Пример #1
def check_gradient(args):
    Compare the exact gradient to the result of
    the finite differences algorithm `optimize.approx_fprime`

    This is for debugging the gradient
    trimesh = TriMesh.FromOBJ_FileName(args.in_obj)

    trimesh = util.deduplicate_trimesh_vertices(trimesh)

    NUM_VERTS = len(trimesh.vs)

    energy_function = energy_lookup[args.energy]

    energy_only = lambda x: energy_function(
        x, trimesh, gradient_mode=0, NUM_VERTS=NUM_VERTS)
    grad_only = lambda x: energy_function(
        x, trimesh, gradient_mode=1, NUM_VERTS=NUM_VERTS)

    # the first guess at the solution is the object itself
    first_guess = trimesh.vs.reshape(NUM_VERTS * 3)

    approximate_gradient = \
        optimize.approx_fprime(first_guess, energy_only, [0.01])

    extact_gradient = grad_only(first_guess)

    print "The difference between exact and numerical grad is: {}".format(
        norm(approximate_gradient - extact_gradient))
Пример #2
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'mesh.obj'

    mesh_path = sys.argv[1]
    pid = view_mesh(TriMesh.FromOBJ_FileName(mesh_path), mesh_path)
    print 'Background process id:', pid
Пример #3
def optimize_energy(args):
    print "loading {}".format(args.in_obj)
    trimesh = TriMesh.FromOBJ_FileName(args.in_obj)

    energy_function = energy_lookup[args.energy]

    # a lot of meshes have duplicate vertices associated
    # with adjacent faces, clean that up.
    trimesh = util.deduplicate_trimesh_vertices(trimesh)

    NUM_VERTS = len(trimesh.vs)

    # curry different versions of the energy function and the starting mesh
    # these are now functions of a single variable that can be optimized
    energy_only = lambda x: energy_function(
        x, trimesh, gradient_mode=0, NUM_VERTS=NUM_VERTS)
    energy_and_grad = lambda x: energy_function(
        x, trimesh, gradient_mode=2, NUM_VERTS=NUM_VERTS)

    # the first guess at the solution is the object itself
    first_guess = trimesh.vs.reshape(NUM_VERTS * 3)

    print "starting optimization for mesh with {} verts".format(NUM_VERTS)
    result = \
            fun=energy_and_grad if args.exact_grad else energy_only,
            options={'disp': True},

    final_mesh_verts = result.x.reshape(NUM_VERTS, 3)

    trimesh.vs = final_mesh_verts
    print "writing: {}".format(args.out_obj)
Пример #4

    import time 

    # visualize_hull(hull)
    write_convexhull_into_obj_file(hull, output_rawhull_obj_file)

    print ('original vertices number:',len(mesh.vs))

    for i in range(N):

        print ('loop:', i)
        write_convexhull_into_obj_file(newhull, output_rawhull_obj_file)

        print ('current vertices number:', len(mesh.vs))
def compute_color(input_im, N):


    #### 3D case: use method in paper: "Progressive Hulls for Intersection Applications"
    #### also using trimesh.py interface from yotam gingold

    def visualize_hull(hull, groundtruth_hull=None):
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
        vertex = hull.points[hull.vertices]
        ax.scatter(vertex[:, 0],
                   vertex[:, 1],
                   vertex[:, 2],

        #     num=hull.simplices.shape[0]
        #     points=[]
        #     normals=[]
        #     for i in range(num):
        #         face=hull.points[hull.simplices[i]]
        #         avg_point=(face[0]+face[1]+face[2])/3.0
        #         points.append(avg_point)
        #     points=np.asarray(points)

