Пример #1
def load_content (path) :
	transcripts.printf_information ('Parsing file [%s]...', path)
	stream = file (path, 'rt')
	if path.lower () .endswith ('.pdf') :
		content = execute_load_content (['/usr/bin/pdftotext', path, '-'])
	elif path.lower () .endswith ('.ps') :
		content = execute_load_content (['/usr/bin/pstotext', path])
	else :
		transcripts.printf_error ('File extension is unknown; ignoring.')
		content = None
	return content
Пример #2
def execute_load_content (arguments) :
	process = subprocess.Popen (
			stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = None,
			close_fds = True, bufsize = (32 * 1024), universal_newlines = True)
	process.stdin.close ()
	content = process.stdout.read ()
	process.stdout.close ()
	outcome = process.wait ()
	if outcome != 0 :
		transcripts.printf_error ('Subprocess returned an error code, thus the file seems broken; ignoring.')
		content = None
	if content is not None and len (content) == 0 :
		transcripts.printf_error ('Subprocess returned an empty content, thus the file seems broken; ignoring.')
		content = None
	return content
Пример #3
	def dump (self, title, content) :
		if not isinstance (title, types.StringType) :
			title = title.encode ("utf-8")
		title_size = len (title)
		if not isinstance (title, types.StringType) :
			content = content.encode ("utf-8")
		content_size = len (content)
		if (title_size != 0) and (content_size != 0) :
			total_size = 4 + title_size + 4 + content_size
			self.stream.write (struct.pack (">L", total_size))
			self.stream.write (struct.pack (">L", title_size))
			self.stream.write (title)
			self.stream.write (struct.pack (">L", content_size))
			self.stream.write (content)
		else :
			transcripts.printf_error ('Title or content is empty for [%s]; ignoring.', title)
		self.stepper.step ()
Пример #4
def dump(map, dumper):
    id = map["id"][0]
    if "topic" in map:
        topic = map["topic"][0]
        transcripts.printf_warning("Missing topic(s) from article with id [%s]; assuming unknown.", id)
        topic = "{unknown}"
    if "title" in map:
        title = map["title"][0]
        transcripts.printf_error("Missing title from article with id [%s]; assuming id.", id)
        title = "(%s)" % (id)
    if "content" in map:
        content = "\n".join(map["content"])
        transcripts.printf_error("Missing content from article with id [%s]; ignoring.", id)
    title = "[%s] %s" % (topic, title)
    dumper.dump(title, content)
Пример #5
	def __call__ (self, message = '', context = '?', severity = 0, traceback = False) :
		transcripts.printf_error ('Cherrypy: %s [%d]: %s', context, severity, message)