Пример #1
	def execute(self, board):
		start = time.clock()
		goal = board.them()
		closedSet = []
		openSet = dict()
		startPath = AStar.Path(board.me(), [], 0, board.distance(board.me(), goal))
		openSet[board.me()] = startPath
		queue = [startPath]
		tron.log("goal: " + str(goal))
		shortestPath = []
		while len(queue) > 0 and time.clock() - start < 0.9:
			path = heappop(queue)
			shortestPath = path.visited
			if path.node == goal:
			destinations = [dest for dest in board.adjacent(path.node) if board.passable(dest) or dest == goal]
			for dest in destinations:
				if dest in closedSet:
				newScore = path.score + 1
				if dest not in openSet.keys() or openSet[dest] not in queue:
					newPath = AStar.Path(dest, list(path.visited), newScore, board.distance(dest, goal))
					openSet[dest] = newPath
					heappush(queue, newPath)
				elif newScore < openSet[dest].score and openSet[dest] in queue:
					openSet[dest].node = dest
					openSet[dest].score = newScore
					newVisited = list(path.visited)
					openSet[dest].visited = newVisited
					openSet[dest].estimate = board.distance(dest, goal)
		tron.log("Shortest path took: " + str(float(time.clock() - start)))
		return shortestPath
Пример #2
def closeCombatMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath):
    maxScore = max([score for score in minimaxSpaceCount.values()])
    bestDirs = [
        dir for dir in board.moves() if minimaxSpaceCount[dir] == maxScore
    choice = None
    if len(bestDirs) == 1:
        choice = bestDirs[0]

    if choice is None:
        for dir in bestDirs:
            if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
                choice = dir

    if choice is None:
        shortestDist = None
        for dir in bestDirs:
            distance = board.distance(board.rel(dir), board.them())
            if shortestDist == None or distance < shortestDist:
                choice = dir
                shortestDist = distance

    tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice
Пример #3
def farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount):
    choice = None
    bestChoices = []
    maxScore = max([score for score in minimaxSpaceCount.values()])
    minScore = min([score for score in minimaxSpaceCount.values()])
    for dir in board.moves():
        if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
            choice = dir
        if ((minScore <= -5 and maxScore > minScore)
                or maxScore >= 10) and minimaxSpaceCount[dir] == maxScore:

    if len(bestChoices) > 0 and choice not in bestChoices:
        choice = None
        if len(bestChoices) == 1:
            choice = bestChoices[0]
        if choice == None:
            shortestDist = None
            for dir in bestChoices:
                distance = board.distance(board.rel(dir), board.them())
                if shortestDist == None or distance < shortestDist:
                    choice = dir
                    shortestDist = distance
    tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice
Пример #4
	def longestPathFloodfill(self, board, spaceCount):
		queue = self.cachedPaths
		origin = board.me()
		originScore = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, origin, [])
		startnodes = set([path.visited[0] for path in queue if path.visited])
		directions = [dir for dir in board.moves(origin) if board.rel(dir, origin) not in startnodes]
		for dir in directions:
			path = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(board, board.rel(dir, origin), [], originScore, [], spaceCount[dir])
			heappush(queue, path)
		newAllPaths = []
		while queue and time.clock() - board.startTime < 0.82:
			path = heappop(queue)
			destinations = board.moveableDestinations(path.node, path.visited)
			if not destinations:
				heappush(newAllPaths, path)
			for dest in destinations:
				newScore = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, dest, path.visited)
				newPath = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(board, dest, list(path.visited), path.score, list(path.diffSequence), newScore)
				heappush(queue, newPath)
		for path in queue:
			heappush(newAllPaths, path)
		self.cachedPaths = newAllPaths
		maxPath = newAllPaths[0]
		for path in newAllPaths:
			if len(path.visited) > len(maxPath.visited):
				maxPath = path
		return maxPath.visited
Пример #5
    def execute(self, board, spaceCount):
        timer = time.clock()
        path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board, spaceCount)
        tron.log("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)))
        dest = path[0]
        choice = [dir for dir in board.moves() if board.rel(dir) == dest][0]

        self.cachedPaths = self.prepareCachedPaths(dest)

        tron.log("Survival algorithm took: " + str(time.clock() - timer))
        return choice
Пример #6
	def execute(self, board, spaceCount):
		timer = time.clock()
		path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board, spaceCount)
		tron.log("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)))
		dest = path[0]
		choice = [dir for dir in board.moves() if board.rel(dir) == dest][0]
		self.cachedPaths = self.prepareCachedPaths(dest)
		tron.log("Survival algorithm took: " + str(time.clock() - timer))
		return choice
Пример #7
    def execute(self, board):
		levels = self.minimax(board)
		root = levels[0].nodes[0]
		tron.log("Minimax level: " + str(len(levels)-1))
		minimaxSpaceCount = dict()
		for node in root.children:
			for dir in board.moves(board.me()):
				if board.rel(dir) == node.me:
					minimaxSpaceCount[dir] = node.score
		return minimaxSpaceCount
Пример #8
    def execute(self, board):
        levels = self.minimax(board)
        root = levels[0].nodes[0]

        tron.log("Minimax level: " + str(len(levels)-1))

        # Compute the minimax score for each direction we can take.
        minimaxSpaceCount = dict()
        for node in root.children:
            for dir in board.moves(board.me()):
                if board.rel(dir) == node.me:
                    minimaxSpaceCount[dir] = node.score
		return minimaxSpaceCount
Пример #9
def survivalMode(board):
	spaceCount = dict()
	for dir in board.moves():
		dest = board.rel(dir)
		floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
		#enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
		deadCorners = [node for node in floodfilled if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3]
		spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1

	tron.log("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount))
	choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount)
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #10
    def execute(self, board, origin, exclude=[]):
        Compute all nodes that can be reached from the provided origin. Returns
        a list of all these nodes.

        The exclude parameter can be used to ignore certain nodes and consider
        them impassable.
        start = time.clock()
        visited = []
        queue = deque()

        while queue:
            node = queue.popleft()
            if node in visited:

            west = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.WEST,
            east = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.EAST,

            westToEast = west
            northInterrupted = True
            southInterrupted = True
            while westToEast != board.rel(tron.EAST, east):
                north = board.rel(tron.NORTH, westToEast)
                if not northInterrupted and (not board.passable(north) or north
                                             in exclude or north in visited):
                    northInterrupted = True
                elif northInterrupted and board.passable(
                ) and north not in exclude and north not in visited:
                    northInterrupted = False

                south = board.rel(tron.SOUTH, westToEast)
                if not southInterrupted and (not board.passable(south) or south
                                             in exclude or south in visited):
                    southInterrupted = True
                elif southInterrupted and board.passable(
                ) and south not in exclude and south not in visited:
                    southInterrupted = False

                westToEast = board.rel(tron.EAST, westToEast)
        tron.log("FLOODFILL TOOK: " + str(time.clock() - start))
        return visited
Пример #11
def floodfillMode(board):
	spaceCount = dict()
	for dir in board.moves():
		dest = board.rel(dir)
		floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
		#enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
		deadCorners = [node for node in floodfilled if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3]
		spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1
	tron.log("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount))
	enemySpaceCount = dict()
	for dir in board.moves():
		myPos = board.rel(dir)
		floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, board.them(), [myPos])
		deadCorners = [node for node in floodfilled if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3]
		enemySpaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1
	tron.log("EnemySpacecount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))
	bestchoices = []
	maxscore = None
	for dir in spaceCount.keys():		
		score = spaceCount[dir] - enemySpaceCount[dir]
		if score == maxscore:
		elif maxscore == None or score > maxscore:
			maxscore = score
			bestchoices = [dir]
	bestchoices = findLongestPathDirections(board.me(), bestchoices)
	tron.log("Bestchoices: " + str(bestchoices))
	choice = bestchoices[0]
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #12
	def execute(self, board, spaceCount, enemySpaceCount):
		#self.prepareCache(board, spaceCount, enemySpaceCount)
		levels = self.minimax(board, spaceCount, enemySpaceCount)
		#self.cachedLevels = levels
		root = levels[0].nodes[0]
		tron.log("Minimax level: " + str(len(levels)-1))
		minimaxSpaceCount = dict()
		for node in root.children:
			for dir in spaceCount.keys():
				if board.rel(dir) == node.me:
					minimaxSpaceCount[dir] = node.score
		return minimaxSpaceCount
Пример #13
    def execute(self, board, spaceCount):
        timer = time.clock()

        # Find longest path
        path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board, spaceCount)
        tron.log("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)))
        dest = path[0]

        # Find which direction is relevant for the computed destination
        choice = [dir for dir in board.moves() if board.rel(dir) == dest][0]

        # Prepare cached paths for next decision round
        self.cachedPaths = self.prepareCachedPaths(dest)

        tron.log("Survival algorithm took: " + str(time.clock() - timer))
        return choice
Пример #14
def survivalMode(board):
    spaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        dest = board.rel(dir)
        floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
        #enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
        deadCorners = [
            node for node in floodfilled
            if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3
        spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1

    tron.log("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount))
    choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount)
    tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice
Пример #15
def which_move(board):
    start = time.clock()

    if len(board.moves()) == 0:
        return tron.SOUTH

    enemyMoves = [
        board.rel(dir, board.them()) for dir in board.moves(board.them())

    enemyReachable = False
    spaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        dest = board.rel(dir)
        floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
        enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(
            filter(lambda node: node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
        deadCorners = [
            node for node in floodfilled
            if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3
        spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1

    tron.debug("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount) + "\n")
    tron.debug("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable) + "\n")
    #enemyReachable = False
    if not enemyReachable:
        return survivalMode(board, spaceCount)

    enemySpaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        enemySpaceCount[dir] = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(
            board, board.them(), [board.rel(dir)])

