Пример #1
class Psicologo(Persona):
	_name = 'cefiro.psicologo'
	_description = __doc__

	usuario = None

	login = fields.Char('Nombre de usuario interno',required=True)
	password = fields.Sha(u'Contraseña',required=True)
	telefono = fields.Char(u'Teléfono')
	mail = fields.Char(u'Correo electrónico')
	pacientes = fields.One2Many('cefiro.paciente','psicologo','Pacientes',readonly=True)
	consultas = fields.Many2Many('cefiro.encuentropsi','persona','evento','Consultas')

	#Esto es para crear el usuario interno
	confirmacionInterno = fields.Function(fields.Char(u'Confirmación (dejar en blanco)'),'mensaje','crear')

	def mensaje(self,ids,name):
		res = {}
		for elem in self.browse(ids):
			res[elem.id] = "Usuario interno creado"
		return res

	def crear(self,ids,name,value):
		user_obj = Pool().get('res.user')
		for elem in self.browse(ids):
			elem.usuario = user_obj.create({'name':elem.name,'login':elem.login,'password':elem.password})
Пример #2
class NereidUser(ModelSQL, ModelView):
    Nereid Users
    __name__ = "nereid.user"
    _rec_name = 'display_name'

    party = fields.Many2One(
        'party.party', 'Party', required=True,
        ondelete='CASCADE', select=1

    display_name = fields.Char('Display Name', required=True)

    #: The email of the user is also the login name/username of the user
    email = fields.Char("e-Mail", select=1)

    #: The password is the user password + the salt, which is
    #: then hashed together
    password = fields.Sha('Password')

    #: The salt which was used to make the hash is separately
    #: stored. Needed for
    salt = fields.Char('Salt', size=8)

    # The company of the website(s) to which the user is affiliated. This
    # allows websites of the same company to share authentication/users. It
    # does not make business or technical sense to have website of multiple
    # companies share the authentication.
    # .. versionchanged:: 0.3
    #     Company is mandatory
    company = fields.Many2One('company.company', 'Company', required=True)

    timezone = fields.Selection(
        [(x, x) for x in pytz.common_timezones], 'Timezone', translate=False

    permissions = fields.Many2Many(
        'nereid_user', 'permission', 'Permissions'

    email_verified = fields.Boolean("Email Verified")
    active = fields.Boolean('Active')

    def default_email_verified():
        return False

    def default_active():
        If the user gets created from the web the activation should happen
        through the activation link. However, users created from tryton
        interface are activated by default
        if has_request_context():
            return False
        return True

    def __register__(cls, module_name):
        TableHandler = backend.get("TableHandler")
        table = TableHandler(Transaction().cursor, cls, module_name)
        user = cls.__table__()

        super(NereidUser, cls).__register__(module_name)

        # Migrations
        if table.column_exist('activation_code'):
            # Migration for activation_code field
            # Set the email_verification and active based on activation code
                columns=[user.active, user.email_verified],
                values=[True, True],
                where=(user.activation_code == None)
            # Finally drop the column
            table.drop_column('activation_code', exception=True)

    def serialize(self, purpose=None):
        Return a JSON serializable object that represents this record
        return {
            'id': self.id,
            'email': self.email,
            'display_name': self.display_name,
            'permissions': list(self.get_permissions()),

    def get_permissions(self):
        Returns all the permissions as a list of names
        # TODO: Cache this value for each user to avoid hitting the database
        # everytime.
        return frozenset([p.value for p in self.permissions])

    def has_permissions(self, perm_all=None, perm_any=None):
        """Check if the user has all required permissions in perm_all and
        has any permission from perm_any for access

        :param perm_all: A set/frozenset of all permission values/keywords.
        :param perm_any: A set/frozenset of any permission values/keywords.