        #     ax.quiver(points[:,0],points[:,1],points[:,2],hull.equations[:,0],hull.equations[:,1],hull.equations[:,2],length=0.01)

        for simplex in hull.simplices:
            faces = hull.points[simplex]
            xs = list(faces[:, 0])
            xs.append(faces[0, 0])
            ys = list(faces[:, 1])
            ys.append(faces[0, 1])
            zs = list(faces[:, 2])
            zs.append(faces[0, 2])
            #         print xs,ys,zs
            plt.plot(xs, ys, zs, 'k-')

        if groundtruth_hull != None:
            groundtruth_vertex = groundtruth_hull.points[
            ax.scatter(groundtruth_vertex[:, 0],
                       groundtruth_vertex[:, 1],
                       groundtruth_vertex[:, 2],

        plt.title("3D Scatter Plot")

    from trimesh import TriMesh

    def write_convexhull_into_obj_file(hull, output_rawhull_obj_file):
        hvertices = hull.points[hull.vertices]
        points_index = -1 * np.ones(hull.points.shape[0], dtype=int)
        points_index[hull.vertices] = np.arange(len(hull.vertices))
        #### start from index 1 in obj files!!!!!
        hfaces = np.array([points_index[hface]
                           for hface in hull.simplices]) + 1

        #### to make sure each faces's points are countclockwise order.
        for index in range(len(hfaces)):
            face = hvertices[hfaces[index] - 1]
            normals = hull.equations[index, :3]
            p0 = face[0]
            p1 = face[1]
            p2 = face[2]

            n = np.cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0)
            if np.dot(normals, n) < 0:
                hfaces[index][[1, 0]] = hfaces[index][[0, 1]]

        myfile = open(output_rawhull_obj_file, 'w')
        for index in range(hvertices.shape[0]):
            myfile.write('v ' + str(hvertices[index][0]) + ' ' +
                         str(hvertices[index][1]) + ' ' +
                         str(hvertices[index][2]) + '\n')
        for index in range(hfaces.shape[0]):
            myfile.write('f ' + str(hfaces[index][0]) + ' ' +
                         str(hfaces[index][1]) + ' ' + str(hfaces[index][2]) +

    def edge_normal_test(vertices, faces, old_face_index_list, v0_ind, v1_ind):
        selected_old_face_list = []
        central_two_face_list = []

        for index in old_face_index_list:
            face = faces[index]
            face_temp = np.array(face).copy()
            face_temp = list(face_temp)

            if v0_ind in face_temp:
            if v1_ind in face_temp:
            if len(
            ) == 2:  ### if left 2 points, then this face is what we need.
                selected_old_face = [
                    np.asarray(vertices[face[i]]) for i in range(len(face))
            if len(
            ) == 1:  ##### if left 1 points, then this face is central face.
                central_two_face = [
                    np.asarray(vertices[face[i]]) for i in range(len(face))

        assert (len(central_two_face_list) == 2)
        if len(central_two_face_list) + len(selected_old_face_list) != len(
            print 'error!!!!!!'

        central_two_face_normal_list = []
        neighbor_face_dot_normal_list = []

        for face in central_two_face_list:
            n = np.cross(face[1] - face[0], face[2] - face[0])
            n = n / np.sqrt(np.dot(n, n))

        avg_edge_normal = np.average(np.array(central_two_face_normal_list),

        for face in selected_old_face_list:
            n = np.cross(face[1] - face[0], face[2] - face[0])
            neighbor_face_dot_normal_list.append(np.dot(avg_edge_normal, n))

        if (np.array(neighbor_face_dot_normal_list) >= 0.0 - 1e-5).all():
            return 1
            return 0

    def compute_tetrahedron_volume(face, point):
        n = np.cross(face[1] - face[0], face[2] - face[0])
        return abs(np.dot(n, point - face[0])) / 6.0

    #### this is different from function: remove_one_edge_by_finding_smallest_adding_volume(mesh)
    #### add some test conditions to accept new vertex.
    #### if option ==1, return a new convexhull.
    #### if option ==2, return a new mesh (using trimesh.py)
    def remove_one_edge_by_finding_smallest_adding_volume_with_test_conditions(
            mesh, option):

        edges = mesh.get_edges()
        faces = mesh.faces
        vertices = mesh.vs

        temp_list1 = []
        temp_list2 = []
        count = 0

        for edge_index in range(len(edges)):

            edge = edges[edge_index]
            vertex1 = edge[0]
            vertex2 = edge[1]
            face_index1 = mesh.vertex_face_neighbors(vertex1)
            face_index2 = mesh.vertex_face_neighbors(vertex2)

            face_index = list(set(face_index1) | set(face_index2))
            related_faces = [faces[index] for index in face_index]
            old_face_list = []

