Пример #1
def highlight_placeables(text):
    """Wrap placeables to easily distinguish and manipulate them."""
    output = u""

    # Get a flat list of placeables and StringElem instances.
    flat_items = parse_placeables(text, PLACEABLE_PARSERS).flatten()

    for item in flat_items:
        if isinstance(item, BasePlaceable):
            # It is a placeable, so highlight it.

            class_name = item.__class__.__name__
            placeable = unicode(item)  # String representation for placeable.

            # CSS class used to highlight the placeable.
            css_class = {
                'PootleEscapePlaceable': "highlight-escape",
                'PootleSpacesPlaceable': "translation-space",
                'PootleTabEscapePlaceable': "highlight-escape",
                'NewlinePlaceable': "highlight-escape",
            }.get(class_name, "placeable")

            # Some placeables require changing the representation in order to
            # correctly display them on the translation editor.

            def replace_whitespace(string):
                fancy_space = ' '
                if string.startswith(' '):
                    return fancy_space * len(string)
                return string[0] + fancy_space * (len(string) - 1)

            content = {
                'PootleEscapePlaceable': u'\\\\',
                'PootleTabEscapePlaceable': u'\\t',
                'PootleSpacesPlaceable': replace_whitespace(placeable),
                'NewlinePlaceable': {
                        u'\r\n': u'\\r\\n<br/>\n',
                        u'\r': u'\\r<br/>\n',
                        u'\n': u'\\n<br/>\n',
                'XMLEntityPlaceable': placeable.replace('&', '&amp;'),
                'XMLTagPlaceable': placeable.replace('<', '&lt;') \
                                            .replace('>', '&gt;'),
            }.get(class_name, placeable)

            # Provide a description for the placeable using a tooltip.
            description = PLACEABLE_DESCRIPTIONS.get(class_name,
                                                     _("Unknown placeable"))

            output += (u'<span class="%s js-editor-copytext js-placeable" '
                       u'title="%s">%s</span>') % (css_class, description,
            # It is not a placeable, so just concatenate to output string.
            output += unicode(item)

    return mark_safe(output)
Пример #2
def highlight_placeables(text):
    """Wrap placeables to easily distinguish and manipulate them."""
    output = u""

    # Get a flat list of placeables and StringElem instances.
    flat_items = parse_placeables(text, PLACEABLE_PARSERS).flatten()

    for item in flat_items:
        if isinstance(item, BasePlaceable):
            # It is a placeable, so highlight it.

            class_name = item.__class__.__name__
            placeable = unicode(item)  # String representation for placeable.

            # CSS class used to highlight the placeable.
            css_class = {
                'PootleEscapePlaceable': "highlight-escape",
                'PootleSpacesPlaceable': "translation-space",
                'PootleTabEscapePlaceable': "highlight-escape",
                'NewlinePlaceable': "highlight-escape",
            }.get(class_name, "placeable")

            # Some placeables require changing the representation in order to
            # correctly display them on the translation editor.

            def replace_whitespace(string):
                fancy_space = '&nbsp;'
                if string.startswith(' '):
                    return fancy_space * len(string)
                return string[0] + fancy_space * (len(string) - 1)

            content = {
                'PootleEscapePlaceable': u'\\\\',
                'PootleTabEscapePlaceable': u'\\t',
                'PootleSpacesPlaceable': replace_whitespace(placeable),
                'NewlinePlaceable': {
                        u'\r\n': u'\\r\\n<br/>\n',
                        u'\r': u'\\r<br/>\n',
                        u'\n': u'\\n<br/>\n',
                'XMLEntityPlaceable': placeable.replace('&', '&amp;'),
                'XMLTagPlaceable': placeable.replace('<', '&lt;') \
                                            .replace('>', '&gt;'),
            }.get(class_name, placeable)

            # Provide a description for the placeable using a tooltip.
            description = PLACEABLE_DESCRIPTIONS.get(class_name,
                                                     _("Unknown placeable"))

            output += (u'<span class="%s js-editor-copytext js-placeable" '
                       u'title="%s">%s</span>') % (css_class, description,
            # It is not a placeable, so just concatenate to output string.
            output += unicode(item)

    return mark_safe(output)
Пример #3
    def apply_parsers(self, elems, parsers=None):
        """Apply all selected placeable parsers to the list of string elements

            @param elems: The list of C{StringElem}s to apply the parsers to."""
        if not isinstance(elems, list) and isinstance(elems, StringElem):
            elems = [elems]

        if parsers is None:
            parsers = self.parsers

        for elem in elems:
            elem = elem
            parsed = parse_placeables(elem, parsers)
            if isinstance(elem, (str, unicode)) and parsed != StringElem(elem):
                parent = elem.get_parent_elem(elem)
                if parent is not None:
                    parent.sub[parent.sub.index(elem)] = StringElem(parsed)
        return elems
    def apply_parsers(self, elems, parsers=None):
        """Apply all selected placeable parsers to the list of string elements

            @param elems: The list of C{StringElem}s to apply the parsers to."""
        if not isinstance(elems, list) and isinstance(elems, StringElem):
            elems = [elems]

        if parsers is None:
            parsers = self.parsers

        for elem in elems:
            elem = elem
            parsed = parse_placeables(elem, parsers)
            if isinstance(elem, (str, unicode)) and parsed != StringElem(elem):
                parent = elem.get_parent_elem(elem)
                if parent is not None:
                    parent.sub[parent.sub.index(elem)] = StringElem(parsed)
        return elems