Пример #1
 def new_shape(_, old_shape):
   # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
   ndim_ = tf.size(old_shape)
   return utils.cond(
       ndim_ == 0, lambda: tf.constant([1, 1, 1], dtype=tf.int32),
       lambda: utils.cond(
           ndim_ == 1, lambda: tf.pad(old_shape, [[1, 1]], constant_values=1),
           lambda: tf.pad(old_shape, [[0, 1]], constant_values=1)))
Пример #2
 def f(a, b):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
     return utils.cond(
         utils.logical_or(tf.rank(a) == 0,
                          tf.rank(b) == 0),
         lambda: a * b,
         lambda: utils.cond(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
             tf.rank(b) == 1, lambda: tf.tensordot(a, b, axes=[[-1], [-1]]),
             lambda: tf.tensordot(a, b, axes=[[-1], [-2]])))
Пример #3
 def f(x1, x2):
         return utils.cond(
             tf.rank(x2) == 1,
             lambda: tf.tensordot(x1, x2, axes=1),
             lambda: utils.cond(
                 tf.rank(x1) == 1,  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
                 lambda: tf.tensordot(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
                     axes=[[0], [-2]]),
                 lambda: tf.matmul(x1, x2)))
     except tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError as err:
         six.reraise(ValueError, ValueError(str(err)), sys.exc_info()[2])
Пример #4
def diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  a = asarray(a).data

  maybe_rank = a.shape.rank
  if maybe_rank is not None and offset == 0 and (
      axis1 == maybe_rank - 2 or axis1 == -2) and (axis2 == maybe_rank - 1 or
                                                   axis2 == -1):
    return utils.tensor_to_ndarray(tf.linalg.diag_part(a))

  a = moveaxis(utils.tensor_to_ndarray(a), (axis1, axis2), (-2, -1)).data

  a_shape = tf.shape(a)

  def _zeros():  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
    return (tf.zeros(tf.concat([a_shape[:-1], [0]], 0), dtype=a.dtype), 0)

  # All zeros since diag_part doesn't handle all possible k (aka offset).
  # Written this way since cond will run shape inference on both branches,
  # and diag_part shape inference will fail when offset is out of bounds.
  a, offset = utils.cond(
          utils.less_equal(offset, -1 * utils.getitem(a_shape, -2)),
          utils.greater_equal(offset, utils.getitem(a_shape, -1)),
      ), _zeros, lambda: (a, offset))

  a = utils.tensor_to_ndarray(tf.linalg.diag_part(a, k=offset))
  return a
Пример #5
def diag(v, k=0):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  """Raises an error if input is not 1- or 2-d."""
  v = asarray(v).data
  v_rank = tf.rank(v)


  # TODO(nareshmodi): Consider a utils.Assert version that will fail during
  # tracing time if the shape is known.
      utils.logical_or(tf.equal(v_rank, 1), tf.equal(v_rank, 2)), [v_rank])

  def _diag(v, k):
    return utils.cond(
        tf.equal(tf.size(v), 0),
        lambda: tf.zeros([abs(k), abs(k)], dtype=v.dtype),
        lambda: tf.linalg.diag(v, k=k))

  def _diag_part(v, k):
    v_shape = tf.shape(v)
    v, k = utils.cond(
            utils.less_equal(k, -1 * utils.getitem(v_shape, 0)),
            utils.greater_equal(k, utils.getitem(v_shape, 1)),
        ), lambda: (tf.zeros([0, 0], dtype=v.dtype), 0), lambda: (v, k))
    result = tf.linalg.diag_part(v, k=k)
    return result

