Пример #1
    def __init__(self, records):
        self.records = records
        self.index = {}
        self.edits_lev = BKTree(levenshtein)
        self.edits_3 = BKTree(hamming)
        self.word_trie = Trie()

        self.word_set = set()

Пример #2
class Index:

    def __init__(self, records):
        self.records = records
        self.index = {}
        self.edits_lev = BKTree(levenshtein)
        self.edits_3 = BKTree(hamming)
        self.word_trie = Trie()

        self.word_set = set()


    def tokenize(self, record):
        #return re.split("\W+", record)
        return [w for w in re.split("[-_/.?+&:\W]+|(\d+)", record) if w]

    def filter(self, token):
        return token.lower()

    def add_token_offsets(self, record, tokens):
        terms = []
        char_i = 0
        for tok_i, token in enumerate(tokens):
            assert char_i < len(record)
            while not record[char_i:].startswith(token):
                char_i += 1
            token = self.filter(token)
            terms.append( (token, RecordPosition(char_i, tok_i)) )
            char_i += len(token)
        return terms

    def search(self, query, topn=10, fuzzy=False):
        if fuzzy:
            candidates = self._find_phrase_fuzzy(query)
            candidates = self._find_phrase(query)

        candidates.sort(key=lambda c: (c.edit_distance, c.min_dist))
        candidates = candidates[:topn]

        for c in candidates:
            record = self.records[c.doc_id]
            highlights = self._merge_highlights(c.highlights)
            highlighted_record = self._highlight_record(record, highlights)
            yield (c.edit_distance, c.min_dist, highlighted_record)

    def _group_occurrences(self, occurrences):
        d = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for word, record_position in occurrences:
        return d

    def _index(self, records):
        for doc_id, record in enumerate(records):
            tokens = self.tokenize(record)
            occurrences = self.add_token_offsets(record, tokens)
            for token, record_positions in self._group_occurrences(occurrences).items():
                for i in range(1, len(token)):
                    prefix = token[:i + 1]
                    if not self.word_trie.is_prefix(prefix):
                        if len(prefix) == 3:

                if token not in self.index:
                    self.index[token] = []
                self.index[token].append((doc_id, record_positions))

    def _find_derived_words(self, word, is_prefix):
        use_levenshtein = True
        if is_prefix:
            if len(word) <= 2:
                return ((0, w) for w in self.word_trie.descendants_or_self(word))
            if len(word) == 3:
                derived_words = self.edits_3.find(word, 1)
                use_levenshtein = False

        if use_levenshtein:
            if len(word) <= 4:
                d = 1
            elif len(word) <= 7:
                d = 2
                d = 3

            derived_words = self.edits_lev.find(word, d)
            # TODO check case: d == 1

        if is_prefix:
            min_dists = {}
            for d, w in derived_words:
                descs = self.word_trie.descendants_or_self(w)
                for desc in descs:
                    if desc not in min_dists:
                        min_dists[desc] = d
                        min_dists[desc] = min(min_dists[desc], d)
            derived_words = ((d, desc) for desc, d in min_dists.items())

        return derived_words

    def _find_one(self, word, prefix, edit_distance):
        docs_found = self.index.get(word, [])
        result = []
        for doc_id, record_positions in docs_found:
            highlights = [
                (rp.char_position, rp.char_position + len(prefix))
                for rp in record_positions
            cnd = Candidate(doc_id, edit_distance, record_positions, highlights)

        return result

    def _find_one_fuzzy(self, word, is_prefix=False):
        derived_words = self._find_derived_words(word, is_prefix)

        result = []
        for d, w in derived_words:
            candidates = self._find_one(w, word, d)

        d = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for cnd in result:

        # group candidates by doc_id
        result = []
        for doc_id, cnds in d.items():
            edit_distance = min(c.edit_distance for c in cnds)
            last_occurrences = sum([c.last_occurrences for c in cnds], []) # TODO remove duplicate occurrences? are there any?
            highlights = sum([c.highlights for c in cnds], [])
            c = Candidate(doc_id, edit_distance, last_occurrences, highlights)

        result.sort(key=lambda cnd: cnd.doc_id)

        return result

    def _find_phrase(self, query):
        tokens = self.tokenize(query)
        if not tokens:
            return []

        candidates = self._find_one(tokens[0], tokens[0], 0)
        for token in tokens[1:]:
            new_candidates = self._find_one(token, token, 0)
            candidates = self._merge(candidates, new_candidates)

        return candidates

    def _find_phrase_fuzzy(self, query):
        tokens = self.tokenize(query)
        if not tokens:
            return []

        is_last_prefix = query[-1] != " "
        candidates = self._find_one_fuzzy(tokens[0], is_prefix=is_last_prefix and len(tokens) == 1)
        for i, token in enumerate(tokens[1:]):
            new_candidates = self._find_one_fuzzy(token, is_prefix=is_last_prefix and i == len(tokens) - 2)
            candidates = self._merge(candidates, new_candidates)

        return candidates

    def _merge(self, xs, ys):
        cs = []
        ix = iy = 0
        while ix < len(xs) and iy < len(ys):
            cndx, cndy = xs[ix], ys[iy]
            if cndx.doc_id < cndy.doc_id:
                ix += 1
            elif cndx.doc_id > cndy.doc_id:
                iy += 1
                xpositions = cndx.last_occurrences
                ypositions = cndy.last_occurrences
                edit_distance = cndx.edit_distance + cndy.edit_distance

                c = Candidate(cndx.doc_id, edit_distance, ypositions, cndx.highlights + cndy.highlights)
                c.min_dist = cndx.min_dist + min_dist(xpositions, ypositions)
                ix, iy = ix + 1, iy + 1

        return cs

    def _merge_highlights(self, highlights):
        highlights = sorted(highlights)
        result = []
        hlstart, hlend = 0, 0
        for start, end in highlights:
            if start <= hlend:
                hlend = end
                if hlend > hlstart:
                    result.append( (hlstart, hlend) )
                hlstart, hlend = start, end

        # also include the last one
        result.append( (hlstart, hlend) )

        return result

    def _highlight_record(self, record, highlights):
        normal = "\033[m"
        bold = "\033[1m"

        yellow_back = "\033[103m"
        normal_back = "\033[49m"

        result = []
        last = 0
        for start, end in highlights:
            result.append(yellow_back + record[start:end] + normal_back)
            last = end
        return "".join(result)

    def _highlight_candidates(self, candidates):
        r = []
        for candidate in candidates:
            #record = self.records[candidate.doc_id]
            highlights = self._merge_highlights(candidate.highlights)
            highlighted_record = self._highlight_record(record, highlights)
            r.append( (candidate.edit_distance, candidate.min_dist, highlighted_record) )
        return r