Пример #1
        def calc_reference():

            ref_orbs = [
                '%s' % i for i in range(n_orbs * parms['N_x'] * parms['N_y'])
            ref_gf_struct = op.set_operator_structure(spin_names,
            ref_index_converter = {(sn, o): ("loc", int(o),
                                             "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
                                   for sn, o in product(spin_names, ref_orbs)}
            #print ref_index_converter,ref_orbs
            ref_ed = PomerolED(ref_index_converter, verbose=True)
            ref_N = sum(
                ops.n(sn, o) for sn, o in product(spin_names, ref_orbs))
            #  2 3
            #  0 1
            ref_H = (parms["U"] * (ops.n('up', '0') * ops.n('dn', '0') +
                                   ops.n('up', '1') * ops.n('dn', '1')) -
                     2. * parms['t1'] *
                     (ops.c_dag('up', '0') * ops.c('up', '1') +
                      ops.c_dag('up', '1') * ops.c('up', '0') +
                      ops.c_dag('dn', '0') * ops.c('dn', '1') +
                      ops.c_dag('dn', '1') * ops.c('dn', '0')) -
                     parms['chemical_potential'] * ref_N)
            # Run the solver
            # Compute G(i\omega)
            ref_G_iw = ref_ed.G_iw(ref_gf_struct, parms['beta'], parms['n_iw'])
            return ref_G_iw
Пример #2
def test_fundamental():

    assert (op_is_fundamental(c(0, 0)) is True)
    assert (op_is_fundamental(c_dag(0, 0)) is True)
    assert (op_is_fundamental(c_dag(0, 0) * c(0, 0)) is False)
    assert (op_is_fundamental(Operator(1.0)) is False)

    assert (op_serialize_fundamental(c(0, 0)) == (False, (0, 0)))
    assert (op_serialize_fundamental(c_dag(0, 0)) == (True, (0, 0)))

    assert (op_serialize_fundamental(c(2, 4)) == (False, (2, 4)))
    assert (op_serialize_fundamental(c_dag(4, 3)) == (True, (4, 3)))
Пример #3
    def c_transf(s, i):
        if (s, i) not in op_idx_set:
            return c(s, i)

        k = op_idx_map.index((s, i))

        ret = Operator()
        for l in range(U.shape[0]):
            op_idx = op_idx_map[l]
            ret += U[k, l] * c(*op_idx)

        return ret
Пример #4
def get_fundamental_operators(op):
    idx_lst = []
    for term, val in op:
        for has_dagger, (bl, orb) in term:
            if not idx_lst.count([bl, orb]):
                idx_lst.append([bl, orb])
    return [c(bl, orb) for bl, orb in idx_lst]
Пример #5
def fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(gf_struct):

    gf_struct = fix_gf_struct_type(gf_struct)

    fundamental_operators = []
    for block, block_size in gf_struct:
        for idx in range(block_size):
            fundamental_operators.append(c(block, idx))

    return fundamental_operators
Пример #6
def fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(gf_struct):
    """ Return a list of annihilation operators with the quantum numbers
    defined in the gf_struct """

    fundamental_operators = []
    for block_name, indices in gf_struct:
        for index in indices:
            fundamental_operators.append(c(block_name, index))

    return fundamental_operators
Пример #7
def fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(gf_struct):
    """ Return a list of annihilation operators with the quantum numbers 
    defined in the gf_struct """

    gf_struct = fix_gf_struct_type(gf_struct)

    fundamental_operators = []
    for block_name, block_size in gf_struct:
        for idx in range(block_size):
            fundamental_operators.append(c(block_name, idx))

    return fundamental_operators
Пример #8
def test_quadratic():

    n = 10

    h_loc = np.random.random((n, n))
    h_loc = 0.5 * (h_loc + h_loc.T)

    fund_op = [c(0, idx) for idx in range(n)]
    H_loc = get_quadratic_operator(h_loc, fund_op)
    h_loc_ref = quadratic_matrix_from_operator(H_loc, fund_op)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(h_loc, h_loc_ref)
Пример #9
    def convert_operator(self, O, ish=0):
        """ Converts a second-quantization operator from sumk structure
            to solver structure.

