Пример #1
def test_make_relative():
    """Test make relative path."""
    p = ElementPath('catalog.groups')
    path = pathlib.Path('catalog/groups/controls')
    assert p.make_relative(path) == 1

    path = pathlib.Path('profiles/controls')
    assert p.make_relative(path) == 1
Пример #2
    def perform_split(
        cls, effective_cwd: pathlib.Path, file_name: str, elements: str, trestle_root: pathlib.Path
    ) -> int:
        """Perform the split operation.

            effective_cwd: effective directory in which the the split operation is performed
            file_name: file name of model to split, or '' if deduced from elements and cwd
            elements: comma separated list of paths to strip from the file, with quotes removed

            0 on success and 1 on failure
        file_path_list: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []

        if file_name:
            file_path_list.append((file_name, elements))
            # cwd must be in the model directory if file to split is not specified
            # find top directory for this model based on trestle root and cwd
            model_dir = file_utils.extract_project_model_path(effective_cwd)
            if model_dir is None:
                raise TrestleError('Current directory must be within a model directory if file is not specified')

            content_type: FileContentType = FileContentType.dir_to_content_type(model_dir)

            # determine the file needed for each split path
            element_paths = elements.split(',')
            for path in element_paths:
                element_path = ElementPath(path)
                # if element path is relative use directory context to determine absolute path
                element_path.make_absolute(model_dir, effective_cwd)
                file_path = element_path.find_last_file_in_path(content_type, model_dir)
                # now make the element path relative to the model file to be loaded
                if file_path is None or element_path.make_relative(file_path.relative_to(model_dir)) != 0:
                    raise TrestleError(f'Unable to match element path with files in model directory {element_path}')

                file_path_list.append((file_path, element_path.to_string()))

        # match paths to corresponding files since several paths may be split from the same file
        file_path_dict: Dict[str, str] = {}
        for file_path in file_path_list:
            key = file_path[0]
            path = file_path[1]
            if key not in file_path_dict:
                file_path_dict[key] = path
                current_path = file_path_dict[key]
                file_path_dict[key] = f'{current_path},{path}'

        for raw_file_name, element_path in file_path_dict.items():
            file_path = file_utils.relative_resolve(pathlib.Path(raw_file_name), effective_cwd)
            # this makes assumptions that the path is relative.
            if not file_path.exists():
                raise TrestleError(f'File {file_path} does not exist.')

            content_type = FileContentType.to_content_type(file_path.suffix)

            # find the base directory of the file
            base_dir = file_path.parent
            model_type, _ = ModelUtils.get_stripped_model_type(file_path, trestle_root)

            model: OscalBaseModel = model_type.oscal_read(file_path)

            if cmd_utils.split_is_too_fine(element_path, model):
                raise TrestleError('Cannot split the model to the level of uuids, strings, etc.')

            # use the model itself to resolve any wildcards and create list of element paths
            logger.debug(f'split calling parse_element_args on {element_path}')
            # use contextual mode to parse

            element_paths: List[ElementPath] = cmd_utils.parse_element_args(
                model, element_path.split(','), base_dir.relative_to(trestle_root)

            # analyze the split tree and determine which aliases should be stripped from each file
            aliases_to_strip = cls.find_aliases_to_strip(element_paths)

            # need the file name relative to the base directory
            file_name_no_path = str(file_path.name)

            split_plan = cls.split_model(
                model, element_paths, base_dir, content_type, file_name_no_path, aliases_to_strip
            trash.store(file_path, True)

            except Exception as e:
                trash.recover(file_path, True)
                raise TrestleError(f'Split has failed with error: {e}.')

        return CmdReturnCodes.SUCCESS.value