Пример #1
def create_source_table_from_fields(RCF, ra, dec, cutToPrimary,
                                    srcband, sdss):
    # gather rows from sources within a specified radius
    TT = []
    for ifield,(run,camcol,field) in enumerate(RCF):

        # Retrieve SDSS catalog sources in the field
        srcs,objs = tsdss.get_tractor_sources_dr9(
                        run, camcol, field,
                        bandname      = srcband,
                        sdss          = sdss,          # cache is in scratch/
                        radecrad      = (ra, dec, radius*np.sqrt(2.)),
                        nanomaggies   = True,
                        cutToPrimary  = cutToPrimary,
                        getsourceobjs = True,
                        useObjcType   = True)

        print 'Got sources:'
        for src in srcs:
            print '  ', src

        # Write out the sources
        T     = aufits.fits_table()
        T.ra  = [src.getPosition().ra  for src in srcs]
        T.dec = [src.getPosition().dec for src in srcs]

        # same objects, same order
        assert(len(objs) == len(srcs))
        assert(np.all(T.ra == objs.ra))

        # r-band
        bandnum     = 2
        T.primary   = ((objs.resolve_status & 256) > 0)
        T.run       = objs.run
        T.camcol    = objs.camcol
        T.field     = objs.field
        T.is_star   = (objs.objc_type == 6)
        T.frac_dev  = objs.fracdev[:,bandnum]
        T.theta_dev = objs.theta_dev[:,bandnum]
        T.theta_exp = objs.theta_exp[:,bandnum]
        T.phi_dev   = objs.phi_dev_deg[:,bandnum]
        T.phi_exp   = objs.phi_exp_deg[:,bandnum]
        T.ab_dev    = objs.ab_dev[:,bandnum]
        T.ab_exp    = objs.ab_exp[:,bandnum]

        for band in bands:
            bi = tsdss.band_index(band)
            T.set('psfflux_%s' % band, objs.psfflux[:,bi])
            T.set('devflux_%s' % band, objs.devflux[:,bi])
            T.set('expflux_%s' % band, objs.expflux[:,bi])
            T.set('cmodelflux_%s' % band, objs.cmodelflux[:,bi])

    T = tsdss.merge_tables(TT)
    return T
Пример #2
def get_sdss_sources(bands, targetwcs, photoobjdir=None, local=True,
                     extracols=[], ellipse=None):
    Finds SDSS catalog sources within the given `targetwcs` region,
    returning FITS table and Tractor Source objects.

    cat : Tractor Catalog object
        Tractor Source objects for the SDSS catalog entries
    objs : fits_table object
        FITS table object for the sources.  Row-by-row parallel to `cat`.
    from astrometry.sdss import DR9, band_index, AsTransWrapper
    from astrometry.sdss.fields import read_photoobjs_in_wcs
    from tractor.sdss import get_tractor_sources_dr9

    # FIXME?
    margin = 0.

    if ellipse is None:
        from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft
        ellipse = EllipseESoft.fromRAbPhi

    sdss = DR9(basedir=photoobjdir)
    if local:
        local = (local and ('BOSS_PHOTOOBJ' in os.environ)
                 and ('PHOTO_RESOLVE' in os.environ))
    if local:

    cols = ['objid', 'ra', 'dec', 'fracdev', 'objc_type',
            'theta_dev', 'theta_deverr', 'ab_dev', 'ab_deverr',
            'theta_exp', 'theta_experr', 'ab_exp', 'ab_experr',
            'resolve_status', 'nchild', 'flags', 'objc_flags',
            'psfflux', 'psfflux_ivar',
            'cmodelflux', 'cmodelflux_ivar',
            'modelflux', 'modelflux_ivar',
            'devflux', 'expflux', 'extinction'] + extracols

    # If we have a window_flist file cut to primary objects, use that.
    # This file comes from svn+ssh://astrometry.net/svn/trunk/projects/wise-sdss-phot
    # cut-window-flist.py, and used resolve/2013-07-29 (pre-DR13) as input.
    wfn = 'window_flist-cut.fits'
    if not os.path.exists(wfn):
        # default to the usual window_flist.fits file.
        wfn = None

    objs = read_photoobjs_in_wcs(targetwcs, margin, sdss=sdss, cols=cols, wfn=wfn)
    if objs is None:
        print('No photoObjs in wcs')
        return None,None
    print('Got', len(objs), 'photoObjs')
    print('Bands', bands, '->', list(bands))

    # It can be string-valued
    objs.objid = np.array([int(x) if len(x) else 0 for x in objs.objid])
    srcs = get_tractor_sources_dr9(
        None, None, None, objs=objs, sdss=sdss, bands=list(bands),
        nanomaggies=True, fixedComposites=True, useObjcType=True,
    print('Created', len(srcs), 'Tractor sources')

    # record coordinates in target brick image
    ok,objs.tx,objs.ty = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(objs.ra, objs.dec)
    objs.tx -= 1
    objs.ty -= 1
    W,H = targetwcs.get_width(), targetwcs.get_height()
    objs.itx = np.clip(np.round(objs.tx), 0, W-1).astype(int)
    objs.ity = np.clip(np.round(objs.ty), 0, H-1).astype(int)

    cat = Catalog(*srcs)
    return cat, objs
Пример #3
    NUM_SHAPE = 4
    def loss(th0, th1, images):
        l1, pixel_grid = calc_total_prob_galaxy(images, th0[:NUM_BANDS],
                            th0[NUM_BANDS:NUM_BANDS + NUM_LOC],
                            th0[NUM_BANDS + NUM_LOC:NUM_BANDS + NUM_LOC + NUM_SHAPE])
        l2 = calc_total_prob_point_source(pixel_grid, images,
                                          th0[NUM_BANDS:NUM_BANDS + NUM_LOC])
        return (l1 - l2) * (l1 - l2)

