Пример #1
def test_fits():
        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
        print('Skipping FITS tests, since fitsio is not installed')

    file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 1

    # Just test a few random particular values
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(cat1.ra), 390935)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat1.nobj, 390935)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[0], 56.4195 * (pi/180.))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[390934], 78.4782 * (pi/180.))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.dec[290333], 83.1579 * (pi/180.))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g1[46392], 0.0005066675)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g2[46392], -0.0001006742)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.k[46392], -0.0008628797)

    # The catalog doesn't have x, y, or w, but test that functionality as well.
    del config['ra_col']
    del config['dec_col']
    config['x_col'] = 'RA'
    config['y_col'] = 'DEC'
    config['w_col'] = 'MU'
    config['flag_col'] = 'INDEX'
    config['ignore_flag'] = 64
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.x[390934], 78.4782, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.y[290333], 83.1579, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[46392], 0.)        # index = 1200379
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[46393], 0.9995946) # index = 1200386

    # Test using a limited set of rows
    config['first_row'] = 101
    config['last_row'] = 50000
    cat3 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(cat3.x), 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.ntot, 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.nobj, sum(cat3.w != 0))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat3.w))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat2.w[100:50000]))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g1[46292], 0.0005066675)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g2[46292], -0.0001006742)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.k[46292], -0.0008628797)

    cat4 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, key='file_name', is_rand=True)[0]
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(cat4.x), 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.ntot, 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.nobj, sum(cat4.w != 0))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.sumw, sum(cat4.w))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.sumw, sum(cat2.w[100:50000]))
    assert cat4.g1 is None
    assert cat4.g2 is None
    assert cat4.k is None
Пример #2
def test_single():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens

    nsource = 100000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (np.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (np.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r2/r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0], y=[0], x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    # Note: there is a zero crossing, so need to include atol as well as rtol
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_k, rtol=1.e-2, atol=1.e-4)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/nk_single.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk_single.out'), names=True,
    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kappa'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kappa']/nk.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['kappa']-nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], nk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    # There is special handling for single-row catalogs when using np.genfromtxt rather
    # than pandas.  So mock it up to make sure we test it.
    if sys.version_info < (3,): return  # mock only available on python 3
    from unittest import mock
    with mock.patch.dict(sys.modules, {'pandas':None}):
        with CaptureLog() as cl:
            treecorr.corr2(config, logger=cl.logger)
        assert "Unable to import pandas" in cl.output
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk_single.out'), names=True,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], nk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)
Пример #3
def test_single():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2/r^2

    nsource = 100000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    kappa = 0.23
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    x = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * np.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2-y**2)/r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2.*x*y)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0], y=[0], k=[kappa],  x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin',
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',kg.meanlogr - np.log(kg.meanr))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.meanlogr, np.log(kg.meanr), atol=1.e-3)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_kgt = kappa * gamma0 * np.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ',kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_kgt)
    print('ratio = ',kg.xi / true_kgt)
    print('diff = ',kg.xi - true_kgt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi, true_kgt, rtol=1.e-2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi_im, 0, atol=1.e-4)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function:
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg_single.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kg_single.out'), names=True,
    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamT'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['kgamT']-kg.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kgamT'], kg.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamX'])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kgamX'], 0., atol=1.e-4)
Пример #4
def test_single():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens

    nsource = 100000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    x = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r2/r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0], y=[0], x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    # Note: there is a zero crossing, so need to include atol as well as rtol
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_k, rtol=1.e-2, atol=1.e-4)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/nk_single.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk_single.out'), names=True,
    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kappa'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kappa']/nk.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['kappa']-nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], nk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    # There is special handling for single-row catalogs when using np.genfromtxt rather
    # than pandas.  So mock it up to make sure we test it.
    if sys.version_info < (3,): return  # mock only available on python 3
    from unittest import mock
    with mock.patch.dict(sys.modules, {'pandas':None}):
        with CaptureLog() as cl:
            treecorr.corr2(config, logger=cl.logger)
        assert "Unable to import pandas" in cl.output
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk_single.out'), names=True,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], nk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)
Пример #5
def test_pairwise2():
    # Test the same profile, but with the pairwise calcualtion:
    nsource = 100000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    kappa = 0.23
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    x = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * np.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2-y**2)/r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2.*x*y)/r2

    dx = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    dx = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    k = kappa * np.ones(nsource)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=dx, y=dx, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x+dx, y=y+dx, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin',
                                verbose=1, pairwise=True)
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_kgt = kappa * gamma0 * np.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ',kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_kgt)
    print('ratio = ',kg.xi / true_kgt)
    print('diff = ',kg.xi - true_kgt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi, true_kgt, rtol=1.e-2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi_im, 0, atol=1.e-4)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg_pairwise.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kg_pairwise.out'), names=True,
    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamT'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['kgamT']-kg.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kgamT'], kg.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamX'])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kgamX'], 0., atol=1.e-4)
Пример #6
def main():

	nmocks = 1
	nshells = 1

	config_name = '/home/anderson/3x2pt/config.yaml'
	config = treecorr.read_config(config_name, file_type='yaml')

	compute_AllMock_NNCorrelation(nmocks, nshells, config)

Пример #7
def main():

        nshells = 5

        config_name = '/home/anderson/3x2pt/config.yaml'
        config = treecorr.read_config(config_name, file_type='yaml')

	compute_AllBin_NNCorrelation(nshells, config)	
        compute_AllPair_NGCorrelation(nshells, config)
        compute_AllPair_GGCorrelation(nshells, config)

Пример #8
def test_merge():
    """Test merging two config dicts.
    # First a simple case with no conflicts
    config1 = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.yaml')
    kwargs = {'cat_precision': 10}
    valid_params = treecorr.Catalog._valid_params
    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(config1, kwargs, valid_params)

    assert config2['cat_precision'] == 10
    assert config2['ra_col'] == 'RA'
    assert config2['verbose'] == 2

    # config is allowed to have invalid parameters
    assert 'gg_file_name' in config1
    assert 'gg_file_name' not in config2

    # If either is None, then return subset of other that is valid
    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(config1.copy(), None, valid_params)
    for key in config2:
        assert key in valid_params
        if key in config1:
            assert config2[key] == config1[key] or config2[key] in config1[key]
            assert config2[key] == valid_params[key][2]
    assert 'gg_file_name' not in config2

    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(None, kwargs.copy(), valid_params)
    for key in config2:
        assert key in valid_params
        if key in kwargs:
            assert config2[key] == kwargs[key] or config2[key] in kwargs[key]
            assert config2[key] == valid_params[key][2]