    #tron.log("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))

    shortestPath = attack_algorithms.AStar().execute(board)
    minimaxSpaceCount = tron.minimax.execute(board, spaceCount,
    tron.log("minimaxspacecount: " + str(minimaxSpaceCount))
    #tron.log("Shortest path: " + str(shortestPath))
    if len(shortestPath) >= 6:
        return farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount)

    return closeCombatMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath)
Пример #16
def survivalMode(board):
    Enter survival mode; try to fill the board as efficiently as possible.
    # Count the number of spaces we can reach.
    spaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        dest = board.rel(dir)
        floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
        #enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
        deadCorners = [node for node in floodfilled if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3]
        spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1

	tron.log("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount))
	choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount)
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #17
def farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, spaceCount, enemySpaceCount):
    choice = None
    bestchoices = []
    maxscore = None
    for dir in board.moves():
        if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[1]:
            choice = dir
        score = spaceCount[dir] - enemySpaceCount[dir]
        if score == maxscore:
        elif maxscore == None or score > maxscore:
            maxscore = score
            bestchoices = [dir]
    if choice == None or choice not in bestchoices:
        choice = random.choice(bestchoices)
    tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice
Пример #18
    def longestPathFloodIterative(self, board):
        currLevel = []
        nextLevel = []
        origin = board.me()

        originScore = len(tron.floodfill.execute(board, origin, []))
        startnodes = set(
            [path.visited[0] for path in currLevel if len(path.visited) > 0])
        destinations = [
            dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(origin)
            if dest not in startnodes
        for dest in destinations:
            path = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.PathIt(dest, [], board)
            heappush(currLevel, path)

        maxPath = currLevel[0]
        newAllPaths = []
        while len(currLevel) > 0 and time.clock() - board.startTime < 0.9:
            path = heappop(currLevel)
            destinations = [
                dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(path.node)
                if dest not in path.visited
            if len(destinations) == 0:
            for dest in destinations:
                newVisited = list(path.visited)
                newPath = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.PathIt(
                    dest, newVisited, board)
                heappush(nextLevel, newPath)
            if len(currLevel) == 0:
                for nextPath in nextLevel:
                    heappush(currLevel, nextPath)
                nextLevel = []
        for path in newAllPaths:
            if len(path.visited) > len(maxPath.visited):
                maxPath = path
            elif len(path.visited) == len(
                    maxPath.visited) and path.score > maxPath.score:
                maxPath = path
        return maxPath.visited
Пример #19
    def execute(self, board, origin, exclude=[]):
        start = time.clock()
        visited = []
        queue = deque()

        while queue:
            node = queue.popleft()
            if node in visited:

            west = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.WEST,
            east = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.EAST,

            westToEast = west
            northInterrupted = True
            southInterrupted = True
            while westToEast != board.rel(tron.EAST, east):
                north = board.rel(tron.NORTH, westToEast)
                if not northInterrupted and (not board.passable(north) or north
                                             in exclude or north in visited):
                    northInterrupted = True
                elif northInterrupted and board.passable(
                ) and north not in exclude and north not in visited:
                    northInterrupted = False

                south = board.rel(tron.SOUTH, westToEast)
                if not southInterrupted and (not board.passable(south) or south
                                             in exclude or south in visited):
                    southInterrupted = True
                elif southInterrupted and board.passable(
                ) and south not in exclude and south not in visited:
                    southInterrupted = False

                westToEast = board.rel(tron.EAST, westToEast)
        tron.log("FLOODFILL TOOK: " + str(time.clock() - start))
        return visited
Пример #20
    def execute(self, board, origin, exclude=[]):
        Compute all nodes that can be reached from the provided origin. Returns
        a list of all these nodes.

        The exclude parameter can be used to ignore certain nodes and consider
        them impassable.
        start = time.clock()
        visited = []
        queue = deque()

        while queue:
            node = queue.popleft()
            if node in visited:
            west = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.WEST, exclude)
            east = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.EAST, exclude)

            westToEast = west
            northInterrupted = True
            southInterrupted = True
            while westToEast != board.rel(tron.EAST, east):
                north = board.rel(tron.NORTH, westToEast)
                if not northInterrupted and (not board.passable(north) or north in exclude or north in visited):
                    northInterrupted = True
                elif northInterrupted and board.passable(north) and north not in exclude and north not in visited:
                    northInterrupted = False
                south = board.rel(tron.SOUTH, westToEast)
                if not southInterrupted and (not board.passable(south) or south in exclude or south in visited):
                    southInterrupted = True
                elif southInterrupted and board.passable(south) and south not in exclude and south not in visited:
                    southInterrupted = False
                westToEast = board.rel(tron.EAST, westToEast)
        tron.log("FLOODFILL TOOK: " + str(time.clock() - start))
        return visited
Пример #21
    def computeDistances(self, board, origin, exclude=[]):
        Compute the distances to all points on the board from point origin,
        including the distance to origin itself (always 0).