        O : triqs.operators.Operator
            Operator in sumk structure

        ish : int
            shell index on which the operator acts

        from triqs.operators import Operator, c, c_dag

        T = self.transformation[ish]
        sk2s = self.sumk_to_solver[ish]

        O_out = Operator(0)

        for monomial in O:
            coefficient = monomial[-1]
            new_monomial = Operator(1)
            #if coefficient > 1e-10:
            for single_operator in monomial[0]:
                new_single_operator = Operator(0)
                daggered = single_operator[0]

                blockname = single_operator[1][0]
                i = single_operator[1][1]
                for j in range(len(T[blockname])):
                    if sk2s[(blockname, j)] != (None, None):
                        if daggered:
                            new_single_operator += (
                                T[blockname][j, i] *
                                c_dag(*sk2s[(blockname, j)]))
                            new_single_operator += (
                                T[blockname][j, i].conjugate() *
                                c(*sk2s[(blockname, j)]))

                new_monomial *= new_single_operator

            O_out += new_monomial * coefficient
        return O_out
Пример #10
def is_operator_composed_of_only_fundamental_operators(op,
    """ Return `True` if the operator `op` only contains operators belonging
    to the fundamental operator set `fundamental_operators`, else return

    is_fundamental = True

    for term in op:
        op_list, prefactor = term
        d, t = list(
            zip(*op_list))  # split in two lists with daggers and tuples resp
        t = [tuple(x) for x in t]
        for bidx, idx in t:
            if c(bidx, idx) not in fundamental_operators:
                is_fundamental = False

    return is_fundamental
Пример #11
def test_single_particle_transform(verbose=False):

    if verbose:
        print('--> test_single_particle_transform')

    h_loc = np.array([
        [1.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, -1.0],

    op_imp = [c(0, 0), c(0, 1)]

    H_loc = get_quadratic_operator(h_loc, op_imp)
    H_loc_ref = c_dag(0, 0) * c(0, 0) - c_dag(0, 1) * c(0, 1)

    assert ((H_loc - H_loc_ref).is_zero())

    h_loc_ref = quadratic_matrix_from_operator(H_loc, op_imp)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(h_loc, h_loc_ref)

    if verbose:
        print('h_loc =\n', h_loc)
        print('h_loc_ref =\n', h_loc_ref)
        print('H_loc =', H_loc)

    T_ab = np.array([
        [1., 1.],
        [1., -1.],
    ]) / np.sqrt(2.)

    Ht_loc = operator_single_particle_transform(H_loc, T_ab, op_imp)
    ht_loc = quadratic_matrix_from_operator(Ht_loc, op_imp)

    ht_loc_ref = np.array([
        [0., 1.],
        [1., 0.],

    Ht_loc_ref = c_dag(0, 0) * c(0, 1) + c_dag(0, 1) * c(0, 0)

    if verbose:
        print('ht_loc =\n', ht_loc)
        print('ht_loc_ref =\n', ht_loc_ref)
        print('Ht_loc =', Ht_loc)
        print('Ht_loc_ref =', Ht_loc_ref)

    assert ((Ht_loc - Ht_loc_ref).is_zero())
Пример #12
def test_quartic_tensor_from_operator(verbose=False):

    N = 3
    fundamental_operators = [c(0, x) for x in range(N)]
    shape = (N, N, N, N)

    U = np.random.random(shape) + 1.j * np.random.random(shape)
    U_sym = symmetrize_quartic_tensor(U)

    H = operator_from_quartic_tensor(U, fundamental_operators)
    U_ref = quartic_tensor_from_operator(H,

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U_ref, U_sym)

    if verbose:
        print('-' * 72)
        import itertools
        for idxs in itertools.product(list(range(N)), repeat=4):
            print(idxs, U_ref[idxs] - U_sym[idxs], U[idxs], U_ref[idxs],
Пример #13
def test_gf_struct():

    orb_idxs = [0, 1, 2]
    spin_idxs = ['up', 'do']
    gf_struct = [[spin_idx, orb_idxs] for spin_idx in spin_idxs]

    fundamental_operators = fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(gf_struct)

    fundamental_operators_ref = [
        c('up', 0),
        c('up', 1),
        c('up', 2),
        c('do', 0),
        c('do', 1),
        c('do', 2),

    assert (fundamental_operators == fundamental_operators_ref)
Пример #14
def test_sparse_matrix_representation():

    up, do = 0, 1
    fundamental_operators = [c(up, 0), c(do, 0)]

    rep = SparseMatrixRepresentation(fundamental_operators)

    # -- Test an operator
    O_mat = rep.sparse_matrix(c(up, 0))
    O_ref = rep.sparse_operators.c_dag[0].getH()
    compare_sparse_matrices(O_mat, O_ref)

    # -- Test
    O_mat = rep.sparse_matrix(c(do, 0))
    O_ref = rep.sparse_operators.c_dag[1].getH()
    compare_sparse_matrices(O_mat, O_ref)

