Пример #1
    def calcAffordances(self, lines):
        # Calculate affordances by intersecting agains one triangle per affordance
        # make initial triangle
        o = Point(0,0,0)  
        # The triangle is a bit behind
        oBehind = Point(-.2,0,0)
        v1 = Point(cos(self.aperture/2)*self.lenght, sin(self.aperture/2)*self.lenght,0)
        v2 = Point(cos(self.aperture/2)*self.lenght, -sin(self.aperture/2)*self.lenght,0)        
        t = Triangle([o,v1,v2])
        # for each angle: transform the triangle and intersect it with all lines
        lBase = Line(o, Point(1,0,0)); 
        affordances = []
        markers = []
        i = 0
        for angle in self.possibleAngles:
            # reference transformation
            lTransform = Line(o, Point(cos(angle), sin(angle), 0))
            mov = Movement(lBase, lTransform)
            tMoved = t.moved(mov);
            canMove = True
            j = 0
            while j < len(lines) and canMove:
                l = lines[j]
                p1 = l.p1
                p2 = l.p2
                canMove = canMove and not tMoved.containedOrIntersect(Point(p1.x,p1.y,p1.z), Point(p2.x,p2.y,p2.z))
                if not canMove:
                    print "cant move to", angle
                    print tMoved.vertices
                    print p1
                    print p2
                j += 1
#            if canMove:
#                color = 'b'
#            else:
#                color = 'r'
#            geomPoints = [geometry_msgs.msg.Point(p.r[0],p.r[1],p.r[2]) for p in tMoved.vertices]
#            geomPoints.append(geomPoints[0])
#            markers.append(self.getLineStrip(geomPoints, i, rospy.Time.now(), color))
#            i += 1
#        for l in lines:
##            print "line", a
#            markers.append(self.getLineStrip([l.p1,l.p2], i, rospy.Time.now(), 'g'))
#            i = i + 1 
#        mArray = MarkerArray()
#        mArray.markers = markers
#        self.pubMarker.publish(mArray)
#        print "lines", lines
        return affordances