    # If conflicts, kwargs takes precedence
    kwargs['ra_col'] = 'alpha2000'
    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(config1, kwargs,
    assert config2['ra_col'] == 'alpha2000'

    # If kwargs has invalid parameters, exception is raised
    kwargs = {'cat_prec': 10}
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        treecorr.config.merge_config(config1, kwargs,
Пример #9
def test_merge():
    """Test merging two config dicts.
    # First a simple case with no conflicts
    config1 = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.yaml')
    kwargs = { 'cat_precision' : 10 }
    valid_params = treecorr.Catalog._valid_params
    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(config1, kwargs, valid_params)

    assert config2['cat_precision'] == 10
    assert config2['ra_col'] == 'RA'
    assert config2['verbose'] == 2

    # config is allowed to have invalid parameters
    assert 'gg_file_name' in config1
    assert 'gg_file_name' not in config2

    # If either is None, then return subset of other that is valid
    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(config1.copy(), None, valid_params)
    for key in config2:
        assert key in valid_params
        if key in config1:
            assert config2[key] == config1[key] or config2[key] in config1[key]
            assert config2[key] == valid_params[key][2]
    assert 'gg_file_name' not in config2

    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(None, kwargs.copy(), valid_params)
    for key in config2:
        assert key in valid_params
        if key in kwargs:
            assert config2[key] == kwargs[key] or config2[key] in kwargs[key]
            assert config2[key] == valid_params[key][2]

    # If conflicts, kwargs takes precedence
    kwargs['ra_col'] = 'alpha2000'
    config2 = treecorr.config.merge_config(config1, kwargs, treecorr.Catalog._valid_params)
    assert config2['ra_col'] == 'alpha2000'

    # If kwargs has invalid parameters, exception is raised
    kwargs = { 'cat_prec' : 10 }
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        treecorr.config.merge_config(config1, kwargs, treecorr.Catalog._valid_params)
Пример #10
def test_parse_variables():
    """Test parse_variables functionality
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/nn.yaml')

    # parse_variables is used by corr2 executable to add or change items in config
    # with extra command line arguments
    assert 'file_name2' not in config
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = data/nn_data.dat')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data.dat'

    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2=data/nn_data2.dat')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data2.dat'

    # It's also used by params parsing, so removes trailing comments
        config, 'file_name2=data/nn_data3.dat # The second file')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data3.dat'

    # Extra whitespace is ignored
        config, 'file_name2 = \t\tdata/nn_data4.dat       ')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data4.dat'

    # Invalid if no = sign.
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2:data/nn_data2.dat')

    # Can specify lists with [], () or {}
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = [f1, f2, f3]')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['f1', 'f2', 'f3']
                                   'file_name2 = (   g1\t, g2\t, g3\t)')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['g1', 'g2', 'g3']
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = {h1,h2,h3}')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['h1', 'h2', 'h3']

    # In config file, can also separate by whitespace
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = f1   g2  h3')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['f1', 'g2', 'h3']

    # If starts with [, needs trailing ] or error.
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = [h1, h2, h3')
Пример #11
def test_fits():
    file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 1

    # Just test a few random particular values
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(cat1.ra), 390935)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat1.nobj, 390935)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[0], 56.4195 * (pi/180.))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[390934], 78.4782 * (pi/180.))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.dec[290333], 83.1579 * (pi/180.))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g1[46392], 0.0005066675)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g2[46392], -0.0001006742)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.k[46392], -0.0008628797)

    # The catalog doesn't have x, y, or w, but test that functionality as well.
    del config['ra_col']
    del config['dec_col']
    config['x_col'] = 'RA'
    config['y_col'] = 'DEC'
    config['w_col'] = 'MU'
    config['flag_col'] = 'INDEX'
    config['ignore_flag'] = 64
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.x[390934], 78.4782, decimal=4)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.y[290333], 83.1579, decimal=4)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[46392], 0.)        # index = 1200379
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[46393], 0.9995946) # index = 1200386

    # Test using a limited set of rows
    config['first_row'] = 101
    config['last_row'] = 50000
    cat3 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(cat3.x), 49900)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.ntot, 49900)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.nobj, sum(cat3.w != 0))
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat3.w))
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat2.w[100:50000]))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g1[46292], 0.0005066675)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g2[46292], -0.0001006742)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.k[46292], -0.0008628797)
Пример #12
def test_get():
    """Test getting a parameter from a config dict
    config1 = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg.yaml')
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col', int) == 1
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col', str) == '1'
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col') == '1'
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col', int, 2) == 1
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'ra_col', int) == None
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'ra_col', int, 2) == 2

    config1['flip_g1'] = True
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g1', bool) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g1', bool, False) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g2', bool, False) == False
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g2', bool) == None

    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0, int) == 3
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0, str) == '3'
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0) == '3'
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0, int, 2) == 3
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 1, int) == 0
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 1, int, 2) == 0
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'ra_col', 1, int, 2) == 2
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'ra_col', 1, int) == None

    config1['flip_g1'] = [True, False]
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 0, bool) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 1, bool) == False
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 0, bool,
                                         False) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g2', 1, bool) == None
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g2', 1, bool,
                                         False) == False
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g2', 2, bool,
                                         False) == False

    with assert_raises(IndexError):
        treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 2, int)
    with assert_raises(IndexError):
        treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 2, bool)
    with assert_raises(IndexError):
        treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 2, bool, False)
Пример #13
def test_fits():
    file_name = os.path.join('data', 'Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.params')

    # Just test a few random particular values
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(cat1.ra), 390935)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat1.nobj, 390935)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[0], 56.4195 * (pi / 180.))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[390934], 78.4782 * (pi / 180.))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.dec[290333], 83.1579 * (pi / 180.))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g1[46392], 0.0005066675)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g2[46392], -0.0001006742)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.k[46392], -0.0008628797)

    # The catalog doesn't have x, y, or w, but test that functionality as well.
    del config['ra_col']
    del config['dec_col']
    config['x_col'] = 'RA'
    config['y_col'] = 'DEC'
    config['w_col'] = 'MU'
    config['flag_col'] = 'INDEX'
    config['ignore_flag'] = 64
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.x[390934], 78.4782, decimal=4)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.y[290333], 83.1579, decimal=4)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[46392], 0.)  # index = 1200379
                                      0.9995946)  # index = 1200386

