Пример #1
def main():
    '''Run the random recommender system on a sequence of topics.
    description = (
        'A baseline recommender system that uses the truth data to'
        ' create output that has perfect recall and would also have'
        ' perfect precision if you ignore subtopic diversity/novelty.'
        ' This generates output directly from the truth data and'
        ' randomly shuffles the truth data per topic, so that'
        ' the ordering of passages does not attempt to optimize any'
        ' particular quality metric.')
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
    parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true')
    args = yakonfig.parse_args(parser, [yakonfig])


    config = yakonfig.get_global_config('harness')
    batch_size = config.get('batch_size', 5)
    run_file_path = config['run_file_path']
    if os.path.exists(run_file_path):
        if args.overwrite:
            sys.exit('%r already exists' % run_file_path)

    kvl_config = {
        'storage_type': 'local',
        'namespace': 'test',
        'app_name': 'test'
    kvl = kvlayer.client(kvl_config)
    label_store = LabelStore(kvl)

    parse_truth_data(label_store, config['truth_data_path'])

    # Set up the system
    doc_store = make_doc_store(label_store)
    system = RandomSystem(doc_store)
    ambassador = HarnessAmbassadorCLI(system, args.config, batch_size)