    # -- Test expression
    H_expr = c(up, 0) * c(do, 0) * c_dag(up, 0) * c_dag(do, 0)
    H_mat = rep.sparse_matrix(H_expr)
    c_dag0, c_dag1 = rep.sparse_operators.c_dag
    c_0, c_1 = c_dag0.getH(), c_dag1.getH()
    H_ref = c_0 * c_1 * c_dag0 * c_dag1
    compare_sparse_matrices(H_mat, H_ref)
Пример #15
def run_test(t1, filename):
    dptkeys = [
        'verbosity', 'calculate_sigma', 'calculate_sigma1', 'calculate_sigma2'

    parms = {
        # Solver parameters
        'n_iw': 100,
        # Physical parameters
        'U': 0.5,
        't1': t1,
        'beta': 10,
        # DMFT loop control parameters
        'calculate_sigma': True,
        'calculate_sigma1': True,
        'calculate_sigma2': True,
        'measure_G2_iw_ph': True,
        "measure_G2_n_bosonic": 10,
        "measure_G2_n_fermionic": 10,
        "verbosity": 4,

    parms["N_x"] = 2
    parms["N_y"] = 1
    parms["N_z"] = 1
    parms["ksi_delta"] = 1.0

    # Chemical potential depends on the definition of H(k) that is used
    parms['chemical_potential_bare'] = 0.
    parms['chemical_potential'] = parms['U'] / 2. + parms[

    n_orbs = 1  # Number of orbitals
    off_diag = True
    spin_names = ['up', 'dn']  # Outer (non-hybridizing) blocks
    orb_names = ['%s' % i for i in range(n_orbs)]  # Orbital indices
    gf_struct = op.set_operator_structure(spin_names,

    if haspomerol:
        # Reference: 4 site cluster, calculate only G, not G2
        def calc_reference():

            ref_orbs = [
                '%s' % i for i in range(n_orbs * parms['N_x'] * parms['N_y'])
            ref_gf_struct = op.set_operator_structure(spin_names,
            ref_index_converter = {(sn, o): ("loc", int(o),
                                             "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
                                   for sn, o in product(spin_names, ref_orbs)}
            #print ref_index_converter,ref_orbs
            ref_ed = PomerolED(ref_index_converter, verbose=True)
            ref_N = sum(
                ops.n(sn, o) for sn, o in product(spin_names, ref_orbs))
            #  2 3
            #  0 1
            ref_H = (parms["U"] * (ops.n('up', '0') * ops.n('dn', '0') +
                                   ops.n('up', '1') * ops.n('dn', '1')) -
                     2. * parms['t1'] *
                     (ops.c_dag('up', '0') * ops.c('up', '1') +
                      ops.c_dag('up', '1') * ops.c('up', '0') +
                      ops.c_dag('dn', '0') * ops.c('dn', '1') +
                      ops.c_dag('dn', '1') * ops.c('dn', '0')) -
                     parms['chemical_potential'] * ref_N)
            # Run the solver
            # Compute G(i\omega)
            ref_G_iw = ref_ed.G_iw(ref_gf_struct, parms['beta'], parms['n_iw'])
            return ref_G_iw

        ref_G_iw = calc_reference()
        ref = ref_G_iw[ref_spin]

        g2_blocks = set([("up", "up"), ("up", "dn"), ("dn", "up"),
                         ("dn", "dn")])
        index_converter = {(sn, o):
                           ("loc", int(o), "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
                           for sn, o in product(spin_names, orb_names)}

        # 1 Bath degree of freedom
        # Level of the bath sites
        epsilon = [
            ("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0):
            ("bath" + str(k), 0, "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
            for k, sn in product(range(len(epsilon)), spin_names)

        # Make PomerolED solver object
        ed = PomerolED(index_converter, verbose=True)
        N = sum(ops.n(sn, o) for sn, o in product(spin_names, orb_names))
        H_loc = (parms["U"] * (ops.n('up', '0') * ops.n('dn', '0')) -
                 parms['chemical_potential'] * N)

        # Bath Hamiltonian: levels
        H_bath = sum(eps * ops.n("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0)
                     for sn, (k,
                              eps) in product(spin_names, enumerate(epsilon)))

        # Hybridization Hamiltonian
        # Bath-impurity hybridization
        V = [
            -2 * bath_prefactor * t1,
        H_hyb = ops.Operator()
        for k, v in enumerate(V):
            H_hyb += sum(
                v * ops.c_dag("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0) * ops.c(sn, '0') +
                np.conj(v) * ops.c_dag(sn, '0') * ops.c("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0)
                for sn in spin_names)

        # Obtain bath sites from Delta and create H_ED
        H_ED = H_loc + H_bath + H_hyb

        # Run the solver
        # Compute G(i\omega)
        G_iw = ed.G_iw(gf_struct, parms['beta'], parms['n_iw'])

        if parms["measure_G2_iw_ph"]:
            common_g2_params = {
                'gf_struct': gf_struct,
                'beta': parms['beta'],
                'blocks': g2_blocks,
                'n_iw': parms['measure_G2_n_bosonic']
            G2_iw = ed.G2_iw_inu_inup(channel="PH",

        if mpi.is_master_node():
            with ar.HDFArchive(filename, 'w') as arch:
                arch["parms"] = parms
                arch["G_iw"] = G_iw
                arch["G2_iw"] = G2_iw
                arch["ref"] = ref
    else:  # haspomerol is False
        with ar.HDFArchive(filename, 'r') as arch:
            ref = arch['ref']
            G_iw = arch['G_iw']
            G2_iw = arch['G2_iw']

