Пример #1
def context_dict_for_resource(request, resource, **kwargs):
    context = context_dict_for_map_feature(request, resource, **kwargs)
    instance = request.instance

    # Give them 2 for adding the resource and answering its questions
    total_progress_items = 3
    completed_progress_items = 2

    context['external_link'] = None

    photos = resource.photos()
    context['photos'] = [context_dict_for_photo(request, photo)
                         for photo in photos]

    has_photos = len(photos) > 0

    if has_photos:
        completed_progress_items += 1

    context['upload_photo_endpoint'] = reverse(
        kwargs={'instance_url_name': instance.url_name,
                'feature_id': resource.pk})

    context['progress_percent'] = int(100 * (
        completed_progress_items / total_progress_items) + .5)

    context['progress_messages'] = []
    if not has_photos:
        context['progress_messages'].append(_('Add a photo'))

    audits = _map_feature_audits(request.user, request.instance, resource)

    _add_audits_to_context(audits, context)

    _add_share_context(context, request, photos)

    object_name_alias = to_object_name(context['feature'].__class__.__name__)
    # some features that were originally written to support plot and tree
    # have grown to support other resource types, but they expect a context
    # entry for their type, not just for 'feature'.
    # For example:
    # * Plot detail expects 'plot' and 'tree'
    # * Foo detail would expect 'foo'
    context[object_name_alias] = context['feature']

    if isinstance(resource, PolygonalMapFeature):
        context['contained_plots'] = resource.contained_plots()
        area = resource.calculate_area()
        __, display_area = get_display_value(instance,
                                             'greenInfrastructure', 'area',
                                             area, digits=0)
        display_units = get_unit_abbreviation(
            get_units(instance, 'greenInfrastructure', 'area'))
        context['area'] = area
        context['display_area'] = display_area
        context['area_units'] = display_units

    return context
Пример #2
def context_dict_for_resource(request, resource, **kwargs):
    context = context_dict_for_map_feature(request, resource, **kwargs)
    instance = request.instance

    # Give them 2 for adding the resource and answering its questions
    total_progress_items = 3
    completed_progress_items = 2

    context['external_link'] = None

    photos = resource.photos()
    context['photos'] = [
        context_dict_for_photo(request, photo) for photo in photos

    has_photos = len(photos) > 0

    if has_photos:
        completed_progress_items += 1

    context['upload_photo_endpoint'] = reverse('add_photo_to_map_feature',
                                                   'feature_id': resource.pk

    context['progress_percent'] = int(
        100 * (completed_progress_items / total_progress_items) + .5)

    context['progress_messages'] = []
    if not has_photos:
        context['progress_messages'].append(_('Add a photo'))

    audits = _map_feature_audits(request.user, request.instance, resource)

    _add_audits_to_context(audits, context)

    _add_share_context(context, request, photos)

    object_name_alias = to_object_name(context['feature'].__class__.__name__)
    # some features that were originally written to support plot and tree
    # have grown to support other resource types, but they expect a context
    # entry for their type, not just for 'feature'.
    # For example:
    # * Plot detail expects 'plot' and 'tree'
    # * Foo detail would expect 'foo'
    context[object_name_alias] = context['feature']

    if isinstance(resource, PolygonalMapFeature):
        context['contained_plots'] = resource.contained_plots()
        __, display_area = get_display_value(instance, 'greenInfrastructure',
                                             'area', resource.calculate_area())
        display_units = get_unit_abbreviation(
            get_units(instance, 'greenInfrastructure', 'area'))
        context['area'] = '{} {}'.format(display_area, display_units)

    return context
Пример #3
def get_map_view_context(request, instance):
    if request.user and not request.user.is_anonymous():
        iuser = request.user.get_effective_instance_user(instance)
        resource_classes = [resource for resource in instance.resource_classes
                            if model_is_creatable(iuser, resource)]
        resource_classes = []

