Пример #1
    def component(self, obj):
        result = Namespace()
        for class_name in class_names_for(obj.__class__):
            if class_name in self.config:
                config = Namespace(self.config.get(class_name, {}))
                shortcuts_config = Namespace(config.pop('shortcuts', {}))

                for shortcut_name in reversed(
                        getattr(obj, '__tri_declarative_shortcut_stack', [])):
                    result = Namespace(result,
                                       shortcuts_config.get(shortcut_name, {}))
        return result
Пример #2
    def component(self, obj):
        result = Namespace()

        # TODO: is this wrong? Should it take classes first, then loop through shortcuts?
        for class_name in class_names_for(type(obj)):
            if class_name in self.config:
                config = Namespace(self.config.get(class_name, {}))
                shortcuts_config = Namespace(config.pop('shortcuts', {}))

                for shortcut_name in reversed(
                        getattr(obj, '__tri_declarative_shortcut_stack', [])):
                    result = Namespace(result,
                                       shortcuts_config.get(shortcut_name, {}))
        return result
Пример #3
    def component(self, obj, is_root=False):
        Calculate the namespace of additional argument that should be applied
        to the given object. If is_root is set to True, assets might also be
        added to the namespace.
        result = Namespace()

        # TODO: is this wrong? Should it take classes first, then loop through shortcuts?
        for class_name in class_names_for(type(obj)):
            if class_name in self.config:
                config = Namespace(self.config.get(class_name, {}))
                shortcuts_config = Namespace(config.pop('shortcuts', {}))

                for shortcut_name in reversed(getattr(obj, '__tri_declarative_shortcut_stack', [])):
                    result = Namespace(result, shortcuts_config.get(shortcut_name, {}))

        if is_root:
            result = Namespace(result, self.root)

        return result