            #### now find a point, so that for each face in related_faces will create a positive volume tetrahedron using this point.
            ### minimize c*x. w.r.t. A*x<=b
            c = np.zeros(3)
            A = []
            b = []

            for index in range(len(related_faces)):
                face = related_faces[index]
                p0 = vertices[face[0]]
                p1 = vertices[face[1]]
                p2 = vertices[face[2]]
                old_face_list.append(np.asarray([p0, p1, p2]))

                n = np.cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0)

                #### Currently use this line. without this line, test_fourcolors results are not good.
                n = n / np.sqrt(
                    np.dot(n, n)
                )  ##### use normalized face normals means distance, not volume

                b.append(np.dot(n, p0))
                c += n

    ########### now use cvxopt.solvers.lp solver

            A = -np.asfarray(A)
            b = -np.asfarray(b)

            c = np.asfarray(c)
            cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
            #cvxopt.solvers.options['glpk'] = dict(msg_lev='GLP_MSG_OFF')

            #res = cvxopt.solvers.lp( cvxopt.matrix(c), cvxopt.matrix(A), cvxopt.matrix(b), solver='glpk' ) # After installing another version of lapacke.h, this one is goofed now!!!
            res = cvxopt.solvers.lp(cvxopt.matrix(c), cvxopt.matrix(A),

            #res = linprog(-1*c, A_ub=A, b_ub=-1*b, method = 'simplex',options={'disp':False})

            if res['status'] == 'optimal':

                newpoint = np.asfarray(res['x']).squeeze()

                ######## using objective function to calculate (volume) or (distance to face) as priority.
                #             volume=res['primal objective']+b.sum()

                ####### manually compute volume as priority,so no relation with objective function
                tetra_volume_list = []
                for each_face in old_face_list:
                        compute_tetrahedron_volume(each_face, newpoint))
                volume = np.asarray(tetra_volume_list).sum()

                temp_list1.append((count, volume, vertex1, vertex2))
                count += 1

            # else:
            #     print 'cvxopt.solvers.lp is not optimal ', res['status'], np.asfarray( res['x'] ).squeeze()
            #     if res['status']!='unknown': ### means solver failed
            #         ##### check our test to see if the solver fails normally
            #         if edge_normal_test(vertices,faces,face_index,vertex1,vertex2)==1: ### means all normal dot value are positive
            #             print '!!!edge_normal_neighbor_normal_dotvalue all positive, but solver fails'

        if option == 1:
            if len(temp_list1) == 0:
                print 'all fails'
                hull = ConvexHull(mesh.vs)
                min_tuple = min(temp_list1, key=lambda x: x[1])
                # print min_tuple
                final_index = min_tuple[0]
                final_point = temp_list2[final_index]
                # print 'final_point ', final_point
                new_total_points = mesh.vs

                hull = ConvexHull(np.array(new_total_points))
            return hull

        if option == 2:

            if len(temp_list1) == 0:
                print 'all fails'
                min_tuple = min(temp_list1, key=lambda x: x[1])
                # print min_tuple
                final_index = min_tuple[0]
                final_point = temp_list2[final_index]
                # print 'final_point ', final_point

                v1_ind = min_tuple[2]
                v2_ind = min_tuple[3]

                face_index1 = mesh.vertex_face_neighbors(v1_ind)
                face_index2 = mesh.vertex_face_neighbors(v2_ind)

                face_index = list(set(face_index1) | set(face_index2))
                related_faces_vertex_ind = [
                    faces[index] for index in face_index

                old2new = mesh.remove_vertex_indices([v1_ind, v2_ind])

                ### give the index to new vertex.
                new_vertex_index = current_vertices_num = len(
                    old2new[old2new != -1])

                ### create new face with new vertex index.
                new_faces_vertex_ind = []

                for face in related_faces_vertex_ind:
                    new_face = [
                        if x == v1_ind or x == v2_ind else old2new[x]
                        for x in face
                    if len(list(set(new_face))) == len(new_face):