        Optionally, an exclude parameter can be given to exclude certain points
        on the board.
        start = time.clock()
        vertices = []
        allVertices = []
        distances = dict()
        for y in xrange(board.height):
            for x in xrange(board.width):
                coords = (y, x)
                if board.passable(coords) and coords not in exclude:
                    distances[coords] = sys.maxint
                distances[origin] = 0

                while vertices:
                    minScore = sys.maxint
                    vertex = None
                    for v in vertices:
                        if distances[v] < minScore:
                            minScore = distances[v]
                            vertex = v
                    if vertex is None:
                    neighbours = [
                        dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(vertex)
                        if dest in vertices and dest not in exclude
                    newScore = distances[vertex] + 1
                    for neighbour in neighbours:
                        if newScore < distances[neighbour]:
                            distances[neighbour] = newScore

                tron.log("Dijkstra took: " + str(float(time.clock() - start)))
                return distances
Пример #22
    def longestPathFloodfill(self, board, spaceCount):
        queue = self.cachedPaths
        origin = board.me()

        originScore = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, origin, [])
        startnodes = set([path.visited[0] for path in queue if path.visited])
        directions = [
            dir for dir in board.moves(origin)
            if board.rel(dir, origin) not in startnodes
        for dir in directions:
            path = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(board, board.rel(dir, origin),
                                               [], originScore, [],
            heappush(queue, path)

        newAllPaths = []
        while queue and time.clock() - board.startTime < 0.82:
            path = heappop(queue)
            destinations = board.moveableDestinations(path.node, path.visited)
            if not destinations:
                heappush(newAllPaths, path)
            for dest in destinations:
                newScore = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(
                    board, dest, path.visited)
                newPath = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(board, dest,
                heappush(queue, newPath)
        for path in queue:
            heappush(newAllPaths, path)
        self.cachedPaths = newAllPaths

        maxPath = newAllPaths[0]
        for path in newAllPaths:
            if len(path.visited) > len(maxPath.visited):
                maxPath = path
        return maxPath.visited
Пример #23
def which_move(board):
	start = time.clock()
	if len(board.moves()) == 0:
		return tron.SOUTH

	enemyMoves = [board.rel(dir, board.them()) for dir in board.moves(board.them())]

	enemyReachable = False
	spaceCount = dict()
	for dir in board.moves():
		dest = board.rel(dir)
		floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
		enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
		deadCorners = [node for node in floodfilled if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3]
		spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1

	tron.debug("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount) + "\n")
	tron.debug("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable) + "\n")
	#enemyReachable = False
	if not enemyReachable:
		return survivalMode(board, spaceCount)

	enemySpaceCount = dict()
	for dir in board.moves():
		enemySpaceCount[dir] = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, board.them(), [board.rel(dir)])
	#tron.log("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))
	shortestPath = attack_algorithms.AStar().execute(board)
	minimaxSpaceCount = tron.minimax.execute(board, spaceCount, enemySpaceCount)
	tron.log("minimaxspacecount: " + str(minimaxSpaceCount))
	#tron.log("Shortest path: " + str(shortestPath))
	if len(shortestPath) >= 6:
		return farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount)
	return closeCombatMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath)
Пример #24
    def computeDistances(self, board, origin, exclude=[]):
        Compute the distances to all points on the board from point origin,
        including the distance to origin itself (always 0).

        Optionally, an exclude parameter can be given to exclude certain points
        on the board.
        start = time.clock()
        vertices = []
        allVertices = []
        distances = dict()
        for y in xrange(board.height):
            for x in xrange(board.width):
                coords = (y, x)
                if board.passable(coords) and coords not in exclude:
                    distances[coords] = sys.maxint
		distances[origin] = 0
		while vertices:
			minScore = sys.maxint
			vertex = None
			for v in vertices:
				if distances[v] < minScore:
					minScore = distances[v]
					vertex = v
			if vertex is None:
			neighbours = [dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(vertex) if dest in vertices and dest not in exclude]
			newScore = distances[vertex] + 1
			for neighbour in neighbours:
				if newScore < distances[neighbour]:
					distances[neighbour] = newScore
		tron.log("Dijkstra took: " + str(float(time.clock() - start)))
		return distances
Пример #25
def closeCombatMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath):
	maxScore = max([score for score in minimaxSpaceCount.values()])
	bestDirs = [dir for dir in board.moves() if minimaxSpaceCount[dir] == maxScore]
	choice = None
	if len(bestDirs) == 1:
		choice = bestDirs[0]
	if choice is None:
		for dir in bestDirs:
			if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
				choice = dir