    # Test using a limited set of rows
    config['first_row'] = 101
    config['last_row'] = 50000
    cat3 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(cat3.x), 49900)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.ntot, 49900)
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.nobj, sum(cat3.w != 0))
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat3.w))
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat2.w[100:50000]))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g1[46292], 0.0005066675)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g2[46292], -0.0001006742)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.k[46292], -0.0008628797)
Пример #14
def test_parse_variables():
    """Test parse_variables functionality
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/nn.yaml')

    # parse_variables is used by corr2 executable to add or change items in config
    # with extra command line arguments
    assert 'file_name2' not in config
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = data/nn_data.dat')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data.dat'

    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2=data/nn_data2.dat')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data2.dat'

    # It's also used by params parsing, so removes trailing comments
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2=data/nn_data3.dat # The second file')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data3.dat'

    # Extra whitespace is ignored
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = \t\tdata/nn_data4.dat       ')
    assert config['file_name2'] == 'data/nn_data4.dat'

    # Invalid if no = sign.
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2:data/nn_data2.dat')

    # Can specify lists with [], () or {}
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = [f1, f2, f3]')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['f1', 'f2', 'f3']
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = (   g1\t, g2\t, g3\t)')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['g1', 'g2', 'g3']
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = {h1,h2,h3}')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['h1', 'h2', 'h3']

    # In config file, can also separate by whitespace
    treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = f1   g2  h3')
    assert config['file_name2'] == ['f1', 'g2', 'h3']

    # If starts with [, needs trailing ] or error.
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.parse_variable(config, 'file_name2 = [h1, h2, h3')
Пример #15
def test_get():
    """Test getting a parameter from a config dict
    config1 = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg.yaml')
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col', int) == 1
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col', str) == '1'
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col') == '1'
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'x_col', int, 2) == 1
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'ra_col', int) == None
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'ra_col', int, 2) == 2

    config1['flip_g1'] = True
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g1', bool) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g1', bool, False) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g2', bool, False) == False
    assert treecorr.config.get(config1, 'flip_g2', bool) == None

    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0, int) == 3
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0, str) == '3'
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0) == '3'
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 0, int, 2) == 3
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 1, int) == 0
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 1, int, 2) == 0
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'ra_col', 1, int, 2) == 2
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'ra_col', 1, int) == None

    config1['flip_g1'] = [True, False]
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 0, bool) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 1, bool) == False
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 0, bool, False) == True
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g2', 1, bool) == None
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g2', 1, bool, False) == False
    assert treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g2', 2, bool, False) == False

    with assert_raises(IndexError):
        treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'k_col', 2, int)
    with assert_raises(IndexError):
        treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 2, bool)
    with assert_raises(IndexError):
        treecorr.config.get_from_list(config1, 'flip_g1', 2, bool, False)
Пример #16
def test_kk():
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...389..729S for the basic formulae I use here.
    # Use kappa(r) = A exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: kappa~(k) = 2 pi A s^2 exp(-s^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # P(k) = (1/2pi) <|kappa~(k)|^2> = 2 pi A^2 (s/L)^4 exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) )
    #       = pi A^2 (s/L)^2 exp(-r^2/2s^2/4)
    # Note: I'm not sure I handled the L factors correctly, but the units at the end need
    # to be kappa^2, so it needs to be (s/L)^2.

    s = 10.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ngal = 1000000
        L = 30. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        tol_factor = 1
        ngal = 100000
        L = 30. * s
        tol_factor = 2

    A = 0.05
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    x = (rng.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    y = (rng.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)/s**2
    kappa = A * np.exp(-r2/2.)

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=kappa, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kk = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin',

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',kk.meanlogr - np.log(kk.meanr))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.meanlogr, np.log(kk.meanr), atol=1.e-3)

    r = kk.meanr
    true_xi = np.pi * A**2 * (s/L)**2 * np.exp(-0.25*r**2/s**2)
    print('kk.xi = ',kk.xi)
    print('true_xi = ',true_xi)
    print('ratio = ',kk.xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ',kk.xi - true_xi)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)))
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((kk.xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.xi, true_xi, rtol=0.1*tol_factor)

    # It should also work as a cross-correlation of this cat with itself
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.meanlogr, np.log(kk.meanr), atol=1.e-3)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.xi, true_xi, rtol=0.1*tol_factor)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/kk.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    config['precision'] = 8
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kk.out'), names=True, skip_header=1)
    print('kk.xi = ',kk.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/kk.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-kk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['xi'], kk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
        print('Skipping FITS tests, since fitsio is not installed')

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output','kk_out.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['r_nom'], np.exp(kk.logr))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanr'], kk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogr'], kk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], kk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], np.sqrt(kk.varxi))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], kk.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    kk2 = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=100., sep_units='arcmin')
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.logr, kk.logr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanr, kk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanlogr, kk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.xi, kk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.varxi, kk.varxi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.weight, kk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.npairs, kk.npairs)
    assert kk2.coords == kk.coords
    assert kk2.metric == kk.metric
    assert kk2.sep_units == kk.sep_units
    assert kk2.bin_type == kk.bin_type
Пример #17
def test_kg():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) around a bunch of foreground lenses.
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2/r^2
    # For each lens, we divide this by a random kappa value assigned to that lens, so
    # the final kg output shoudl be just gamma_t.

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 30000
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0

    gamma0 = 0.05
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    xl = (rng.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    yl = (rng.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    kl = rng.normal(0.23, 0.05, (nlens,) )
    xs = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    g1 = np.zeros( (nsource,) )
    g2 = np.zeros( (nsource,) )
    for x,y,k in zip(xl,yl,kl):
        dx = xs-x
        dy = ys-y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        gammat = gamma0 * np.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) / k
        g1 += -gammat * (dx**2-dy**2)/r2
        g2 += -gammat * (2.*dx*dy)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, k=kl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin',
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_gt = gamma0 * np.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ',kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',kg.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',kg.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kg.xi - true_gt)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi, true_gt, rtol=0.1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kg.xi_im, 0., atol=1.e-2)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function:
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    config['precision'] = 8
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kg.out'), names=True, skip_header=1)
    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamT'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['kgamT']-kg.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kgamT'], kg.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamX'])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kgamX'], 0., atol=1.e-2)

        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
        print('Skipping FITS tests, since fitsio is not installed')

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','kg_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['r_nom'], np.exp(kg.logr))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanr'], kg.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogr'], kg.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kgamT'], kg.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kgamX'], kg.xi_im)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], np.sqrt(kg.varxi))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kg.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], kg.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    kg2 = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin')
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.logr, kg.logr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.meanr, kg.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.meanlogr, kg.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.xi, kg.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.xi_im, kg.xi_im)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.varxi, kg.varxi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.weight, kg.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.npairs, kg.npairs)
    assert kg2.coords == kg.coords
    assert kg2.metric == kg.metric
    assert kg2.sep_units == kg.sep_units
    assert kg2.bin_type == kg.bin_type
Пример #18
def test_nk():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around many lenses.

