Пример #1
    def identify_track(self, clip: Clip, track: Track):
        Runs through track identifying segments, and then returns it's prediction of what kind of animal this is.
        One prediction will be made for every frame.
        :param track: the track to identify.
        :return: TrackPrediction object

        # uniform prior stats start with uniform distribution.  This is the safest bet, but means that
        # it takes a while to make predictions.  When off the first prediction is used instead causing
        # faster, but potentially more unstable predictions.
        UNIFORM_PRIOR = False

        num_labels = len(self.classifier.labels)
        prediction_smooth = 0.1

        smooth_prediction = None
        smooth_novelty = None

        prediction = 0.0
        novelty = 0.0
            fp_index = self.classifier.labels.index("false-positive")
        except ValueError:
            fp_index = None

        # go through making classifications at each frame
        # note: we should probably be doing this every 9 frames or so.
        state = None
        track_prediction = self.predictions.get_or_create_prediction(track)
        for i, region in enumerate(track.bounds_history):
            frame = clip.frame_buffer.get_frame(region.frame_number)
            track_data = track.crop_by_region(frame, region)

            # note: would be much better for the tracker to store the thermal references as it goes.
            # frame = clip.frame_buffer.get_frame(frame_number)
            thermal_reference = np.median(frame.thermal)
            # track_data = track.crop_by_region_at_trackframe(frame, i)
            if i % self.FRAME_SKIP == 0:
                # we use a tighter cropping here so we disable the default 2 pixel inset
                frames = Preprocessor.apply([track_data], [thermal_reference],

                if frames is None:
                        "Frame {} of track could not be classified.".format(
                frame = frames[0]
                ) = self.classifier.classify_frame_with_novelty(frame, state)
                # make false-positive prediction less strong so if track has dead footage it won't dominate a strong
                # score
                if fp_index is not None:
                    prediction[fp_index] *= 0.8

                # a little weight decay helps the model not lock into an initial impression.
                # 0.98 represents a half life of around 3 seconds.
                state *= 0.98

                # precondition on weight,  segments with small mass are weighted less as we can assume the error is
                # higher here.
                mass = region.mass

                # we use the square-root here as the mass is in units squared.
                # this effectively means we are giving weight based on the diameter
                # of the object rather than the mass.
                mass_weight = np.clip(mass / 20, 0.02, 1.0)**0.5

                # cropped frames don't do so well so restrict their score
                cropped_weight = 0.7 if region.was_cropped else 1.0

                prediction *= mass_weight * cropped_weight

            if smooth_prediction is None:
                if UNIFORM_PRIOR:
                    smooth_prediction = np.ones([num_labels
                                                 ]) * (1 / num_labels)
                    smooth_prediction = prediction
                smooth_novelty = 0.5
                smooth_prediction = (
                    1 - prediction_smooth
                ) * smooth_prediction + prediction_smooth * prediction
                smooth_novelty = (
                    1 - prediction_smooth
                ) * smooth_novelty + prediction_smooth * novelty
        return track_prediction
Пример #2
    def identify_track(self, clip: Clip, track: Track):
        Runs through track identifying segments, and then returns it's prediction of what kind of animal this is.
        One prediction will be made for every frame.
        :param track: the track to identify.
        :return: TrackPrediction object
        # go through making classifications at each frame
        # note: we should probably be doing this every 9 frames or so.
        state = None
        if self.kerasmodel:
            track_prediction = self.classifier.classify_track(clip, track)
                track.get_id()] = track_prediction
            track_prediction = self.predictions.get_or_create_prediction(track)

            for i, region in enumerate(track.bounds_history):
                frame = clip.frame_buffer.get_frame(region.frame_number)

                track_data = track.crop_by_region(frame, region)

                # note: would be much better for the tracker to store the thermal references as it goes.
                # frame = clip.frame_buffer.get_frame(frame_number)
                thermal_reference = np.median(frame.thermal)
                # track_data = track.crop_by_region_at_trackframe(frame, i)
                if i % self.FRAME_SKIP == 0:

                    # we use a tighter cropping here so we disable the default 2 pixel inset
                    frames = preprocess_segment([track_data],

                    if frames is None:
                            "Frame {} of track could not be classified.".
                    frame = frames[0]
                    ) = self.classifier.classify_frame_with_novelty(
                        frame, state)
                    # make false-positive prediction less strong so if track has dead footage it won't dominate a strong
                    # score

                    # a little weight decay helps the model not lock into an initial impression.
                    # 0.98 represents a half life of around 3 seconds.
                    state *= 0.98

                    # precondition on weight,  segments with small mass are weighted less as we can assume the error is
                    # higher here.
                    mass = region.mass

                    # we use the square-root here as the mass is in units squared.
                    # this effectively means we are giving weight based on the diameter
                    # of the object rather than the mass.
                    mass_weight = np.clip(mass / 20, 0.02, 1.0)**0.5

                    # cropped frames don't do so well so restrict their score
                    cropped_weight = 0.7 if region.was_cropped else 1.0
                        mass_scale=mass_weight * cropped_weight,
        return track_prediction