Пример #1
    def get_track(provider_id):
        t = Track()
            # reqUrl = 'http://ie-api.mndigital.com?method=track.get&format=json&'\
            #     + urllib.urlencode({'mnetid': provider_id})\
            #     + '&ApiKey=%s' % MusicProvider._mnDigitalIntegrationAPIKey
            reqUrl = "http://itunes.apple.com/lookup?" + urllib.urlencode({"id": provider_id})

            # track_json = common.get_json(reqUrl)["Track"]
            track_json = common.get_json(reqUrl)["results"][0]

            t.provider_id = provider_id
            t.length_seconds = 0
            t.url = ""

            # t.artist = track_json["Artist"]["Name"]
            # t.title = track_json["Title"]
            # t.length_friendly = track_json["Duration"]
            # t.album = track_json["Album"]["Title"]
            # t.art_url = track_json["Album"]["Images"]["Album150x150"]

            t.artist = track_json["artistName"]
            t.title = track_json["trackName"]
            t.length_friendly = ""
            t.album = track_json["collectionName"]
            t.art_url = track_json["artworkUrl100"]

        except Exception:
        return t
Пример #2
    def create_track_from_uri(self, uri):
        if 'youtube' not in uri:
            return None
        m = re.search('http://www.youtube.com/get_video.video_id=(.*?)&t=(.*)',uri)

        client = gdata.youtube.service.YouTubeService()
        client.ssl = False

        entry = client.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(video_id=m.group(1))
        logging.debug("Created track from uri %s in youtubesource", uri)
        swfuri = entry.GetSwfUrl()

        video_id = m.group(1)
        t = m.group(2)

        track = Track(uri)
        track.title = entry.media.title.text
        track.artist = "YOUTUBE VIDEO"
        track.album = entry.media.category[0].text
        #FIXME add search for author on album?
        track.album_uri = None
        track.duration = int(entry.media.duration.seconds)*1000

        return track     
    def create_track_from_uri(self, uri):
        uri = SpotifySource.strip_protocol(uri)
        if uri == None:
            return None
        url = "http://ws.spotify.com/lookup/1/?uri=" + uri

            e = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
        except Exception as e:
            return None

        ns = "http://www.spotify.com/ns/music/1"

        if 'album' in uri:
            title = ""
            artist = e.find('.//{%s}artist/{%s}name' % (ns, ns)).text
            album = e.find('.//{%s}name' % ns).text
            duration = 0
            album_uri = uri
            title = e.find('.//{%s}name' % ns).text
            artist = e.find('.//{%s}artist/{%s}name' % (ns, ns)).text
            album = e.find('.//{%s}album/{%s}name' % (ns, ns)).text
            duration = int(float(e.find('.//{%s}length' % ns).text) * 1000)
            album_uri = "spotify://" + e.find('.//{%s}album' % ns).attrib['href']

        track = Track("spotify://"+uri)
        track.title = title
        track.artist = artist
        track.album = album
        track.album_uri = album_uri
        track.duration = duration

        return track
Пример #4
    def create_track_from_uri(self, uri):
        if 'asx' not in uri:
            return None

        logging.debug("Created track from uri %s in srradiosource", uri)
        u = urllib.urlopen(uri)
        str = re.search('\"mms:.+\"', u.read())

        u = open("sr.xml") 
        tree = ET.parse(u)

        track = Track(str.group(0)[1:-1])

        for e in tree.findall('channel'):
            for k in e.findall('streamingurl'):
                for s in k.findall('url'):
                    if uri in s.text:
                        track.title = e.get('name')

        track.artist = "SR RADIOTRACK"
        track.album = "SR RADIOTRACK"
        track.album_uri = None
        track.duration = 1