    BL = lattice.BravaisLattice(units=[
        (1, 0, 0),
    ])  #linear lattice
    kmesh = gf.MeshBrillouinZone(lattice.BrillouinZone(BL), parms["N_x"])
    Hk_blocks = [gf.Gf(indices=orb_names, mesh=kmesh) for spin in spin_names]
    Hk = gf.BlockGf(name_list=spin_names, block_list=Hk_blocks)

    def Hk_f(k):
        return -2 * parms['t1'] * (np.cos(k[0])) * np.eye(1)

    for spin, _ in Hk:
        for k in Hk.mesh:
            Hk[spin][k] = Hk_f(k.value)

    # Construct the DF2 program
    X = dualfermion.Dpt(beta=parms['beta'],

    for name, g0 in X.Delta:
        X.Delta[name] << gf.inverse(
            gf.iOmega_n +
            parms['chemical_potential_bare']) * bath_prefactor**2 * 4 * t1**2

    X.G2_iw << G2_iw

    # Run the dual perturbation theory
    X.gimp << G_iw  # Load G from impurity solver
    dpt_parms = {key: parms[key] for key in parms if key in dptkeys}
Пример #16
def test_quartic(verbose=False):

    if verbose:
        print('--> test_quartic')

    num_orbitals = 2
    num_spins = 2

    U, J = 1.0, 0.2

    up, do = 0, 1
    spin_names = [up, do]
    orb_names = list(range(num_orbitals))

    U_ab, UPrime_ab = U_matrix_kanamori(n_orb=2, U_int=U, J_hund=J)

    if verbose:
        print('U_ab =\n', U_ab)
        print('UPrime_ab =\n', UPrime_ab)

    T_ab = np.array([
        [1., 1.],
        [1., -1.],
    ]) / np.sqrt(2.)

    # -- Check hermitian
        np.mat(T_ab) * np.mat(T_ab).H, np.eye(2))

    I = np.eye(num_spins)
    T_ab_spin = np.kron(T_ab, I)

    H_int = h_int_kanamori(spin_names,

    op_imp = [c(up, 0), c(do, 0), c(up, 1), c(do, 1)]
    Ht_int = operator_single_particle_transform(H_int, T_ab_spin, op_imp)

    if verbose:
        print('H_int =', H_int)
        print('Ht_int =', Ht_int)

    from transform_kanamori import h_int_kanamori_transformed

    Ht_int_ref = h_int_kanamori_transformed([T_ab, T_ab],

    if verbose:
        print('Ht_int_ref =', Ht_int_ref)

    assert ((Ht_int_ref - Ht_int).is_zero())
Пример #17
# Non-interacting impurity hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_0_mat = diag(eps - mu) - matrix([[0, t + a, 0, a], [t - a, 0, -a, 0],
                                   [0, a, 0, t + a], [-a, 0, t - a, 0]])

# Bath hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_bath_mat = diag(eps_bath) - matrix([[0, t_bath, 0, 0], [t_bath, 0, 0, 0],
                                      [0, 0, 0, t_bath], [0, 0, t_bath, 0]])

# Coupling matrix
V_mat = matrix([[1., 0., 0, 0], [0., 1., 0, 0], [0., 0., 1, 0], [0., 0., 0,

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
c_dag_vec = matrix([[c_dag('bl', o) for o in orb_names]])
c_vec = matrix([[c('bl', o)] for o in orb_names])

h_0 = (c_dag_vec * h_0_mat * c_vec)[0, 0]

h_int = U * n('bl', up_0) * n('bl', dn_0) + \
        U * n('bl', up_1) * n('bl', dn_1) + \
        U * n('bl', up_0) * n('bl', dn_1) + \
        U * n('bl', up_1) * n('bl', dn_0) + \
        Up * n('bl', up_0) * n('bl', up_1) + \
        Up * n('bl', dn_0) * n('bl', dn_1)

h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling hamiltonian ====
orb_bath_names = ['b_' + str(o) for o in orb_names]
c_dag_bath_vec = matrix([[c_dag('bl', o) for o in orb_bath_names]])
Пример #18
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Hubbard atom with two bath sites, Hamiltonian

    beta = 10.0
    V1 = 1.0
    V2 = 1.0
    epsilon1 = +2.30
    epsilon2 = -2.30
    t = 0.1
    mu = 1.0
    U = 2.0

    up, do = 0, 1
    docc = c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 0) * c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 0)
    nA = c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 0) + c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 0)
    nB = c_dag(up, 1) * c(up, 1) + c_dag(do, 1) * c(do, 1)
    nC = c_dag(up, 2) * c(up, 2) + c_dag(do, 2) * c(do, 2)

    hopA = c_dag(up, 0) * c(do, 0) + c_dag(do, 0) * c(up, 0)
    hopB = c_dag(up, 1) * c(do, 1) + c_dag(do, 1) * c(up, 1)
    hopC = c_dag(up, 2) * c(do, 2) + c_dag(do, 2) * c(up, 2)

