Пример #1
 def _init_runs(self):
     Initialisation of overall running parameters. Must only be used once
     for an MS instance.
     self.positions = Positions()
     self.trades = Trades()
     self.equity = EquityHistory()
     # the same date range is used for all stocks in the pool:
     self.pool.index.global_date_range = (self.startdate, self.enddate)
Пример #2
class MetaSystem(models.Model):
    MetaSystem defines the structure of a system. It has a set of variable 
    parameters, setting the parameters turns a MetaSystem into a System. 
    Parameters can be assigned random values at runtime.

    MetaSystems become read-only (and cannot be deleted) as soon as they have 
    Systems. The only fields that can be written after are:
        * name
        * description
        * parameters that were indicated as "variable" - so they appear in
    name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True)
    comments = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
    startdate = models.DateField()
    enddate = models.DateField()
    pool = models.ForeignKey(Pool)
    markettype = fields.ParamField(par_type='market')
    active = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    allocation = fields.ParamField(par_type='alloc')
    equitymodel = fields.ParamField(par_type='equity')
    maxresults = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
    conditions = models.CharField(max_length=250, blank=True, null=True)
    startcash = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True, default=None)

    def build_structure(self):
        Builds the structure of the MetaSystem in memory.
        self.methods = self.method_set.all().order_by('markettype', 'id')
        for method in self.methods:
            method.entries = method.entry_set.all()
            method.exits = method.exit_set.all()

    def _traverse_structure(self, function, **kwargs):
        Traverses the metasystem structure and applies the same method 
        <function> with <kwargs> to every parameter field.
        Return values must be dicts.
        retval = {}
        retval.update(getattr(self.allocation, function)(**kwargs))
        retval.update(getattr(self.markettype, function)(**kwargs))
        retval.update(getattr(self.equitymodel, function)(**kwargs))
        for method in self.methods:
            retval.update(getattr(method.rank, function)(
                    method_id=method.id, **kwargs))
            for entry in method.entries:
                retval.update(getattr(entry.params, function)(
                    method_id=method.id, **kwargs))
            for exit_ in method.exits:
                retval.update(getattr(exit_.params, function)(
                    method_id=method.id, **kwargs))
        return retval

    def _set_variable_parameters(self, param_dict):
        Sets all parameters with variable ranges to fixed values.
        <param_dict> is a dict with unique-key: value pairs.

    def _get_variable_parameters(self):
        Returns a dict with all variable parameters of this metasystem and 
        their (fixed) values. The keys of the dict are the names of the 
        parameters, but modified to be unique.
        return self._traverse_structure('get_variable_parameter_values')

    def _del_variable_parameters(self):
        Deletes the fixed value of the variable parameters from every parameter
        in this metasystem.

    def make_system(self, parameters):
        Sets all parameters with variable ranges to fixed values. This turns
        a MetaSystem into a system.
        self._traverse_structure('initialise', pool=self.pool)

    def _init_runs(self):
        Initialisation of overall running parameters. Must only be used once
        for an MS instance.
        self.positions = Positions()
        self.trades = Trades()
        self.equity = EquityHistory()
        # the same date range is used for all stocks in the pool:
        self.pool.index.global_date_range = (self.startdate, self.enddate)

    def _reset(self):
        Clears all positions, trades and equity. Run this before each backtest.

    def _traverse_parameters(self, value_lists, values=None):
        Runs the system for all parameter combinations
        if values is None:
            values = {}
        if len(value_lists) == 0:
#            self._reset()
            self._traverse_structure('initialise', pool=self.pool)
            key, value_list = value_lists[0]
            for value in value_list:
                values[key] = value
                self._traverse_parameters(value_lists[1:], values)

#    def _init_system_run(self):
#        '''
#        Assigns parameters (unique_keys) to the MetaSystem,
#        so it can be used to backtest or real-time run a system.
#        '''
##        self._reset()
#        traverse_lists = self._traverse_structure('assign_values')
#        if traverse_lists:
#            print "TRAVERSE_LIST", traverse_lists
#            self._traverse_parameters(traverse_lists.items())
#        else:
#            self._traverse_structure('initialise', pool=self.pool)
#            self._run_once()
##        # the same date range is used for all stocks in the pool:
##        self.pool.index.global_date_range = (self.startdate, self.enddate)

    def _run_once(self):
        Run a single backtest for which all parameters have already been set.
        signals = Signals()
        for today in self.pool.index.price.close.get_dates(self.startdate, 
            print 'TODAY: ', today
            todays_trades = signals.trade(today, self.positions, self.equity)
            ordered_method_list = self.markettype.get_methods(date=today,
            # generate exit signals for tomorrow:
            signals.set_exits(today, self.positions, self.pool, 
            # generate entry signals for tomorrow:
            for method in ordered_method_list:
                signals.set_entries(today, method, self.pool, self.positions)
            # set position size of entry signals:
            signals.set_volume(today, self.allocation, self.equity, 
                    self.equitymodel, self.positions)

#            for signal in signals.entries:
#                print signal.stock, signal.volume
#            raise SystemExit()

        self.trades.calc_performance(self.startdate, self.enddate, 
        data = self.trades.data
        sysdata = {'metasystem': self, 'active': False, 
                'params': repr(self._get_variable_parameters()),
                'enddate': self.enddate}