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 100000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 100. * r0
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    xl = (rng.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    yl = (rng.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    xs = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = (rng.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    k = np.zeros( (nsource,) )
    for x,y in zip(xl,yl):
        dx = xs-x
        dy = ys-y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        k += kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r2/r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin',
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',nk.meanlogr - np.log(nk.meanr))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.meanlogr, np.log(nk.meanr), atol=1.e-3)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_k, rtol=0.1, atol=2.e-3)

    nrand = nlens * 13
    xr = (rng.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    yr = (rng.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    rand_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xr, y=yr, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    rk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin',
    rk.process(rand_cat, source_cat)
    print('rk.xi = ',rk.xi)
    xi, varxi = nk.calculateXi(rk)
    print('compensated xi = ',xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(xi - true_k)))
    # It turns out this doesn't come out much better.  I think the imprecision is mostly just due
    # to the smallish number of lenses, not to edge effects
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_k, rtol=0.05, atol=1.e-3)

        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
        print('Skipping FITS tests, since fitsio is not installed')

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/nk.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    config['precision'] = 8
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk.out'), names=True, skip_header=1)
    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kappa'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kappa']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['kappa']-xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    # In the corr2 context, you can turn off the compensated bit, even if there are randoms
    # (e.g. maybe you only want randoms for some nn calculation, but not nk.)
    config['nk_statistic'] = 'simple'
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk.out'), names=True, skip_header=1)
    xi_simple, _ = nk.calculateXi()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], xi_simple, rtol=1.e-3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','nk_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['r_nom'], np.exp(nk.logr))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanr'], nk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogr'], nk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], np.sqrt(nk.varxi))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    out_file_name2 = os.path.join('output','nk_out2.fits')
    nk.write(out_file_name2, rk)
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name2)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['r_nom'], np.exp(nk.logr))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanr'], nk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogr'], nk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], np.sqrt(varxi))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    nk2 = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin')
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.logr, nk.logr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanr, nk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanlogr, nk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.xi, nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.varxi, nk.varxi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.weight, nk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.npairs, nk.npairs)
    assert nk2.coords == nk.coords
    assert nk2.metric == nk.metric
    assert nk2.sep_units == nk.sep_units
    assert nk2.bin_type == nk.bin_type
Пример #19
def test_kk():
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...389..729S for the basic formulae I use here.
    # Use kappa(r) = A exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: kappa~(k) = 2 pi A s^2 exp(-s^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # P(k) = (1/2pi) <|kappa~(k)|^2> = 2 pi A^2 (s/L)^4 exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) )
    #       = pi A^2 (s/L)^2 exp(-r^2/2s^2/4)
    # Note: I'm not sure I handled the L factors correctly, but the units at the end need
    # to be kappa^2, so it needs to be (s/L)^2.

    s = 10.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ngal = 1000000
        L = 30. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        tol_factor = 1
        ngal = 100000
        L = 30. * s
        tol_factor = 2

    A = 0.05
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    x = (rng.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    y = (rng.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)/s**2
    kappa = A * np.exp(-r2/2.)

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=kappa, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kk = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=20., sep_units='arcmin',

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',kk.meanlogr - np.log(kk.meanr))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.meanlogr, np.log(kk.meanr), atol=1.e-3)

    r = kk.meanr
    true_xi = np.pi * A**2 * (s/L)**2 * np.exp(-0.25*r**2/s**2)
    print('kk.xi = ',kk.xi)
    print('true_xi = ',true_xi)
    print('ratio = ',kk.xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ',kk.xi - true_xi)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)))
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((kk.xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.xi, true_xi, rtol=0.1*tol_factor)

    # It should also work as a cross-correlation of this cat with itself
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.meanlogr, np.log(kk.meanr), atol=1.e-3)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(kk.xi, true_xi, rtol=0.1*tol_factor)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/kk.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    config['precision'] = 8
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kk.out'), names=True, skip_header=1)
    print('kk.xi = ',kk.xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/kk.xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-kk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['xi'], kk.xi, rtol=1.e-3)

        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
        print('Skipping FITS tests, since fitsio is not installed')

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output','kk_out.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['r_nom'], np.exp(kk.logr))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanr'], kk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogr'], kk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], kk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], np.sqrt(kk.varxi))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], kk.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    kk2 = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=100., sep_units='arcmin')
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.logr, kk.logr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanr, kk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanlogr, kk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.xi, kk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.varxi, kk.varxi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.weight, kk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.npairs, kk.npairs)
    assert kk2.coords == kk.coords
    assert kk2.metric == kk.metric
    assert kk2.sep_units == kk.sep_units
    assert kk2.bin_type == kk.bin_type
Пример #20
def test_aardvark():

    # Eric Suchyta did a brute force calculation of the Aardvark catalog, so it is useful to
    # compare the output from my code with that.

    file_name = os.path.join('data', 'Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.params')
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

    direct_file_name = os.path.join('data', 'Aardvark.direct')
    direct_data = numpy.genfromtxt(direct_file_name)
    direct_xip = direct_data[:, 3]
    direct_xim = direct_data[:, 4]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('direct.xip = ',direct_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - direct_xip
    print('xip_err = ', xip_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 2.e-7
    print('xip_im = ', gg.xip_im)
    print('max = ', max(abs(gg.xip_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im)) < 3.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - direct_xim
    print('xim_err = ', xim_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-7
    print('xim_im = ', gg.xim_im)
    print('max = ', max(abs(gg.xim_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) < 1.e-7

    # However, after some back and forth about the calculation, we concluded that Eric hadn't
    # done the spherical trig correctly to get the shears relative to the great circle joining
    # the two positions.  So let's compare with my own brute force calculation (i.e. using
    # bin_slop = 0):
    # This also has the advantage that the radial bins are done the same way -- uniformly
    # spaced in log of the chord distance, rather than the great circle distance.