    H = -mu * nA + epsilon1 * nB + epsilon2 * nC + U * docc + \
        V1 * (c_dag(up,0)*c(up,1) + c_dag(up,1)*c(up,0) + \
              c_dag(do,0)*c(do,1) + c_dag(do,1)*c(do,0) ) + \
        V2 * (c_dag(up,0)*c(up,2) + c_dag(up,2)*c(up,0) + \
              c_dag(do,0)*c(do,2) + c_dag(do,2)*c(do,0) ) + \
        -t * (hopA + hopB + hopC)
Пример #19
def test_two_particle_greens_function():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Hubbard atom with two bath sites, Hamiltonian

    beta = 2.0
    V1 = 2.0
    V2 = 5.0
    epsilon1 = 0.00
    epsilon2 = 4.00
    mu = 2.0
    U = 0.0

    up, do = 0, 1
    docc = c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 0) * c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 0)
    nA = c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 0) + c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 0)
    nB = c_dag(up, 1) * c(up, 1) + c_dag(do, 1) * c(do, 1)
    nC = c_dag(up, 2) * c(up, 2) + c_dag(do, 2) * c(do, 2)

    H = -mu * nA + epsilon1 * nB + epsilon2 * nC + U * docc + \
        V1 * (c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 1) + c_dag(up, 1) * c(up, 0) +
              c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 1) + c_dag(do, 1) * c(do, 0)) + \
        V2 * (c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 2) + c_dag(up, 2) * c(up, 0) +
              c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 2) + c_dag(do, 2) * c(do, 0))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Exact diagonalization

    fundamental_operators = [
        c(up, 0), c(do, 0),
        c(up, 1), c(do, 1),
        c(up, 2), c(do, 2)

    ed = TriqsExactDiagonalization(H, fundamental_operators, beta)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- single particle Green's functions

    g_tau = GfImTime(name=r'$g$',
                     target_shape=(1, 1))

    ed.set_g2_tau(g_tau[0, 0], c(up, 0), c_dag(up, 0))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Two particle Green's functions

    ntau = 10
    imtime = MeshImTime(beta, 'Fermion', ntau)
    prodmesh = MeshProduct(imtime, imtime, imtime)

    g40_tau = Gf(name='g40_tau', mesh=prodmesh, target_shape=(1, 1, 1, 1))
    g4_tau = Gf(name='g4_tau', mesh=prodmesh, target_shape=(1, 1, 1, 1))

    ed.set_g40_tau_matrix(g40_tau, g_tau)
    ed.set_g4_tau(g4_tau[0, 0, 0, 0], c(up, 0), c_dag(up, 0), c(up, 0),
                  c_dag(up, 0))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- compare

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(g4_tau.data, g40_tau.data)
Пример #20
from triqs.operators import c, c_dag, Operator
from triqs.atom_diag import *
from itertools import product

import numpy as np

orbs = (1, 2, 3)
spins = ("dn", "up")

# Construct a sum of the pair hopping and spin flip terms from a 3-orbital Kanamori interaction Hamiltonian
H_p = Operator()
H_J = Operator()

for o1, o2 in product(orbs, repeat=2):
    if o1 == o2: continue
    H_p += c_dag("dn", o1) * c_dag("up", o1) * c("up", o2) * c("dn", o2)
    H_J += c_dag("dn", o1) * c("up", o1) * c_dag("up", o2) * c("dn", o2)

H = H_p + H_J

fops1 = [(s, o) for (s, o) in product(spins, orbs)]
fops2 = [(s, o) for (o, s) in product(orbs, spins)]

ad1 = AtomDiag(H, fops1)
ad2 = AtomDiag(H, fops2)

# for e1, e2 in zip(ad1.energies, ad2.energies):
# print(e1.round(5), e2.round(5))

# Check that subspace energies are identical up to ordering
assert len(ad1.energies) == len(ad2.energies)
Пример #21
# Non-interacting impurity hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_0_mat = diag(eps - mu) - matrix([[0, t, t], [t, 0, t], [t, t, 0]])

# Bath hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_bath_mat = diag(eps_bath) - matrix([[0, t_bath, t_bath], [t_bath, 0, t_bath],
                                      [t_bath, t_bath, 0]])

