sep) traceback.print_stack(frame, file=out) P(sep) P('LOCAL VARIABLES') P(sep) pprint(frame.f_locals, stream=out) P('\n') return out.getvalue()
def log(level, *args): if level <= verbosity: prefix = str(level) + ": " print >> sys.stderr, prefix + "".join(map(str, args)) if level == Level.Fatal: traceback.print_stack() sys.exit(1)
def add_request_info(select): from pylons import request from r2.lib import filters def sanitize(txt): return _spaces.sub(' ', txt).replace("/", "|").replace("-", "_").replace(';', "").replace("*", "").replace(r"/", "") s = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_stack( file = s) tb = s.getvalue() if tb: tb = tb.split('\n')[0::2] tb = [x.split('/')[-1] for x in tb if "/r2/" in x] tb = '\n'.join(tb[-15:-2]) try: if (hasattr(request, 'path') and hasattr(request, 'ip') and hasattr(request, 'user_agent')): comment = '/*\n%s\n%s\n%s\n*/' % ( tb or "", filters._force_utf8(sanitize(request.fullpath)), sanitize(request.ip)) return select.prefix_with(comment) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return select
def get_prefix(self, ns): """Returns the prefix assigned to a namespace ns The namespace URI as a character string. Returns None if no prefix is currently in force for this namespace.""" if ns == XML_NAMESPACE: return "xml" elif ns is None: # Attributes with no namespace logging.error("Deprecation warning: None for ns") import traceback traceback.print_stack() return "" elif ns == NO_NAMESPACE: return "" prefix = None ei = self while prefix is None and ei is not None: prefix = ei._ns_to_prefix.get(ns, None) if prefix is not None: # this is the prefix to use, unless it has been reused... ej = self while ej is not ei: if ej._prefix_to_ns.get(prefix, None) is not None: # so prefix has been reused, keep searching prefix = None break ej = ej.parent ei = ei.parent return prefix
def _dispatch_invoke(self, msg): log.debug("invoke has been received %s", msg) request = RequestStream() response = ResponseStream(msg.session, self, msg.event) try: event_closure = self._events.get(msg.event) if event_closure is not None: event_handler = event_closure() event_handler.invoke(request, response, self.loop) self.sessions[msg.session] = request else: self._logger.warn("there is no handler for event %s", msg.event) response.error(CocaineErrno.ENOHANDLER, "there is no handler for event %s" % msg.event) except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as err: response.error(CocaineErrno.EBADSOURCE, "source is broken %s" % str(err)) self.terminate(CocaineErrno.EBADSOURCE, "source is broken") except Exception as err: log.error("invocation failed %s", err) traceback.print_stack() response.error(CocaineErrno.EINVFAILED, "invocation failed %s" % err)
def full_trace(f, *args, **kw): if param.debug: print '** Debugging info **' traceback.print_stack() print "Calling %s with args %s, %s" % (f.func_name, args, kw) print '-------------------\n' return f(*args, **kw)
def playerTransfered(self,result,wip,wport,zport,zpassword): if not result[0] or not result[1]: traceback.print_stack() print "AssertionError: result has an empty value!" return wpassword = result[1] return (wip,wport,wpassword,zport,zpassword)
def cry(): # pragma: no cover """Return stacktrace of all active threads. From """ tmap = {} main_thread = None # get a map of threads by their ID so we can print their names # during the traceback dump for t in threading.enumerate(): if getattr(t, "ident", None): tmap[t.ident] = t else: main_thread = t out = StringIO() sep = "=" * 49 + "\n" for tid, frame in sys._current_frames().iteritems(): thread = tmap.get(tid, main_thread) out.write("%s\n" % (thread.getName(),)) out.write(sep) traceback.print_stack(frame, file=out) out.write(sep) out.write("LOCAL VARIABLES\n") out.write(sep) pprint(frame.f_locals, stream=out) out.write("\n\n") return out.getvalue()
def parse(data, file=None, create_logger=False, expand_loops=True, expand_generators=True): if file != None: glob.g_file = file if glob.g_add_newlines: data = add_newlines(data) # print(data[1017297]) data = data.replace("\\n", "\n") for l in data.split("\n"): try: print(l) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass return data, StatementList() try: if glob.g_gen_es6: return parse_intern_es6(data) else: return parse_intern( data, create_logger=create_logger, expand_loops=expand_loops, expand_generators=expand_generators ) except JSError: if glob.g_print_stack: traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() glob.g_error = True return "", None
def generate_page(self): try: f1 = open(self.template_page, "r") self.results = self.check_for_input() f2 = open(self.inventory_file, "r") self.stuff =", ") pickup_form_stuff = self.pickup_form() drop_form_stuff = self.drop_form() go_left_stuff = self.go_form('←Go Left', 'left', '') go_right_stuff = self.go_form('Go Right→', 'right', '') if self.loyalty == "none" or self.loyalty == "": self.loyalty = "none. <span class='error'>Move left to choose a side.</span>" print % (pickup_form_stuff, drop_form_stuff, self.what_i_have, self.picked_up, self.dropped, self.loyalty, self.points, go_left_stuff['link'], go_right_stuff['link'], go_left_stuff['output'], go_right_stuff['output']) except Exception, e: import traceback, sys print print '<html><head><title>' print str(e) print '</title>' print '</head><body>' print '<h1>TRACEBACK</h1>' print '<pre>' print str(e) traceback.print_exc() traceback.print_stack() print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] print '</pre>' print '</body></html>'
