def main(args): basedir = args.test_imgs_path num_histograms = args.num_test_pics channel = 0 classifiers = load_classifiers() max_textons = args.max_textons n_clusters = args.num_textons weights = 1 texton_hists = [] for i in range(num_histograms): img_dir = basedir + "/" + str(i) + ".png" img = treXton.imread_opponent(img_dir) if args.local_standardize: for channel in range(args.channels): img = standardize(img, channel) hists_per_channel = [] for channel in range(args.channels): classifier = classifiers[channel] texton_hist = treXton.img_to_texton_histogram(img[:, :, channel], classifier, max_textons, n_clusters, weights, args, channel) hists_per_channel.append(texton_hist) hists_per_channel = np.ravel(np.array(hists_per_channel)).astype(np.float32) color_histogram = False all_hists = hists_per_channel if color_histogram: # reorder data into for suitable for histogramming data = np.vstack((img[:, :, 0].flat, img[:, :, 1].flat, img[:, :, 2].flat)).astype(np.uint8).T m = 4 # size of 3d histogram cube color_hist, edges = np.histogramdd(data, bins=m) # print np.ravel(color_hist / (640 * 480)) #print hists_per_channel #print np.ravel(color_hist) all_hists = np.concatenate((hists_per_channel, np.ravel(color_hist))) texton_hists.append(all_hists) np.savetxt("mat_train_hists_cross.csv", texton_hists, delimiter=",", fmt='%d')
def main(args): cap = cv2.VideoCapture( kmeans = [] for channel in range(3): kmean = joblib.load('classifiers/kmeans' + str(channel) + '.pkl') kmeans.append(kmean) if args.do_separate: # Load classifier clf_x = joblib.load('classifiers/clf_x.pkl') clf_y = joblib.load('classifiers/clf_y.pkl') else: clf = joblib.load('classifiers/clf_multi.pkl') # Load tfidf tfidf = joblib.load('classifiers/tfidf.pkl') # Feature importances #for a in zip(range(150), clf_x.feature_importances_): # print a #print clf_y.feature_importances_ fp = open("predictions_cross.csv", "w") for i in range(args.num_test_pics): query_file = args.test_imgs_path + str(i) + ".png" query_image = treXton.imread_opponent(query_file) if args.local_standardize: mymean, mystdv = cv2.meanStdDev(query_image) mymean = mymean.reshape(-1) mystdv = mystdv.reshape(-1) query_image = (query_image - mymean) / mystdv # Get texton histogram of picture query_histograms = np.zeros((args.channels, args.num_textons)) for channel in range(args.channels): kmean = kmeans[channel] histogram = img_to_texton_histogram(query_image[:, :, channel], kmean, args.max_textons, args.num_textons, 1, args, channel) query_histograms[channel] = histogram query_histograms = query_histograms.reshape(1, args.num_textons * args.channels) if args.tfidf: query_histograms = tfidf.transform(query_histograms).todense() query_histograms = np.ravel(query_histograms) query_histograms = query_histograms.reshape(1, args.num_textons * args.channels) if args.use_xgboost: dtest = xgb.DMatrix(query_histograms) pred_x = clf_x.predict(dtest)[0] pred_y = clf_y.predict(dtest)[0] elif not(args.do_separate): print "Not separate" pred = clf.predict(query_histograms)[0] pred_x = pred[0] pred_y = pred[1] else: pred_x = clf_x.predict(query_histograms)[0] pred_y = clf_y.predict(query_histograms)[0] if args.prediction_variance: pred_var_x = prediction_variance(clf_x, query_histograms) pred_var_y = prediction_variance(clf_y, query_histograms) fp.write("%f,%f,%f,%f\n" % (pred_x, pred_y, pred_var_x, pred_var_y)) else: fp.write("%f,%f\n" % (pred_x, pred_y)) fp.close()