        return track     
Пример #5
def trackFromResult(resultTrack):
    localTrack = Track()
    localTrack.title = resultTrack.name
    localTrack.artist = resultTrack.artists[0].name
    localTrack.album = resultTrack.album.name
    time = resultTrack.length / 1000
    localTrack.timeAudio = str(int(time / 60)) + ":" + '%02d' % int(time % 60)
    image = m.library.get_images([resultTrack.album.uri])
    localTrack.imageURI = image[resultTrack.album.uri][0].uri
    return localTrack
 def create_tracks_from_album(self, album):
     tracks = []
     for track in album['tracks']:
         tmptrack = Track(track['uri'])
         tmptrack.title = track['title']
         tmptrack.artist = track['artist']
         tmptrack.album = album['name']
         tmptrack.album_uri = album['uri']
         tmptrack.duration = track['duration']
     return tracks
Пример #7
 def index(self, path):
     for top, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
         for filename in filenames:
             if filename.endswith('.mp3'):
                 full_path = os.path.join(top, filename);
                 f = tagpy.FileRef(full_path)
                 t = Track("file://" + full_path)
                 t.title = f.tag().title
                 t.artist = f.tag().artist
                 t.album = f.tag().album
                 a = f.audioProperties()
                 t.duration = a.length * 1000 # to msec
Пример #8
 def search(self, criteria):
     print(f'searching Spotify with criteria of {criteria}')
     results = self.sp.search(q=criteria, limit=1)
     for i, t in enumerate(results['tracks']['items']):
         track = Track()
         track.title = t['name']
         track.number = pad_track_number(t['track_number'])
         album_id = t['album']['id']
         album = self.get_album_old(album_id)
         track.artist = album.artist
         track.album = album.title
         track.year = album.year
         track.genres = album.genres
         return track
Пример #9
def main(args):
    Main method
    if len(args) < 3:
            "Please provide the necessary parameters ie kexp.py [playlist_name] [start_date] [end_date] [playlist_description]"
        #The name of the playlist you want to use in Spotify
        #If this playlist does not exist a new one with this name will be created
        #If this playlist exists it will be used
        playlist_name = args[0]

        #The start date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T02:00:00Z
        start_date = args[1]

        #The end date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T05:00:00Z
        end_date = args[2]

        #The description of the playlist you want to appear in Spotify
        playlist_description = args[3]

        #Create new Playlist object
        #Set this particular playlist properties
        #Send the playlist object into Spotify to create/update the latest
        playlist = Playlist()
        spotify = Spotify()
        playlist.name = playlist_name
        playlist.description = playlist_description

        temp_tracks = []
        uri = f'https://api.kexp.org/v2/plays/?airdate_after={start_date}&airdate_before={end_date}&album=&album_exact=&artist=&artist_exact=&exclude_airbreaks=&has_comment=&host_ids=&label=&label_exact=&limit=2000&ordering=airdate&recording_id=&show_ids=&song=&song_exact='
        temp_tracks = get_tracks(uri, start_date, end_date)
        for temp_track in temp_tracks:
            if not any(x.airdate == temp_track['airdate']
                       for x in playlist.tracks):
                track = Track()
                track.artist = temp_track['artist']
                track.title = temp_track['song']
                track.airdate = temp_track['airdate']

        playlist.tracks.sort(key=extract_time, reverse=False)
Пример #10
	def indexFromFile(self):
		self.file = open(os.getcwd() + '/options/index.txt', 'r')
		path = None
		line = self.file.readline()
		while line != '':
			code = line[0:2]
			if code == "NP":
				path = line[2:-1]
				line = self.file.readline()
			t = Track()
			t.path = path + "/" + line[0:-1]
			t.artist = self.file.readline()[0:-1]
			t.title = self.file.readline()[0:-1]
			t.album = self.file.readline()[0:-1]
			line = self.file.readline()
Пример #11
def getAllUploadedTracks():
    tracksSet = OrderedSet()
    if not os.path.exists("library_cache.json") or \
            ("--rebuild-cache" in sys.argv or "-rc" in sys.argv):
        print("Fetching list of uploaded songs. For a lot of songs, this may take a long time...")
        tracks = ytmusic.get_library_upload_songs(limit=100000)
        for yttrack in tracks:
            track = Track()
            if yttrack["artists"]:
                track.artist = yttrack["artists"][0]["name"].strip()
            if yttrack["album"]:
                track.album = yttrack["album"]["name"].strip()
            track.title = yttrack["title"].strip()
            track.entityId = yttrack["entityId"]
        print("using library_cache.json")
        tracksSet = loadCache()
    return tracksSet
Пример #12
    def create_track_from_uri(self, uri):
        url = "http://ws.spotify.com/lookup/1/?uri=" + uri

