Пример #1
    def render_admin_panel(self, req, cat, page, path_info):
        """ main request handler
        if TESTER_PERMISSION in req.perm:
            #template data
            data = dict()
            data["info"] = req.args.get("info", "")
            data["warning"] = req.args.get("warning", "")
            data["error"] = req.args.get("error", "")
            data["display_status"] = get_display_states(self)
            data["id"] = req.args.get("path_info", None)
            data["page"] = 'TestManager_accordion.html'

            data["url"] = req.abs_href + req.path_info
            # get the testcase

            data['priorities'] = self.get_priorities()
            data['default_priority'] = self.get_default_priority()
            if data["id"]:
                    testcase = models.TestCaseQuery(
                    for action in testcase.actions:
                        action.color = {
                            "style": ("background:%s"
                                      % get_status_color(action.status))
                    data["TestCaseTitle"] = testcase.title.strip('=')
                    data["TestCaseDescription"] = testcase.description
                    data["TestCaseActions"] = testcase.actions
                    data["revision"] = testcase.revision
                    data["title"] = '(%s) ' % testcase.tcid + testcase.wiki
                    # XXX: we have to fix this in 1.0 because
                    #      wiki_to_html is deprecated
                    for action in testcase.actions:
                        action.description = wiki_to_html(
                            action.description, self.env, req)
                        action.expected_result = wiki_to_html(
                            "''Result:''[[BR]]" + action.expected_result,
                            self.env, req)
                        for comment in action.comments:
                            comment["text"] = wiki_to_html(
                                comment["text"], self.env, req)
                    if req.authname != testcase.tester:
                        # assigned to someone else
                        # but can be done by mr urlaubsvertretung
                        data["warning"] = 'this testcase %s %s' % (
                            'has been assigned to',
                except TracError:
                    # not found
                    data["error"] = '%s %s %s' % ('the requested testcase ',
                                                  'could not be found or has',
                                                  'been erased')
            return data["page"], data
Пример #2
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        req = formatter.req
        kwargs = self._parse_macro_content(content, req)
        self.env.log.debug("Macro Args: %s" % kwargs)
        out = StringIO.StringIO()

        self.components = self.compmgr.components
        display = get_display_states(self)
        # get testrun
        # TODO: get the config - we have to make the config
        #       persistent in some way
        # now we take more than one testrun to monitor
        # TODO: should we really split this here?
        tcs = TestCaseQuery(self.env, testrun=kwargs['testrun']).execute()
        text = "\n||'''Test case'''||'''User'''||'''Status'''||\n"
        for tc in tcs:
            tc.color = get_status_color(tc.status)
            tc_data = {
                "testcase": "[%s/TestManager/general/testcase/%s #%s %s]" % (
                    tc.title.replace('=', '').strip()
                "tester": tc.tester,
                "status": display.get(STATES_DISPLAY.get(tc.status)),
                "color": tc.color
            text += """{{{#!td style="background: %(color)s"
            {{{#!td style="background: %(color)s"
            {{{#!td style="background: %(color)s"
            """ % tc_data
        # ... and finally display them
        Formatter(self.env, formatter.context).format(text, out)
        return Markup(out.getvalue())