	if choice is None:
		shortestDist = None
		for dir in bestDirs:
			distance = board.distance(board.rel(dir), board.them())
			if shortestDist == None or distance < shortestDist:
				choice = dir
				shortestDist = distance
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #26
    def execute(self, board, origin, exclude=[]):
		start = time.clock()
		visited = []
		queue = deque()
		while queue:
			node = queue.popleft()
			if node in visited:
			west = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.WEST, exclude)
			east = self.findFurthestNodeInDirection(board, node, tron.EAST, exclude)
			westToEast = west
			northInterrupted = True
			southInterrupted = True
			while westToEast != board.rel(tron.EAST, east):
				north = board.rel(tron.NORTH, westToEast)
				if not northInterrupted and (not board.passable(north) or north in exclude or north in visited):
					northInterrupted = True
				elif northInterrupted and board.passable(north) and north not in exclude and north not in visited:
					northInterrupted = False
				south = board.rel(tron.SOUTH, westToEast)
				if not southInterrupted and (not board.passable(south) or south in exclude or south in visited):
					southInterrupted = True
				elif southInterrupted and board.passable(south) and south not in exclude and south not in visited:
					southInterrupted = False
				westToEast = board.rel(tron.EAST, westToEast)
		tron.log("FLOODFILL TOOK: " + str(time.clock() - start))
		return visited
Пример #27
def farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount):
	choice = None
	bestChoices = []
	maxScore = max([score for score in minimaxSpaceCount.values()])
	minScore = min([score for score in minimaxSpaceCount.values()])
	for dir in board.moves():
		if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
			choice = dir
		if ((minScore <= -5 and maxScore > minScore) or maxScore >= 10) and minimaxSpaceCount[dir] == maxScore:
	if len(bestChoices) > 0 and choice not in bestChoices:
		choice = None
		if len(bestChoices) == 1:
			choice = bestChoices[0]
		if choice == None:
			shortestDist = None
			for dir in bestChoices:
				distance = board.distance(board.rel(dir), board.them())
				if shortestDist == None or distance < shortestDist:
					choice = dir
					shortestDist = distance
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #28
def floodfillMode(board):
    spaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        dest = board.rel(dir)
        floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, dest)
        #enemyReachable = enemyReachable or dest in enemyMoves or len(filter(lambda node : node in enemyMoves, floodfilled)) > 0
        deadCorners = [
            node for node in floodfilled
            if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3
        spaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1
    tron.log("Spacecount: " + str(spaceCount))

    enemySpaceCount = dict()
    for dir in board.moves():
        myPos = board.rel(dir)
        floodfilled = tron.floodfill.execute(board, board.them(), [myPos])
        deadCorners = [
            node for node in floodfilled
            if len(board.adjacentImpassable(node)) == 3
        enemySpaceCount[dir] = len(floodfilled) - len(deadCorners) + 1
    tron.log("EnemySpacecount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))

    bestchoices = []
    maxscore = None
    for dir in spaceCount.keys():
        score = spaceCount[dir] - enemySpaceCount[dir]
        if score == maxscore:
        elif maxscore == None or score > maxscore:
            maxscore = score
            bestchoices = [dir]

    bestchoices = findLongestPathDirections(board.me(), bestchoices)
    tron.log("Bestchoices: " + str(bestchoices))

    choice = bestchoices[0]
    tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice
Пример #29
	def execute(self, board, spaceCount, deadCorners):
		self.timer = time.clock()
		spaceUpperBound = max(spaceCount.values()) - len(deadCorners)
		path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board)
		tron.debug("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)) + "\n")
		dest = path[0]
		choice = None
		for dir in board.moves():
			if board.rel(dir) == dest:
				choice = dir
		self.allPaths = self.prepareQueue(dest)
		tron.log("Optimize space algorithm time: " + str(time.clock() - self.timer))
		self.timer = 0
		return choice
Пример #30
 def execute(self, board, spaceCount, deadCorners):
     self.timer = time.clock()
     spaceUpperBound = max(spaceCount.values()) - len(deadCorners)
     path = self.longestPathFloodfill(board)
     tron.debug("Longestpath: " + str(len(path)) + "\n")
     dest = path[0]
     choice = None
     for dir in board.moves():
         if board.rel(dir) == dest:
             choice = dir
     self.allPaths = self.prepareQueue(dest)
     tron.log("Optimize space algorithm time: " +
              str(time.clock() - self.timer))
     self.timer = 0
     return choice
Пример #31
    def longestPathFloodfill(self, board):
        queue = self.allPaths
        #queue = []
        origin = board.me()

