class StockTradingContinuousEnv(gym.Env): def __init__(self, env_config: Dict = env_config): """Stock trading environment for RL agents The observations are stock price info (OHLCV) over a horizon as specified in env_config. Action space is discrete to perform buy/sell/hold trades. Args: ticker (str, optional): Ticker symbol for the stock. Defaults to "MSFT". env_config (Dict): Env configuration values """ super(StockTradingContinuousEnv, self).__init__() self.ticker = env_config.get("ticker", "MSFT") data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "data") self.ticker_file_stream = os.path.join(f"{data_dir}", f"{self.ticker}.csv") assert os.path.isfile( self.ticker_file_stream ), f"Historical stock data file stream not found at: data/{self.ticker}.csv" # Stock market data stream. An offline file stream is used. Alternatively, a web # API can be used to pull live data. # Data-Frame: Date Open High Low Close Adj-Close Volume self.ohlcv_df = pd.read_csv(self.ticker_file_stream) self.opening_account_balance = env_config["opening_account_balance"] # Action: 1-dim value indicating a fraction amount of shares to Buy (0 to 1) or # sell (-1 to 0). The fraction is taken on the allowable number of # shares that can be bought or sold based on the account balance (no margin). self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([-1]), high=np.array([1]), dtype=np.float) self.observation_features = [ "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Adj Close", "Volume", ] self.horizon = env_config.get("observation_horizon_sequence_length") self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=0, high=1, shape=(len(self.observation_features), self.horizon + 1), dtype=np.float, ) self.order_size = env_config.get("order_size") self.viz = None # Visualizer def step(self, action): # Execute one step within the trading environment self.execute_trade_action(action) self.current_step += 1 reward = self.account_value - self.opening_account_balance # Profit (loss) done = self.account_value <= 0 or self.current_step * self.horizon >= len( self.ohlcv_df.loc[:, "Open"].values) obs = self.get_observation() return obs, reward, done, {} def reset(self): # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state self.cash_balance = self.opening_account_balance self.account_value = self.opening_account_balance self.num_shares_held = 0 self.cost_basis = 0 self.current_step = 0 self.trades = [] if self.viz is None: self.viz = TradeVisualizer( self.ticker, self.ticker_file_stream, "TFRL-Cookbook Ch4-StockTradingEnv", ) return self.get_observation() def render(self, **kwargs): # Render the environment to the screen if self.current_step > self.horizon: self.viz.render( self.current_step, self.account_value, self.trades, window_size=self.horizon, ) def close(self): if self.viz is not None: self.viz.close() self.viz = None def get_observation(self): # Get stock price info data table from input (file/live) stream observation = ( self.ohlcv_df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + self.horizon, self.observation_features, ].to_numpy().T) return observation def execute_trade_action(self, action): if action == 0: # Indicates "Hold" action # Hold position; No trade to be executed return order_type = "buy" if action > 0 else "sell" order_fraction_of_allowable_shares = abs(action) # Stochastically determine the current stock price based on Market Open & Close current_price = random.uniform( self.ohlcv_df.loc[self.current_step, "Open"], self.ohlcv_df.loc[self.current_step, "Close"], ) if order_type == "buy": allowable_shares = int(self.cash_balance / current_price) # Simulate a BUY order and execute it at current_price num_shares_bought = int(allowable_shares * order_fraction_of_allowable_shares) current_cost = self.cost_basis * self.num_shares_held additional_cost = num_shares_bought * current_price self.cash_balance -= additional_cost self.cost_basis = (current_cost + additional_cost) / ( self.num_shares_held + num_shares_bought) self.num_shares_held += num_shares_bought if num_shares_bought > 0: self.trades.append({ "type": "buy", "step": self.current_step, "shares": num_shares_bought, "proceeds": additional_cost, }) elif order_type == "sell": # Simulate a SELL order and execute it at current_price num_shares_sold = int(self.num_shares_held * order_fraction_of_allowable_shares) self.cash_balance += num_shares_sold * current_price self.num_shares_held -= num_shares_sold sale_proceeds = num_shares_sold * current_price if num_shares_sold > 0: self.trades.append({ "type": "sell", "step": self.current_step, "shares": num_shares_sold, "proceeds": sale_proceeds, }) if self.num_shares_held == 0: self.cost_basis = 0 # Update account value self.account_value = self.cash_balance + self.num_shares_held * current_price