def release(self, *args): print('*' * 120, file=sys.stderr) print('release called: thread id:', current_thread(), 'shared:', self._is_shared, file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_stack() RWLockWrapper.release(self) print('release done: thread id:', current_thread(), 'is_shared:', self._shlock.is_shared, 'is_exclusive:', self._shlock.is_exclusive, file=sys.stderr) print('_' * 120, file=sys.stderr)
def prop_get(target, key, type, ignore_errors=False): if isinstance(type, list): scalar_type = type[0] else: scalar_type = type (pytype, atom, format, serialize, deserialize, terminator) = _prop_types[scalar_type] try: #print(atom) data = trap.call_synced(XGetWindowProperty, target, key, atom) #print(atom, repr(data[:100])) except NoSuchProperty: log.debug("Missing property %s (%s)", key, type) return None except (XError, PropertyError): if not ignore_errors:"Missing window or missing property or wrong property type %s (%s)", key, type) import traceback traceback.print_stack() return None try: return _prop_decode(target, type, data) except: log.warn("Error parsing property %s (type %s); this may be a" + " misbehaving application, or bug in Wimpiggy\n" + " Data: %r[...?]", key, type, data[:160]) raise
def predict_log_probs(self, test_data): num_points = test_data["coordinates"].shape[0] topic_log_prob_vector = np.zeros((self.num_topics, num_points)) # topic_prob_vector = np.ones((self.num_topics, num_points)) for z in range(self.num_topics): try: rv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=self.topic_centers[z, :], cov=self.topic_covar[z, :, :], allow_singular=True) loc_log_prob = rv.logpdf(test_data["coordinates"]).reshape((num_points, 1)) # Nx1 # loc_prob = rv.pdf(test_data["coordinates"]).reshape((num_points, 1)) # Nx1 except: print("Error while computing geo log probabilities for test, dumping data.", "\n", self.topic_centers[z, :], "\n", self.topic_covar[z, :, :], file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_stack(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) feature_log_prob = np.zeros((num_points, 1)) # feature_prob = np.ones((num_points, 1)) for feature in self.beta_arrays.keys(): beta = self.beta_arrays[feature][z] num_words = beta.shape[0] feature_log_prob += test_data[feature] * np.log(beta.reshape((num_words, 1))) # (NxV * Vx1) = Nx1 # feature_prob *=, 1)).T, test_data[feature].todense()), axis=1) topic_log_prob_vector[z] = (loc_log_prob + feature_log_prob + np.tile(np.log(self.theta[0, z]), (num_points, 1))).flatten() # topic_prob_vector[z] = np.multiply(np.multiply(loc_prob, feature_prob), # np.tile(self.theta[0, z], (num_points, 1))).flatten() # print("direct") # print(np.sum(np.log(np.sum(topic_prob_vector, axis=0)))) return np.sum(utils.log_sum(topic_log_prob_vector, axis=0))
def acquire(self): print('#' * 120, file=sys.stderr) print('acquire called: thread id:', current_thread(), 'shared:', self._is_shared, file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_stack() RWLockWrapper.acquire(self) print('acquire done: thread id:', current_thread(), file=sys.stderr) print('_' * 120, file=sys.stderr)
def run(node, cmd): rsa = "/usr/share/simp/simp_rsa" port = sim.get_ssh_port(node) ssh_cmd = "ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " \ "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \ "-i %s -p %d simp@%s %s" % \ (rsa, port,, cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() returncode = p.returncode if returncode != 0: print "******* FAILURE **********" print print "Output:" print out print print "Traceback:" print print_stack() print raise Exception(err) return out
def _ldap_function_call(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function which locks calls to func with via module-wide ldap_lock """ if __debug__: if _trace_level >= 1: _trace_file.write('*** %s.%s (%s,%s)\n' % ( '_ldap', repr(func), repr(args), repr(kwargs) )) if _trace_level >= 3: traceback.print_stack(limit=_trace_stack_limit, file=_trace_file) _ldap_module_lock.acquire() try: try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: _ldap_module_lock.release() except LDAPError as e: if __debug__ and _trace_level >= 2: _trace_file.write('=> LDAPError: %s\n' % (str(e))) raise if __debug__ and _trace_level >= 2: if result != None and result != (None, None): _trace_file.write('=> result: %s\n' % (repr(result))) return result
def parseJSON(data, outFile, fileqcn, dbconn): # [1] ctr = 0 try: json_data=open(FILE_USGS_JSON) data = simplejson.load(json_data) for item in data["features"]: ctr = ctr + 1 if ctr > 300: break sq.__init__() #print item['id'], item['properties']['time'],item['properties']['place'],item['properties']['mag'],item['properties']['url'],item['geometry']['coordinates'][0],item['geometry']['coordinates'][1],item['geometry']['coordinates'][2] sq.time = float(item['properties']['time'])/1000.0 sq.strTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(sq.time)).strftime(TIME_PATTERN) sq.magnitude = float(item['properties']['mag']) sq.strDesc = item['properties']['place'] sq.strURL = item['properties']['url'] sq.latitude = float(item['geometry']['coordinates'][1]) sq.longitude = float(item['geometry']['coordinates'][0]) sq.strGUID = item['id'] sq.depth_km = float(item['geometry']['coordinates'][2]) sq.print_record(fileqcn, ctr, dbconn) sq.__init__() return ctr except: print "Error in parseJSON" + FILE_USGS_JSON traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) return -1