            e = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
        except Exception as e:
            return None

        ns = "http://www.spotify.com/ns/music/1"

        title = e.find('.//{%s}name' % ns).text
        artist = e.find('.//{%s}artist/{%s}name' % (ns, ns)).text
        album = e.find('.//{%s}album/{%s}name' % (ns, ns)).text
        duration = int(float(e.find('.//{%s}length' % ns).text) * 1000)

        track = Track("spotify://"+uri)
        track.title = title
        track.artist = artist
        track.album = album
        track.duration = duration

        return track
Пример #13
def main(args):
    Main method
    if len(args) < 4:
        print ("Please provide the necessary parameters ie kexp.py [playlist_name] [start_date] [end_date] [playlist_description]")
        #The name of the playlist you want to use in Spotify
        #If this playlist does not exist a new one with this name will be created
        #If this playlist exists it will be used
        playlist_name = args[0]
        #The start date time of the tracks you want to return. 
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T02:00:00Z
        start_date = args[1]

        #The end date time of the tracks you want to return. 
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T05:00:00Z
        end_date = args[2]

        #The description of the playlist you want to appear in Spotify
        playlist_description = args[3]

        days_to_add = 0
        if len(args) > 4:
            days_to_add = args[4]

        #Create new Playlist object
        #Set this particular playlist properties
        #Send the playlist object into Spotify to create/update the latest
        playlist = Playlist()
        spotify = Spotify()
        playlist.name =  playlist_name
        playlist.description = playlist_description

        start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')   
        temp_tracks = []
        if days_to_add > 0:
            days_count = 0
            while days_count <= days_to_add:
                #Walk back for each day
                day_start = start + timedelta(days=-days_count)
                day_end = end + timedelta(days=-days_count)

                #Go to the end date and then come back
                #This is a terrible method but I have not figured out how the KEXP API really works yet
                uri = 'https://legacy-api.kexp.org/play/?limit=200&end_time=' + day_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '&ordering=-airdate'
                temp_tracks.extend(get_tracks(uri, day_start, day_end))

                days_count += 1
            #Go to the end date and then come back
            #This is a terrible method but I have not figured out how the KEXP API really works yet
            uri = 'https://legacy-api.kexp.org/play/?limit=200&end_time=' + end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '&ordering=-airdate'
            temp_tracks = get_tracks(uri, start, end)

        for temp_track in temp_tracks:
            if not any(x.airdate == temp_track['airdate'] for x in playlist.tracks):
                track = Track()
                track.artist = temp_track['artist']
                track.title = temp_track['song']
                track.airdate = temp_track['airdate']
        playlist.tracks.sort(key=extract_time, reverse=False)
Пример #14
def getAllLocalTracks():
    print("Reading tags from local files...")
    folders = []
    tracks = OrderedSet()
    with open("folders.json", "r") as foldersJson:
        folders = json.loads(foldersJson.read())["folders"]
    for folder in folders:
        for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(folder):
            for filename in files:
                filePath = os.path.join(root, filename)
                _filename, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename)
                fileExtension = fileExtension.lower()
                if fileExtension in SUPPORTED_EXTS:
                        metadata = mutagen.File(filePath)
                    except mutagen.MutagenError as e:
                        print(f"{filename}: {e}")
                    if not metadata:
                        print("no tags for " + filePath)
                    artist = None
                    album = None
                    title = None