    bs0_file_name = os.path.join('data', 'Aardvark.bs0')
    bs0_data = numpy.genfromtxt(bs0_file_name)
    bs0_xip = bs0_data[:, 2]
    bs0_xim = bs0_data[:, 3]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
    print('xip_err = ', xip_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
    print('xim_err = ', xim_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 5.e-8

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    # Note: This is the only test of the corr2 executable that we do with nosetests.
    # The other similar tests are blocked out with: if __name__ == '__main__':
    import subprocess
    corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
    p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "Aardvark.params"])
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'Aardvark.out'),
    print('gg.xip = ', gg.xip)
    print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip'])
    print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip)
    print('diff = ', corr2_output['xip'] - gg.xip)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip,

    print('gg.xim = ', gg.xim)
    print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim'])
    print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim)
    print('diff = ', corr2_output['xim'] - gg.xim)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim,

    print('xip_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip_im'])
    print('max err = ', max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])) < 3.e-7
    print('xim_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim_im'])
    print('max err = ', max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])) < 1.e-7

    # As bin_slop decreases, the agreement should get even better.
    # This test is slow, so only do it if running test_gg.py directly.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        config['bin_slop'] = 0.2
        gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

        #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
        #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

        xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
        print('xip_err = ', xip_err)
        print('max = ', max(abs(xip_err)))
        assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-8

        xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
        print('xim_err = ', xim_err)
        print('max = ', max(abs(xim_err)))
        assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-8
Пример #21
def test_nk():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around many lenses.

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 100000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 100. * r0
    rng = np.random.RandomState(8675309)
    xl = (rng.random_sample(nlens) - 0.5) * L
    yl = (rng.random_sample(nlens) - 0.5) * L
    xs = (rng.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    ys = (rng.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    k = np.zeros((nsource, ))
    for x, y in zip(xl, yl):
        dx = xs - x
        dy = ys - y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        k += kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5 * r2 / r0**2) * (1. - 0.5 * r2 / r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs,
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ', nk.meanlogr - np.log(nk.meanr))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.meanlogr, np.log(nk.meanr), atol=1.e-3)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * np.exp(-0.5 * r**2 / r0**2) * (1. - 0.5 * r**2 / r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ', nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ', true_k)
    print('ratio = ', nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ', nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_k, rtol=0.1, atol=2.e-3)

    nrand = nlens * 13
    xr = (rng.random_sample(nrand) - 0.5) * L
    yr = (rng.random_sample(nrand) - 0.5) * L
    rand_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xr, y=yr, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    rk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    rk.process(rand_cat, source_cat)
    print('rk.xi = ', rk.xi)
    xi, varxi = nk.calculateXi(rk)
    print('compensated xi = ', xi)
    print('true_kappa = ', true_k)
    print('ratio = ', xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ', xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(xi - true_k)))
    # It turns out this doesn't come out much better.  I think the imprecision is mostly just due
    # to the smallish number of lenses, not to edge effects
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nk.xi, true_k, rtol=0.05, atol=1.e-3)

        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
        print('Skipping FITS tests, since fitsio is not installed')

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 function
    lens_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_lens.fits'))
    source_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_source.fits'))
    rand_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_rand.fits'))
    config = treecorr.read_config('configs/nk.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 0
    config['precision'] = 8
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'nk.out'),
    print('nk.xi = ', nk.xi)
    print('xi = ', xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['kappa'])
    print('ratio = ', corr2_output['kappa'] / xi)
    print('diff = ', corr2_output['kappa'] - xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], xi, rtol=1.e-3)

    # In the corr2 context, you can turn off the compensated bit, even if there are randoms
    # (e.g. maybe you only want randoms for some nn calculation, but not nk.)
    config['nk_statistic'] = 'simple'
    corr2_output = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'nk.out'),
    xi_simple, _ = nk.calculateXi()
    np.testing.assert_equal(xi_simple, nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(corr2_output['kappa'], xi_simple, rtol=1.e-3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output', 'nk_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['r_nom'], np.exp(nk.logr))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanr'], nk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogr'], nk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], np.sqrt(nk.varxi))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    out_file_name2 = os.path.join('output', 'nk_out2.fits')
    nk.write(out_file_name2, rk)
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name2)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['r_nom'], np.exp(nk.logr))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanr'], nk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogr'], nk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], np.sqrt(varxi))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    nk2 = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.logr, nk.logr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanr, nk.meanr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanlogr, nk.meanlogr)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.xi, nk.xi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.varxi, nk.varxi)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.weight, nk.weight)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.npairs, nk.npairs)
    assert nk2.coords == nk.coords
    assert nk2.metric == nk.metric
    assert nk2.sep_units == nk.sep_units
    assert nk2.bin_type == nk.bin_type
Пример #22
def test_aardvark():

    # Eric Suchyta did a brute force calculation of the Aardvark catalog, so it is useful to
    # compare the output from my code with that.

    file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.yaml')
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

    direct_file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.direct')
    direct_data = numpy.genfromtxt(direct_file_name)
    direct_xip = direct_data[:,3]
    direct_xim = direct_data[:,4]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('direct.xip = ',direct_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - direct_xip
    print('xip_err = ',xip_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 2.e-7
    print('xip_im = ',gg.xip_im)
    print('max = ',max(abs(gg.xip_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im)) < 3.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - direct_xim
    print('xim_err = ',xim_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-7
    print('xim_im = ',gg.xim_im)
    print('max = ',max(abs(gg.xim_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) < 1.e-7

    # However, after some back and forth about the calculation, we concluded that Eric hadn't
    # done the spherical trig correctly to get the shears relative to the great circle joining
    # the two positions.  So let's compare with my own brute force calculation (i.e. using
    # bin_slop = 0):
    # This also has the advantage that the radial bins are done the same way -- uniformly
    # spaced in log of the chord distance, rather than the great circle distance.

    bs0_file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.bs0')
    bs0_data = numpy.genfromtxt(bs0_file_name)
    bs0_xip = bs0_data[:,2]
    bs0_xim = bs0_data[:,3]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
    print('xip_err = ',xip_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
    print('xim_err = ',xim_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 5.e-8

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    # Note: This is the only test of the corr2 executable that we do with nosetests.
    # The other similar tests are blocked out with: if __name__ == '__main__':
    import subprocess
    corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"Aardvark.yaml"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','Aardvark.out'), names=True)
    print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xip']-gg.xip)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip, 1., decimal=3)

    print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xim']-gg.xim)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim, 1., decimal=3)

    print('xip_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip_im'])
    print('max err = ',max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])) < 3.e-7
    print('xim_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim_im'])
    print('max err = ',max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])) < 1.e-7