def fit(self, x, y, i=0): # if gaussian processes are being used, data dimensionality needs to be reduced before fitting if self.method[i] == 'GP': if self.reduce_dim == 'FastICA': print('Reducing dimensionality with ICA') do_ica = FastICA(n_components=self.n_components) self.do_reduce_dim = if self.reduce_dim == 'PCA': print('Reducing dimensionality with PCA') do_pca = PCA(n_components=self.n_components) self.do_reduce_dim = x = self.do_reduce_dim.transform(x) #try: print('Training model...') try:, y) self.goodfit = True print(self.model) except: self.goodfit = False if self.method[i] == 'GP': print('Model failed to train! (For GP this does not always indicate a problem, especially for low numbers of components.)') pass else: print('Model failed to train!') traceback.print_stack() if self.ransac: self.outliers = np.logical_not(self.model.inlier_mask_) print(str(np.sum(self.outliers)) + ' outliers removed with RANSAC')
def mousePressed(self, evt): if evt.isConsumedByWidgets(): super(SelectionTool, self).mousePressed(evt) return elif evt.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.LEFT: if self.session.selected_instances is None: # this is a very odd corner case, it should only happen after the session has been ended # we can't allow to just let it crash however self.log.error('Error: selected_instances is None. Please report this!') traceback.print_stack() self.log.error('Error: selected_instances is None. Please report this!') return instances = self.get_hover_instances(evt) self.select_old = frozenset(self.session.selected_instances) if evt.isControlPressed() else frozenset() instances = filter(self.is_selectable, instances) # On single click, only one building should be selected from the hover_instances. # The if is for [] and [single_item] cases (they crashed). # It acts as user would expect: instances[0] selects buildings in front first. instances = instances if len(instances) <= 1 else [instances[0]] self._update_selection(instances) self.select_begin = (evt.getX(), evt.getY()) self.session.ingame_gui.hide_menu() elif evt.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.RIGHT: target_mapcoord = self.get_exact_world_location(evt) for i in self.session.selected_instances: if i.movable: Act(i, target_mapcoord.x, target_mapcoord.y).execute(self.session) else: super(SelectionTool, self).mousePressed(evt) return evt.consume()
def execute(meth, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute *meth* in a Python thread, blocking the current coroutine/ greenthread until the method completes. The primary use case for this is to wrap an object or module that is not amenable to monkeypatching or any of the other tricks that Eventlet uses to achieve cooperative yielding. With tpool, you can force such objects to cooperate with green threads by sticking them in native threads, at the cost of some overhead. """ setup() # if already in tpool, don't recurse into the tpool # also, call functions directly if we're inside an import lock, because # if meth does any importing (sadly common), it will hang my_thread = threading.currentThread() if my_thread in _threads or imp.lock_held() or _nthreads == 0: return meth(*args, **kwargs) e = event.Event() _reqq.put((e, meth, args, kwargs)) rv = e.wait() if isinstance(rv, tuple) \ and len(rv) == 3 \ and isinstance(rv[1], EXC_CLASSES): (c, e, tb) = rv if not QUIET: traceback.print_exception(c, e, tb) traceback.print_stack() six.reraise(c, e, tb) return rv
def cry(): # pragma: no cover """Return stacktrace of all active threads. From """ tmap = {} main_thread = None # get a map of threads by their ID so we can print their names # during the traceback dump for t in threading.enumerate(): if getattr(t, 'ident', None): tmap[t.ident] = t else: main_thread = t out = StringIO() P = partial(print, file=out) sep = '=' * 49 for tid, frame in sys._current_frames().iteritems(): thread = tmap.get(tid, main_thread) if not thread: # skip old junk (left-overs from a fork) continue P('{}'.format(thread)) P(sep) traceback.print_stack(frame, file=out) P(sep) P('LOCAL VARIABLES') P(sep) pprint(frame.f_locals, stream=out) P('\n') return out.getvalue()
def writeLog(logLevel,logMessage): # alogLevel = ["trace","warning","error"] sExceptMsg = "" if Config.B_SYS_DEBUG: sExceptMsg += "\r\n**********************%s %s*********************************\r\n"%(logLevel.upper(),Func.fNow()) sExceptMsg += "\r\n%s Messages:%s"%(logLevel.upper(),str(logMessage)) sExceptMsg += "\r\n" if logLevel=="trace": if Config.B_SYS_WRITE_LOG: logger = LogInfo.initlog() if Config.B_SYS_TRACE: print "\r\nTrace stack is flow:\r\n" traceback.print_stack() print "\r\n" elif logLevel=="warning": pass elif logLevel=="error": exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() if exc_type!=None: sExceptMsg += "\r\n" sExceptMsg += repr(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)) sExceptMsg += "\r\n" else: print "\r\nTrace stack is flow:\r\n" traceback.print_stack() sExceptMsg += "\r\n" if Config.B_SYS_WRITE_LOG and exc_type!=None: logger = LogInfo.initlog() logger.error(sExceptMsg) if Config.B_SYS_DEBUG: sExceptMsg += "\r\n*********************%s END**********************************\r\n"%(logLevel.upper()) print sExceptMsg
def submit_job(self, job): id = uuid.uuid1() job['id'] = id print("Job %s created %s" % (job['id'], job['created'].strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S'))) create_job_in_db(job) # put job in queue try: q.put(job, block=False) except Full as e: traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc() update_job_status(job['id'], "error") raise # update status to queued try: q_len = q.qsize() if (q_len >= QUEUE_WARN_SIZE): adminEmailer.warn("Queue is getting too long. There are currently %d items in the queue." % q_len) update_job_status(job['id'], "queued", "queue length %d" % q_len) except NotImplementedError: print("q.qsize not supported") update_job_status(job['id'], "queued") return id
def _show_tab(self, number): """Used as callback function for the TabButtons. @param number: tab number that is to be shown. """ if not number in range(len(self._tabs)): # this usually indicates a non-critical error, therefore we can handle it without crashing traceback.print_stack() self.log.warning("Invalid tab number %s, available tabs: %s", number, self._tabs) return if self.current_tab.is_visible(): self.current_tab.hide() new_tab = self._tabs[number] old_bg = self.content.findChild(name = "bg_%s" % self._tabs.index(self.current_tab)) old_bg.image = self.current_tab.button_background_image name = str(self._tabs.index(self.current_tab)) old_button = self.content.findChild(name=name) old_button.path = self.current_tab.path new_bg = self.content.findChild(name = "bg_%s" % number) new_bg.image = self.current_tab.button_background_image_active new_button = self.content.findChild(name=str(number)) new_button.path = new_tab.path_active self.current_tab = new_tab # important to display the tabs correctly in front self.widget.hide() self._apply_layout_hack()
def process_error(error, vic_exe): '''Helper function to process possible error raised during testing''' tail = None if isinstance(error, VICRuntimeError): test_comment = 'Test failed during simulation' tail = vic_exe.stderr elif isinstance(error, VICTestError): test_comment = 'Test failed during testing of output files' elif isinstance(error, VICValgrindError): test_comment = 'Test failed due to memory error detected by valgrind' tail = vic_exe.stderr elif isinstance(error, VICReturnCodeError): test_comment = 'Test failed due to incorrect return code' tail = vic_exe.stderr elif isinstance(error, AssertionError): test_comment = 'AssertionError raised during testing' else: test_comment = 'Unknown test failure' traceback.print_stack() print('\t{0}'.format(test_comment)) print('\t{0}'.format(error)) if tail is not None: print('\tLast {0} lines of standard out:'.format(ERROR_TAIL)) print_tail(tail, n=ERROR_TAIL) return test_comment, error
def __setattr__(self, name, attr): real = typos.get(name, name) if real != name: warn('typo %s -> %s' % (name, real)) if Logs.verbose > 0: traceback.print_stack() object.__setattr__(self, real, attr)
def _ldap_call(self,func,*args,**kwargs): """ Wrapper method mainly for serializing calls into OpenLDAP libs and trace logs """ self._ldap_object_lock.acquire() if __debug__: if self._trace_level>=1: self._trace_file.write('*** %s %s - %s\n%s\n' % ( repr(self), self._uri, '.'.join((self.__class__.__name__,func.__name__)), pprint.pformat((args,kwargs)) )) if self._trace_level>=9: traceback.print_stack(limit=self._trace_stack_limit,file=self._trace_file) diagnostic_message_success = None try: try: result = func(*args,**kwargs) if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2: if func.__name__!="unbind_ext": diagnostic_message_success = self._l.get_option(ldap.OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE) finally: self._ldap_object_lock.release() except LDAPError as e: if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2: self._trace_file.write('=> LDAPError - %s: %s\n' % (e.__class__.__name__,str(e))) raise else: if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2: if not diagnostic_message_success is None: self._trace_file.write('=> diagnosticMessage: %s\n' % (repr(diagnostic_message_success))) self._trace_file.write('=> result:\n%s\n' % (pprint.pformat(result))) return result
def abc(): traceback.print_stack()
def VERIFY(result, error): if result != K4ABT_RESULT_SUCCEEDED: print(error) traceback.print_stack() sys.exit(1)
def interactive_debug_listen() -> None: signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda sig, stack: traceback.print_stack(stack)) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, interactive_debug)
for i in range(h): p = i * w l =[p:p + w] log("%s: %s", hex(i).ljust(5), binascii.hexlify(str(l))) #debug("[%s] = %s / %s", i, ord([i]), ord([i]))[1024] = numpy.byte(20) same = 0 diff = 0 zeroes = 0 for i in range(w * h * 3 / 2): if ord([i]) == 0: zeroes += 1 if[i] !=[i]: if diff < 10: log("buffer differs at %s: %s vs %s", i, ord([i]), ord([i])) diff += 1 else: same += 1 log("end: same=%s, diff=%s, zeroes=%s", same, diff, zeroes) except Exception as e: log("exception: %s" % e) import traceback traceback.print_stack() finally: cuda_context.pop() cuda_context.detach()
def fput_obj(self, local_path, minio_path): try: self.client.fput_object(self.bucket_name, minio_path, local_path) except Exception as err: logger.error(str(err)) traceback.print_stack()
def fget_object(self, bucket_name, obj_name, save_path): try: self.client.fget_object(bucket_name, obj_name, save_path) except ResponseError as err: logger.error(str(err)) traceback.print_stack()
def main(args): """ Store the defect results in the specified input list as bug reports in the database. """ logger.setup_logger(args.verbose if 'verbose' in args else None) try: cmd_config.check_config_file(args) except FileNotFoundError as fnerr: LOG.error(fnerr) sys.exit(1) if not host_check.check_zlib(): raise Exception("zlib is not available on the system!") # To ensure the help message prints the default folder properly, # the 'default' for 'args.input' is a string, not a list. # But we need lists for the foreach here to work. if isinstance(args.input, str): args.input = [args.input] if 'name' not in args: LOG.debug("Generating name for analysis...") generated = __get_run_name(args.input) if generated: setattr(args, 'name', generated) else: LOG.error("No suitable name was found in the inputs for the " "analysis run. Please specify one by passing argument " "--name run_name in the invocation.") sys.exit(2) # argparse returns error code 2 for bad invocations."Storing analysis results for run '" + + "'") if 'force' in args:"argument --force was specified: the run with name '" + + "' will be deleted.") # Setup connection to the remote server. client = libclient.setup_client(args.product_url) _, zip_file = tempfile.mkstemp('.zip') LOG.debug("Will write mass store ZIP to '%s'...", zip_file) try: LOG.debug("Assembling zip file.") try: assemble_zip(args.input, zip_file, client) except Exception as ex: print(ex) import traceback traceback.print_stack() LOG.error("Failed to assemble zip file.") sys.exit(1) zip_size = os.stat(zip_file).st_size LOG.debug("Assembling zip done, size is %s", sizeof_fmt(zip_size)) if zip_size > MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE: LOG.error("The result list to upload is too big (max: %s).", sizeof_fmt(MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)) sys.exit(1) b64zip = "" with open(zip_file, 'rb') as zf: b64zip = base64.b64encode("utf-8") if len(b64zip) == 0:"Zip content is empty, nothing to store!") sys.exit(1) context = webserver_context.get_context() trim_path_prefixes = args.trim_path_prefix if \ 'trim_path_prefix' in args else None description = args.description if 'description' in args else None"Storing results to the server...") client.massStoreRun(, args.tag if 'tag' in args else None, str(context.version), b64zip, 'force' in args, trim_path_prefixes, description) # Storing analysis statistics if the server allows them. if client.allowsStoringAnalysisStatistics(): storing_analysis_statistics(client, args.input,"Storage finished successfully.") except RequestFailed as reqfail: if reqfail.errorCode == ErrorCode.SOURCE_FILE: header = ['File', 'Line', 'Checker name'] table = twodim.to_str('table', header, [c.split('|') for c in reqfail.extraInfo]) LOG.warning( "Setting the review statuses for some reports failed " "because of non valid source code comments: " "%s\n %s", reqfail.message, table) sys.exit(1) except Exception as ex: import traceback traceback.print_stack()"Storage failed: %s", str(ex)) sys.exit(1) finally: os.remove(zip_file)
def setup(self, session_expiration=30): # Patch the two-factor verification to avoid intermittent errors self.patcher = mock.patch('db.Journalist.verify_token') self.mock_journalist_verify_token = self.patcher.start() self.mock_journalist_verify_token.return_value = True self.patcher2 = mock.patch('source_app.main.get_entropy_estimate') self.mock_get_entropy_estimate = self.patcher2.start() self.mock_get_entropy_estimate.return_value = 8192 signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda _, s: traceback.print_stack(s)) env.create_directories() self.gpg = env.init_gpg() db.init_db() source_port = self._unused_port() journalist_port = self._unused_port() self.source_location = "http://localhost:%d" % source_port self.journalist_location = "http://localhost:%d" % journalist_port # Allow custom session expiration lengths self.session_expiration = session_expiration def start_source_server(): # We call Random.atfork() here because we fork the source and # journalist server from the main Python process we use to drive # our browser with multiprocessing.Process() below. These child # processes inherit the same RNG state as the parent process, which # is a problem because they would produce identical output if we # didn't re-seed them after forking. Random.atfork() config.SESSION_EXPIRATION_MINUTES = self.session_expiration source_app = create_app(config) port=source_port, debug=True, use_reloader=False, threaded=True) def start_journalist_server(): Random.atfork() port=journalist_port, debug=True, use_reloader=False, threaded=True) self.source_process = Process(target=start_source_server) self.journalist_process = Process(target=start_journalist_server) self.source_process.start() self.journalist_process.start() for tick in range(30): try: requests.get(self.source_location) requests.get(self.journalist_location) except: time.sleep(1) else: break if not hasattr(self, 'override_driver'): self.driver = self._create_webdriver(self._prepare_webdriver()) # Polls the DOM to wait for elements. To read more about why # this is necessary: # # # # A value of 5 is known to not be enough in some cases, when # the machine hosting the tests is slow, reason why it was # raised to 10. Setting the value to 60 or more would surely # cover even the slowest of machine. However it also means # that a test failing to find the desired element in the DOM # will only report failure after 60 seconds which is painful # for quickly debuging. # self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) # Set window size and position explicitly to avoid potential bugs due # to discrepancies between environments. self.driver.set_window_position(0, 0) self.driver.set_window_size(1024, 768) self.secret_message = ('These documents outline a major government ' 'invasion of privacy.')