# Coupling matrix
V_mat = matrix([[1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]])

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
c_dag_vec = {
    s: matrix([[c_dag(s, o) for o in range(n_orb)]])
    for s in block_names
c_vec = {s: matrix([[c(s, o)] for o in range(n_orb)]) for s in block_names}

h_0 = sum(c_dag_vec[s] * h_0_mat * c_vec[s] for s in block_names)[0, 0]

Umat, Upmat = U_matrix_kanamori(n_orb, U_int=U, J_hund=J)
h_int = h_int_kanamori(block_names,

h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling hamiltonian ====
c_dag_bath_vec = {
Пример #22
def test_cf_G_tau_and_G_iw_nonint(verbose=False):

    beta = 3.22
    eps = 1.234

    niw = 64
    ntau = 2 * niw + 1

    H = eps * c_dag(0, 0) * c(0, 0)

    fundamental_operators = [c(0, 0)]

    ed = TriqsExactDiagonalization(H, fundamental_operators, beta)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Single-particle Green's functions

    G_tau = GfImTime(beta=beta,
                     target_shape=(1, 1))
    G_iw = GfImFreq(beta=beta,
                    target_shape=(1, 1))

    G_iw << inverse(iOmega_n - eps)
    G_tau << Fourier(G_iw)

    G_tau_ed = GfImTime(beta=beta,
                        target_shape=(1, 1))
    G_iw_ed = GfImFreq(beta=beta,
                       target_shape=(1, 1))

    ed.set_g2_tau(G_tau_ed[0, 0], c(0, 0), c_dag(0, 0))
    ed.set_g2_iwn(G_iw_ed[0, 0], c(0, 0), c_dag(0, 0))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Compare gfs

    from triqs.utility.comparison_tests import assert_gfs_are_close

    assert_gfs_are_close(G_tau, G_tau_ed)
    assert_gfs_are_close(G_iw, G_iw_ed)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Plotting

    if verbose:
        from triqs.plot.mpl_interface import oplot, plt
        subp = [3, 1, 1]
        subp[-1] += 1

        subp[-1] += 1
        diff = G_tau - G_tau_ed

        subp[-1] += 1

Пример #23
n_iw = int(10 * beta)  # The number of positive Matsubara frequencies
n_k = 16  # The number of k-points per dimension

block_names = ['up', 'dn']  # The spins
orb_names = [0, 1, 2]  # The orbitals
idx_lst = list(range(len(block_names) * len(orb_names)))
gf_struct = [('bl', idx_lst)]

TBL = tight_binding_model(lambda_soc=SOC)  # The Tight-Binding Lattice
TBL.bz = BrillouinZone(TBL.bl)
n_idx = len(idx_lst)

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
c_dag_vec = matrix([[c_dag('bl', idx) for idx in idx_lst]])
c_vec = matrix([[c('bl', idx)] for idx in idx_lst])

h_0_mat = TBL._hop[(0, 0, 0)]
h_0 = (c_dag_vec * h_0_mat * c_vec)[0, 0]

Umat, Upmat = U_matrix_kanamori(len(orb_names), U_int=U, J_hund=J)
op_map = {(s, o): ('bl', i)
          for i, (s, o) in enumerate(product(block_names, orb_names))}
h_int = h_int_kanamori(block_names,
h_imp = h_0 + h_int
Пример #24
def make_calc():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Hamiltonian

    p = ParameterCollection(
        beta = 0.5,
        U = 0.5,
        nw = 1,
        nwf = 15,
        V = 1.0,
        eps = 0.2,

    p.nwf_gf = 4 * p.nwf
    p.mu = 0.5*p.U

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    ca_up, cc_up = c('0', 0), c_dag('0', 0)
    ca_do, cc_do = c('0', 1), c_dag('0', 1)

    ca0_up, cc0_up = c('1', 0), c_dag('1', 0)
    ca0_do, cc0_do = c('1', 1), c_dag('1', 1)

    docc = cc_up * ca_up * cc_do * ca_do
    nA = cc_up * ca_up + cc_do * ca_do
    hybridiz = p.V * (cc0_up * ca_up + cc_up * ca0_up + cc0_do * ca_do + cc_do * ca0_do)
    bath_lvl = p.eps * (cc0_up * ca0_up + cc0_do * ca0_do)

    p.H_int = p.U * docc
    p.H = -p.mu * nA + p.H_int + hybridiz + bath_lvl

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Exact diagonalization

    # Conversion from TRIQS to Pomerol notation for operator indices
    # TRIQS:   block_name, inner_index
    # Pomerol: site_label, orbital_index, spin_name
    index_converter = {
        ('0', 0) : ('loc', 0, 'up'),
        ('0', 1) : ('loc', 0, 'down'),
        ('1', 0) : ('loc', 1, 'up'),
        ('1', 1) : ('loc', 1, 'down'),