  result = utils.cond(
      tf.equal(v_rank, 1), lambda: _diag(v, k), lambda: _diag_part(v, k))
  return utils.tensor_to_ndarray(result)
Пример #6
 def f(x):
   # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
   x = asarray(x)
   return asarray(
           utils.greater(n, tf.rank(x)),
           lambda: reshape(x, new_shape(n, tf.shape(x.data))).data,
           lambda: x.data))
Пример #7
def average(a, axis=None, weights=None, returned=False):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
    if axis is not None and not isinstance(axis, six.integer_types):
        # TODO(wangpeng): Support tuple of ints as `axis`
        raise ValueError('`axis` must be an integer. Tuple of ints is not '
                         'supported yet. Got type: %s' % type(axis))
    a = array_ops.array(a)
    if weights is None:  # Treat all weights as 1
        if not np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.inexact):
            a = a.astype(
                utils.result_type(a.dtype, dtypes.default_float_type()))
        avg = tf.reduce_mean(a.data, axis=axis)
        if returned:
            if axis is None:
                weights_sum = tf.size(a.data)
                weights_sum = tf.shape(a.data)[axis]
            weights_sum = tf.cast(weights_sum, a.data.dtype)
        if np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.inexact):
            out_dtype = utils.result_type(a.dtype, weights)
            out_dtype = utils.result_type(a.dtype, weights,
        a = array_ops.array(a, out_dtype).data
        weights = array_ops.array(weights, out_dtype).data

        def rank_equal_case():
                tf.reduce_all(tf.shape(a) == tf.shape(weights)),
                [tf.shape(a), tf.shape(weights)])
            weights_sum = tf.reduce_sum(weights, axis=axis)
            avg = tf.reduce_sum(a * weights, axis=axis) / weights_sum
            return avg, weights_sum

        if axis is None:
            avg, weights_sum = rank_equal_case()

            def rank_not_equal_case():
                tf.debugging.Assert(tf.rank(weights) == 1, [tf.rank(weights)])
                weights_sum = tf.reduce_sum(weights)
                axes = tf.convert_to_tensor([[axis], [0]])
                avg = tf.tensordot(a, weights, axes) / weights_sum
                return avg, weights_sum

            # We condition on rank rather than shape equality, because if we do the
            # latter, when the shapes are partially unknown but the ranks are known
            # and different, utils.cond will run shape checking on the true branch,
            # which will raise a shape-checking error.
            avg, weights_sum = utils.cond(
                tf.rank(a) == tf.rank(weights), rank_equal_case,

    avg = array_ops.array(avg)
    if returned:
        weights_sum = array_ops.broadcast_to(weights_sum, tf.shape(avg.data))
        return avg, weights_sum
    return avg
Пример #8
 def _diag_part(v, k):
   v_shape = tf.shape(v)
   v, k = utils.cond(
           utils.less_equal(k, -1 * utils.getitem(v_shape, 0)),
           utils.greater_equal(k, utils.getitem(v_shape, 1)),
       ), lambda: (tf.zeros([0, 0], dtype=v.dtype), 0), lambda: (v, k))
   result = tf.linalg.diag_part(v, k=k)
   return result
Пример #9
def hstack(tup):
  arrays = [atleast_1d(a) for a in tup]
  arrays = _promote_dtype(*arrays)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  unwrapped_arrays = [
      a.data if isinstance(a, arrays_lib.ndarray) else a for a in arrays
  rank = tf.rank(unwrapped_arrays[0])
  return utils.cond(rank == 1, lambda: tf.concat(unwrapped_arrays, axis=0),
                    lambda: tf.concat(unwrapped_arrays, axis=1))
Пример #10
def array(val, dtype=None, copy=True, ndmin=0):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
  """Creates an ndarray with the contents of val.

    val: array_like. Could be an ndarray, a Tensor or any object that can be
      converted to a Tensor using `tf.convert_to_tensor`.
    dtype: Optional, defaults to dtype of the `val`. The type of the resulting
      ndarray. Could be a python type, a NumPy type or a TensorFlow `DType`.
    copy: Determines whether to create a copy of the backing buffer. Since
      Tensors are immutable, a copy is made only if val is placed on a different
      device than the current one. Even if `copy` is False, a new Tensor may
      need to be built to satisfy `dtype` and `ndim`. This is used only if `val`
      is an ndarray or a Tensor.
    ndmin: The minimum rank of the returned array.

