Пример #1
def getMargins(cut, margin, factor=1):
	lines = []
	if cut.p1.x == cut.p2.x:
		dx = margin
		dy = 0
	elif cut.p1.y == cut.p2.y:
		dx = 0
		dy = margin
		raise OrientationException("The cut is not straight")
	lower_p1 = cv.cvPoint(cut.p1.x - dx, cut.p1.y - dy)
	lower_p2 = cv.cvPoint(cut.p2.x - dx, cut.p2.y - dy)
	lower_p1 = transformer.translatePoint(lower_p1, factor)
	lower_p2 = transformer.translatePoint(lower_p2, factor)
	upper_p1 = cv.cvPoint(cut.p1.x + dx, cut.p1.y + dy)
	upper_p2 = cv.cvPoint(cut.p2.x + dx, cut.p2.y + dy)
	upper_p1 = transformer.translatePoint(upper_p1, factor)
	upper_p2 = transformer.translatePoint(upper_p2, factor)

	lines.append(Line(lower_p1, lower_p2))
	lines.append(Line(upper_p1, upper_p2))

	return lines
Пример #2
def drawBoundingBoxes(out, component_dictionary, thickness=1, color=None, factor=1):
	"""Given a dictionary of components, draw its bounding box on the outimage.
	If no color is supplied, the box will be the same color at the blob."""

	# This is a bit hacky, but we need to keep track of the original argument
	inColor = color

	for entry in component_dictionary:
		component = component_dictionary[entry][1]
		rect = component.rect

		if inColor == None:
			color = component_dictionary[entry][0]

		p1 = cv.cvPoint(rect.x, rect.y)
		p2 = cv.cvPoint(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height)
		p1 = transformer.translatePoint(p1, factor)
		p2 = transformer.translatePoint(p2, factor)
		cv.cvRectangle(out, p1, p2, color, thickness)