    # -- Create Exact Diagonalization instance
    ed = PomerolED(index_converter, verbose=True)
    ed.diagonalize(p.H) # -- Diagonalize H

    p.gf_struct = [['0', [0, 1]]]

    # -- Single-particle Green's functions
    p.G_iw = ed.G_iw(p.gf_struct, p.beta, n_iw=p.nwf_gf)['0']

    # -- Particle-particle two-particle Matsubara frequency Green's function
    opt = dict(
        beta=p.beta, gf_struct=p.gf_struct,
        blocks=set([("0", "0")]),
        n_iw=p.nw, n_inu=p.nwf)

    p.G2_iw_ph = ed.G2_iw_inu_inup(channel='PH', **opt)[('0', '0')]

    filename = 'data_pomerol.h5'
    with HDFArchive(filename,'w') as res:
        res['p'] = p

    import os
    os.system('tar czvf data_pomerol.tar.gz data_pomerol.h5')
Пример #25
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Hubbard atom with two bath sites, Hamiltonian

    beta = 2.0
    V1 = 2.0
    V2 = 5.0
    epsilon1 = 0.00
    epsilon2 = 4.00
    mu = 2.0
    U = 0.0

    up, do = 0, 1
    docc = c_dag(up,0) * c(up,0) * c_dag(do,0) * c(do,0)
    nA = c_dag(up,0) * c(up,0) + c_dag(do,0) * c(do,0)
    nB = c_dag(up,1) * c(up,1) + c_dag(do,1) * c(do,1)
    nC = c_dag(up,2) * c(up,2) + c_dag(do,2) * c(do,2)

    H = -mu * nA + epsilon1 * nB + epsilon2 * nC + U * docc + \
        V1 * (c_dag(up,0)*c(up,1) + c_dag(up,1)*c(up,0) + \
              c_dag(do,0)*c(do,1) + c_dag(do,1)*c(do,0) ) + \
        V2 * (c_dag(up,0)*c(up,2) + c_dag(up,2)*c(up,0) + \
              c_dag(do,0)*c(do,2) + c_dag(do,2)*c(do,0) )

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Exact diagonalization

    fundamental_operators = [
        c(up,0), c(do,0), c(up,1), c(do,1), c(up,2), c(do,2)]
Пример #26

if haspomerol:
    g2_blocks = set([("up", "up"), ("up", "dn"), ("dn", "up"), ("dn", "dn")])
    index_converter = {(sn, o): ("loc", int(o), "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
                       for sn, o in product(spin_names, orb_names)}

    # Make PomerolED solver object
    ed = PomerolED(index_converter, verbose=True)
    N = sum(ops.n(sn, o) for sn, o in product(spin_names, orb_names))
    H = (parms["Ua"] * (ops.n('up', '0') * ops.n('dn', '0')) + parms["Ub"] *
         (ops.n('up', '1') * ops.n('dn', '1')) + parms['t0'] *
         (ops.c_dag('up', '0') * ops.c('up', '1') + ops.c_dag('up', '1') *
          ops.c('up', '0') + ops.c_dag('dn', '0') * ops.c('dn', '1') +
          ops.c_dag('dn', '1') * ops.c('dn', '0')) -
         parms['chemical_potential'] * N)

    # Reference: 4 site cluster, calculate only G, not G2
    def calc_reference():

        ref_orbs = ['%s' % i for i in range(n_orbs * parms['N_x'])]
        ref_gf_struct = op.set_operator_structure(spin_names,
Пример #27
def test_trimer_hamiltonian():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Hubbard atom with two bath sites, Hamiltonian

    beta = 2.0
    V1 = 2.0
    V2 = 5.0
    epsilon1 = 0.00
    epsilon2 = 4.00
    mu = 2.0
    U = 1.0

    # -- construction using triqs operators

    up, do = 0, 1
    docc = c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 0) * c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 0)
    nA = c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 0) + c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 0)
    nB = c_dag(up, 1) * c(up, 1) + c_dag(do, 1) * c(do, 1)
    nC = c_dag(up, 2) * c(up, 2) + c_dag(do, 2) * c(do, 2)

    H_expr = -mu * nA + epsilon1 * nB + epsilon2 * nC + U * docc + \
        V1 * (c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 1) + c_dag(up, 1) * c(up, 0) +
              c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 1) + c_dag(do, 1) * c(do, 0)) + \
        V2 * (c_dag(up, 0) * c(up, 2) + c_dag(up, 2) * c(up, 0) +
              c_dag(do, 0) * c(do, 2) + c_dag(do, 2) * c(do, 0))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    fundamental_operators = [
        c(up, 0), c(do, 0),
        c(up, 1), c(do, 1),
        c(up, 2), c(do, 2)

    rep = SparseMatrixRepresentation(fundamental_operators)
    H_mat = rep.sparse_matrix(H_expr)