        originScore = len(tron.floodfill.execute(board, origin, []))
        startnodes = set(
            [path.visited[0] for path in queue if len(path.visited) > 0])
        destinations = [
            dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(origin)
            if dest not in startnodes
        for dest in destinations:
            path = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(dest, [], originScore, [],
            heappush(queue, path)

        maxPath = queue[0]

        newAllPaths = []
        while len(queue) > 0 and time.clock() - self.timer < 0.93:
            path = heappop(queue)
            destinations = [
                dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(path.node)
                if dest not in path.visited
            if len(destinations) == 0:
            for dest in destinations:
                newVisited = list(path.visited)
                newDiffSequence = list(path.diffSequence)
                newPath = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(dest, newVisited,
                                                      newDiffSequence, board)
                heappush(queue, newPath)
        self.allPaths = newAllPaths

        for path in newAllPaths:
            if len(path.visited) >= len(maxPath.visited):
                maxPath = path
        return maxPath.visited
Пример #32
def which_move(board):
	if not board.moves():
        # If we have nowhere to go, don't bother thinking about it.
		return tron.SOUTH
    # If the board is too large, our usual approach is simply too slow. Simpler
    # modes will then have to be used.
	if board.width >= 40 and board.height >= 40:
		return wallhugMode(board)
	if board.width >= 20 and board.height >= 20:
		return floodfillMode(board)

	shortestPath = tron.aStar.execute(board)
	tron.log("ShortestPath: " + str(shortestPath))

    # Can we reach the enemy?
	enemyReachable = shortestPath is not None
	tron.log("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable))
	#enemyReachable = False
	if not enemyReachable:
		return survivalMode(board)
	shortestPath = shortestPath[1:]
	#if shortestPath[-1] != board.them() or time.clock() - board.startTime > 0.2:
	#	return shortestPathMode(board, shortestPath)

	#enemySpaceCount = dict()
	#for dir in board.moves():
	#	enemySpaceCount[dir] = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, board.them(), [board.rel(dir)])
	#tron.log("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))
	minimaxSpaceCount = tron.minimax.execute(board)
	tron.log("minimaxspacecount: " + str(minimaxSpaceCount))
	#if not minimaxSpaceCount:
	#	return shortestPathMode(board, shortestPath)
	#if len(shortestPath) >= 6:
	#	return farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount)
	return minimaxMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath)
Пример #33
    def execute(self, board):
		start = time.clock()
		goal = board.them()
		closedSet = []
		openSet = [board.me()]
		came_from = {}
		travelledScore = {board.me(): 0}
		finalScore = {board.me(): board.distance(board.me(), goal)}
		finalNode = None
		while openSet:
			node = openSet[0]
			minScore = finalScore[node]
			for n in openSet:
				if finalScore[n] < minScore:
					minScore = finalScore[n]
					node = n
			finalNode = node
			if node == goal or time.clock() - board.startTime > 0.9:
				tron.log("Shortest path took: " + str(float(time.clock() - start)))
				return self.reconstructPath(finalNode, came_from)
			neighbours = [dest for dest in board.adjacent(node) if board.passable(dest) and dest not in closedSet or dest == goal]
			newTravelledScore = travelledScore[node] + 1
			for neighbour in neighbours:				
				if neighbour not in openSet:
					tentative = True
				elif newTravelledScore < travelledScore[neighbour]:
					tentative = True
					tentative = False
				if tentative:
					came_from[neighbour] = node
					travelledScore[neighbour] = newTravelledScore
					finalScore[neighbour] = newTravelledScore + board.distance(neighbour, goal)
		tron.log("Shortest path took: " + str(float(time.clock() - start)))
		tron.log("Shortest path failed.")
		return None
Пример #34
def which_move(board):
    if not board.moves():
        return tron.SOUTH

    if board.width >= 40 and board.height >= 40:
        return wallhugMode(board)
    if board.width >= 20 and board.height >= 20:
        return floodfillMode(board)

    enemyMoves = [
        board.rel(dir, board.them()) for dir in board.moves(board.them())
    shortestPath = tron.aStar.execute(board)

    tron.log("ShortestPath: " + str(shortestPath))
    enemyReachable = shortestPath is not None
    tron.log("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable))
    #enemyReachable = False
    if not enemyReachable:
        return survivalMode(board)

    shortestPath = shortestPath[1:]
    #if shortestPath[-1] != board.them() or time.clock() - board.startTime > 0.2:
    #	return shortestPathMode(board, shortestPath)

    #enemySpaceCount = dict()
    #for dir in board.moves():
    #	enemySpaceCount[dir] = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, board.them(), [board.rel(dir)])

    #tron.log("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))

    minimaxSpaceCount = tron.minimax.execute(board)
    tron.log("minimaxspacecount: " + str(minimaxSpaceCount))
    #if not minimaxSpaceCount:
    #	return shortestPathMode(board, shortestPath)
    #if len(shortestPath) >= 6:
    #	return farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount)

    return minimaxMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath)
Пример #35
	def longestPathFloodIterative(self, board):
		currLevel = []
		nextLevel = []
		origin = board.me()
		originScore = len(tron.floodfill.execute(board, origin, []))
		startnodes = set([path.visited[0] for path in currLevel if len(path.visited) > 0])
		destinations = [dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(origin) if dest not in startnodes]
		for dest in destinations:
			path = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.PathIt(dest, [], board)
			heappush(currLevel, path)

		maxPath = currLevel[0]
		newAllPaths = []
		while len(currLevel) > 0 and time.clock() - self.timer < 0.9:
			path = heappop(currLevel)
			destinations = [dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(path.node) if dest not in path.visited]
			if len(destinations) == 0:
			for dest in destinations:
				newVisited = list(path.visited)
				newPath = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.PathIt(dest, newVisited, board)
				heappush(nextLevel, newPath)
			if len(currLevel) == 0:
				for nextPath in nextLevel:
					heappush(currLevel, nextPath)
				nextLevel = []
		for path in newAllPaths:
			if len(path.visited) > len(maxPath.visited):
				maxPath = path
			elif len(path.visited) == len(maxPath.visited) and path.score > maxPath.score:
				maxPath = path
		return maxPath.visited
Пример #36
def minimaxMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath):
    maxScore = max(minimaxSpaceCount.values())
    bestDirs = [
        dir for dir in board.moves() if minimaxSpaceCount[dir] == maxScore
    if len(bestDirs) == 1:
        tron.log("Minimax Choice: " + str(bestDirs[0]))
        return bestDirs[0]

    for dir in bestDirs:
        if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
            tron.log("Minimax/Shortestpath Choice: " + str(dir))
            return dir

    newBestDirs = []
    minHeuristic = None
    for dir in bestDirs:
        heuristic = board.distance(board.rel(dir), board.them()) - len(
            board.adjacentImpassable(board.rel(dir))) * 2
        if minHeuristic is None or heuristic < minHeuristic:
            newBestDirs = [dir]
            minHeuristic = heuristic
        elif heuristic == minHeuristic:
	if len(newBestDirs) == 1:
		tron.log("Minimax/Heuristic 1 choice: " + str(newBestDirs[0]))
		return newBestDirs[0]
	for dir in newBestDirs:
		if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
			tron.log("Minimax/Heuristic/Shortestpath Choice: " + str(dir))
			return dir

    choice = newBestDirs[0]
    tron.log("Minimax/Heuristic 2 choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice
Пример #37
def which_move(board):
	if not board.moves():
		return tron.SOUTH
	if board.width >= 40 and board.height >= 40:
		return wallhugMode(board)
	if board.width >= 20 and board.height >= 20:
		return floodfillMode(board)

	enemyMoves = [board.rel(dir, board.them()) for dir in board.moves(board.them())]
	shortestPath = tron.aStar.execute(board)
	tron.log("ShortestPath: " + str(shortestPath))
	enemyReachable = shortestPath is not None
	tron.log("EnemyReachable: " + str(enemyReachable))
	#enemyReachable = False
	if not enemyReachable:
		return survivalMode(board)
	shortestPath = shortestPath[1:]
	#if shortestPath[-1] != board.them() or time.clock() - board.startTime > 0.2:
	#	return shortestPathMode(board, shortestPath)

	#enemySpaceCount = dict()
	#for dir in board.moves():
	#	enemySpaceCount[dir] = tron.floodfill.floodfillScore(board, board.them(), [board.rel(dir)])
	#tron.log("EnemySpaceCount: " + str(enemySpaceCount))
	minimaxSpaceCount = tron.minimax.execute(board)
	tron.log("minimaxspacecount: " + str(minimaxSpaceCount))
	#if not minimaxSpaceCount:
	#	return shortestPathMode(board, shortestPath)
	#if len(shortestPath) >= 6:
	#	return farAwayMode(board, shortestPath, minimaxSpaceCount)
	return minimaxMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath)
Пример #38
	def longestPathFloodfill(self, board):
		queue = self.allPaths
		#queue = []
		origin = board.me()
		originScore = len(tron.floodfill.execute(board, origin, []))
		startnodes = set([path.visited[0] for path in queue if len(path.visited) > 0])
		destinations = [dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(origin) if dest not in startnodes]
		for dest in destinations:
			path = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(dest, [], originScore, [], board)
			heappush(queue, path)

