Пример #1
    def testsys_single_trie_match_works(self):
        from trienode import TrieNode
        N = TrieNode()
        N.add("jim", lambda: "jim")

        p = parser.Parser(lambda player: [N])
            p.parse("jim", "player")
        except Match, m:
            self.assert_(m.callback(), "jim")
Пример #2
    def testsys_single_trie_match_works(self):
        from trienode import TrieNode
        N = TrieNode()
        N.add("jim", lambda : "jim" )

        p = parser.Parser( lambda player: [N] )
            p.parse("jim", "player")
        except Match, m:
            self.assert_(m.callback(), "jim")
Пример #3
    def add_word(self, word):

        # deal with invalid input
        if not word:


            #set current node at root of trie

            current_node = self.root

            # loop through letters in word
            for letter in word:

                # deal with case where letter does not yet exist at this level

                repeated_letter_count = current_node.repeated_letter

                if letter not in current_node.children:

                    # case where two consecutive letters are the same
                    if letter == current_node.letter:
                        repeated_letter_count += 1

                    # create new node
                    current_node.children[letter] = TrieNode(
                        letter, repeated_letter_count)

                # deal with case where letter already exists at this level

                current_node = current_node.children[letter]

            #after last letter, mark end of word
            current_node.word_end = True
Пример #4
 def insert(self, text):
     p = self.root
     for i in range(len(text)):
         index = ord(text[i]) - ord("a")
         if not p.children[index]:
             p.children[index] = TrieNode(text[i])
         p = p.children[index]
     p.isEnding = True
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, dictionary: str):
     Constructor: initialize a dictionary object from a text file
     The root of our dictionary (trie) is an empty string trie node.
     :param dictionary: text file containing dictionary words
     self.__dictionary = dictionary
     self.__root = TrieNode('')
Пример #6
 def testsys_multi_trie_match_works(self):
     from trienode import TrieNode
     N = TrieNode()
     N.add("jim", lambda: "jim")
     Q = TrieNode()
     Q.add("fred quasar", lambda: "q")
     p = parser.Parser(lambda player: [N, Q])
         p.parse("f q", "player")
     except Match, m:
         self.assert_(m.callback(), "q")
Пример #7
 def longestWord(self, words):
     words = sorted(words)
     longest_word = None
     root = TrieNode("/")
     for i in range(len(words)):
         word = words[i]
         if not longest_word:
             longest_word = word
         p = root
         length_of_word = len(word)
         word_is_valid = True
         for j in range(length_of_word):
             index = ord(word[j]) - ord("a")
             if not p.children[index] and j == length_of_word - 1:
                 p.children[index] = TrieNode(word[j])
             elif not p.children[index]:
                 word_is_valid = False
             p = p.children[index]
         if len(word) > len(
                 longest_word) and word > longest_word and word_is_valid:
             longest_word = word
     return longest_word
Пример #8
 def testsys_multi_trie_match_works(self):
     from trienode import TrieNode
     N = TrieNode()
     N.add("jim", lambda : "jim" )
     Q = TrieNode()
     Q.add("fred quasar", lambda : "q" )
     p = parser.Parser( lambda player: [N, Q] )
         p.parse("f q", "player")
     except Match, m:
         self.assert_(m.callback(), "q")
Пример #9
    def add_string_helper(self, node, string, index):
        if string is None or index >= len(string):
            return None # terminating string or root

        if node is None:
            node = TrieNode('*')

        character = string[index]
        children = node.get_children()
        if character not in node.get_children():
            #print("adding new node", character, "root node", node.get_char())
            children[character] = TrieNode(character)

        new_node = self.add_string_helper(children[character], string, index+1)
        if new_node is not None:
            node.add_children(character, new_node)
        return node
Пример #10
#Constructs a pattern matching trie and prints list of nodes
from __future__ import print_function
from trienode import TrieNode
import sys

file_object = open(sys.argv[1])
seqs = []
node_num = 2

#Loads seqs
for line in file_object:

#Initializes root node
root = TrieNode("R", 1)

#Trie construction
for seq in seqs:

    #Resets each new seq to start at root node
    current_node = root

    for bp in seq:

        #Checks if node already exists as a child for current node
        if all(child.bp != bp for child in current_node.children):
            new_node = TrieNode(bp, node_num)
            current_node = new_node
            node_num += 1
Пример #11
 def __init__(self):
     self.root = TrieNode('')
Пример #12
def put_dictionary():
    t = TrieNode("", True)
    return t