    # As bin_slop decreases, the agreement should get even better.
    # This test is slow, so only do it if running test_gg.py directly.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        config['bin_slop'] = 0.2
        gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

        #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
        #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

        xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
        print('xip_err = ',xip_err)
        print('max = ',max(abs(xip_err)))
        assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-8

        xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
        print('xim_err = ',xim_err)
        print('max = ',max(abs(xim_err)))
        assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-8
                out_keyword  = keyword1
        elif cycle == 1:
                # Do clipped X clipped
                keyword1 = 'SS%s.rCLIP_%ssigma'%(SS,sigma)
                keyword2 = keyword1
                out_keyword  = keyword1

        elif cycle == 2:
                # Do unclipped X clipped
                keyword1 = 'ORIG'
                keyword2 = 'SS%s.rCLIP_%ssigma'%(SS,sigma)
                out_keyword  = keyword1 + '_X_' + keyword2

        input_file1 = '%s/Correlation_Function/%s/%s.%s.ThetaX_ThetaY_e1_e2_w.Std.asc' %(overall_DIR, DIRname1, combined_name1, keyword1)
        input_file2 = '%s/Correlation_Function/%s/%s.%s.ThetaX_ThetaY_e1_e2_w.Std.asc' %(overall_DIR, DIRname2, combined_name2, keyword2)	
        output_file = '%s/Tree_Correlation_Function/%s/ThBins%s/%s.%s.CorrFun.asc' %(overall_DIR, DIRname, ThBins, combined_name1, out_keyword)

        Assemble_TreeCorr_ConfigFile(input_file1, input_file2, output_file, metric, flip_g2, bin_slop, min_sep, max_sep, ThBins, cn)

        config_file='%s/Tree_Correlation_Function/config_files/config_treecorr%s.yaml' %(overall_DIR,cn)
        config = treecorr.read_config(config_file)

        t1 = time.time()

        print( "TreeCorr time for %s is %.1f s" %(output_file, (t2-t1)) )

Пример #24
def test_check():
    """Test checking the validity of config values.
    # First a simple case with no conflicts
    config1 = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg.yaml')
    valid_params = treecorr.corr2_valid_params
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)

    # Just check a few values
    assert config2['x_col'] == '1'
    assert config2['k_col'] == ['3', '0']
    assert config2['verbose'] == 1
    assert config2['kg_file_name'] == 'output/kg.out'

    # Will also have other parameters filled from the valid_params dict
    for key in config2:
        assert key in valid_params
        if key in config1:
            if isinstance(config1[key], list):
                assert [str(v) for v in config2[key]
                        ] == [str(v) for v in config1[key]]
                assert config2[key] == config1[key] or str(
                    config2[key]) == str(config1[key])
            assert config2[key] == valid_params[key][2]

    # Check list of bool
    config1['flip_g1'] = [True, 0]
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    assert config2['flip_g1'] == [True, False]

    # Longer names are allowed
    config1['x_units'] = 'arcminutes'
    config1['y_units'] = 'arcminute'
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    assert config2['x_units'] == 'arcmin'
    assert config2['y_units'] == 'arcmin'

    # Also other aliases, but you need to list them explicitly.
    config1['reverse_g1'] = True
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(),
                                           aliases={'reverse_g1': 'flip_g1'})
    assert config2['flip_g1'] == True
    assert 'reverse_g1' not in config2
    del config1['reverse_g1']

    # Invalid values raise errors
    config1['verbose'] = -1
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    config1['verbose'] = 1
    config1['metric'] = 'hyperbolic'
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    del config1['metric']

    # With a logger, aliases emit a warning.
    config1['n2_file_name'] = 'output/n2.out'
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(
            aliases={'n2_file_name': 'nn_file_name'})
    assert "The parameter n2_file_name is deprecated." in cl.output
    assert "You should use nn_file_name instead." in cl.output

    # corr2 has a list of standard aliases
    # It is currently empty, but let's mock it up to test the functionality.
    if sys.version_info < (3, ): return  # mock only available on python 3
    from unittest import mock
    with mock.patch('treecorr.corr2_aliases',
                    {'n2_file_name': 'nn_file_name'}):
        config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(),
    assert 'n2_file_name' not in config2
    assert config2['nn_file_name'] == 'output/n2.out'
    del config1['n2_file_name']
Пример #25
def test_check():
    """Test checking the validity of config values.
    # First a simple case with no conflicts
    config1 = treecorr.read_config('configs/kg.yaml')
    valid_params = treecorr.corr2_valid_params
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)

    # Just check a few values
    assert config2['x_col'] == '1'
    assert config2['k_col'] == ['3', '0']
    assert config2['verbose'] == 1
    assert config2['kg_file_name'] == 'output/kg.out'

    # Will also have other parameters filled from the valid_params dict
    for key in config2:
        assert key in valid_params
        if key in config1:
            if isinstance(config1[key], list):
                assert [str(v) for v in config2[key]] == [str(v) for v in config1[key]]
                assert config2[key] == config1[key] or str(config2[key]) == str(config1[key])
            assert config2[key] == valid_params[key][2]

    # Check list of bool
    config1['flip_g1'] = [True, 0]
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    assert config2['flip_g1'] == [True, False]

    # Longer names are allowed
    config1['x_units'] = 'arcminutes'
    config1['y_units'] = 'arcminute'
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    assert config2['x_units'] == 'arcmin'
    assert config2['y_units'] == 'arcmin'

    # Also other aliases, but you need to list them explicitly.
    config1['reverse_g1'] = True
    with assert_raises(TypeError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params,
                                           aliases={'reverse_g1' : 'flip_g1'})
    assert config2['flip_g1'] == True
    assert 'reverse_g1' not in config2
    del config1['reverse_g1']

    # Invalid values raise errors
    config1['verbose'] = -1
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    config1['verbose'] = 1
    config1['metric'] = 'hyperbolic'
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params)
    del config1['metric']

    # With a logger, aliases emit a warning.
    config1['n2_file_name'] = 'output/n2.out'
    with CaptureLog() as cl:
        config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params, logger=cl.logger,
                                               aliases={'n2_file_name' : 'nn_file_name'})
    assert "The parameter n2_file_name is deprecated." in cl.output
    assert "You should use nn_file_name instead." in cl.output