def validate(args): # Load k-means kmeans = [] for channel in range(3): kmean = joblib.load('classifiers/kmeans' + str(channel) + '.pkl') kmeans.append(kmean) # Load random forest if args.do_separate: clf_x = joblib.load('classifiers/clf_x.pkl') clf_y = joblib.load('classifiers/clf_y.pkl') else: clf0 = joblib.load('classifiers/clf0.pkl') clf1 = joblib.load('classifiers/clf1.pkl') clfs = [clf0, clf1] # Load tfidf tfidf = joblib.load('classifiers/tfidf.pkl') path = args.test_imgs_path # Laptop labels = pd.read_csv("../orthomap/imgs/sift_targets.csv", index_col=0) # PC #labels = pd.read_csv("../datasets/imgs/sift_targets.csv", index_col=0) if args.standardize: mean, stdv = np.load("mean_stdv.npy") if args.filter: my_filter = init_tracker() test_on_the_fly = True if test_on_the_fly: xs = [] ys = [] errors = [] errors_x = [] errors_y = [] times = [] for i in labels.index: start = time.time() img_path = path + str(i) + ".png" start_reading = time.time() pic = imread_opponent(img_path) end_reading = time.time() if args.measure_time: print("reading", end_reading - start_reading) if args.color_standardize: mymean = np.mean(np.ravel(pic[:, :, 0])) mystdv = np.std(np.ravel(pic[:, :, 0])) pic[:, :, 0] = pic[:, :, 0] - mymean pic[:, :, 0] = pic[:, :, 0] / mystdv pic[:, :, 1] = pic[:, :, 1] / mystdv pic[:, :, 2] = pic[:, :, 2] / mystdv start_ls = time.time() if args.local_standardize: mymeans, mystdvs = cv2.meanStdDev(pic) mymeans = mymeans.reshape(-1) mystdvs = mystdvs.reshape(-1) #mymeans = np.mean(pic, axis=(0, 1)) #mystdvs = np.std(pic, axis=(0, 1)) pic = (pic - mymeans) / mystdvs end_ls = time.time() if args.measure_time: print("local standardize", int(1000 * (end_ls - start_ls))) if args.histogram_standardize: # create a CLAHE object (Arguments are optional)self. clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8,8)) for channel in range(args.channels): pic[:, :, channel] = clahe.apply(pic[:, :, channel]) if args.standardize: for channel in range(args.channels): mean, stdv = np.load("mean_stdv_" + str(channel) + ".npy") pic[:, :, channel] = pic[:, :, channel] - mean pic[:, :, channel] = pic[:, :, channel] / stdv # Get texton histogram of picture query_histograms = np.empty((args.channels, args.num_textons)) start_histo = time.time() for channel in range(args.channels): histogram = img_to_texton_histogram(pic[:, :, channel], kmeans[channel], args.max_textons, args.num_textons, 1, args, channel) query_histograms[channel] = histogram end_histo = time.time() if args.measure_time: print("histograms", end_histo - start_histo) start_tfidf = time.time() if args.tfidf: histogram = tfidf.transform(query_histograms.reshape(1, args.num_textons * args.channels)).todense() histogram = np.ravel(histogram) end_tfidf = time.time() if args.measure_time: print("tfidf", end_tfidf - start_tfidf) preds = [] start_prediction = time.time() if args.do_separate: pred_x = clf_x.predict(histogram.reshape(1, args.num_textons * args.channels)) pred_y = clf_y.predict(histogram.reshape(1, args.num_textons * args.channels)) pred = np.array([(pred_x[0], pred_y[0])]) #err_down, err_up = pred_ints(clf_x, [histogram], percentile=75) #print(err_down) #print(pred[0][0]) #print(err_up) #print("") else: for i, clf in enumerate(clfs): print(i) pred = clf.predict(histogram.reshape(1, -1)) err_down, err_up = pred_ints(clf, histogram.reshape(1, -1), percentile=90) print(err_down) print(err_up) print("") preds.append(pred) pred = np.mean(preds, axis=0) end_prediction = time.time() if args.measure_time: print("prediction (clf)", end_prediction - start_prediction) # if args.filter: # my_filter.update(pred.T) # filtered_pred = (my_filter.x[0][0], my_filter.x[2][0]) # my_filter.predict() #print("Ground truth (x, y)", xs_opti[i], ys_opti[i]) #print("Prediction (x, y)", pred[0][0], pred[0][1]) if test_on_the_fly: if args.do_separate: xy = (pred_x[0], pred_y[0]) else: xy = (pred[0][0], pred[0][1]) else: xy = (xs[i], ys[i]) start_error_stats = time.time() ground_truth = (labels.x[i], labels.y[i]) diff = np.subtract(ground_truth, xy) abs_diff = np.fabs(diff) errors_x.append(abs_diff[0] ** 2) errors_y.append(abs_diff[1] ** 2) error = np.linalg.norm(abs_diff) errors.append(error ** 2) end = time.time() times.append(end - start) end_error_stats = time.time() if args.measure_time: print("error stats", end_error_stats - start_error_stats) val_errors = np.mean(errors) val_errors_x = np.mean(errors_x) val_errors_y = np.mean(errors_y) val_times = np.mean(times) print("times", val_times) print("frequency", int(1 / val_times)) print("errors", np.sqrt(val_errors)) print("errors x", np.sqrt(val_errors_x)) print("errors y", np.sqrt(val_errors_y)) all_errors = np.array([val_errors, val_errors_x, val_errors_y])"all_errors.npy", all_errors) return val_errors, val_errors_x, val_errors_y
def train_classifier_draug(path, max_textons=None, n_clusters=20, args=None): classifiers = [] for channel in range(args.channels): # Load classifier from file classifier = joblib.load('classifiers/kmeans' + str(channel) + '.pkl') classifiers.append(classifier) histograms = [] labels = [] base_dir = "/home/pold/Documents/Internship/image_recorder/" for symbol in symbols: for i in range(args.max_imgs_per_class): genimg_path = base_dir + symbol + '/' + str(i) + '.png' if os.path.exists(genimg_path): query_image = treXton.imread_opponent(genimg_path) labels.append(symbol) query_histograms = [] if args.local_standardize: for channel in range(args.channels): mymean = np.mean(np.ravel(query_image[:, :, channel])) mystdv = np.std(np.ravel(query_image[:, :, channel])) query_image[:, :, channel] = query_image[:, :, channel] - mymean query_image[:, :, channel] = query_image[:, :, channel] / mystdv for channel in range(args.channels): classifier = classifiers[channel] if args.use_dipoles: query_histogram = treXton.img_to_texton_histogram(query_image, classifier, max_textons, n_clusters, 1, args, channel) else: query_histogram = treXton.img_to_texton_histogram(query_image[:, :, channel], classifier, max_textons, n_clusters, 1, args, channel) query_histograms.append(query_histogram) query_histograms = np.ravel(query_histograms) histograms.append(query_histograms) np.savetxt(symbol + ".csv", histograms, delimiter=",", fmt='%d')"histograms_logos.npy", np.array(histograms))"labels.npy", np.array(labels)) clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=300, max_depth=15), np.array(labels)) joblib.dump(clf, 'classifiers/logo_clf.pkl')
def show_graphs(v, f): plt.ion() predictions = np.load(args.predictions) path = args.test_imgs_path background_map = plt.imread(mymap) y_width, x_width, _ = background_map.shape # First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0, 0)) ax.set_xlim([0, x_width]) ax.set_ylim([0, y_width]) line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2) ax.set_title('Position prediction based on textons') xs = predictions[:, 0] ys = predictions[:, 1] minidrone = read_png("img/minidrone.png") minidrone_f = read_png("img/minidrone_f.png") minidrone_s = read_png("img/minisift.png") imagebox = OffsetImage(minidrone, zoom=1) filter_imagebox = OffsetImage(minidrone_f, zoom=0.6) sift_imagebox = OffsetImage(minidrone_s, zoom=0.7) ax.imshow(background_map, zorder=0, extent=[0, x_width, 0, y_width]) if args.mode == 0: ax_opti = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1, 0), colspan=2) ax_opti.set_title('Texton histogram') line_opti, = ax_opti.plot([], [], lw=2) elif args.mode == 1: ax_opti = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1, 0), colspan=2) ax_opti.set_title('Texton histogram') line_opti, = ax_opti.plot([], [], lw=2) #optitrack = pd.read_csv("../draug/targets.csv") #xs_opti = optitrack.x #ys_opti = optitrack.y elif args.mode == 2: optitrack = np.load("optitrack_coords.npy") ax_opti = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1, 0), colspan=2) ax_opti.set_title('OptiTrack ground truth') line_opti, = ax_opti.plot([], [], lw=2) ax_opti.set_xlim([-10, 10]) ax_opti.set_ylim([-10, 10]) xs_opti = optitrack[:, 0] ys_opti = optitrack[:, 1] ys_opti, xs_opti = rotate_coordinates(xs_opti, ys_opti, np.radians(37)) ax_inflight = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0, 1)) ax_inflight.set_title('Pictures taken during flight') # Load k-means kmeans = [] for channel in range(3): kmean = joblib.load('classifiers/kmeans' + str(channel) + '.pkl') kmeans.append(kmean) # Load random forest if args.do_separate: clf_x = joblib.load('classifiers/clf_x.pkl') clf_y = joblib.load('classifiers/clf_y.pkl') else: clf0 = joblib.load('classifiers/clf0.pkl') clf1 = joblib.load('classifiers/clf1.pkl') clfs = [clf0, clf1] # Load tfidf tfidf = joblib.load('classifiers/tfidf.pkl') if args.mode == 0: # Initialize camera cap = cv2.VideoCapture( labels = pd.read_csv("handlabeled/playingmat.csv", index_col=0) xs = [] ys = [] i = 0 if args.filter: my_filter = init_tracker() xs = [] ys = [] errors = [] errors_x = [] errors_y = [] # Use SIFT relocalizer from OpenCV/C++ if args.use_sift: rel = relocalize.Relocalizer(args.mymap) labels = pd.read_csv("handlabeled/playingmat.csv", index_col=0) if args.use_ground_truth: truth = pd.read_csv("../datasets/imgs/sift_targets.csv") truth.set_index(['id'], inplace=True) if args.use_particle_filter: mydrone = pf.robot() N = 80 # Number of particles p = pf.init_particles(N) dt = 1 while True: start = time.time() while v.value != 0: pass if args.mode == 0: # Capture frame-by-frame ret, pic = pic = cv2.cvtColor(pic, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) pic = RGB2Opponent(pic) else: img_path = path + str(i) + ".png" pic_c = imread_opponent(img_path) pic = imread_opponent(img_path) if args.standardize: for channel in range(args.channels): mean, stdv = np.load("mean_stdv_" + str(channel) + ".npy") pic[:, :, channel] = pic[:, :, channel] - mean pic[:, :, channel] = pic[:, :, channel] / stdv if args.local_standardize: mymean, mystdv = cv2.meanStdDev(pic) mymean = mymean.reshape(-1) mystdv = mystdv.reshape(-1) pic = (pic - mymean) / mystdv # Get texton histogram of picture query_histograms = np.zeros((args.channels, args.num_textons)) if args.color_standardize: mymean = np.mean(np.ravel(pic[:, :, 0])) mystdv = np.std(np.ravel(pic[:, :, 0])) pic[:, :, 0] = pic[:, :, 0] - mymean pic[:, :, 0] = pic[:, :, 0] / mystdv pic[:, :, 1] = pic[:, :, 1] / mystdv pic[:, :, 2] = pic[:, :, 2] / mystdv if args.use_dipoles: histogram = img_to_texton_histogram(pic, kmeans[0], args.max_textons, args.num_textons, 1, args, 0) query_histograms = histogram.reshape(1, args.num_textons * 4) else: for channel in