Пример #1
async def test_two_pending_adds_one_release():
    q = TaskQueue(2)

    asyncio.ensure_future(q.add((3, 1, 2)))

    # wait for ^ to run and pause
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    # note that the highest-priority items are queued first
    assert 1 in q
    assert 2 in q
    assert 3 not in q

    asyncio.ensure_future(q.add((0, 4)))
    # wait for ^ to run and pause
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # task consumer 1 completes the first two pending
    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())
    assert tasks == (1, 2)
    q.complete(batch, tasks)

    # task consumer 2 gets the next two, in priority order
    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())
    assert len(tasks) in {0, 1}

    if len(tasks) == 1:
        _, tasks2 = await wait(q.get())
        all_tasks = tuple(sorted(tasks + tasks2))
    elif len(tasks) == 2:
        all_tasks = tasks

    assert all_tasks == (0, 3)

    # clean up, so the pending get() call can complete
    q.complete(batch, tasks)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self,
                 chain: AsyncChain,
                 db: AsyncHeaderDB,
                 peer_pool: PeerPool,
                 token: CancelToken = None) -> None:
        self.complete_token = CancelToken(
        if token is None:
            master_service_token = self.complete_token
            master_service_token = token.chain(self.complete_token)
        self.chain = chain
        self.db = db
        self.peer_pool = peer_pool
        self._handler = PeerRequestHandler(self.db, self.logger,
        self._syncing = False
        self._sync_complete = asyncio.Event()
        self._sync_requests: asyncio.Queue[
            HeaderRequestingPeer] = asyncio.Queue()

        # pending queue size should be big enough to avoid starving the processing consumers, but
        # small enough to avoid wasteful over-requests before post-processing can happen
        max_pending_headers = ETHPeer.max_headers_fetch * 8
        self.header_queue = TaskQueue(max_pending_headers,
Пример #3
async def test_wait_empty_queue():
    q = TaskQueue()
        await wait(q.get())
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        assert False, "should not return from get() when nothing is available on queue"
Пример #4
async def test_unfinished_tasks_readded():
    q = TaskQueue()
    await wait(q.add((2, 1, 3)))

    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())

    q.complete(batch, (2, ))

    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())

    assert tasks == (1, 3)
Пример #5
async def test_get_nowait(tasks, get_size, expected_tasks):
    q = TaskQueue()
    await q.add(tasks)

    batch, tasks = q.get_nowait(get_size)

    assert tasks == expected_tasks

    q.complete(batch, tasks)

    assert all(task not in q for task in tasks)
Пример #6
async def test_cannot_complete_batch_with_wrong_task():
    q = TaskQueue()

    await wait(q.add((1, 2)))

    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())

    # cannot complete a valid task with a task it wasn't given
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        q.complete(batch, (3, 4))

    # partially invalid completion calls leave the valid task in an incomplete state
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        q.complete(batch, (1, 3))

    assert 1 in q
Пример #7
    def __init__(self,
                 chain: AsyncChain,
                 db: AsyncHeaderDB,
                 peer_pool: ETHPeerPool,
                 token: CancelToken = None) -> None:
        super().__init__(chain, db, peer_pool, token)
        self._pending_bodies = {}

        # queue up any idle peers, in order of how fast they return block bodies
        self._body_peers = WaitingPeers(commands.BlockBodies)

        # Track incomplete block body download tasks
        # - arbitrarily allow several requests-worth of headers queued up
        # - try to get bodies from lower block numbers first
        self._block_body_tasks = TaskQueue(buffer_size, attrgetter('block_number'))
Пример #8
async def test_queue_contains_task_until_complete():
    q = TaskQueue()

    assert 2 not in q

    await wait(q.add((2, )))

    assert 2 in q

    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())

    assert 2 in q

    q.complete(batch, tasks)

    assert 2 not in q
Пример #9
    def __init__(self,
                 chain: AsyncChain,
                 db: AsyncHeaderDB,
                 peer_pool: BaseChainPeerPool,
                 token: CancelToken = None) -> None:
        self.chain = chain
        self.db = db
        self.peer_pool = peer_pool
        self._peer_header_syncer: 'PeerHeaderSyncer' = None
        self._last_target_header_hash: Hash32 = None
        self._tip_monitor = self.tip_monitor_class(peer_pool, token=self.cancel_token)