    # read in image and corresponding source
    print "read in images and sources"
    run = 125
    camcol = 1
    field = 17
    tsrcs = sdss.get_tractor_sources_dr9(run, camcol, field)
    imgfits = make_fits_images(run, camcol, field)

    # list of images, list of celeste sources
    imgs = [imgfits[b] for b in BANDS]
    srcs = [tractor_src_to_celestepy_src(s) for s in tsrcs]

    # do gradient descent
    # 1, 9, 10 galaxies
    print [src.a for src in srcs]
    for src in [srcs[10]]:
        if src.a == 0:

        print "looking at source", src
        shape_params = np.array([src.theta, src.phi, src.sigma, src.rho])
Пример #4
def get_sdss_sources(bands,
    Finds SDSS catalog sources within the given `targetwcs` region,
    returning FITS table and Tractor Source objects.

    cat : Tractor Catalog object
        Tractor Source objects for the SDSS catalog entries
    objs : fits_table object
        FITS table object for the sources.  Row-by-row parallel to `cat`.
    from astrometry.sdss import DR9, band_index, AsTransWrapper
    from astrometry.sdss.fields import read_photoobjs_in_wcs
    from tractor.sdss import get_tractor_sources_dr9

    # FIXME?
    margin = 0.

    if ellipse is None:
        from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft
        ellipse = EllipseESoft.fromRAbPhi

    sdss = DR9(basedir=photoobjdir)
    if local:
        local = (local and ('BOSS_PHOTOOBJ' in os.environ)
                 and ('PHOTO_RESOLVE' in os.environ))
    if local:

    cols = [
        'objid', 'ra', 'dec', 'fracdev', 'objc_type', 'theta_dev',
        'theta_deverr', 'ab_dev', 'ab_deverr', 'phi_dev_deg', 'theta_exp',
        'theta_experr', 'ab_exp', 'ab_experr', 'phi_exp_deg', 'resolve_status',
        'nchild', 'flags', 'objc_flags', 'run', 'camcol', 'field', 'id',
        'psfflux', 'psfflux_ivar', 'cmodelflux', 'cmodelflux_ivar',
        'modelflux', 'modelflux_ivar', 'devflux', 'expflux', 'extinction'
    ] + extracols

    # If we have a window_flist file cut to primary objects, use that.
    # This file comes from svn+ssh://astrometry.net/svn/trunk/projects/wise-sdss-phot
    # cut-window-flist.py, and used resolve/2013-07-29 (pre-DR13) as input.
    wfn = 'window_flist-cut.fits'
    if not os.path.exists(wfn):
        # default to the usual window_flist.fits file.
        wfn = None

    objs = read_photoobjs_in_wcs(targetwcs,
    if objs is None:
        print('No photoObjs in wcs')
        return None, None
    print('Got', len(objs), 'photoObjs')
    print('Bands', bands, '->', list(bands))

    # It can be string-valued
    objs.objid = np.array([int(x) if len(x) else 0 for x in objs.objid])
    srcs = get_tractor_sources_dr9(None,
    print('Created', len(srcs), 'Tractor sources')

    # record coordinates in target brick image
    ok, objs.tx, objs.ty = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(objs.ra, objs.dec)
    objs.tx -= 1
    objs.ty -= 1
    W, H = targetwcs.get_width(), targetwcs.get_height()
    objs.itx = np.clip(np.round(objs.tx), 0, W - 1).astype(int)
    objs.ity = np.clip(np.round(objs.ty), 0, H - 1).astype(int)

    cat = Catalog(*srcs)
    return cat, objs
Пример #5
import seaborn as sns
from CelestePy.util.data import make_fits_images, tractor_src_to_celestepy_src
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyprind

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # subselect stripe field 367 - get existing sources
    run, camcol, field = 4263, 4, 367
    from tractor import sdss as st
    tsrcs = st.get_tractor_sources_dr9(run, camcol, field)

    # grab fits images
    imgfits = make_fits_images(run, camcol, field)

    # find a bright Exp galaxy, inspect celeste params and tractor params #
    import tractor.galaxy as tg
    import tractor.pointsource as ps

    def is_gal(s):
        return  (type(s) == tg.DevGalaxy) or \
                (type(s) == tg.ExpGalaxy) or \
                (type(s) == tg.CompositeGalaxy)
Пример #6
    # rd2 is four pixels above.
    rd1 = RaDecPos(225.67954, 11.265948)
    rd2 = RaDecPos(225.67991, 11.265852)

    lvl = logging.INFO
    logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout)
    bandname = band

    sdssprefix = '%06i-%s%i-%04i' % (run, bandname, camcol, field)

    timg, info = st.get_tractor_image_dr9(run,
    sources = st.get_tractor_sources_dr9(run, camcol, field, bandname, roi=roi)

    wcs = timg.getWcs()
    for source in sources:
        x, y = wcs.positionToPixel(source.getPosition(), src=source)
        print('  (%.2f, %.2f):' % (x + x0, y + y0), source)

    tractor = Tractor([timg], sources)

    lnlorig = tractor.getLogLikelihood()
    zr = np.array([-5., +20.]) * info['skysig']
    save(sdssprefix + '-orig', tractor, zr)

    # find closest source
    mini = -1
    mind2 = 1e6