		maxPath = queue[0]
		newAllPaths = []
		while len(queue) > 0 and time.clock() - self.timer < 0.93:
			path = heappop(queue)
			destinations = [dest for dest in board.moveableDestinations(path.node) if dest not in path.visited]
			if len(destinations) == 0:
			for dest in destinations:
				newVisited = list(path.visited)
				newDiffSequence = list(path.diffSequence)
				newPath = OptimizeSpaceAlgorithm.Path(dest, newVisited, path.score, newDiffSequence, board)
				heappush(queue, newPath)
		self.allPaths = newAllPaths
		for path in newAllPaths:
			if len(path.visited) >= len(maxPath.visited):
				maxPath = path
		return maxPath.visited
Пример #39
def minimaxMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath):
    Use the input of the minimax algorithm to enter minimax mode.
    maxScore = max(minimaxSpaceCount.values())
    bestDirs = [dir for dir in board.moves() if minimaxSpaceCount[dir] == maxScore]
    if len(bestDirs) == 1:
        # There's a clear best direction; take it.
        tron.log("Minimax Choice: " + str(bestDirs[0]))
        return bestDirs[0]

    # There are multiple best directions (minimax score is the same).
    for dir in bestDirs:
        if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
            # If a best direction coincides with the computed shortest path to
            # the enemy, take this (heuristic approach 1).
            tron.log("Minimax/Shortestpath Choice: " + str(dir))
            return dir

    # Heuristic approach 2: go in the direction that has the shortest absolute
    # distance to the enemy. An extra weight is calculated in for possible dead
    # corners.
    newBestDirs = []
    minHeuristic = None
    for dir in bestDirs:
        heuristic = board.distance(board.rel(dir), board.them()) - len(board.adjacentImpassable(board.rel(dir))) * 2
        if minHeuristic is None or heuristic < minHeuristic:
            newBestDirs = [dir]
            minHeuristic = heuristic
        elif heuristic == minHeuristic:
    # If we still have multiple best directions: Just pick the first.
	choice = newBestDirs[0]
	tron.log("Minimax/Heuristic 2 choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #40
def minimaxMode(board, minimaxSpaceCount, shortestPath):
	maxScore = max(minimaxSpaceCount.values())
	bestDirs = [dir for dir in board.moves() if minimaxSpaceCount[dir] == maxScore]
	if len(bestDirs) == 1:
		tron.log("Minimax Choice: " + str(bestDirs[0]))
		return bestDirs[0]
	for dir in bestDirs:
		if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
			tron.log("Minimax/Shortestpath Choice: " + str(dir))
			return dir

	newBestDirs = []
	minHeuristic = None
	for dir in bestDirs:
		heuristic = board.distance(board.rel(dir), board.them()) - len(board.adjacentImpassable(board.rel(dir))) * 2
		if minHeuristic is None or heuristic < minHeuristic:
			newBestDirs = [dir]
			minHeuristic = heuristic
		elif heuristic == minHeuristic:
	if len(newBestDirs) == 1:
		tron.log("Minimax/Heuristic 1 choice: " + str(newBestDirs[0]))
		return newBestDirs[0]
	for dir in newBestDirs:
		if board.rel(dir) == shortestPath[0]:
			tron.log("Minimax/Heuristic/Shortestpath Choice: " + str(dir))
			return dir
	choice = newBestDirs[0]
	tron.log("Minimax/Heuristic 2 choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #41
def survivalMode(board, spaceCount):
    choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount)
    tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice

def findLongestPathDirections(start, directions):
    longestDirections = directions
    if len(directions) > 1:
        maxpathlength = -1
        longestDirections = []
        for dir in directions:
            pathlength = 0
            node = start
            while board.passable(board.rel(dir, node)):
                pathlength += 1
                node = board.rel(dir, node)
            if pathlength == maxpathlength:
            elif pathlength > maxpathlength:
                maxpathlength = pathlength
                longestDirections = [dir]
    return longestDirections

# you do not need to modify this part
for board in tron.Board.generate():
    tron.log("Turn took: " + str(float(time.clock() - board.startTime)))
Пример #42
def survivalMode(board, spaceCount):
	choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount)
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
Пример #43
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
def survivalMode(board, spaceCount):
	choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount)
	tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
	return choice
def findLongestPathDirections(start, directions):
	longestDirections = directions
	if len(directions) > 1:
		maxpathlength = -1
		longestDirections = []
		for dir in directions:
			pathlength = 0
			node = start
			while board.passable(board.rel(dir, node)):
				pathlength += 1
				node = board.rel(dir, node)
			if pathlength == maxpathlength:
			elif pathlength > maxpathlength:
				maxpathlength = pathlength
				longestDirections = [dir]
	return longestDirections

# you do not need to modify this part
for board in tron.Board.generate():
    tron.log("Turn took: " + str(float(time.clock() - board.startTime)))
Пример #44
def survivalMode(board, spaceCount):
    choice = tron.optimizeSpaceAlgorithm.execute(board, spaceCount)
    tron.log("Choice: " + str(choice))
    return choice