def write(self, x): self.stdout.write(x) traceback.print_stack()
def _print_nativethreads(): for threadId, stack in sys._current_frames().items(): print(threadId) traceback.print_stack(stack) print()
def throw(self, error: Exception) -> None: import traceback traceback.print_stack() if error: raise error 1 / 0 # Raise division by zero
def warn_with_traceback(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): traceback.print_stack() log = file if hasattr(file, 'write') else sys.stderr log.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line))
def handel_error(self, error, response, request_args, request_kwargs): kodi.log(error) if response is not None: kodi.log(response.url) traceback.print_stack() raise error
def toString(self, default_suffix='', format='hh:mm', rounding=False): if self.hour < 0: logging.error('t<0! %s ' % self.hour) logging.error(traceback.print_stack()) msec, secs = modf(self.hour * 3600) msec = round(msec * 1000) if msec == 1000: msec = 0 secs += 1 hour = secs // 3600 secs = secs % 3600 suffix = default_suffix if format[-1] == '*': if hour >= 24: suffix = '*' else: if hour >= 24: hour -= 24 suffix = '(+1)' # Default notation for times > 23:59 minute = secs // 60 secs = secs % 60 second = secs if format in ('hh:mm', 'hh:mm*'): # Rounding done if 30 seconds have elapsed return '%02d:%02d%s' % (hour, minute + ((secs + (msec >= 500)) >= 30) * rounding, suffix) elif format in ('hh:mm:ss', 'hh:mm:ss*'): # Rounding done if 500 milliseconds have elapsed return '%02d:%02d:%02d%s' % (hour, minute, second + (msec >= 500) * rounding, suffix) elif format in ('hh:mm:ss.sss', 'hh:mm:ss.sss*'): return '%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d%s' % (hour, minute, second, msec, suffix) elif format == 'gg-pp': # ghatika-pal secs = round(self.hour * 3600) gg = secs // 1440 secs = secs % 1440 pp = secs // 24 return ('%d-%d' % (gg, pp)) elif format == 'gg-pp-vv': # ghatika-pal-vipal vv_tot = round(self.hour * 3600 / 0.4) logging.debug(vv_tot) vv = vv_tot % 60 logging.debug(vv) vv_tot = (vv_tot - vv) // 60 logging.debug(vv_tot) pp = vv_tot % 60 logging.debug(pp) vv_tot = (vv_tot - pp) // 60 logging.debug(vv_tot) gg = vv_tot logging.debug(gg) return ('%d-%d-%d' % (gg, pp, vv)) else: raise Exception("""Unknown format""")
def run_func(*args, **kwargs): traceback.print_stack() return func(*args, **kwargs)
def main(args): """ Main function to launch usufy. The function is created in this way so as to let other applications make use of the full configuration capabilities of the application. The parameters received are used as parsed by this modules `getParser()`. Args: ----- args: The parameters as processed by this modules `getParser()`. Returns: -------- dict: A Json representing the matching results. """ # Recovering the logger # Calling the logger when being imported osrframework.utils.logger.setupLogger(loggerName="osrframework.usufy", verbosity=args.verbose, logFolder=args.logfolder) # From now on, the logger can be recovered like this: logger = logging.getLogger("osrframework.usufy") if not args.maltego: print(general.title(banner.text)) sayingHello = """ Copyright (C) F. Brezo and Y. Rubio (i3visio) 2014-2017 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For additional info, visit """ + general.LICENSE_URL + "\n" print(general.title(sayingHello))"Starting") if args.license: general.showLicense() elif args.fuzz:"Performing the fuzzing tasks...") res = fuzzUsufy(args.fuzz, args.fuzz_config)"Recovered platforms:\n" + str(res)) else: logger.debug("Recovering the list of platforms to be processed...") # Recovering the list of platforms to be launched listPlatforms = platform_selection.getPlatformsByName( platformNames=args.platforms, tags=args.tags, mode="usufy", excludePlatformNames=args.exclude) logger.debug("Platforms recovered.") if # Information actions... if == 'list_platforms': infoPlatforms = "Listing the platforms:\n" for p in listPlatforms: infoPlatforms += "\t\t" + (str(p) + ": ").ljust( 16, ' ') + str(p.tags) + "\n" return infoPlatforms elif == 'list_tags':"Listing the tags:") tags = {} # Going through all the selected platforms to get their tags for p in listPlatforms: for t in p.tags: if t not in tags.keys(): tags[t] = 1 else: tags[t] += 1 infoTags = "List of tags:\n" # Displaying the results in a sorted list for t in tags.keys(): infoTags += "\t\t" + (t + ": ").ljust(16, ' ') + str( tags[t]) + " time(s)\n" return infoTags else: pass # performing the test elif args.benchmark: logger.warning( "The benchmark mode may last some minutes as it will be performing similar queries to the ones performed by the program in production. " )"Launching the benchmarking tests...") platforms = platform_selection.getAllPlatformNames("usufy") res = benchmark.doBenchmark(platforms) strTimes = "" for e in sorted(res.keys()): strTimes += str(e) + "\t" + str(res[e]) + "\n" return strTimes # showing the tags of the usufy platforms elif args.show_tags:"Collecting the list of tags...") tags = platform_selection.getAllPlatformNamesByTag("usufy"), indent=2)) print( "This is the list of platforms grouped by tag.\n")) print(json.dumps(tags, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) print( "[Tip] Remember that you can always launch the platform using the -t option followed by any of the aforementioned.