#        system = System.objects.create(**data) #keep only this
#the following replaces the previous line for debugging
            system = System.objects.create(**data)
            print data
            raise ValueError('ERROR saving system')

        if eval_conditions(self.conditions, data):

    def check_duplicate_entries_exits(self):
        Returns True if there are multiple entries or exits that use the same
        duplicates = False
        for method in self.method_set.all():
            if method.check_duplicate_entries_exits():
                duplicates = True
        return duplicates

    def check_entries_exits(self):
        Returns errors if any method does not have at least one exit and one
        errors = []
        for i, method in enumerate(self.methods):
            if not len(method.entries):
                errors.append('no entries found for method {}'.format(i))
            if not len(method.exits):
                errors.append('no exits found for method {}'.format(i))
        return errors

    def set_inactive(self):
        Set the current (Meta)System instance to inactive.
        self.active = False

    def set_active(self):
        Activates the MetaSystem for generating systems, if it has:
            * at least one variable parameter,
            * at least one entry and one exit,
            * a valid end date that is before today, and
            * a pool with a sufficient date range.
#TODO: reconsider if all this errors business is required
        errors = []
        if not self.enddate or self.enddate >= datetime.date.today():
            errors.append('invalid end date')
        if not errors:
            self.active = True
            self._run_all() # start separate process and return
        return errors

    def has_systems(self):
        Return True if this metasystems has systems
        return self.system_set.count() > 0

    def is_discretionary(self):
        Return True if this metasystem is discretionary
TODO: discr systems should have LONG + SHORT method
        methods = self.method_set.all()
        if methods.count() != 1:
            return False
        entries = methods[0].entry_set.all()
        exits = methods[0].exit_set.all()
        print entries.count(), exits.count()
        if (entries.count() != 1) or (exits.count() != 1):
            return False
        print entries[0].params.get_dict()
        if entries[0].params.rule != 'd' or exits[0].params.rule != 'disc':
            return False
        return True

    def is_randomisable(self):
        Return True if this metasystem has random parameters and no parameter
        if not hasattr(self, 'methods'):
        randomisable = self._traverse_structure('is_randomisable')
        traversable = self._traverse_structure('get_lists')
        return randomisable and not traversable

    def is_traversable(self):
        Return True if this metasystem has at least one parameter list and 
        no random parameters.
        if not hasattr(self, 'methods'):
        randomisable = self._traverse_structure('is_randomisable')
        n = self.get_number_of_calculations()
        return (n is not None) and (n > 1) and (not randomisable)

    def get_number_of_calculations(self):
        Return the total number of calculations if this is a traversable 
        metasystem. Return 0 if this metasystem is not traversable, 1 if only
        a single calculation is required.
        if not hasattr(self, 'methods'):
        if self._traverse_structure('is_randomisable'):
            return 0
        traversable = self._traverse_structure('get_lists')
        n = 1
        for unused, value in traversable.items():
            n *= len(value)
        return n

#    @queue_command
#TODO: start this in separate process
    def _run_all(self):
TODO: drop speed measurement and move to % of total progress
        Run this MetaSystem with random parameters.
        The average number of calculations per hour is written to the
        database so it can be displayed by a view.
        if self.is_randomisable():

            rs = None
            rs_key = 'TSBspeed{}'.format(self.id)
            factor_curr = 2./11.         # Exponential moving average over 10
            factor_prev = 1 - factor_curr #     speed measurements
            prev_time = time.time()
            moving_avg = 0
            while MetaSystem.objects.get(id=self.id).active:
                print self._traverse_structure('get_variable_parameter_values')
                self._traverse_structure('initialise', pool=self.pool)
            # save running speed:
#TODO: works only for single process, need to count how many were added
                curr_time = time.time()
                speed = 3600 // (curr_time - prev_time)
                prev_time = curr_time
                if not moving_avg:
                    moving_avg = speed
                moving_avg = moving_avg * factor_prev + speed * factor_curr
                rs.set(rs_key, moving_avg)
                db.reset_queries() # this prevents flooding the memory
                if self.system_set.all().count() >= \

        elif self.is_traversable():
            traverse_lists = self._traverse_structure('get_lists')

        elif self.get_number_of_calculations() == 1:
            # run once - all parameters were already stored as properties
            self._traverse_structure('initialise', pool=self.pool)

            print('Random AND lists detected - cannot run')

    def get_system_summary(self, parameter_list):
        Return a dict with the best performance statistics of systems in this
        metasystem. If there are no systems, return None
        systems = self.system_set.all()
        if not systems:
            return None
        values = {}
        for sys in systems:
            for par in parameter_list:
                val = getattr(sys, par)
                if par not in values or val > values[par]:
                    values[par] = val
        return values

    def copy(self):
        Generate a deep copy of the current MetaSystem instance. Associated 
        Systems are *NOT* copied.
        return MetaSystem._copy(self)

    def _copy(cls, instance):
        Copy <instance> to a new instance with a unique name.

        It is a deep copy for all associated methods, entries and exits are 
        copied too.
        fields = model_to_dict(instance, exclude=['id'])
        fields['pool'] = instance.pool
        fields['group'] = instance.group
        newname = fields['name'][:19] + random_string(1)
        fields['name'] = newname
        new_system = cls.objects.create(**fields)
        Method.copy_all(instance, new_system)
        return new_system

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name