    # -- explicit construction

    class Dummy(object):
        def __init__(self):

    op = Dummy()
    op.cdagger = rep.sparse_operators.c_dag
    op.c = np.array([cdag.getH() for cdag in op.cdagger])
    op.n = np.array([cdag * cop for cop, cdag in zip(op.c, op.cdagger)])

    H_ref = -mu * (op.n[0] + op.n[1]) + \
        epsilon1 * (op.n[2] + op.n[3]) + \
        epsilon2 * (op.n[4] + op.n[5]) + \
        U * op.n[0] * op.n[1] + \
        V1 * (op.cdagger[0] * op.c[2] + op.cdagger[2] * op.c[0] +
              op.cdagger[1] * op.c[3] + op.cdagger[3] * op.c[1]) + \
        V2 * (op.cdagger[0] * op.c[4] + op.cdagger[4] * op.c[0] +
              op.cdagger[1] * op.c[5] + op.cdagger[5] * op.c[1])

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- compare

    compare_sparse_matrices(H_mat, H_ref)
Пример #28
V = [ 2.0, 5.0 ]    # Couplings to Bath-sites

spin_names = ['up', 'dn']
orb_names  = [0]

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
h_0 = - mu*( n('up',0) + n('dn',0) ) - h*( n('up',0) - n('dn',0) )
h_int = U * n('up',0) * n('dn',0)
h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling Hamiltonian ====
h_bath, h_coup = 0, 0
for i, E_i, V_i in zip([0, 1], E, V):
    for sig in ['up','dn']:
        h_bath += E_i * n(sig,'b_' + str(i))
        h_coup += V_i * (c_dag(sig,0) * c(sig,'b_' + str(i)) + c_dag(sig,'b_' + str(i)) * c(sig,0))

# ==== Total impurity hamiltonian and fundamental operators ====
h_tot = h_imp + h_coup + h_bath

# ==== Green function structure ====
gf_struct = [ [s, orb_names] for s in spin_names ]

# ==== Hybridization Function ====
n_iw = int(10 * beta)
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
Delta = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
Delta << sum([V_i*V_i * inverse(iOmega_n - E_i) for V_i,E_i in zip(V, E)]);

# ==== Non-Interacting Impurity Green function  ====
G0_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
spin_names = ['up', 'dn']
orb_names = [0, 1]
orb_bath_names = [0, 1, 2, 3]

# Non-interacting impurity hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_0_mat = diag(eps - mu) - matrix([[0, t], [t, 0]])

# Bath hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_bath_mat = diag(eps_bath)

# Coupling matrix
V_mat = matrix([[1., 1., 0.2, 0.2], [0.2, 0.2, 1, 1]])

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
c_dag_vec = {s: matrix([[c_dag(s, o) for o in orb_names]]) for s in spin_names}
c_vec = {s: matrix([[c(s, o)] for o in orb_names]) for s in spin_names}

h_0 = sum(c_dag_vec[s] * h_0_mat * c_vec[s] for s in spin_names)[0, 0]

h_int = h_int_kanamori(
    array([[0, V - J], [V - J, 0]]),  # Interaction for equal spins
    array([[U, V], [V, U]]),  # Interaction for opposite spins

h_loc = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling hamiltonian ====
orb_bath_names = ['b_' + str(o) for o in orb_bath_names]
Пример #30
# Non-interacting impurity hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_0_mat = diag(eps - mu) - matrix([[0, t + a, 0, a], [t - a, 0, -a, 0],
                                   [0, a, 0, t + a], [-a, 0, t - a, 0]])

# Bath hamiltonian in matrix representation
h_bath_mat = diag(eps_bath) - matrix([[0, t_bath, 0, 0], [t_bath, 0, 0, 0],
                                      [0, 0, 0, t_bath], [0, 0, t_bath, 0]])

# Coupling matrix
V_mat = matrix([[1., 0., 0, 0], [0., 1., 0, 0], [0., 0., 1, 0], [0., 0., 0,

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
c_dag_vec = matrix([[c_dag('bl', o) for o in range(n_orb)]])
c_vec = matrix([[c('bl', o)] for o in range(n_orb)])

h_0 = (c_dag_vec * h_0_mat * c_vec)[0, 0]

h_int = U * n('bl', up_0) * n('bl', dn_0) + \
        U * n('bl', up_1) * n('bl', dn_1) + \
        U * n('bl', up_0) * n('bl', dn_1) + \
        U * n('bl', up_1) * n('bl', dn_0) + \
        Up * n('bl', up_0) * n('bl', up_1) + \
        Up * n('bl', dn_0) * n('bl', dn_1)

h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling hamiltonian ====
c_dag_bath_vec = matrix(
    [[c_dag('bl', o) for o in range(n_orb, n_orb + n_orb_bath)]])