\n" )) return tags # Executing the corresponding process... else: # Showing the execution time... if not args.maltego: startTime = print( str(startTime) + "\tStarting search in " + general.emphasis(str(len(listPlatforms))) + " platform(s)... Relax!\n") print(general.emphasis("\tPress <Ctrl + C> to stop...\n")) # Defining the list of users to monitor nicks = [] logger.debug("Recovering nicknames to be processed...") if args.nicks: for n in args.nicks: # TO-DO # A trick to avoid having the processing of the properties when being queried by Maltego if "properties.i3visio" not in n: nicks.append(n) else: # Reading the nick files try: nicks = except: logger.error( "ERROR: there has been an error when opening the file that stores the nicks.\tPlease, check the existence of this file." ) # Definning the results res = [] if args.output_folder != None: # if Verifying an output folder was selected logger.debug("Preparing the output folder...") if not args.maltego: if not os.path.exists(args.output_folder): logger.warning( "The output folder \'" + args.output_folder + "\' does not exist. The system will try to create it." ) os.makedirs(args.output_folder) # Launching the process... res = processNickList(nicks, listPlatforms, args.output_folder, avoidProcessing=args.avoid_processing, avoidDownload=args.avoid_download, nThreads=args.threads, verbosity=args.verbose, logFolder=args.logfolder) else: try: res = processNickList(nicks, listPlatforms, nThreads=args.threads, verbosity=args.verbose, logFolder=args.logfolder) except Exception as e: print( general.error( "Exception grabbed when processing the nicks: " + str(e))) print(general.error(traceback.print_stack()))"Listing the results obtained...") # We are going to iterate over the results... strResults = "\t" # Structure returned """ [ { print "attributes": [ { "attributes": [], "type": "i3visio.uri", "value": "" }, { "attributes": [], "type": "i3visio.alias", "value": "i3visio" }, { "attributes": [], "type": "i3visio.platform", "value": "Twitter" } ], "type": "i3visio.profile", "value": "Twitter - i3visio" } , ... ] """ for r in res: # The format of the results (attributes) for a given nick is a list as follows: for att in r["attributes"]: # iterating through the attributes platform = "" uri = "" for details in att["attributes"]: if details["type"] == "i3visio.platform": platform = details["value"] if details["type"] == "i3visio.uri": uri = details["value"] try: strResults += (str(platform) + ":").ljust( 16, ' ') + " " + str(uri) + "\n\t\t" except: pass # Generating summary files for each ... if args.extension: # Storing the file..."Creating output files as requested.") if not args.maltego: # Verifying if the outputPath exists if not os.path.exists(args.output_folder): logger.warning( "The output folder \'" + args.output_folder + "\' does not exist. The system will try to create it." ) os.makedirs(args.output_folder) # Grabbing the results fileHeader = os.path.join(args.output_folder, args.file_header) # Iterating through the given extensions to print its values for ext in args.extension: # Generating output files general.exportUsufy(res, ext, fileHeader) # Generating the Maltego output if args.maltego: general.listToMaltego(res) # Printing the results if requested else: now = print( str(now) + "\tA summary of the results obtained are shown in the following table:\n" ) print(general.success(general.usufyToTextExport(res))) if args.web_browser: general.openResultsInBrowser(res) now = print( "\n" + str(now) + "\tYou can find all the information collected in the following files:" ) for ext in args.extension: # Showing the output files print("\t" + general.emphasis(fileHeader + "." + ext)) # Showing the execution time... endTime = print("\n" + str(endTime) + "\tFinishing execution...\n") print("Total time consumed:\t" + general.emphasis(str(endTime - startTime))) print("Average seconds/query:\t" + general.emphasis( str((endTime - startTime).total_seconds() / len(listPlatforms))) + " seconds\n") # Urging users to place an issue on Github... print(banner.footer) return res
def _print_greenthreads(): for i, gt in enumerate(_find_objects(greenlet.greenlet)): print(i, gt) traceback.print_stack(gt.gr_frame) print()
def signal_print_traceback(signo, frame): print(traceback.print_stack(frame))
def run(self): dbloop = task.LoopingCall(Blockchain.Default().PersistBlocks) dbloop.start(.1) Blockchain.Default().PersistBlocks() tokens = [(Token.Neo, 'NEO'), (Token.Default, ' cli. Type '), (Token.Command, "'help' "), (Token.Default, 'to get started')] print_tokens(tokens, self.token_style) print("\n") timebase = time.time() while self.go_on: try: if len(self.mycommands) > 0: timenow = time.time() if timenow - timebase > 3: #wait 3 seconds timebase = timenow result = self.mycommands.pop() else: time.sleep(0.5) # slow refresh continue #time.sleep(3) else: result = prompt("neo> ", completer=self.get_completer(), history=self.history, get_bottom_toolbar_tokens=self.get_bottom_toolbar, style=self.token_style, refresh_interval=3 ) # Control-D pressed: quit #print("result=",result) #print("mycommands ->", self.mycommands) except EOFError: return