Пример #1
def dinic(graph, capacity, source, target):
    """Maximum flow by Dinic

    :param graph: adjacency list or adjacency dictionary of directed graph
    :param capacity: matrix or adjacency dictionary
    :param int source: vertex
    :param int target: vertex
    :returns: skew symmetric flow matrix, flow value
    :complexity: :math:`O(|V|^2 |E|)`
    assert source != target
    add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity)
    Q = deque()
    total = 0
    n = len(graph)
    flow = [[0] * n for u in range(n)]   # flot init. vide
    while True:                   # répéter tant qu'on peut augmenter
        lev = [None] * n          # construire niveaux, None = inaccessible
        lev[source] = 0           # par parcours BFS
        while Q:
            u = Q.pop()
            for v in graph[u]:
                if lev[v] is None and capacity[u][v] > flow[u][v]:
                    lev[v] = lev[u] + 1

        if lev[target] is None:   # arrêt si puits inaccessible
            return flow, total
        # UB = borne supérieure
        UB = sum(capacity[source][v] for v in graph[source]) - total
        total += _dinic_step(graph, capacity, lev, flow, source, target, UB)
Пример #2
def dinic(graph, capacity, source, target):
    """Maximum flow by Dinic

    :param graph: adjacency list or adjacency dictionary of directed graph
    :param capacity: matrix or adjacency dictionary
    :param int source: vertex
    :param int target: vertex
    :returns: skew symmetric flow matrix, flow value
    :complexity: :math:`O(|V|^2 |E|)`
    assert source != target
    add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity)
    Q = deque()
    total = 0
    n = len(graph)
    flow = [[0] * n for u in range(n)]  # flot init. vide
    while True:  # répéter tant qu'on peut augmenter
        lev = [None] * n  # construire niveaux, None = inaccessible
        lev[source] = 0  # par parcours BFS
        while Q:
            u = Q.pop()
            for v in graph[u]:
                if lev[v] is None and capacity[u][v] > flow[u][v]:
                    lev[v] = lev[u] + 1

        if lev[target] is None:  # arrêt si puits inaccessible
            return flow, total
        # UB = borne supérieure
        UB = sum(capacity[source][v] for v in graph[source]) - total
        total += _dinic_step(graph, capacity, lev, flow, source, target, UB)
Пример #3
def dinic(graph, capacity, source, target):
    """Maximum flow by Dinic

    :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format
    :param capacity: in matrix format or same listdict graph
    :param int source: vertex
    :param int target: vertex
    :returns: skew symmetric flow matrix, flow value
    :complexity: :math:`O(|V|^2 |E|)`
    assert source != target
    add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity)
    Q = deque()
    total = 0
    n = len(graph)
    flow = [[0] * n for u in range(n)]   # flow initially empty
    while True:                   # repeat while we can increase
        level = [None] * n          # build levels, None = inaccessible
        level[source] = 0           # by BFS
        while Q:
            u = Q.pop()
            for v in graph[u]:
                if level[v] is None and capacity[u][v] > flow[u][v]:
                    level[v] = level[u] + 1

        if level[target] is None:   # stop if sink is not reachable
            return flow, total
        up_bound = sum(capacity[source][v] for v in graph[source]) - total
        total += _dinic_step(graph, capacity, level, flow, source, target,
Пример #4
def ford_fulkerson(graph, capacity, s, t):
    """Maximum flow by Ford-Fulkerson

    :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format
    :param capacity: in matrix format or same listdict graph
    :param int s: source vertex
    :param int t: target vertex

    :returns: flow matrix, flow value
    :complexity: `O(|V|*|E|*max_capacity)`
    add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity)
    n = len(graph)
    flow = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
    INF = float('inf')
    while _augment(graph, capacity, flow, INF, s, t, [False] * n) > 0:
            pass                               # corps de boucle vide
    return (flow, sum(flow[s]))                # flot, valeur du flot
Пример #5
def edmonds_karp(graph, capacity, source, target):
    """Maximum flow by Edmonds-Karp

    :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format
    :param capacity: in matrix format or same listdict graph
    :param int source: vertex
    :param int target: vertex
    :returns: flow matrix, flow value
    :complexity: :math:`O(|V|*|E|^2)`
    add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity)
    V = range(len(graph))
    flow = [[0 for v in V] for u in V]
    while True:
        augm_path, delta = _augment(graph, capacity, flow, source, target)
        if delta == 0:
        v = target                    # go back to source
        while v != source:
            u = augm_path[v]          # augment flow
            flow[u][v] += delta
            flow[v][u] -= delta
            v = u
    return (flow, sum(flow[source]))  # flow network, amount of flow
Пример #6
def edmonds_karp(graph, capacity, source, target):
    """Maxmum flow by Edmonds-Karp

    :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format
    :param capacity: in matrix format or same listdict graph
    :param int source: vertex
    :param int target: vertex
    :returns: flow matrix, flow value
    :complexity: :math:`O(|V|*|E|^2)`
    add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity)
    V = range(len(graph))
    flow = [[0 for v in V] for u in V]
    while True:
        augm_path, delta = _augment(graph, capacity, flow, source, target)
        if delta == 0:
        v = target                    # remonter vers la source
        while v != source:
            u = augm_path[v]          # et augmenter le flot
            flow[u][v] += delta
            flow[v][u] -= delta
            v = u
    return (flow, sum(flow[source]))  # flot, valeur du flot
Пример #7
def edmonds_karp(graph, capacity, source, target):
    """Maxmum flow by Edmonds-Karp

    :param graph: adjacency list or adjacency dictionary of a directed graph
    :param capacity: matrix or adjacency dictionary
    :param int source: vertex
    :param int target: vertex
    :returns: flow matrix, flow value
    :complexity: :math:`O(|V|*|E|^2)`
    add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity)
    V = range(len(graph))
    flow = [[0 for v in V] for u in V]
    while True:
        augm_path, delta = _augment(graph, capacity, flow, source, target)
        if delta == 0:
        v = target  # remonter vers la source
        while v != source:
            u = augm_path[v]  # et augmenter le flot
            flow[u][v] += delta
            flow[v][u] -= delta
            v = u
    return (flow, sum(flow[source]))  # flot, valeur du flot