                    if (fileExtension == ".flac" or fileExtension == ".ogg"):
                        if metadata.get("artist"):
                            artist = metadata.get("artist")[0]
                        elif metadata.get("albumartist"):
                            artist = metadata.get("albumartist")[0]
                        if metadata.get("album"):
                            album = metadata.get("album")[0]
                        if metadata.get("title"):
                            title = metadata.get("title")[0]
                    elif fileExtension == ".mp3":
                        if metadata.get("TPE1"):
                            artist = metadata.get("TPE1")[0]
                        elif metadata.get("TPE2"):
                            artist = metadata.get("TPE2")[0]
                        if metadata.get("TALB"):
                            album = metadata.get("TALB")[0]
                        if metadata.get("TIT2"):
                            title = metadata.get("TIT2")[0]
                    elif fileExtension == ".m4a":
                        if metadata.get("\xa9ART"):
                            artist = metadata.get("\xa9ART")[0]
                        elif metadata.get("aART"):
                            artist = metadata.get("aART")[0]
                        if metadata.get("\xa9alb"):
                            album = metadata.get("\xa9alb")[0]
                        if metadata.get("\xa9nam"):
                            title = metadata.get("\xa9nam")[0]
                    elif fileExtension == ".wma":
                        if metadata.get("Author"):
                            artist = metadata.get("Author")[0].value
                        elif metadata.get("WM/Composer"):
                            artist = metadata.get("WM/Composer")[0].value
                        if metadata.get("WM/AlbumTitle"):
                            album = metadata.get("WM/AlbumTitle")[0].value
                        if metadata.get("Title"):
                            title = metadata.get("Title")[0].value
                    if artist:
                        artist = artist.strip()
                        if ", " in artist:
                            splits = []
                            for split in artist.split(", "):
                            artist = ", ".join(splits)
                    if album:
                        album = album.strip()
                    if title:
                        title = title.strip()
                    if not title:
                        print("no tags for " + filePath)
                        track = Track()
                        track.artist = artist
                        track.album = album
                        track.title = title
                        track.filePath = filePath

    return tracks
Пример #15
    def start(self):
        print(f'Beginning file system crawling process....')
        finished = []
        all_artists = os.listdir(self.base_path)
        for artist_name in all_artists:
            print(f'Processing artist: {artist_name}')
            artist_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, artist_name)
            if os.path.isdir(artist_path):
                # we have found a folder corresponding to an artist
                artist = Artist(path=artist_path)
                artist.name = artist_name
                all_material = os.listdir(artist_path)
                for item in all_material:
                    item_path = os.path.join(artist_path, item)
                    if os.path.isdir(item_path):
                        # we have found a folder corresponding to an album
                        album = Album(path=item_path)
                        album.artist = artist.name
                        album.title = item
                        album_contents = os.listdir(item_path)
                        for content in album_contents:
                            content_path = os.path.join(item_path, content)
                            if os.path.isdir(content_path):
                                disc_contents = os.listdir(content_path)
                                for disc_item in disc_contents:
                                    disc_item_path = os.path.join(
                                        content_path, disc_item)
                                    if os.path.isdir(disc_item_path):
                                            f'{disc_item}: Processing a directory at this level is currently unsupported'
                                        if content.endswith(
                                                ".mp3") or content.endswith(
                                            track = Track(path=content_path)
                                            track.artist = artist.name
                                            track.title = util.clean_file_name(
                                            track.number = util.get_track_number_from_file_name(
                                            # get disc number from folder name
                                            track.disc_number = 1
                                            #  a disc object needs created and the track added to the disc
                                            # album.tracks.append(track)
                                                f'{content}: Processing a file type other than mp3 at this level is currently unsupported'
                                # TODO: This must be a multi-disc set
                                    f'{content} is actually another directory')
                                if content.endswith(
                                        ".mp3") or content.endswith(".wma"):
                                    track = Track(path=content_path)
                                    track.artist = artist.name
                                    track.title = util.clean_file_name(content)
                                    track.number = util.get_track_number_from_file_name(
                                        f'{content}: Processing a file type other than mp3 at this level is currently unsupported'
                        # we have potentially found a track that isn't associated with an album
                        if item.endswith(".mp3"):
                            track = Track(path=item_path)
                            track.artist = artist.name
                            track.title = util.clean_file_name(item)
                            track.number = util.get_track_number_from_file_name(
                                f'{item}: Processing a file type other than mp3 at this level is currently unsupported'
                    f'{artist_name}: Processing a file at this level in the file system is currently unsupported'

        for artist in finished: