Пример #1
def read_examples(filename, sparm):
    """Reads and returns x,y example pairs from a file.
    This reads the examples contained at the file at path filename and
    returns them as a sequence.  Each element of the sequence should
    be an object 'e' where e[0] and e[1] is the pattern (x) and label
    (y) respectively.  Specifically, the intention is that the element
    be a two-element tuple containing an x-y pair."""

    # We actually ignore the filename passed to us

    print '\n'

    # Check that we're not about to overwrite a previous experiment
    if os.path.exists(OutputPath):
        print 'Error: Experiment dir already exists: ', OutputPath

    # Load the dataset
    training_instances,test_instances = \
    assert (Mgr.NumInstances() == len(training_instances) +

    # Compute features
    for inst in itertools.chain(training_instances, test_instances):
        compute_features(inst, FtrMgr, FeatureSet)

    # Compute loss terms
    for inst in itertools.chain(training_instances, test_instances):
        configure_loss(inst, LossFunction)

    # Set up the reporter
    global Reporter
    Reporter = training_helpers.Reporter(training_instances, test_instances,
                                         FtrMgr, OutputPath)

    # Create a structure suitable for SVM-struct
    return training_helpers.prepare_svm_data(training_instances)
Пример #2
def read_examples(filename, sparm):
    """Reads and returns x,y example pairs from a file.
    This reads the examples contained at the file at path filename and
    returns them as a sequence.  Each element of the sequence should
    be an object 'e' where e[0] and e[1] is the pattern (x) and label
    (y) respectively.  Specifically, the intention is that the element
    be a two-element tuple containing an x-y pair."""

    # We actually ignore the filename passed to us

    print "\n"

    # Check that we're not about to overwrite a previous experiment
    if os.path.exists(OutputPath):
        print "Error: Experiment dir already exists: ", OutputPath

    # Load the dataset
    training_instances, test_instances = training_helpers.load_dataset(Mgr, Dataset.TrainingSet, Dataset.TestSet)
    assert Mgr.NumInstances() == len(training_instances) + len(test_instances)

    # Compute features
    for inst in itertools.chain(training_instances, test_instances):
        compute_features(inst, FtrMgr, FeatureSet)

    # Compute loss terms
    for inst in itertools.chain(training_instances, test_instances):
        configure_loss(inst, LossFunction)

    # Set up the reporter
    global Reporter
    Reporter = training_helpers.Reporter(training_instances, test_instances, FtrMgr, OutputPath)

    # Create a structure suitable for SVM-struct
    return training_helpers.prepare_svm_data(training_instances)
Пример #3
# Compute the average per-sequence performance

import sys
import py_indoor_context
import training_params
import training_helpers

dataset = training_params.Datasets.Large.TestSet
mgr = py_indoor_context.TrainingManager()
a,instances = training_helpers.load_dataset(mgr, [], dataset)

pattern = 'out/%s_frame%03d_gt.png'
for inst in instances:
    inst.OutputGroundTruthViz(pattern % (inst.GetSequenceName(),inst.GetFrameId()))