    # corr2 has a list of standard aliases
    # It is currently empty, but let's mock it up to test the functionality.
    if sys.version_info < (3,): return  # mock only available on python 3
    from unittest import mock
    with mock.patch('treecorr.corr2_aliases', {'n2_file_name' : 'nn_file_name'}):
        config2 = treecorr.config.check_config(config1.copy(), valid_params,
    assert 'n2_file_name' not in config2
    assert config2['nn_file_name'] == 'output/n2.out'
    del config1['n2_file_name']
Пример #26
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
import os
import sys
import pyfits
import glob
import treecorr

## Full im3shape_v7_r
config = treecorr.read_config('/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/split_xi/sample.params_shearhsear_im3shape')
config['file_name'] = '/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/athena_cats/im3shape_v7_r_shears_03_z_13.dat'
config['gg_file_name'] = '/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/split_xi/gg_galshear_im3shape_v7_r.out'

config = treecorr.read_config('/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/split_xi/sample.params_kappakappa_im3shape')
config['file_name'] = '/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/athena_cats/im3shape_v7_r_m_03_z_13.dat'
config['kk_file_name'] = '/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/split_xi/kk_galshear_im3shape_v7_r.out'

####### AIRMASS ##############
## im3shape_v7_r Airmass Upper
config = treecorr.read_config('/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/split_xi/sample.params_shearhsear_im3shape')
config['file_name'] = '/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/athena_cats/im3shape_v7_r_shears_airmass_r_upper_nzweighted.dat'
config['gg_file_name'] = '/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/split_xi/gg_galshear_im3shape_v7_r_airmass_r_upper_nzweighted.out'

config = treecorr.read_config('/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/split_xi/sample.params_kappakappa_im3shape')
config['file_name'] = '/Users/drgk/DES/SV_tests/athena_cats/im3shape_v7_r_m_airmass_r_upper_nzweighted.dat'
Пример #27
def run_treecorr(config_file, tomo_file, cat_file, output_file):
    config = treecorr.read_config(config_file)

    tomo_data = fitsio.read(tomo_file)
    shear_data = fitsio.read(cat_file)
    tomo_header = fitsio.read_header(tomo_file, 1)
    nbin = tomo_header.get("NBIN")

    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)
    theta = []
    xip = []
    xim = []
    bin1 = []
    bin2 = []
    angbin = []

    print("Not doing the proper ngmix weighting in this test!")

    for b1 in range(nbin):
        w1 = np.where(tomo_data['BIN'] == b1 + 1)
        d1 = shear_data[w1]
        cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(g1=d1['E_1'],
        for b2 in range(nbin):
            if b2 < b1:

            w2 = np.where(tomo_data['BIN'] == b2 + 1)
            d2 = shear_data[w2]
            cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(g1=d2['E_1'],
            gg.process(cat1, cat2)
            ntheta = len(gg.meanr)
            bin1.append(np.repeat(b1, ntheta))
            bin2.append(np.repeat(b2, ntheta))
            angbin.append(np.arange(ntheta, dtype=int))

    theta = np.concatenate(theta)
    xip = np.concatenate(xip)
    xim = np.concatenate(xim)
    bin1 = np.concatenate(bin1)
    bin2 = np.concatenate(bin2)
    angbin = np.concatenate(angbin)

    tp = twopoint.Types.galaxy_shear_plus_real
    tm = twopoint.Types.galaxy_shear_minus_real

    XIP = twopoint.SpectrumMeasurement("xip", (bin1, bin2), (tp, tp),
                                       ("source", "source"),
    XIM = twopoint.SpectrumMeasurement("xim", (bin1, bin2), (tm, tm),
                                       ("source", "source"),

    output = twopoint.TwoPointFile([XIP, XIM], [], [], None)
    output.to_fits(output_file, clobber=True)
Пример #28
def test_fits():
        import fitsio
    except ImportError:
        print('Skipping FITS tests, since fitsio is not installed')

    file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.yaml')
    config['verbose'] = 1
    config['kk_file_name'] = 'kk.fits'
    config['gg_file_name'] = 'gg.fits'

    # Just test a few random particular values
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(cat1.ra), 390935)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat1.nobj, 390935)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[0], 56.4195 * (pi/180.))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.ra[390934], 78.4782 * (pi/180.))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.dec[290333], 83.1579 * (pi/180.))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g1[46392], 0.0005066675)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.g2[46392], -0.0001006742)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat1.k[46392], -0.0008628797)

    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, ra_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, dec_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, r_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, w_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, wpos_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, flag_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g1_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g2_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, k_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, ra_col='0')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, dec_col='0')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, x_col='x')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, y_col='y')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, z_col='z')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, ra_col='0', dec_col='0')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g1_col='0')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g2_col='0')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, k_col='0')
    assert_raises(TypeError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, x_units='arcmin')
    assert_raises(TypeError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, y_units='arcmin')
    del config['ra_units']
    assert_raises(TypeError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config)
    del config['dec_units']
    assert_raises(TypeError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, ra_units='deg')

    # The catalog doesn't have x, y, or w, but test that functionality as well.
    del config['ra_col']
    del config['dec_col']
    config['x_col'] = 'RA'
    config['y_col'] = 'DEC'
    config['w_col'] = 'MU'
    config['flag_col'] = 'INDEX'
    config['ignore_flag'] = 64
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.x[390934], 78.4782, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.y[290333], 83.1579, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[46392], 0.)        # index = 1200379
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat2.w[46393], 0.9995946) # index = 1200386

    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, x_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, y_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, z_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, ra_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, dec_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, r_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, w_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, wpos_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, flag_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g1_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g2_col='invalid')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, k_col='invalid')

    # Test using a limited set of rows
    config['first_row'] = 101
    config['last_row'] = 50000
    cat3 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(cat3.x), 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.ntot, 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.nobj, sum(cat3.w != 0))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat3.w))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat3.sumw, sum(cat2.w[100:50000]))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g1[46292], 0.0005066675)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.g2[46292], -0.0001006742)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cat3.k[46292], -0.0008628797)

    cat4 = treecorr.read_catalogs(config, key='file_name', is_rand=True)[0]
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(cat4.x), 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.ntot, 49900)
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.nobj, sum(cat4.w != 0))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.sumw, sum(cat4.w))
    np.testing.assert_equal(cat4.sumw, sum(cat2.w[100:50000]))
    assert cat4.g1 is None
    assert cat4.g2 is None
    assert cat4.k is None