        :return: True/False
        if not perm_all and not perm_any:
            # Access allowed if no permission is required
            return True
        if not isinstance(perm_all, (set, frozenset)):
            perm_all = frozenset(perm_all if perm_all else [])
        if not isinstance(perm_any, (set, frozenset)):
            perm_any = frozenset(perm_any if perm_any else [])
        current_user_permissions = self.get_permissions()

        if perm_all and not perm_all.issubset(current_user_permissions):
            return False
        if perm_any and not perm_any.intersection(current_user_permissions):
            return False
        return True

    def default_timezone():
        return "UTC"

    def default_company():
        return Transaction().context.get('company') or False

    def __setup__(cls):
        super(NereidUser, cls).__setup__()
        cls._sql_constraints += [
            ('unique_email_company', 'UNIQUE(email, company)',
                'Email must be unique in a company'),

    def _signer(self):
        return TimestampSigner(current_app.secret_key)

    def _serializer(self):
        return URLSafeSerializer(current_app.secret_key)

    def _get_sign(self, salt):
        Returns a timestampsigned, url_serialized sign  with a salt
        return self._signer.sign(self._serializer.dumps(self.id, salt=salt))

    def get_email_verification_link(self, **options):
        Returns an email verification link for the user
        return url_for(

    def get_activation_link(self, **options):
        Returns an activation link for the user
        return url_for(

    def get_reset_password_link(self, **options):
        Returns a password reset link for the user
        return url_for(

    def build_response(cls, message, response, xhr_status_code):
        Method to handle response for jinja and XHR requests.

        message: Message to show as flash and send as json response.
        response: redirect or render_template method.
        xhr_status_code: Status code to be sent with json response.
        if request.is_xhr or request.is_json:
            return jsonify(message=message), xhr_status_code
        return response

        "/verify-email/<int:active_id>/<sign>", methods=["GET"],
    def verify_email(self, sign, max_age=24 * 60 * 60):
        Verifies the email and redirects to home page. This is a method in
        addition to the activate method which activates the account in addition
        to verifying the email.
            unsigned = self._serializer.loads(
                self._signer.unsign(sign, max_age=max_age),
        except SignatureExpired:
            return self.build_response(
                'The verification link has expired',
                redirect(url_for('nereid.website.home')), 400
        except BadSignature:
            return self.build_response(
                'The verification token is invalid!',
                redirect(url_for('nereid.website.home')), 400
            if self.id == unsigned:
                self.email_verified = True
                return self.build_response(
                    'Your email has been verified!',
                    redirect(url_for('nereid.website.home')), 200
                return self.build_response(
                    'The verification token is invalid!',
                    redirect(url_for('nereid.website.home')), 400

    def get_registration_form():
        Returns a registration form for use in the site

        .. tip::

            Configuration of re_captcha

            Remember to forward X-Real-IP in the case of Proxy servers

        # Add re_captcha if the configuration has such an option
        if config.has_option('nereid', 're_captcha_public_key'):
            registration_form = RegistrationForm(
                captcha={'ip_address': request.remote_addr}
            registration_form = RegistrationForm()

        return registration_form

    @route("/registration", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def registration(cls):
        Invokes registration of an user
        Party = Pool().get('party.party')
        ContactMechanism = Pool().get('party.contact_mechanism')

        registration_form = cls.get_registration_form()

        if registration_form.validate_on_submit():
            with Transaction().set_context(active_test=False):
                existing = cls.search([
                    ('email', '=', registration_form.email.data),
                    ('company', '=', request.nereid_website.company.id),
            if existing:
                message = _(
                    'A registration already exists with this email. '
                    'Please contact customer care'
                if request.is_xhr or request.is_json:
                    return jsonify(message=unicode(message)), 400
                party = Party(name=registration_form.name.data)
                party.addresses = []
                party.contact_mechanisms = [
                nereid_user = cls(**{
                    'party': party.id,
                    'display_name': registration_form.name.data,
                    'email': registration_form.email.data,
                    'password': registration_form.password.data,
                    'company': request.nereid_website.company.id,
                message = _(
                    'Registration Complete. Check your email for activation'
                if request.is_xhr or request.is_json:
                    return jsonify(message=unicode(message)), 201
                return redirect(
                    request.args.get('next', url_for('nereid.website.home'))

        if registration_form.errors and (request.is_xhr or request.is_json):
            return jsonify({
                'message': unicode(_('Form has errors')),
                'errors': registration_form.errors,
            }), 400

        return render_template('registration.jinja', form=registration_form)

    def send_activation_email(self):
        Send an activation email to the user

        :param nereid_user: The browse record of the user
        EmailQueue = Pool().get('email.queue')

        email_message = render_email(
            config.get('email', 'from'),
            self.email, _('Account Activation'),
            config.get('email', 'from'), self.email, email_message.as_string()