self.quit() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Control-C pressed: do nothing continue try: command, arguments = self.parse_result(result) if command is not None and len(command) > 0: command = command.lower() if command == 'quit' or command == 'exit': time.sleep(2) # consolidate chain self.quit() elif command == 'help': elif command == 'create': self.do_create(arguments) elif command == 'open': self.do_open(arguments) elif command == 'build': self.do_build(arguments) elif command == 'load_run': self.do_load_n_run(arguments) elif command == 'import': self.do_import(arguments) elif command == 'export': self.do_export(arguments) elif command == 'wallet': self.show_wallet(arguments) elif command == 'send': self.do_send(arguments) elif command == 'sign': self.do_sign(arguments) elif command == 'block': self.show_block(arguments) elif command == 'tx': self.show_tx(arguments) elif command == 'header': self.show_header(arguments) elif command == 'account': self.show_account_state(arguments) elif command == 'asset': self.show_asset_state(arguments) elif command == 'contract': self.show_contract_state(arguments) elif command == 'testinvoke': self.test_invoke_contract(arguments) elif command == 'mem': self.show_mem() elif command == 'nodes' or command == 'node': self.show_nodes() elif command == 'state': self.show_state() elif command == 'debugstorage': self.handle_debug_storage(arguments) elif command == 'config': self.configure(arguments) elif command is None: print('please specify a command') else: print("command %s not found" % command) except Exception as e: print("could not execute command: %s " % e) traceback.print_stack() traceback.print_exc()
def print_stack_trace(*args, **kwargs): import traceback print("args: ", args, kwargs) traceback.print_stack()
def prn(): traceback.print_stack()
def gPixmapPtr_deref(self): print "gPixmapPtr.__deref__() is deprecated please completely remove the \".__deref__()\" call!" import traceback traceback.print_stack(limit=2) return self
def Wait(self): """Wait for the task to complete. Output from the task is printed as it runs. If an exception occurs, return a string containing the traceback. """ try: # Flush stdout and stderr to be sure no output is interleaved. sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() # File position pointers are shared across processes, so we must open # our own file descriptor to ensure output is not lost. self._WaitForStartup() silent_death_time = time.time() + self.SILENT_TIMEOUT results = [] with open(, 'r') as output: pos = 0 running, exited_cleanly, task_errors, all_errors = (True, False, [], []) while running: # Check whether the process is still alive. running = self.is_alive() try: errors, results = \ self._queue.get(True, self.PRINT_INTERVAL) if errors: task_errors.extend(errors) all_errors.extend(errors) running = False exited_cleanly = True except Queue.Empty: pass if not running: # Wait for the process to actually exit. If the child doesn't exit # in a timely fashion, kill it. self.join(self.EXIT_TIMEOUT) if self.exitcode is None: msg = '%r hung for %r seconds' % (self, self.EXIT_TIMEOUT) all_errors.extend( failures_lib.CreateExceptInfo(ProcessExitTimeout(msg), '')) self._KillChildren([self]) elif not exited_cleanly: msg = ('%r exited unexpectedly with code %s' % (self, self.exitcode)) all_errors.extend( failures_lib.CreateExceptInfo(ProcessUnexpectedExit(msg), '')) # Read output from process. buf = if len(buf) > 0: silent_death_time = time.time() + self.SILENT_TIMEOUT elif running and time.time() > silent_death_time: msg = ('No output from %r for %r seconds' % (self, self.SILENT_TIMEOUT)) all_errors.extend( failures_lib.CreateExceptInfo(ProcessSilentTimeout(msg), '')) self._KillChildren([self]) # Read remaining output from the process. buf = running = False # Print output so far. while len(buf) > 0: sys.stdout.write(buf) pos += len(buf) if len(buf) < _BUFSIZE: break buf = # Print error messages if anything exceptional occurred. if len(all_errors) > len(task_errors): logging.PrintBuildbotStepFailure() msg = '\n'.join(x.str for x in all_errors if x) logging.warning(msg) traceback.print_stack() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() # Propagate any results. for result in results: results_lib.Results.Record(*result) finally: self.Cleanup(silent=True) # If an error occurred, return it. return all_errors
def stacktrace_on_sigusr1(signum: Any, frame: Any) -> None: traceback.print_stack(frame, file=sys.stderr) # old_handler may be None, SIG_IGN, or SIG_DFL. It happens that SIG_DFL would be a noop for # SIGUSR1 so we don't have to worry about that case. if callable(old_handler): old_handler(signum, frame)
def _sleep(n): print('WARNING: Time sleep for {0}s'.format(n)) import traceback traceback.print_stack() _orig_sleep(n)
def test(x): if not x: print("Error") traceback.print_stack() sys.exit(1)
def log_trace(): print 'start traceback:' traceback.print_stack(limit=None) print 'end traceback:'
def get_num_matrix(self, get_matrix_weight, phys_target=None): import traceback traceback.print_stack() assert False, "this should not be called"
def dec_stack_trace(*args): print_stack() return function(*args)
def trace(): traceback.print_stack()