    context = {
        'fields_for_add_tree': [
            (_('Tree Height'), 'Tree.height')
        'resource_classes': resource_classes,
        'only_one_resource_class': len(resource_classes) == 1,
        'polygon_area_units': get_unit_abbreviation(
            get_units(instance, 'greenInfrastructure', 'area')),
        'q': request.GET.get('q'),
    add_map_info_to_context(context, instance)
    return context
Пример #4
    def render(self, context):
        explanation = _resolve_variable(self.explanation, context)
        label, identifier = self.resolve_label_and_identifier(context)
        user = _resolve_variable(self.user, context)
        instance = _resolve_variable(self.instance, context)
        field_template = get_template(_resolve_variable(
                                      self.field_template, context)).template

        if not isinstance(identifier, basestring)\
           or not _identifier_regex.match(identifier):
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                'expected a string with the format "object_name.property" '
                'to follow "from" %s' % identifier)

        model_name_or_object_name, field_name = dotted_split(identifier, 2,
        model = self.get_model(context, model_name_or_object_name, instance)

        object_name = to_object_name(model_name_or_object_name)

        identifier = "%s.%s" % (object_name, field_name)

        def _field_value(model, field_name, data_type):
            udf_field_name = field_name.replace('udf:', '')
            val = None
            if field_name in [f.name for f in model._meta.get_fields()]:
                    val = getattr(model, field_name)
                except (ObjectDoesNotExist, AttributeError):
            elif _is_udf(model, udf_field_name):
                if udf_field_name in model.udfs:
                    val = model.udfs[udf_field_name]
                    # multichoices place a json serialized data-value
                    # on the dom element and client-side javascript
                    # processes it into a view table and edit widget
                    if data_type == 'multichoice':
                        val = json.dumps(val)
                elif data_type == 'multichoice':
                    val = '[]'
                raise ValueError('Could not find field: %s' % field_name)

            return val

        if is_json_field_reference(field_name):
            field_value = get_attr_from_json_field(model, field_name)
            choices = None
            is_visible = is_editable = True
            data_type = "string"
            add_blank = (ADD_BLANK_ALWAYS if self.treat_multichoice_as_choice
                         else ADD_BLANK_IF_CHOICE_FIELD)
            data_type, label, explanation, choices = field_type_label_choices(
                model, field_name, label, explanation=explanation,
            field_value = _field_value(model, field_name, data_type)

            if user is not None and hasattr(model, 'field_is_visible'):
                is_visible = model.field_is_visible(user, field_name)
                is_editable = model.field_is_editable(user, field_name)
                # This tag can be used without specifying a user. In that case
                # we assume that the content is visible and upstream code is
                # responsible for only showing the content to the appropriate
                # user
                is_visible = True
                is_editable = True

        digits = units = ''

        if hasattr(model, 'instance'):
            digits = get_digits_if_formattable(
                model.instance, object_name, field_name)

            units = get_units_if_convertible(
                model.instance, object_name, field_name)
            if units != '':
                units = get_unit_abbreviation(units)

        if data_type == 'foreign_key':
            # rendered clientside
            display_val = ''
        elif field_value is None:
            display_val = None
        elif data_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
            fmt = (model.instance.short_date_format if model.instance
                   else settings.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT)
            display_val = dateformat.format(field_value, fmt)
        elif is_convertible_or_formattable(object_name, field_name):
            display_val = format_value(
                model.instance, object_name, field_name, field_value)
            if units != '':
                display_val += (' %s' % units)
        elif data_type == 'bool':
            display_val = _('Yes') if field_value else _('No')
        elif data_type == 'multichoice':
            # this is rendered clientside from data attributes so
            # there's no meaningful intermediate value to send
            # without rendering the same markup server-side.
            display_val = None
        elif choices:
            display_vals = [choice['display_value'] for choice in choices
                            if choice['value'] == field_value]
            display_val = display_vals[0] if display_vals else field_value
            display_val = unicode(field_value)

        context['field'] = {
            'label': label,
            'explanation': explanation,
            'identifier': identifier,
            'value': field_value,
            'display_value': display_val,
            'units': units,
            'digits': digits,
            'data_type': data_type,
            'is_visible': is_visible,
            'is_editable': is_editable,
            'choices': choices,
            context['field'], model, field_name, context.get('q', ''))