    @route("/change-password", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def change_password(cls):
        Changes the password

        .. tip::
            On changing the password, the user is logged out and the login page
            is thrown at the user
        form = ChangePasswordForm(request.form)

        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
            if request.nereid_user.match_password(form.old_password.data):
                    {'password': form.password.data}
                    _('Your password has been successfully changed! '
                        'Please login again')
                return redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login'))
                flash(_("The current password you entered is invalid"))

        return render_template(
            'change-password.jinja', change_password_form=form

    @route("/new-password/<int:active_id>/<sign>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def new_password(self, sign, max_age=24 * 60 * 60):
        """Create a new password

        This is intended to be used when a user requests for a password reset.
        The link sent out to reset the password will be a timestamped sign
        which is validated for max_age before allowing the user to set the
        new password.
        form = NewPasswordForm()
        if form.validate_on_submit():
                unsigned = self._serializer.loads(
                    self._signer.unsign(sign, max_age=max_age),
            except SignatureExpired:
                return self.build_response(
                    'The password reset link has expired',
                    redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login')), 400
            except BadSignature:
                return self.build_response(
                    'Invalid reset password code',
                    redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login')), 400
                if not self.id == unsigned:
                    current_app.logger.debug('Invalid reset password code')

                self.write([self], {'password': form.password.data})
                return self.build_response(
                    'Your password has been successfully changed! '
                    'Please login again',
                    redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login')), 200
        elif form.errors:
            if request.is_xhr or request.is_json:
                return jsonify(error=form.errors), 400
            flash(_('Passwords must match'))

        return render_template(
            'new-password.jinja', password_form=form, sign=sign, user=self

        "/activate-account/<int:active_id>/<sign>", methods=["GET"],
    def activate(self, sign, max_age=24 * 60 * 60):
        """A web request handler for activation of the user account. This
        method verifies the email and if it succeeds, activates the account.

        If your workflow requires a manual approval of every account, override
        this to not activate an account, or make a no op out of this method.

        If all what you require is verification of email, `verify_email` method
        could be used.
            unsigned = self._serializer.loads(
                self._signer.unsign(sign, max_age=max_age),
        except SignatureExpired:
            flash(_("The activation link has expired"))
        except BadSignature:
            flash(_("The activation token is invalid!"))
            if self.id == unsigned:
                self.active = True
                self.email_verified = True
                flash(_('Your account has been activated. Please login now.'))
                flash(_('Invalid Activation Code'))

        return redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login'))

    @route("/reset-account", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def reset_account(cls):
        Reset the password for the user.

        .. tip::
            This does NOT reset the password, but just creates an activation
            code and sends the link to the email of the user. If the user uses
            the link, he can change his password.
        form = ResetAccountForm()
        if form.validate_on_submit():
                nereid_user, = cls.search([
                    ('email', '=', form.email.data),
                    ('company', '=', request.nereid_website.company.id),
            except ValueError:
                return cls.build_response(
                    'Invalid email address',
            return cls.build_response(
                'An email has been sent to your account for resetting'
                ' your credentials',
                redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login')), 200
        elif form.errors:
            if request.is_xhr or request.is_json:
                return jsonify(error=form.errors), 400
            flash(_('Invalid email address.'))

        return render_template('reset-password.jinja')

    def send_reset_email(self):
        Send an account reset email to the user

        :param nereid_user: The browse record of the user
        EmailQueue = Pool().get('email.queue')

        email_message = render_email(
            config.get('email', 'from'),
            self.email, _('Account Password Reset'),
            config.get('email', 'from'), self.email, email_message.as_string()

    def match_password(self, password):
        Checks if 'password' is the same as the current users password.

        :param password: The password of the user (string or unicode)
        :return: True or False
        password += self.salt or ''
        if isinstance(password, unicode):
            password = password.encode('utf-8')
        if hashlib:
            digest = hashlib.sha1(password).hexdigest()
            digest = sha.new(password).hexdigest()
        return (digest == self.password)

    def authenticate(cls, email, password):
        """Assert credentials and if correct return the
        browse record of the user.

        .. versionchanged::

            Does not check if the user account is active or not as that
            is not in the scope of 'authentication'.