class CryptoTradingVisualContinuousEnv(gym.Env): def __init__(self, env_config: Dict = env_config): """Crypto trading environment for RL agents with continuous action space Args: ticker (str, optional): Ticker symbol for the crypto-fiat currency pair. Defaults to "BTCUSD". env_config (Dict): Env configuration values """ super(CryptoTradingVisualContinuousEnv, self).__init__() self.ticker = env_config.get("ticker", "BTCUSD") data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "data") = env_config["exchange"] freq = env_config["frequency"] if freq == "daily": self.freq_suffix = "d" elif freq == "hourly": self.freq_suffix = "1hr" elif freq == "minutes": self.freq_suffix = "1min" self.ticker_file_stream = os.path.join( f"{data_dir}", f"{'_'.join([, self.ticker, self.freq_suffix])}.csv", ) assert os.path.isfile( self.ticker_file_stream ), f"Crypto data file stream not found at: data/{self.ticker_file_stream}.csv" # Crypto exchange data stream. An offline file stream is used. Alternatively, a web # API can be used to pull live data. self.ohlcv_df = (pd.read_csv( self.ticker_file_stream, skiprows=1).sort_values(by="Date").reset_index(drop=True)) self.opening_account_balance = env_config["opening_account_balance"] # Action: 1-dim value indicating a fraction amount of coins to Buy (0 to 1) or # sell (-1 to 0). The fraction is taken on the allowable number of # coins that can be bought or sold based on the account balance (no margin). self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([-1]), high=np.array([1]), dtype=np.float) self.observation_features = [ "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume BTC", "Volume USD", ] self.obs_width, self.obs_height = 128, 128 self.horizon = env_config.get("observation_horizon_sequence_length") self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=0, high=255, shape=(128, 128, 3), dtype=np.uint8, ) self.viz = None # Visualizer def step(self, action): # Execute one step within the environment self.execute_trade_action(action) self.current_step += 1 reward = self.account_value - self.opening_account_balance # Profit (loss) done = self.account_value <= 0 or self.current_step >= len( self.ohlcv_df.loc[:, "Open"].values) obs = self.get_observation() return obs, reward, done, {} def reset(self): # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state self.cash_balance = self.opening_account_balance self.account_value = self.opening_account_balance self.num_coins_held = 0 self.cost_basis = 0 self.current_step = 0 self.trades = [] if self.viz is None: self.viz = TradeVisualizer( self.ticker, self.ticker_file_stream, "TFRL-Cookbook Ch4-CryptoTradingVisualContinuousEnv", skiprows=1, ) return self.get_observation() def render(self, **kwargs): # Render the environment to the screen if self.current_step > self.horizon: self.viz.render( self.current_step, self.account_value, self.trades, window_size=self.horizon, ) def close(self): if self.viz is not None: self.viz.close() self.viz = None def get_observation(self): """Return a view of the Ticker price chart as image observation Returns: img_observation (np.ndarray): Image of ticker candle stick plot with volume bars as observation """ img_observation = self.viz.render_image_observation( self.current_step, self.horizon) img_observation = cv2.resize(img_observation, dsize=(128, 128), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) return img_observation def execute_trade_action(self, action): if action == 0: # Indicates "HODL" action # HODL position; No trade to be executed return order_type = "buy" if action > 0 else "sell" order_fraction_of_allowable_coins = abs(action) # Stochastically determine the current stock price based on Market Open & Close current_price = random.uniform( self.ohlcv_df.loc[self.current_step, "Open"], self.ohlcv_df.loc[self.current_step, "Close"], ) if order_type == "buy": allowable_coins = int(self.cash_balance / current_price) # Simulate a BUY order and execute it at current_price num_coins_bought = int(allowable_coins * order_fraction_of_allowable_coins) current_cost = self.cost_basis * self.num_coins_held additional_cost = num_coins_bought * current_price self.cash_balance -= additional_cost self.cost_basis = (current_cost + additional_cost) / ( self.num_coins_held + num_coins_bought) self.num_coins_held += num_coins_bought if num_coins_bought > 0: self.trades.append({ "type": "buy", "step": self.current_step, "shares": num_coins_bought, "proceeds": additional_cost, }) elif order_type == "sell": # Simulate a SELL order and execute it at current_price num_coins_sold = int(self.num_coins_held * order_fraction_of_allowable_coins) self.cash_balance += num_coins_sold * current_price self.num_coins_held -= num_coins_sold sale_proceeds = num_coins_sold * current_price if num_coins_sold > 0: self.trades.append({ "type": "sell", "step": self.current_step, "shares": num_coins_sold, "proceeds": sale_proceeds, }) if self.num_coins_held == 0: self.cost_basis = 0 # Update account value self.account_value = self.cash_balance + self.num_coins_held * current_price