        # pending queue size should be big enough to avoid starving the processing consumers, but
        # small enough to avoid wasteful over-requests before post-processing can happen
        max_pending_headers = ETHPeer.max_headers_fetch * 8
        self.header_queue = TaskQueue(max_pending_headers, attrgetter('block_number'))
Пример #10
async def test_queue_contains_task_until_complete(tasks):
    q = TaskQueue(order_fn=id)

    first_task = tasks[0]

    assert first_task not in q

    await wait(q.add(tasks))

    assert first_task in q

    batch, pending_tasks = await wait(q.get())

    assert first_task in q

    q.complete(batch, pending_tasks)

    assert first_task not in q
Пример #11
    def __init__(self,
                 chain: AsyncChain,
                 db: AsyncHeaderDB,
                 peer_pool: AnyPeerPool,
                 token: CancelToken = None) -> None:
        self.chain = chain
        self.db = db
        self.peer_pool = peer_pool
        self._handler = PeerRequestHandler(self.db, self.logger, self.cancel_token)
        self._sync_requests: asyncio.Queue[HeaderRequestingPeer] = asyncio.Queue()
        self._peer_header_syncer: 'PeerHeaderSyncer' = None
        self._last_target_header_hash = None

        # pending queue size should be big enough to avoid starving the processing consumers, but
        # small enough to avoid wasteful over-requests before post-processing can happen
        max_pending_headers = ETHPeer.max_headers_fetch * 8
        self.header_queue = TaskQueue(max_pending_headers, attrgetter('block_number'))
Пример #12
async def test_queue_get_cap(start_tasks, get_max, expected, remainder):
    q = TaskQueue()

    await wait(q.add(start_tasks))

    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get(get_max))
    assert tasks == expected

    if remainder:
        _, tasks2 = await wait(q.get())
        assert tasks2 == remainder
            _, tasks2 = await wait(q.get())
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            assert False, f"No more tasks to get, but got {tasks2!r}"
Пример #13
async def test_cannot_complete_batch_unless_pending():
    q = TaskQueue()

    await wait(q.add((1, 2)))

    # cannot complete a valid task without a batch id
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        q.complete(None, (1, 2))

    assert 1 in q

    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())

    # cannot complete a valid task with an invalid batch id
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        q.complete(batch + 1, (1, 2))

    assert 1 in q
Пример #14
async def test_queue_size_reset_after_complete():
    q = TaskQueue(maxsize=2)

    await wait(q.add((1, 2)))

    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())

    # there should not be room to add another task
        await wait(q.add((3, )))
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        assert False, "should not be able to add task past maxsize"

    # do imaginary work here, then complete it all

    q.complete(batch, tasks)

    # there should be room to add more now
    await wait(q.add((3, )))
Пример #15
    def __init__(self,
                 chain: AsyncChain,
                 db: AsyncHeaderDB,
                 peer_pool: ETHPeerPool,
                 token: CancelToken = None) -> None:
        super().__init__(chain, db, peer_pool, token)

        # queue up any idle peers, in order of how fast they return receipts
        self._receipt_peers = WaitingPeers(commands.Receipts)

        # Track receipt download tasks
        # - arbitrarily allow several requests-worth of headers queued up
        # - try to get receipts from lower block numbers first
        self._receipt_tasks = TaskQueue(buffer_size, attrgetter('block_number'))

        # track when both bodies and receipts are collected, so that blocks can be persisted
        self._block_persist_tracker = OrderedTaskPreparation(
            # make sure that a block is not persisted until the parent block is persisted
Пример #16
async def test_unlimited_queue_by_default():
    q = TaskQueue()
    await wait(q.add(tuple(range(100001))))
Пример #17
async def test_no_asyncio_exception_leaks(operations, queue_size, add_size,
                                          get_size, event_loop):
    This could be made much more general, at the cost of simplicity.
    For now, this mimics real usage enough to hopefully catch the big issues.

