def make_instance(name=None, is_public=False, url_name=None, point=None, edge_length=600): if name is None: max_instance = Instance.objects.all().aggregate( Max('id'))['id__max'] or 0 name = 'generated$%d' % (max_instance + 1) if url_name is None: max_instance = Instance.objects.all().aggregate( Max('id'))['id__max'] or 0 url_name = 'generated-%d' % (max_instance + 1) p1 = point or Point(0, 0) instance = Instance(name=name, geo_rev=0, is_public=is_public, url_name=url_name) instance.seed_with_dummy_default_role() d = edge_length / 2 instance.bounds = InstanceBounds.create_from_point(p1.x, p1.y, d) new_role = Role.objects.create( name='role-%s' % name, instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission_level=FieldPermission.READ_ONLY) instance.default_role = new_role return instance
def make_instance(name=None, is_public=False, url_name=None, point=None, edge_length=600): if name is None: max_instance = Instance.objects.all().aggregate( Max('id'))['id__max'] or 0 name = 'generated$%d' % (max_instance + 1) if url_name is None: max_instance = Instance.objects.all().aggregate( Max('id'))['id__max'] or 0 url_name = 'generated-%d' % (max_instance + 1) p1 = point or Point(0, 0) instance = Instance(name=name, geo_rev=0, is_public=is_public, url_name=url_name) instance.seed_with_dummy_default_role() d = edge_length / 2 instance.bounds = InstanceBounds.create_from_point(p1.x, p1.y, d) new_role = Role.objects.create( name='role-%s' % name, instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission=FieldPermission.READ_ONLY) instance.default_role = new_role return instance
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1: raise Exception( 'Expected instance name as the first argument') name = args[0] if not options['user']: raise Exception('An admin user must be specified. with "--user"') if options.get('center', None) and options.get('geojson', None): raise Exception('You must specifiy only one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') elif (not options.get('center', None) and not options.get('geojson', None)): raise Exception('You must specifiy at least one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') if options['center']: center = options['center'].split(',') if len(center) != 2: raise Exception('Center should be a lon,lat pair') center_pt = Point(float(center[0]), float(center[1]), srid=4326) # Bounding box built in web mercator to have units in meters center_pt.transform(3857) x = center_pt.x y = center_pt.y instance_bounds = InstanceBounds.create_from_point(x, y) else: geom = GEOSGeometry(open(options['geojson'], srid=4326).read()) instance_bounds = InstanceBounds.objects.create(geom=geom) if not options.get('url_name', None): raise Exception('You must specify a "url_name" starting with a ' 'lowercase letter and containing lowercase ' 'letters, numbers, and dashes ("-")') url_name = options.get('url_name') instance = Instance( config={}, name=name, bounds=instance_bounds, is_public=True, url_name=url_name) instance.seed_with_dummy_default_role() instance.full_clean() instance.boundaries = Boundary.objects.filter( geom__intersects=instance_bounds.geom) role = Role.objects.create( name='user', instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission=FieldPermission.WRITE_DIRECTLY) create_stewardship_udfs(instance) add_species_to_instance(instance) add_default_permissions(instance, roles=[role]) eco_benefits_conversion = \ BenefitCurrencyConversion.get_default_for_point(Point(x, y)) if eco_benefits_conversion: instance.eco_benefits_conversion = eco_benefits_conversion instance.default_role = role user = User.objects.get(username=options['user']) InstanceUser( instance=instance, user=user, role=role, admin=True).save_with_user(user)
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1: raise Exception("Expected instance name as the first argument") name = args[0] if not options["user"]: logger.warning( "An admin user was not specified. While not a " "problem initially, no users will be able to " "modify many parts of this instance. It is " "recommended that you create a user first and call " 'this command with "--user"' ) if options.get("center", None) and options.get("geojson", None): raise Exception("You must specifiy only one of " '"center" and "geojson"') elif not options.get("center", None) and not options.get("geojson", None): raise Exception("You must specifiy at least one of " '"center" and "geojson"') if options["center"]: center = options["center"].split(",") if len(center) != 2: raise Exception("Center should be an x,y pair in EPSG3857") x = int(center[0]) y = int(center[1]) offset = 50000 bounds = Polygon( ( (x - offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y - offset), ) ) bounds = MultiPolygon((bounds,)) else: bounds = GEOSGeometry(open(options["geojson"]).read()) if not options.get("url_name", None): raise Exception( 'You must specify a "url_name" starting with a ' "lowercase letter and containing lowercase " 'letters, numbers, and dashes ("-")' ) url_name = options.get("url_name") # Instances need roles and roles needs instances... crazy # stuff we're going to create the needed role below however, # we'll temporarily use a 'dummy role'. The dummy role has # no instance. dummy_roles = Role.objects.filter(instance__isnull=True) if len(dummy_roles) == 0: dummy_role = Role.objects.create(name="empty", rep_thresh=0) else: dummy_role = dummy_roles[0] instance = Instance( config={}, name=name, bounds=bounds, is_public=True, default_role=dummy_role, url_name=url_name ) instance.full_clean() instance.boundaries = Boundary.objects.filter(geom__intersects=bounds) role = Role.objects.create( name="user", instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission=FieldPermission.WRITE_DIRECTLY ) add_default_permissions(instance, roles=[role]) instance.default_role = role user = User.objects.get(pk=options["user"]) InstanceUser(instance=instance, user=user, role=role, admin=True).save_with_user(user)
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1: raise Exception('Expected instance name as the first argument') name = args[0] if not options['user']: raise Exception('An admin user must be specified. with "--user"') if options.get('center', None) and options.get('geojson', None): raise Exception('You must specifiy only one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') elif (not options.get('center', None) and not options.get('geojson', None)): raise Exception('You must specifiy at least one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') if options['center']: center = options['center'].split(',') if len(center) != 2: raise Exception('Center should be a lon,lat pair') center_pt = Point(float(center[0]), float(center[1]), srid=4326) # Bounding box built in web mercator to have units in meters center_pt.transform(3857) x = center_pt.x y = center_pt.y instance_bounds = InstanceBounds.create_from_point(x, y) else: geom = GEOSGeometry(open(options['geojson'], srid=4326).read()) instance_bounds = InstanceBounds.objects.create(geom=geom) if not options.get('url_name', None): raise Exception('You must specify a "url_name" starting with a ' 'lowercase letter and containing lowercase ' 'letters, numbers, and dashes ("-")') url_name = options.get('url_name') instance = Instance(config={}, name=name, bounds=instance_bounds, is_public=True, url_name=url_name) instance.seed_with_dummy_default_role() instance.full_clean() instance.boundaries = Boundary.objects.filter( geom__intersects=instance_bounds.geom) role = Role.objects.create( name='user', instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission_level=FieldPermission.WRITE_DIRECTLY) create_stewardship_udfs(instance) add_species_to_instance(instance) add_default_permissions(instance, roles=[role]) add_instance_permissions([role]) eco_benefits_conversion = \ BenefitCurrencyConversion.get_default_for_instance(instance) if eco_benefits_conversion: instance.eco_benefits_conversion = eco_benefits_conversion instance.default_role = role user = User.objects.get(username=options['user']) InstanceUser(instance=instance, user=user, role=role, admin=True).save_with_user(user)
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1: raise Exception('Expected instance name as the first argument') name = args[0] if not options['user']: logger.warning('An admin user was not specified. While not a ' 'problem initially, no users will be able to ' 'modify many parts of this instance. It is ' 'recommended that you create a user first and call ' 'this command with "--user"') if options.get('center', None) and options.get('geojson', None): raise Exception('You must specifiy only one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') elif (not options.get('center', None) and not options.get('geojson', None)): raise Exception('You must specifiy at least one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') if options['center']: center = options['center'].split(',') if len(center) != 2: raise Exception('Center should be an x,y pair in EPSG3857') x = int(center[0]) y = int(center[1]) offset = 50000 bounds = Polygon( ((x - offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y - offset))) bounds = MultiPolygon((bounds, )) else: bounds = GEOSGeometry(open(options['geojson']).read()) if not options.get('url_name', None): raise Exception('You must specify a "url_name" starting with a ' 'lowercase letter and containing lowercase ' 'letters, numbers, and dashes ("-")') url_name = options.get('url_name') # Instances need roles and roles needs instances... crazy # stuff we're going to create the needed role below however, # we'll temporarily use a 'dummy role'. The dummy role has # no instance. dummy_roles = Role.objects.filter(instance__isnull=True) if len(dummy_roles) == 0: dummy_role = Role.objects.create(name='empty', rep_thresh=0) else: dummy_role = dummy_roles[0] instance = Instance(config={}, name=name, bounds=bounds, is_public=True, default_role=dummy_role, url_name=url_name) instance.full_clean() instance.boundaries = Boundary.objects.filter(geom__intersects=bounds) role = Role.objects.create( name='user', instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission=FieldPermission.WRITE_DIRECTLY) add_default_permissions(instance, roles=[role]) instance.default_role = role user = User.objects.get(pk=options['user']) InstanceUser(instance=instance, user=user, role=role, admin=True).save_with_user(user)
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1: raise Exception('Expected instance name as the first argument') name = args[0] if not options['user']: raise Exception('An admin user must be specified. with "--user"') if options.get('center', None) and options.get('geojson', None): raise Exception('You must specifiy only one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') elif (not options.get('center', None) and not options.get('geojson', None)): raise Exception('You must specifiy at least one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') if options['center']: center = options['center'].split(',') if len(center) != 2: raise Exception('Center should be a lat,lng pair in SRID 4326') center_pt = Point(float(center[0]), float(center[1]), srid=4326) # Bounding box built in web mercator to have units in meters center_pt.transform(3857) x = center_pt.x y = center_pt.y offset = 50000 bounds = Polygon( ((x - offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y - offset))) bounds = MultiPolygon((bounds, )) else: bounds = GEOSGeometry(open(options['geojson'], srid=4326).read()) if not options.get('url_name', None): raise Exception('You must specify a "url_name" starting with a ' 'lowercase letter and containing lowercase ' 'letters, numbers, and dashes ("-")') url_name = options.get('url_name') instance = Instance(config={}, name=name, bounds=bounds, is_public=True, url_name=url_name) instance.seed_with_dummy_default_role() instance.full_clean() instance.boundaries = Boundary.objects.filter(geom__intersects=bounds) role = Role.objects.create( name='user', instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission=FieldPermission.WRITE_DIRECTLY) add_default_permissions(instance, roles=[role]) instance.default_role = role user = User.objects.get(username=options['user']) InstanceUser(instance=instance, user=user, role=role, admin=True).save_with_user(user)
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1: raise Exception( 'Expected instance name as the first argument') name = args[0] if not options['user']: raise Exception('An admin user must be specified. with "--user"') if options.get('center', None) and options.get('geojson', None): raise Exception('You must specifiy only one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') elif (not options.get('center', None) and not options.get('geojson', None)): raise Exception('You must specifiy at least one of ' '"center" and "geojson"') if options['center']: center = options['center'].split(',') if len(center) != 2: raise Exception('Center should be a lat,lng pair in SRID 4326') center_pt = Point(float(center[0]), float(center[1]), srid=4326) # Bounding box built in web mercator to have units in meters center_pt.transform(3857) x = center_pt.x y = center_pt.y offset = 50000 bounds = Polygon(((x - offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y - offset))) bounds = MultiPolygon((bounds, )) else: bounds = GEOSGeometry(open(options['geojson'], srid=4326).read()) if not options.get('url_name', None): raise Exception('You must specify a "url_name" starting with a ' 'lowercase letter and containing lowercase ' 'letters, numbers, and dashes ("-")') url_name = options.get('url_name') instance = Instance( config={}, name=name, bounds=bounds, is_public=True, url_name=url_name) instance.seed_with_dummy_default_role() instance.full_clean() instance.boundaries = Boundary.objects.filter( geom__intersects=bounds) role = Role.objects.create( name='user', instance=instance, rep_thresh=0, default_permission=FieldPermission.WRITE_DIRECTLY) add_default_permissions(instance, roles=[role]) instance.default_role = role user = User.objects.get(username=options['user']) InstanceUser( instance=instance, user=user, role=role, admin=True).save_with_user(user)