class CryptoTradingVisualEnv(gym.Env): def __init__(self, env_config: Dict = env_config): """Crypto trading environment for RL agents The observations are crypto price info (OHLCV) over a horizon as specified in env_config. Action space is discrete to perform buy/sell/hold trades. Args: ticker (str, optional): Ticker symbol for the crypto-fiat currentcy pair. Defaults to "ETHUSD". env_config (Dict): Env configuration values """ super(CryptoTradingVisualEnv, self).__init__() self.ticker = env_config.get("ticker", "ETHUSD") data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "data") = env_config["exchange"] freq = env_config["frequency"] if freq == "daily": self.freq_suffix = "d" elif freq == "hourly": self.freq_suffix = "1hr" elif freq == "minutes": self.freq_suffix = "1min" self.ticker_file_stream = os.path.join( f"{data_dir}", f"{'_'.join([, self.ticker, self.freq_suffix])}.csv", ) assert os.path.isfile( self.ticker_file_stream ), f"Crypto data file stream not found at: data/{self.ticker_file_stream}.csv" # Crypto exchange data stream. An offline file stream is used. Alternatively, a web # API can be used to pull live data. self.ohlcv_df = pd.read_csv(self.ticker_file_stream, skiprows=1).sort_values( by="Date" ) self.opening_account_balance = env_config["opening_account_balance"] # Action: 0-> Hold; 1-> Buy; 2 ->Sell; self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3) self.observation_features = [ "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume ETH", "Volume USD", ] self.obs_width, self.obs_height = 128, 128 self.horizon = env_config.get("observation_horizon_sequence_length") self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=0, high=255, shape=(128, 128, 3), dtype=np.uint8, ) self.order_size = env_config.get("order_size") self.viz = None # Visualizer def step(self, action): # Execute one step within the trading environment self.execute_trade_action(action) self.current_step += 1 reward = self.account_value - self.opening_account_balance # Profit (loss) done = self.account_value <= 0 or self.current_step >= len( self.ohlcv_df.loc[:, "Open"].values ) obs = self.get_observation() return obs, reward, done, {} def reset(self): # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state self.cash_balance = self.opening_account_balance self.account_value = self.opening_account_balance self.num_coins_held = 0 self.cost_basis = 0 self.current_step = 0 self.trades = [] if self.viz is None: self.viz = TradeVisualizer( self.ticker, self.ticker_file_stream, "TFRL-Cookbook Ch4-CryptoTradingVisualEnv", skiprows=1, ) return self.get_observation() def render(self, **kwargs): # Render the environment to the screen if self.current_step > self.horizon: self.viz.render( self.current_step, self.account_value, self.trades, window_size=self.horizon, ) def close(self): if self.viz is not None: self.viz.close() self.viz = None def get_observation(self): """Return a view of the Ticker price chart as image observation Returns: img_observation (np.ndarray): Image of ticker candle stick plot with volume bars as observation """ img_observation = self.viz.render_image_observation( self.current_step, self.horizon ) img_observation = cv2.resize( img_observation, dsize=(128, 128), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC ) return img_observation def execute_trade_action(self, action): if action == 0: # Hold position return order_type = "buy" if action == 1 else "sell" # Stochastically determine the current stock price based on Market Open & Close current_price = random.uniform( self.ohlcv_df.loc[self.current_step, "Open"], self.ohlcv_df.loc[self.current_step, "Close"], ) if order_type == "buy": allowable_coins = int(self.cash_balance / current_price) if allowable_coins < self.order_size: # Not enough cash to execute a buy order return # Simulate a BUY order and execute it at current_price num_coins_bought = self.order_size current_cost = self.cost_basis * self.num_coins_held additional_cost = num_coins_bought * current_price self.cash_balance -= additional_cost self.cost_basis = (current_cost + additional_cost) / ( self.num_coins_held + num_coins_bought ) self.num_coins_held += num_coins_bought self.trades.append( { "type": "buy", "step": self.current_step, "shares": num_coins_bought, "proceeds": additional_cost, } ) elif order_type == "sell": # Simulate a SELL order and execute it at current_price if self.num_coins_held < self.order_size: # Not enough coins to execute a sell order return num_coins_sold = self.order_size self.cash_balance += num_coins_sold * current_price self.num_coins_held -= num_coins_sold sale_proceeds = num_coins_sold * current_price self.trades.append( { "type": "sell", "step": self.current_step, "shares": num_coins_sold, "proceeds": sale_proceeds, } ) if self.num_coins_held == 0: self.cost_basis = 0 # Update account value self.account_value = self.cash_balance + self.num_coins_held * current_price