                ##### do not clip coordinates to[0,255]. when simplification done, clip.

                ##### clip coordinates during simplification!
                # mesh.vs.append(final_point.clip(0.0,255.0))

                for face in new_faces_vertex_ind:

            return mesh

# ************ compute ************

    output_rawhull_obj_file = 'misc_param/temp' + "-rawconvexhull.obj"
    E_vertice_num = 4

    import time
    start_time = time.clock()

    all_colors = input_im.reshape((-1, 3))

    ## insert a white and black pixel to make sure we got one [somtimes max-project does not have dark pixels]
    #all_colors[1,:] = np.asarray([0,0,0])
    #all_colors[0,:] = np.asarray([191,191,191]) # white pixels are uninformative

    hull = ConvexHull(all_colors)
    origin_hull = hull
    write_convexhull_into_obj_file(hull, output_rawhull_obj_file)

    mesh = TriMesh.FromOBJ_FileName(output_rawhull_obj_file)
    print '- Original hull vertices number:', len(mesh.vs)

    for i in range(500):
        old_num = len(mesh.vs)
        mesh = TriMesh.FromOBJ_FileName(output_rawhull_obj_file)

        #print len(mesh.vs)
        mesh = remove_one_edge_by_finding_smallest_adding_volume_with_test_conditions(
            mesh, option=2)
        newhull = ConvexHull(mesh.vs)
        write_convexhull_into_obj_file(newhull, output_rawhull_obj_file)

        pigments_colors = newhull.points[newhull.vertices].clip(
            0, 255).round().astype(np.uint8)
        pigments_colors = pigments_colors.reshape(
            (pigments_colors.shape[0], 1, pigments_colors.shape[1]))
        #print pigments_colors.shape

        # add white to make sure (Not optimal, Heuristic)
        pigments_colors = np.vstack(
            (pigments_colors, np.asarray([191, 191, 191]).reshape(1, 1, 3)))

        white_index = []
        black_index = []
        #del_color = []

        for i in range(pigments_colors.shape[0]):
            if pigments_colors[i, 0, 0] > 190.0 and pigments_colors[
                    i, 0, 1] > 190.0 and pigments_colors[i, 0, 2] > 190.0:
                #print '- White color detected and deleted' # dont wanna keep whie, not informative

            if pigments_colors[i, 0, 0] < 15.0 and pigments_colors[
                    i, 0, 1] < 15.0 and pigments_colors[i, 0, 2] < 15.0:

        #assert len(black_index) > 0
        #assert len(white_index) < 2	# more than 1 white
        #if len(white_index) == 0: print '- No white pixels found, you got one extra layer, decrease number of colors (N)!'
        #print len(white_index)

        # make sure blck is the first color
        #print black_index, pigments_colors.shape
        #temp2 = pigments_colors[black_index,:]
        #pigments_colors[black_index,:] = pigments_colors[0,:]
        #pigments_colors[0,:] = temp2
        #if 0 in set(white_index):
        #		white_index[0] = black_index[0]

        # erase gray and white
        pigments_colors = np.delete(pigments_colors,
                                    white_index + black_index,

        # insert [0, 0, 0] (Not optimal, Heuristic solution)
        pigments_colors = np.vstack(
            (np.asarray([0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 1, 3), pigments_colors))

        #print len(newhull.vertices)
        if pigments_colors.shape[
                0] == N + 1:  # colors + black bakground + possible white
            #print 'FFFFF: '
            #print pigments_colors
            color_vertices = np.asfarray(
                pigments_colors.reshape(pigments_colors.shape[0], 3))

        #if len(mesh.vs)==old_num or len(mesh.vs)<=E_vertice_num:
        #print '- Final vertices number', len(mesh.vs)

    #color_vertices =  np.asfarray(pigments_colors.reshape(pigments_colors.shape[0],3))

    newhull = ConvexHull(mesh.vs)
    write_convexhull_into_obj_file(newhull, output_rawhull_obj_file)

    end_time = time.clock()
    print 'time: ', end_time - start_time

    print '- Computed color vertices from the image:'
    print color_vertices
    print color_vertices.shape
    return color_vertices