        :param email: email of the user
        :param password: password of the user
            Browse Record: Successful Login
            None: User cannot be found or wrong password
        if not (email and password):
            return None
        with Transaction().set_context(active_test=False):
            users = cls.search([
                ('email', '=', email),
                ('company', '=', request.nereid_website.company.id),

        if not users:
            current_app.logger.debug("No user with email %s" % email)
            return None

        if len(users) > 1:
            current_app.logger.debug('%s has too many accounts' % email)
            return None

        user, = users
        if user.match_password(password):
            return user

        return None

    def load_user(cls, user_id):
        Implements the load_user method for Flask-Login

        :param user_id: Unicode ID of the user
            with Transaction().set_context(active_test=False):
                user, = cls.search([('id', '=', int(user_id))])
        except ValueError:
            return None

        # Instead of returning the active record returned in the above search
        # we are creating a new record here. This is because the returned
        # active record seems to carry around the context setting of
        # active_test and any nested lookup from the record will result in
        # records being fetched which are inactive.
        return cls(int(user_id))

    def load_user_from_header(cls, header_val):
        Implements the header_loader method for Flask-Login

        :param header_val: Value of the header
        # Basic authentication
        if header_val.startswith('Basic '):
            header_val = header_val.replace('Basic ', '', 1)
                header_val = base64.b64decode(header_val)
            except TypeError:
                return cls.authenticate(*header_val.split(':'))

        # TODO: Digest authentication

        # Token in Authorization header
        if header_val.startswith(('token ', 'Token ')):
            token = header_val \
                            .replace('token ', '', 1) \
                            .replace('Token ', '', 1)
            return cls.load_user_from_token(token)

    def load_user_from_token(cls, token):
        Implements the token_loader method for Flask-Login

        :param token: The token sent in the user's request
        serializer = TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer(

            data = serializer.loads(token)
        except SignatureExpired:
            return None     # valid token, but expired
        except BadSignature:
            return None     # invalid token

        user = cls(data['id'])
        if user.password != data['password']:
            # The password has been changed by the user. So the token
            # should also be invalid.
            return None

        return user

    def get_auth_token(self):
        Return an authentication token for the user. The auth token uniquely
        identifies the user and includes the salted hash of the password, then
        encrypted with a Timed serializer.

        The token_validity_duration can be set in application configuration
        serializer = TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer(
        local_txn = None
        if Transaction().cursor is None:
            # Flask-Login can call get_auth_token outside the context
            # of a nereid transaction. If that is the case, launch a
            # new transaction here.
            local_txn = Transaction().start(
                current_app.database_name, 0, readonly=True
            self = self.__class__(self.id)
            return serializer.dumps({'id': self.id, 'password': self.password})
            if local_txn is not None:

    def unauthorized_handler(cls):
        This is called when the user is required to log in.

        If the request is XHR, then a JSON message with the status code 401
        is sent as response, else a redirect to the login page is returned.
        if request.is_xhr:
            rv = jsonify(message="Bad credentials")
            rv.status_code = 401
            return rv
        return redirect(
            login_url(current_app.login_manager.login_view, request.url)

    def is_authenticated(self):
        Returns True if the user is authenticated, i.e. they have provided
        valid credentials. (Only authenticated users will fulfill the criteria
        of login_required.)
        return bool(self.id)

    def is_active(self):
        return self.active

    def is_anonymous(self):
        return not self.id

    def get_id(self):
        return unicode(self.id)

    def _convert_values(values):
        A helper method which looks if the password is specified in the values.
        If it is, then the salt is also made and added

        :param values: A dictionary of field: value pairs
        if 'password' in values and values['password']:
            values['salt'] = ''.join(random.sample(
                string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8))
            values['password'] += values['salt']

        return values

    def create(cls, vlist):
        Create, but add salt before saving

        :param vlist: List of dictionary of Values
        vlist = [cls._convert_values(vals.copy()) for vals in vlist]
        return super(NereidUser, cls).create(vlist)

    def write(cls, nereid_users, values, *args):
        Update salt before saving
        return super(NereidUser, cls).write(
            nereid_users, cls._convert_values(values), *args

    def get_gravatar_url(email, **kwargs):
        Return a gravatar url for the given email

        :param email: e-mail of the user
        :param https: To get a secure URL
        :param default: The default image to return if there is no profile pic
                        For example a unisex avatar
        :param size: The size for the image
        if kwargs.get('https', request.scheme == 'https'):
            url = 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/%s?'
            url = 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/%s?'
        url = url % hashlib.md5(email.lower()).hexdigest()

        params = []
        default = kwargs.get('default', None)
        if default:
            params.append(('d', default))

        size = kwargs.get('size', None)
        if size:
            params.append(('s', str(size)))

        return url + urllib.urlencode(params)

    def get_profile_picture(self, **kwargs):
        Return the url to the profile picture of the user.

