def visualizeGFSName(gfsFileName, outFileBase, imgFormat='png', cMap=ColorMap.BlackBodyMap(), mapRange=1.0, mapLimits=None, sitesName=None, obstacles=None): '''Visualizes a grid file sequence with the given color map. @param gfsFileName A string. The name of the GridFileSequence to visualize. @param outFileBase A string. The basic name of the images to be output. For each grid in the sequence, it outputs outFileBase_###.imgFormat. The path must already exist. @param imgFormat A string. The output image format (png, jpg, or bmp ) @param cMap An instance of ColorMap. Indicates how the visualization works. @param mapRange A float. Determines what fraction of the data range maps to the color range. For example, if mapRange is 0.75, then the value that is 75% of the way between the min and max value achieves the maximum color value. Ignored if mapLimits is not None. @param mapLimits A tuple which defines the map range independent of the real values in the data (minVal, maxVal). If the tuple has two values, that defines the range. If either is None, then the corresponding value from the data is used. @param sitesName A string. The path to a set of trajectory sites @param obstacles An instance of ObstacleSet (optional). If obstacle are provided, Then they will be drawn over the top of the data. ''' reader = GFS.GridFileSequenceReader(gfsFileName) reader.setNext(0) try: sites = loadTrajectory(sitesName) except: sites = None visualizeGFS(reader, cMap, outFileBase, imgFormat, mapRange, mapLimits, sites, obstacles)
def main(): import optparse import ColorMap import sys, os import obstacles from trajectory import loadTrajectory parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-i', '--input', help='A path to a grid file sequence - the data to visualize', action='store', dest='input', default='' ) parser.add_option( '-t', '--trajectory', help='(Optional) The path to the pedestrian data which produced the voronoi diagrams.', action='store', dest='trajName', default=None ) parser.add_option( '-o', '--output', help='The path and base filename for the output images (Default is "vis").', action='store', dest='output', default='./vis' ) parser.add_option( '-c', '--colorMap', help='Specify the color map to use. Valid values are: %s. Defaults to "black_body".' % ColorMap.getValidColorMaps(), action='store', dest='cmapName', default='black_body' ) parser.add_option( '-e', '--extension', help='Image format: [png, jpg, bmp] (default is png)', action='store', dest='ext', default='png' ) parser.add_option( '-b', '--obstacles', help='Path to an obstacle xml file', action='store', dest='obstXML', default=None ) options, args = parser.parse_args() if ( options.input == '' ): print '\n *** You must specify an input file' parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) try: colorMap = ColorMap.getColorMapByName( options.cmapName ) except KeyError: print '\n *** You have selected an invalid color map: %s' % ( options.cmapName ) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if ( not options.ext.lower() in ( 'png', 'jpg', 'bmp' ) ): print '\n *** You have selected an invalid file format: %s' % ( options.ext ) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) trajData = None if ( not options.trajName is None ): try: trajData = loadTrajectory( options.trajName ) except ValueError: print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % ( options.trajName ) folder, baseName = os.path.split( options.output ) if ( folder ): if ( not os.path.exists( folder ) ): os.makedirs( folder ) reader = GFS.GridFileSequenceReader( options.input ) reader.setNext( 0 ) obstacles = None if ( options.obstXML ): obstacles, bb = obstacles.readObstacles( options.obstXML ) visualizeGFS( reader, colorMap, options.output, options.ext, 1.0, trajData, obstacles )
def makeVoronoi( grid ): print 'COMPUTING VORONOI!' pedFile = '/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/Inputs/Corridor_onewayDB/dummy.txt' try: data = loadTrajectory( pedFile ) except ValueError: print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % ( pedFile ) frame, frameId = density = computeVoronoiDensity( grid, frame, data.getFrameIds() ) grid.cells[ :, : ] = density.cells
def test(): from trajectory import loadTrajectory import os ## obstPath = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/Inputs/Corridor_oneway/c240_obstacles.xml' ## path = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/results/density/gaussian_S1.5/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB.density' ## outPath = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/results/density/gaussian_S1.5/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB_density/' pedFile = r'/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/Inputs/Corridor_onewayDB/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB.txt' try: frameSet = loadTrajectory(pedFile) except ValueError: print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % (pedFile) domain = AbstractGrid(Vector2(0.0, -6), Vector2(2.4, 12), (10, 100)) gfs = GridFileSequence('sequence', arrayType=np.float32) gfs.computeVoronoiDensity(domain, frameSet, None)