    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, first_row=-10)
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, first_row=0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, first_row=60000)
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, first_row=50001)

    assert_raises(TypeError, treecorr.read_catalogs, config)
    assert_raises(TypeError, treecorr.read_catalogs, config, key='file_name', list_key='file_name')

    # If gg output not given, it is still invalid to only have one or the other of g1,g2.
    del config['gg_file_name']
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g1_col='0')
    assert_raises(ValueError, treecorr.Catalog, file_name, config, g2_col='0')
Пример #29
def compute_w(dataf, randf, config, estimator='PW1', compensated=1, nbins_rpar=30, random_oversampling=10., verbosity=1, largePi=0, **kwargs):
	dataf: paths to galaxy samples
	randf: paths to random points corresponding to galaxy samples
	config: path to config file, or dict specifying file types; column names/numbers, etc. a la TreeCorr configuration
	estimator: 'PW1', 'PW2', 'AS' or 'wgg' to specify correlation & estimator
	nbins_rpar: number of line-of-sight bins for 3D correlation function -- specify limits in config arg

	assert estimator in ['PW1', 'PW2', 'AS', 'wgg'], "for IA: estimator must be 'PW1/2' (pair_weighted 1=RDs, 2=RRs norm) or 'AS' (average shear), for clustering: 'wgg'"
	assert hasattr(dataf, '__iter__'), "dataf must be list/tuple of 2x paths; density, shapes for IA, or density1, density2 for clustering (these can be the same!)"
	assert hasattr(randf, '__iter__'), "randf must be list/tuple of 2x paths for randoms corresponding to each of dataf (these can be the same!)"
	nbins_rpar = int(nbins_rpar)
	random_oversampling = float(random_oversampling)
	verbosity = int(verbosity)
	largePi = int(largePi)

	if type(config) == str:
		config = treecorr.read_config(config)
	if config['file_type'] == 'ASCII':
		config['ra_col'] =  int(config['ra_col'])
		config['dec_col'] = int(config['dec_col'])
		config['r_col'] =   int(config['r_col'])
		config['g1_col'] =  int(config['g1_col'])
		config['g2_col'] =  int(config['g2_col'])
	config['verbose'] = verbosity

	if not largePi:
		Pi = np.linspace(config['min_rpar'], config['max_rpar'], nbins_rpar + 1)
		dPi = (config['max_rpar'] - config['min_rpar']) / nbins_rpar
		Pi = np.arange(config['min_rpar']*1.5, config['max_rpar']*1.5 + dPi, step=dPi, dtype=float)

	if estimator in ['PW1', 'PW2', 'AS']:
		corr = 'ng'
		gt_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		gx_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		varg_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		npair_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
	elif estimator == 'wgg':
		corr = 'nn'
		wgg_3D = np.zeros([len(Pi)-1, config['nbins']])
		raise ValueError, "unsupported estimator choice"

	config_r = config.copy()
	config_r['flip_g1'] = False
	config_r['flip_g2'] = False
	data1 = treecorr.Catalog(dataf[0], config) # 1 = density/lenses
	data2 = treecorr.Catalog(dataf[1], config) # 2 = shapes
	rand1 = treecorr.Catalog(randf[0], config_r, is_rand=1)
	rand2 = treecorr.Catalog(randf[1], config_r, is_rand=1)
	f1 = data1.ntot * random_oversampling / float(rand1.ntot)
	f2 = data2.ntot * random_oversampling / float(rand2.ntot)
	rand1.w = np.array(np.random.rand(rand1.ntot) < f1, dtype=float)
	rand2.w = np.array(np.random.rand(rand2.ntot) < f2, dtype=float)
	varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(data2)

	for p in tqdm(range(len(Pi)-1), ascii=True, desc='Correlating'):

		if largePi & any(abs(Pi[p:p+2]) < config['max_rpar']):

		conf_pi = config.copy()
		conf_pi['min_rpar'] = Pi[p]
		conf_pi['max_rpar'] = Pi[p+1]

		if corr == 'ng':
			ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(conf_pi)
			rg = treecorr.NGCorrelation(conf_pi)
			ng.process_cross(data1, data2)
			rg.process_cross(rand1, data2)

			if estimator == 'PW1': # RDs norm
				f = data1.ntot / rand1.w.sum()
				norm1 = rg.weight * f
				norm2 = rg.weight
			if estimator == 'PW2': # RRs norm
				RRs = get_RRs(rand1, rand2, conf_pi, **kwargs)
				f1 = data1.ntot / rand1.w.sum()
				f2 = data2.ntot / rand2.w.sum()
				norm1 = RRs * f1 * f2
				norm2 = RRs * f2
			elif estimator == 'AS': # DDs norm
				norm1 = ng.weight
				norm2 = rg.weight

			if int(compensated):
				gt_3D[p] += (ng.xi / norm1) - (rg.xi / norm2)
				gx_3D[p] += (ng.xi_im / norm1) - (rg.xi_im / norm2)
				varg_3D[p] += (varg / norm1) + (varg / norm2)
				npair_3D[p] += ng.npairs
				gt_3D[p] += ng.xi / norm1
				gx_3D[p] += ng.xi_im / norm1
				varg_3D[p] += varg / norm1
				npair_3D[p] += ng.npairs

		elif corr == 'nn':
			nn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)
			rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)
			nr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)
			rn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(conf_pi)

			if dataf[0] == dataf[1]:
				nr.process(data1, rand1)
				xi, varxi = nn.calculateXi(rr, nr)
				nn.process(data1, data2)
				rr.process(rand1, rand2)
				nr.process(data1, rand2)
				rn.process(rand1, data2)
				xi, varxi = nn.calculateXi(rr, nr, rn)

			wgg_3D[p] += xi

	if corr == 'ng':
		#gt = np.trapz(gt_3D, x=midpoints(Pi), axis=0)
		#gx = np.trapz(gx_3D, x=midpoints(Pi), axis=0)
		#gt = simps(gt_3D, x=midpoints(Pi), axis=0)
		gt = np.sum(gt_3D * (Pi[1] - Pi[0]), axis=0)
		gx = np.sum(gx_3D * (Pi[1] - Pi[0]), axis=0)
		varg = np.sum(varg_3D, axis=0)
		npair = np.sum(npair_3D, axis=0)
		r = ng.rnom
		return r, gt, gx, varg**0.5, npair
	elif corr == 'nn':
		wgg = np.sum(wgg_3D * (Pi[1] - Pi[0]), axis=0)
		r = nn.rnom
		return r, wgg