    Some examples for more generality:

    - different get sizes on each call
    - complete varying amounts of tasks at each call
    async def getter(queue, num_tasks, get_event, complete_event,
        with trap_operation_cancelled():
            # wait to run the get
            await cancel_token.cancellable_wait(get_event.wait())

            batch, tasks = await cancel_token.cancellable_wait(

            # wait to run the completion
            await cancel_token.cancellable_wait(complete_event.wait())

            queue.complete(batch, tasks)

    async def adder(queue, add_size, add_event, cancel_token):
        with trap_operation_cancelled():
            # wait to run the add
            await cancel_token.cancellable_wait(add_event.wait())

            await cancel_token.cancellable_wait(
                    tuple(random.randint(0, 2**32) for _ in range(add_size))))

    async def operation_order(operations, events, cancel_token):
        for operation_id, pause in operations:
            if pause:
                await asyncio.sleep(0)

        await asyncio.sleep(0)

    q = TaskQueue(queue_size)
    events = tuple(Event() for _ in range(6))
    add_event, add2_event, get_event, get2_event, complete_event, complete2_event = events
    cancel_token = CancelToken('end test')

    done, pending = await asyncio.wait([
        getter(q, get_size, get_event, complete_event, cancel_token),
        getter(q, get_size, get2_event, complete2_event, cancel_token),
        adder(q, add_size, add_event, cancel_token),
        adder(q, add_size, add2_event, cancel_token),
        operation_order(operations, events, cancel_token),

    for task in done:
        exc = task.exception()
        if exc:
            raise exc

    assert not pending
Пример #18
def test_get_nowait_queuefull(get_size):
    q = TaskQueue()
    with pytest.raises(asyncio.QueueFull):
Пример #19
async def test_cannot_readd_same_task():
    q = TaskQueue()
    await q.add((1, 2))
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        await q.add((2, ))
Пример #20
async def test_two_pending_adds_one_release():
    q = TaskQueue(2)

    asyncio.ensure_future(q.add((3, 1, 2)))

    # wait for ^ to run and pause
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    # note that the highest-priority items are queued first
    assert 1 in q
    assert 2 in q
    assert 3 not in q

    # two tasks are queued, none are started
    assert len(q) == 2
    assert q.num_in_progress() == 0

    asyncio.ensure_future(q.add((0, 4)))
    # wait for ^ to run and pause
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # task consumer 1 completes the first two pending
    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())
    assert tasks == (1, 2)

    # both tasks started
    assert len(q) == 2
    assert q.num_in_progress() == 2

    q.complete(batch, tasks)

    # tasks are drained, but new ones aren't added yet...
    assert q.num_in_progress() == 0
    assert len(q) == 0

    await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

    # Now the tasks are added
    assert q.num_in_progress() == 0
    assert len(q) == 2

    # task consumer 2 gets the next two, in priority order
    batch, tasks = await wait(q.get())

    assert len(tasks) == 2

    assert tasks == (0, 3)

    assert q.num_in_progress() == 2
    assert len(q) == 2

    # clean up, so the pending get() call can complete
    q.complete(batch, tasks)

    # All current tasks finished
    assert q.num_in_progress() == 0

    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # only task 4 remains
    assert q.num_in_progress() == 0
    assert len(q) == 1
Пример #21
async def test_default_priority_order():
    q = TaskQueue(maxsize=4)
    await wait(q.add((2, 1, 3)))
    (batch, tasks) = await wait(q.get())
    assert tasks == (1, 2, 3)
Пример #22
async def test_custom_priority_order():
    q = TaskQueue(maxsize=4, order_fn=lambda x: 0 - x)

    await wait(q.add((2, 1, 3)))
    (batch, tasks) = await wait(q.get())
    assert tasks == (3, 2, 1)
Пример #23
async def test_valid_priority_order(order_fn):
    q = TaskQueue(order_fn=order_fn)

    # this just needs to not crash, when testing sortability
    await wait(q.add((1, )))
Пример #24
async def test_invalid_priority_order(order_fn):
    q = TaskQueue(order_fn=order_fn)

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        await wait(q.add((1, )))
Пример #25
async def test_cannot_add_single_non_tuple_task():
    q = TaskQueue()
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        await wait(q.add(1))