    An ndarray.
  if dtype:
    dtype = utils.result_type(dtype)
  if isinstance(val, arrays_lib.ndarray):
    result_t = val.data
    result_t = val

  if copy and isinstance(result_t, tf.Tensor):
    # Note: In eager mode, a copy of `result_t` is made only if it is not on
    # the context device.
    result_t = tf.identity(result_t)

  if not isinstance(result_t, tf.Tensor):
    if not dtype:
      dtype = utils.result_type(result_t)
    # We can't call `convert_to_tensor(result_t, dtype=dtype)` here because
    # convert_to_tensor doesn't allow incompatible arguments such as (5.5, int)
    # while np.array allows them. We need to convert-then-cast.
    def maybe_data(x):
      if isinstance(x, arrays_lib.ndarray):
        return x.data
      return x

    # Handles lists of ndarrays
    result_t = tf.nest.map_structure(maybe_data, result_t)
    result_t = arrays_lib.convert_to_tensor(result_t)
    result_t = tf.cast(result_t, dtype=dtype)
  elif dtype:
    result_t = tf.cast(result_t, dtype)
  ndims = tf.rank(result_t)

  def true_fn():
    old_shape = tf.shape(result_t)
    new_shape = tf.concat([tf.ones(ndmin - ndims, tf.int32), old_shape], axis=0)
    return tf.reshape(result_t, new_shape)

  result_t = utils.cond(utils.greater(ndmin, ndims), true_fn, lambda: result_t)
  return arrays_lib.tensor_to_ndarray(result_t)
Пример #11
        def maybe_pad_0(a, size_of_last_dim):
            def pad_0(a):
                return tf.pad(
                        tf.zeros([tf.rank(a) - 1, 2], tf.int32),
                        tf.constant([[0, 1]], tf.int32)

            return utils.cond(size_of_last_dim == 2, lambda: pad_0(a),
                              lambda: a)
Пример #12
        def maybe_move_axis_to_last(a, axis):
            def move_axis_to_last(a, axis):
                return tf.transpose(
                        tf.range(axis + 1, tf.rank(a)), [axis]

            return utils.cond(axis == utils.subtract(tf.rank(a), 1), lambda: a,
                              lambda: move_axis_to_last(a, axis))
Пример #13
    def f(a, b):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        # We can't assign to captured variable `axisa`, so make a new variable
        axis_a = axisa
        axis_b = axisb
        axis_c = axisc
        if axis is not None:
            axis_a = axis
            axis_b = axis
            axis_c = axis
        if axis_a < 0:
            axis_a = utils.add(axis_a, tf.rank(a))
        if axis_b < 0:
            axis_b = utils.add(axis_b, tf.rank(b))

        def maybe_move_axis_to_last(a, axis):
            def move_axis_to_last(a, axis):
                return tf.transpose(
                        tf.range(axis + 1, tf.rank(a)), [axis]

            return utils.cond(axis == utils.subtract(tf.rank(a), 1), lambda: a,
                              lambda: move_axis_to_last(a, axis))

        a = maybe_move_axis_to_last(a, axis_a)
        b = maybe_move_axis_to_last(b, axis_b)
        a_dim = utils.getitem(tf.shape(a), -1)
        b_dim = utils.getitem(tf.shape(b), -1)

        def maybe_pad_0(a, size_of_last_dim):
            def pad_0(a):
                return tf.pad(
                        tf.zeros([tf.rank(a) - 1, 2], tf.int32),
                        tf.constant([[0, 1]], tf.int32)

            return utils.cond(size_of_last_dim == 2, lambda: pad_0(a),
                              lambda: a)

        a = maybe_pad_0(a, a_dim)
        b = maybe_pad_0(b, b_dim)
        c = tf.linalg.cross(*utils.tf_broadcast(a, b))
        if axis_c < 0:
            axis_c = utils.add(axis_c, tf.rank(c))

        def move_last_to_axis(a, axis):
            r = tf.rank(a)
            return tf.transpose(
                tf.concat([tf.range(axis), [r - 1],
                           tf.range(axis, r - 1)],

        c = utils.cond(
            (a_dim == 2) & (b_dim == 2),
            lambda: c[..., 2],
            lambda: utils.cond(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
                axis_c == utils.subtract(tf.rank(c), 1), lambda: c, lambda:
                move_last_to_axis(c, axis_c)))
        return c
Пример #14
 def f(a, b):
     return utils.cond(utils.logical_or(tf.rank(a) == 0,
                                        tf.rank(b) == 0), lambda: a * b,
                       lambda: tf.tensordot(a, b, axes=[[-1], [-1]]))
Пример #15
 def _diag(v, k):
   return utils.cond(
       tf.equal(tf.size(v), 0),
       lambda: tf.zeros([abs(k), abs(k)], dtype=v.dtype),
       lambda: tf.linalg.diag(v, k=k))