def testPedestrian(): '''Test against legitimate pedestrian data''' # pedestrian domain minCorner = Vector2( 0.0, -6 ) domainSize = Vector2( 2.4, 12 ) pedDomain = Grid.RectDomain( minCorner, domainSize ) # grid domain minCorner = Vector2( 0.0, -2 ) domainSize = Vector2( 2.4, 4 ) resolution = Vector2( domainSize.x / CELL_SIZE, domainSize.y / CELL_SIZE) gridDomain = Grid.AbstractGrid( minCorner, domainSize, resolution ) # load pedestrian data pedFile = '/projects/crowd/fund_diag/paper/pre_density/experiment/Inputs/Corridor_onewayDB/uo-065-240-240_combined_MB.txt' try: data = loadTrajectory ( pedFile ) except ValueError: print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % ( pedFile ) return grids = [] sig = Signals.PedestrianSignal( pedDomain ) print gridDomain while ( True ): try: sig.setData( data ) except StopIteration: break grid = gridDomain.getDataGrid() kernel.convolve( sig, grid ) ## grid.cells /= ( CELL_SIZE * CELL_SIZE ) print "Frame %d has min/max values: %f, %f" % ( sig.index, grid.minVal(), grid.maxVal() ) grids.append( grid ) ## break data.setNext( 0 ) visGrids( grids, data )
def main(): from GridFileSequence import GridFileSequence import optparse import sys, os import obstacles from trajectory import loadTrajectory parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.set_description( 'Compute a sequence of discrete voronoi diagrams for a trajectory file' ) parser.add_option('-t', '--trajectory', help='The path to the trajectoroy data.', action='store', dest='trajFileName', default='') parser.add_option('-x', '--xDomain', help='The extents of the region along x-axis', nargs=2, action='store', type='float', dest='xRange', default=None) parser.add_option('-y', '--yDomain', help='The extents of the region along y-axis', nargs=2, action='store', type='float', dest='yRange', default=None) parser.add_option( '-c', '--cellSize', help='The size of the cell size in the discretization. Default is 0.1', action='store', type='float', dest='cellSize', default=0.1) parser.add_option( '-o', '--output', help= 'The path and base filename for the grid file sequence to be written -- no extension required. (Default is "output.voronoi").', action='store', dest='output', default='./output') parser.add_option( '-b', '--obstacles', help='Path to an obstacle xml file - not currently supported.', action='store', dest='obstXML', default=None) parser.add_option( '-d', '--density', help= 'Indicates that the voronoi density should be computed and not the voronoi diagram', action='store_true', default=False, dest='density') options, args = parser.parse_args() if (options.trajFileName == ''): print '\n *** You must specify an input trajectory file' parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if (options.xRange is None): print '\n *** You must specify the x-range' parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if (options.yRange is None): print '\n *** You must specify the y-range' parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) folder, baseName = os.path.split(options.output) baseName, ext = os.path.splitext(baseName) # strip extension if (folder): if (not os.path.exists(folder)): os.makedirs(folder) obstacles = None if (options.obstXML): obstacles, bb = obstacles.readObstacles(options.obstXML) minCorner = Vector2(options.xRange[0], options.yRange[0]) size = Vector2(options.xRange[1] - minCorner[0], options.yRange[1] - minCorner[1]) rX = int(np.ceil(size[0] / options.cellSize)) rY = int(np.ceil(size[1] / options.cellSize)) size = Vector2(rX * options.cellSize, rY * options.cellSize) voronoiDomain = AbstractGrid(minCorner, size, (rX, rY)) # currently assuming julich data for voronoi try: pedData = loadTrajectory(options.trajFileName) except ValueError: print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % ( options.trajFileName) sys.exit(1) if (options.density): print 'Computing density voronoi' gfs = GridFileSequence(os.path.join(folder, baseName), obstacles, arrayType=np.float32) gfs.computeVoronoiDensity(voronoiDomain, pedData, obstacles) else: print 'Computing normal voronoi' gfs = GridFileSequence(os.path.join(folder, baseName), obstacles, arrayType=np.int32) gfs.computeVoronoi(voronoiDomain, pedData, obstacles)
def main(): from GridFileSequence import GridFileSequenceReader import optparse import sys, os import obstacles from trajectory import loadTrajectory parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.set_description( 'Visualize a sequence of voronoi diagrams in a GridFileSequence') parser.add_option( '-i', '--input', help='A path to a grid file sequence - the data to visualize', action='store', dest='gfsName', default='') parser.add_option( '-t', '--trajectory', help= '(Optional) The path to the pedestrian data which produced the voronoi diagrams.', action='store', dest='trajName', default=None) parser.add_option( '-o', '--output', help= 'The path and base filename for the output images (Default is "vis").', action='store', dest='output', default='./vis') parser.add_option( '-e', '--extension', help='Image format: [png, jpg, bmp] (default is png)', action='store', dest='ext', default='png') parser.add_option( '-b', '--obstacles', help= '(Optional) Path to an obstacle xml file. If provided, they will be drawn on top of the voronoi.', action='store', dest='obstXML', default=None) options, args = parser.parse_args() if (options.gfsName == ''): print '\n *** You must specify an input GridFileSequence file' parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if (not options.ext.lower() in ('png', 'jpg', 'bmp')): print '\n *** You have selected an invalid file format: %s' % ( options.ext) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) folder, baseName = os.path.split(options.output) if (folder): if (not os.path.exists(folder)): os.makedirs(folder) trajData = None if (not options.trajName is None): try: trajData = loadTrajectory(options.trajName) except ValueError: print "Unable to recognize the data in the file: %s" % ( options.trajName) reader = GridFileSequenceReader(options.gfsName) reader.setNext(0) obstacles = None if (options.obstXML): obstacles, bb = obstacles.readObstacles(options.obstXML) drawVoronoiSeries(reader, options.output, trajData, obstacles)