        return field_template.render(context)
Пример #5
    def render(self, context):
        explanation = _resolve_variable(self.explanation, context)
        label, identifier = self.resolve_label_and_identifier(context)
        user = _resolve_variable(self.user, context)
        instance = _resolve_variable(self.instance, context)
        field_template = get_template(_resolve_variable(
                                      self.field_template, context)).template

        if not isinstance(identifier, basestring)\
           or not _identifier_regex.match(identifier):
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                'expected a string with the format "object_name.property" '
                'to follow "from" %s' % identifier)

        model_name_or_object_name, field_name = dotted_split(identifier, 2,
        model = self.get_model(context, model_name_or_object_name, instance)

        object_name = to_object_name(model_name_or_object_name)

        identifier = "%s.%s" % (object_name, field_name)

        def _field_value(model, field_name, data_type):
            udf_field_name = field_name.replace('udf:', '')
            val = None
            if field_name in [f.name for f in model._meta.get_fields()]:
                    val = getattr(model, field_name)
                except (ObjectDoesNotExist, AttributeError):
            elif _is_udf(model, udf_field_name):
                if udf_field_name in model.udfs:
                    val = model.udfs[udf_field_name]
                    # multichoices place a json serialized data-value
                    # on the dom element and client-side javascript
                    # processes it into a view table and edit widget
                    if data_type == 'multichoice':
                        val = json.dumps(val)
                elif data_type == 'multichoice':
                    val = '[]'
                raise ValueError('Could not find field: %s' % field_name)

            return val

        if is_json_field_reference(field_name):
            field_value = get_attr_from_json_field(model, field_name)
            choices = None
            is_visible = is_editable = True
            data_type = "string"
            add_blank = (ADD_BLANK_ALWAYS if self.treat_multichoice_as_choice
                         else ADD_BLANK_IF_CHOICE_FIELD)
            data_type, label, explanation, choices = field_type_label_choices(
                model, field_name, label, explanation=explanation,
            field_value = _field_value(model, field_name, data_type)

            if user is not None and hasattr(model, 'field_is_visible'):
                is_visible = model.field_is_visible(user, field_name)
                is_editable = model.field_is_editable(user, field_name)
                # This tag can be used without specifying a user. In that case
                # we assume that the content is visible and upstream code is
                # responsible for only showing the content to the appropriate
                # user
                is_visible = True
                is_editable = True

        digits = units = ''

        if hasattr(model, 'instance'):
            digits = get_digits_if_formattable(
                model.instance, object_name, field_name)

            units = get_units_if_convertible(
                model.instance, object_name, field_name)
            if units != '':
                units = get_unit_abbreviation(units)

        if data_type == 'foreign_key':
            # rendered clientside
            display_val = ''
        elif field_value is None:
            display_val = None
        elif data_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
            fmt = (model.instance.short_date_format if model.instance
                   else settings.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT)
            display_val = dateformat.format(field_value, fmt)
        elif is_convertible_or_formattable(object_name, field_name):
            display_val = format_value(
                model.instance, object_name, field_name, field_value)
            if units != '':
                display_val += (' %s' % units)
        elif data_type == 'bool':
            display_val = _('Yes') if field_value else _('No')
        elif data_type == 'multichoice':
            # this is rendered clientside from data attributes so
            # there's no meaningful intermediate value to send
            # without rendering the same markup server-side.
            display_val = None
        elif choices:
            display_vals = [choice['display_value'] for choice in choices
                            if choice['value'] == field_value]
            display_val = display_vals[0] if display_vals else field_value
        elif data_type == 'float':
            display_val = num_format(field_value)
            display_val = unicode(field_value)

        context['field'] = {
            'label': label,
            'explanation': explanation,
            'identifier': identifier,
            'value': field_value,
            'display_value': display_val,
            'units': units,
            'digits': digits,
            'data_type': data_type,
            'is_visible': is_visible,
            'is_editable': is_editable,
            'choices': choices,
            context['field'], model, field_name, context.get('q', ''))

        return field_template.render(context)