range(args.channels): histogram = img_to_texton_histogram(pic[:, :, channel], kmeans[channel], args.max_textons, args.num_textons, 1, args, channel) query_histograms[channel] = histogram query_histograms = query_histograms.reshape(1, args.num_textons * args.channels) if args.tfidf: query_histograms = tfidf.transform(query_histograms).todense() histogram = np.ravel(histogram) preds = [] if args.do_separate: if args.use_xgboost: dtest = xgb.DMatrix(query_histograms) pred_x = clf_x.predict(dtest) pred_y = clf_y.predict(dtest) else: pred_x = clf_x.predict(query_histograms) pred_y = clf_y.predict(query_histograms) #err_down_x, err_up_x = pred_ints(clf_x, [histogram]) #err_down_y, err_up_y = pred_ints(clf_y, [histogram]) #err_x = pred_x - err_down_x #err_y = pred_y - err_down_y pred = np.array([[pred_x[0], pred_y[0]]]) #print("pred x is", pred_x) #print("classifier is", clf_x) xy = (pred_x[0], pred_y[0]) else: for clf in clfs: pred = clf.predict(query_histograms) #print "Pred is", pred preds.append(pred) pred = np.mean(preds, axis=0) #print "Averaged pred is", pred xy = (pred[0][0], pred[0][1]) # Pritn prediction that is used for plotting print(xy) # Get particle positions if args.use_particle_filter: p = pf.move_all(p, xy, dt) plt_xs, plt_ys = pf.get_x_y(p) if args.use_sift: #sift_loc = rel.calcLocationFromPath(img_path) #sift_loc[1] = y_width - sift_loc[1] #print(sift_loc) #sift_xy = tuple(sift_loc) #sift_x = truth.ix[i, "x"] #sift_y = truth.ix[i, "y"] sift_xy = (sift_x, sift_y) sift_ab = AnnotationBbox(sift_imagebox, sift_xy, xycoords='data', pad=0.0, frameon=False) if args.use_normal: ab = AnnotationBbox(imagebox, xy, xycoords='data', pad=0.0, frameon=False) if args.filter: my_filter.update(pred.T) filtered_pred = (my_filter.x[0][0], my_filter.x[2][0]) my_filter.predict() filtered_ab = AnnotationBbox(filter_imagebox, filtered_pred, xycoords='data', pad=0.0, frameon=False) if args.use_ground_truth: ground_truth = (truth.ix[i, "x"], truth.ix[i, "y"]) diff = np.subtract(ground_truth, xy) abs_diff = np.fabs(diff) errors_x.append(abs_diff[0]) errors_y.append(abs_diff[1]) error = np.linalg.norm(abs_diff) errors.append(error) # Update predictions graph line.set_xdata(xs[max(0, i - 13):i]) line.set_ydata(ys[max(0, i - 13):i]) ab = AnnotationBbox(imagebox, xy, xycoords='data', pad=0.0, frameon=False) if i == 0: if args.show_histogram: query_flat = np.ravel(query_histograms) histo_bar =, query_flat) img_artist = ax_inflight.imshow(pic[:,:,0]) else: img_artist.set_data(pic[:,:,0]) if args.use_sift: sift_drone_artist.remove() if args.use_particle_filter: particle_plot.remove() if args.use_normal: drone_artist.remove() #ebars[0].remove() #for line in ebars[1]: # line.remove() #for line in ebars[2]: # line.remove() if args.filter: filtered_drone_artist.remove() if args.show_histogram: query_flat = np.ravel(query_histograms) for rect, h in zip(histo_bar, query_flat): rect.set_height(h) if args.use_particle_filter: particle_plot = ax.scatter(plt_xs, plt_ys) if args.use_normal: drone_artist = ax.add_artist(ab) # Plot particle positions #ax.add_artist(particle_plot) #ebars = ax.errorbar(xy[0], xy[1], xerr=err_x, yerr=err_y, ecolor='b') if args.filter: filtered_drone_artist = ax.add_artist(filtered_ab) if args.use_sift: sift_drone_artist = ax.add_artist(sift_ab) plt.pause(1e-10) # Particle filter if args.use_particle_filter: ws, w_sum = pf.get_weights(p, xy, dt, i) new_p = pf.resample_wheel(p, ws, N) i += 1 else: print("Unknown mode; Please specify a mode (0, 1, 2)")