        The default implementation fetches the profile image of the user from
        gravatar using :meth:`get_gravatar_url`
        return self.get_gravatar_url(self.email, **kwargs)

    def aslocaltime(naive_date, local_tz_name=None):
        Returns a localized time using `pytz.astimezone` method.

        :param naive_date: a naive datetime (datetime with no timezone
                           information), which is assumed to be the UTC time.
        :param local_tz_name: The timezone in which the date has to be returned
        :type local_tz_name: string

        :return: A datetime object with local time

        utc_date = pytz.utc.localize(naive_date)

        if not local_tz_name:
            return utc_date

        local_tz = pytz.timezone(local_tz_name)
        if local_tz == pytz.utc:
            return utc_date

        return utc_date.astimezone(local_tz)

    def as_user_local_time(self, naive_date):
        Returns a date localized in the user's timezone.

        :param naive_date: a naive datetime (datetime with no timezone
                           information), which is assumed to be the UTC time.
        return self.aslocaltime(naive_date, self.timezone)

    @route("/me", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def profile(cls):
        User profile
        user_form = ProfileForm(obj=request.nereid_user)
        if user_form.validate_on_submit():
                [request.nereid_user], {
                    'display_name': user_form.display_name.data,
                    'timezone': user_form.timezone.data,
            flash('Your profile has been updated.')

        if request.is_xhr or request.is_json:
            return jsonify(request.nereid_user.serialize())

        return render_template(
            'profile.jinja', user_form=user_form, active_type_name="general"
Пример #3
class NereidUser(ModelSQL, ModelView):
    Nereid Users
    __name__ = "nereid.user"
    _inherits = {"party.party": 'party'}
    _rec_name = 'display_name'

    party = fields.Many2One('party.party',

    display_name = fields.Char('Display Name', required=True)

    #: The email of the user is also the login name/username of the user
    email = fields.Char("e-Mail", select=1)

    #: The password is the user password + the salt, which is
    #: then hashed together
    password = fields.Sha('Password')

    #: The salt which was used to make the hash is separately
    #: stored. Needed for
    salt = fields.Char('Salt', size=8)

    #: A unique activation code required to match the user's request
    #: for activation of the account.
    activation_code = fields.Char('Unique Activation Code')

    # The company of the website(s) to which the user is affiliated. This
    # allows websites of the same company to share authentication/users. It
    # does not make business or technical sense to have website of multiple
    # companies share the authentication.
    # .. versionchanged:: 0.3
    #     Company is mandatory
    company = fields.Many2One('company.company', 'Company', required=True)

    timezone = fields.Selection([(x, x) for x in pytz.common_timezones],

    permissions = fields.Many2Many('nereid.permission-nereid.user',
                                   'nereid_user', 'permission', 'Permissions')

    def get_permissions(self):
        Returns all the permissions as a list of names
        # TODO: Cache this value for each user to avoid hitting the database
        # everytime.
        return frozenset([p.value for p in self.permissions])

    def has_permissions(self, permissions):
        """Check if the user has required permissions for access

        :param permissions: A set/frozenset of permission values/keywords

        :return: True/False
        if not isinstance(permissions, (set, frozenset)):
            permissions = frozenset(permissions)
        current_user_permissions = self.get_permissions()
        if permissions.issubset(current_user_permissions):
            return True
        return False

    def default_timezone():
        return "UTC"

    def default_company():
        return Transaction().context.get('company') or False

    def __setup__(cls):
        super(NereidUser, cls).__setup__()
        cls._sql_constraints += [
            ('unique_email_company', 'UNIQUE(email, company)',
             'Email must be unique in a company'),

    def _activate(self, activation_code):
        Activate the User account

        .. note::
            This method will raise an assertion error if the activation_code is
            not valid.

        :param activation_code: The activation code used
        :return: True if the activation code was correct
        assert self.activation_code == activation_code, \
                    'Invalid Activation Code'
        return self.write([self], {'activation_code': None})

    def get_registration_form():
        Returns a registration form for use in the site

        .. tip::

            Configuration of re_captcha

            Remember to forward X-Real-IP in the case of Proxy servers

        # Add re_captcha if the configuration has such an option
        if 're_captcha_public' in CONFIG.options:
            registration_form = RegistrationForm(
                request.form, captcha={'ip_address': request.remote_addr})
            registration_form = RegistrationForm(request.form)

        return registration_form

    def registration(cls):
        Invokes registration of an user
        registration_form = cls.get_registration_form()

        if request.method == 'POST' and registration_form.validate():
            existing = cls.search([
                ('email', '=', request.form['email']),
                ('company', '=', request.nereid_website.company.id),
            if existing:
                    _('A registration already exists with this email. '
                      'Please contact customer care'))
                nereid_user = cls.create({
                    _('Registration Complete. Check your email for activation')
                return redirect(
                    request.args.get('next', url_for('nereid.website.home')))

        return render_template('registration.jinja', form=registration_form)

    def send_activation_email(self):
        Send an activation email to the user

        :param nereid_user: The browse record of the user
        email_message = render_email(
            _('Account Activation'),
        server = get_smtp_server()
        server.sendmail(CONFIG['smtp_from'], [self.email],

    def change_password(cls):
        Changes the password

        .. tip::
            On changing the password, the user is logged out and the login page
            is thrown at the user
        form = ChangePasswordForm(request.form)

        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
            if request.nereid_user.match_password(form.old_password.data):
                          {'password': form.password.data})
                    _('Your password has been successfully changed! '
                      'Please login again'))
                return redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login'))
                flash(_("The current password you entered is invalid"))

        return render_template('change-password.jinja',

    def new_password(cls):
        """Create a new password

        .. tip::

            Unlike change password this does not demand the old password.
            And hence this method will check in the session for a parameter
            called allow_new_password which has to be True. This acts as a
            security against attempts to POST to this method and changing

            The allow_new_password flag is popped on successful saving

        This is intended to be used when a user requests for a password reset.
        form = NewPasswordForm(request.form)

        if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
            if not session.get('allow_new_password', False):
                current_app.logger.debug('New password not allowed in session')

            cls.write([request.nereid_user], {'password': form.password.data})
                _('Your password has been successfully changed! '
                  'Please login again'))
            return redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login'))

        return render_template('new-password.jinja', password_form=form)

    def activate(self, activation_code):
        """A web request handler for activation

        :param activation_code: A 12 character activation code indicates reset
            while 16 character activation code indicates a new registration
        except AssertionError:
            flash(_('Invalid Activation Code'))
            # Log the user in since the activation code is correct
            session['user'] = self.id

            # Redirect the user to the correct location according to the type
            # of activation code.
            if len(activation_code) == 12:
                session['allow_new_password'] = True
                return redirect(url_for('nereid.user.new_password'))
            elif len(activation_code) == 16:
                flash(_('Your account has been activated'))
                return redirect(url_for('nereid.website.home'))

        return redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login'))

    def create_act_code(self, code_type="new"):
        """Create activation code

        A 12 character activation code indicates reset while 16
        character activation code indicates a new registration

        :param user_id: ID of the User
        :param code_type:   "new" for new activation code
                            "reset" for resetting existing account
        assert code_type in ("new", "reset")
        length = 16 if code_type == "new" else 12

        act_code = ''.join(
            random.sample(string.letters + string.digits, length))
        return self.write([self], {'activation_code': act_code})

    def reset_account(cls):
        Reset the password for the user.

        .. tip::
            This does NOT reset the password, but just creates an activation
            code and sends the link to the email of the user. If the user uses
            the link, he can change his password.
        if request.method == 'POST':
            user_ids = cls.search([
                ('email', '=', request.form['email']),
                ('company', '=', request.nereid_website.company.id),

            if not user_ids:
                flash(_('Invalid email address'))
                return render_template('reset-password.jinja')

            nereid_user, = user_ids

                _('An email has been sent to your account for resetting'
                  ' your credentials'))
            return redirect(url_for('nereid.website.login'))

        return render_template('reset-password.jinja')

    def send_reset_email(self):
        Send an account reset email to the user

        :param nereid_user: The browse record of the user
        email_message = render_email(CONFIG['smtp_from'],
                                     _('Account Password Reset'),
        server = get_smtp_server()
        server.sendmail(CONFIG['smtp_from'], [self.email],

    def match_password(self, password):
        Checks if 'password' is the same as the current users password.

        :param password: The password of the user (string or unicode)
        :return: True or False
        password += self.salt or ''
        if isinstance(password, unicode):
            password = password.encode('utf-8')
        if hashlib:
            digest = hashlib.sha1(password).hexdigest()
            digest = sha.new(password).hexdigest()
        return (digest == self.password)

    def authenticate(cls, email, password):
        """Assert credentials and if correct return the
        browse record of the user

        :param email: email of the user
        :param password: password of the user
            Browse Record: Successful Login
            None: User cannot be found or wrong password
            False: Account is inactive

        users = cls.search([
            ('email', '=', request.form['email']),
            ('company', '=', request.nereid_website.company.id),

        if not users:
            current_app.logger.debug("No user with email %s" % email)
            return None

        if len(users) > 1:
            current_app.logger.debug('%s has too many accounts' % email)
            return None

        user, = users
        if user.activation_code and len(user.activation_code) == 16:
            # A new account with activation pending
            current_app.logger.debug('%s not activated' % email)
            flash(_("Your account has not been activated yet!"))
            return False  # False so to avoid `invalid credentials` flash

        if user.match_password(password):
            # Reset any reset activation code that might be there since its a
            # successful login with the old password
            if user.activation_code:
                cls.write([user], {'activation_code': None})
            return user

        return None

    def _convert_values(values):
        A helper method which looks if the password is specified in the values.
        If it is, then the salt is also made and added

        :param values: A dictionary of field: value pairs
        if 'password' in values and values['password']:
            values['salt'] = ''.join(
                random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8))
            values['password'] += values['salt']

        return values

    def create(cls, values):
        Create, but add salt before saving

        :param values: Dictionary of Values
        values = cls._convert_values(values.copy())
        return super(NereidUser, cls).create(values)

    def write(cls, nereid_users, values):
        Update salt before saving
        return super(NereidUser, cls).write(nereid_users,

    def get_gravatar_url(email, **kwargs):
        Return a gravatar url for the given email

        :param email: e-mail of the user
        :param https: To get a secure URL
        :param default: The default image to return if there is no profile pic
                        For example a unisex avatar
        :param size: The size for the image
        if kwargs.get('https', request.scheme == 'https'):
            url = 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/%s?'
            url = 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/%s?'
        url = url % hashlib.md5(email.lower()).hexdigest()

        params = []
        default = kwargs.get('default', None)
        if default:
            params.append(('d', default))

        size = kwargs.get('size', None)
        if size:
            params.append(('s', str(size)))

        return url + urllib.urlencode(params)

    def get_profile_picture(self, **kwargs):
        Return the url to the profile picture of the user.

        The default implementation fetches the profile image of the user from
        gravatar using :meth:`get_gravatar_url`
        return self.get_gravatar_url(self.email, **kwargs)

    def aslocaltime(naive_date, local_tz_name=None):
        Returns a localized time using `pytz.astimezone` method.

        :param naive_date: a naive datetime (datetime with no timezone
                           information), which is assumed to be the UTC time.
        :param local_tz_name: The timezone in which the date has to be returned
        :type local_tz_name: string

        :return: A datetime object with local time

        utc_date = pytz.utc.localize(naive_date)

        if not local_tz_name:
            return utc_date

        local_tz = pytz.timezone(local_tz_name)
        if local_tz == pytz.utc:
            return utc_date

        return utc_date.astimezone(local_tz)

    def as_user_local_time(self, naive_date):
        Returns a date localized in the user's timezone.

        :param naive_date: a naive datetime (datetime with no timezone
                           information), which is assumed to be the UTC time.
        return self.aslocaltime(naive_date, self.timezone)

    def profile(cls):
        User profile
        user_form = ProfileForm(request.form, obj=request.nereid_user)
        if request.method == 'POST' and user_form.validate():
                [request.nereid_user], {
                    'display_name': user_form.display_name.data,
                    'timezone': user_form.timezone.data,
            flash('Your profile has been updated.')
            return redirect(
                request.args.get('next', url_for('nereid.user.profile')))
        return render_template('profile.jinja',