Пример #1
    print 'Arguments are not correct, Please provide as follows...\n'
    print 'python NFSAlerts.py conf.txt'
    logging.debug('----Ending script because of parameter mismatch----')

resultCollectionNew('\n"%s" testcase starts....' % testcase, ['', ''])
print('----Start of testcase "%s"----' % testcase)

conf = configFile(sys.argv)
apikey = get_apikey(conf)
stdurl = get_url(conf, apikey[1])
tsmIP = conf['ipVSM2']

startTime = ctime()
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsmIP)
tsmList = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmIP)
if tsmList[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmIP)
    logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
    get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsmList[1])
    tsmID = get_tsmInfo[0]
    tsmName = get_tsmInfo[1]
    datasetID = get_tsmInfo[2]
    logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
            tsmName, tsmID, datasetID)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list Tsm  "%s" due to: ' \
            %(tsmIP) + tsmList[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsmList[1], startTime, endTime)
Пример #2
    tsm_dict = {'name': 'T200%s' %(x), 'accountid': account_id, 'poolid': \
            pool_id, 'totaliops': '2000', 'quotasize': '1T', 'tntinterface': \
            str(TSM_interface[x-1]), 'dnsserver': str(TSM_dnsserver[x-1]), \
            'ipaddress': str(TSM_IPs[x-1]), 'totalthroughput': '8000'}
    #calling create TSM method...
    result = create_tsm(tsm_dict, STDURL)
    if result[0] == 'FAILED':
        print 'Not able to create VSM/TSM %s' % (tsm_dict.get('name'))
        logging.error('Not able to create VSM/TSM %s', result[1])
        logging.debug('mount/umount 100 NFS volumes test case is blocked...')
        is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)

###Getting TSMs ID and dasetids------------------------------------------------
for x in range(1, 6):
    tsm = listTSMWithIP_new(STDURL, str(TSM_IPs[x - 1]))
    if tsm[0] == 'FAILED':
        print 'Not able to get TSM/VSM with IP: %s' % (TSM_IPs[x - 1])
        logging.error('Not able to list TSM/VSM with IP: %s', TSM_IPs[x - 1])
        logging.debug('mount/umount 100 NFS volumes test case is blocked...')
        is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
    elif tsm[0] == 'BLOCKED':
        print 'There is no TSM/VSM with IP: %s' % (TSM_IPs[x - 1])
        logging.error('There is no TSM/VSM with IP: %s', TSM_IPs[x - 1])
        logging.debug('mount/umount 100 NFS volumes test case is blocked...')
        is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
        tsm = tsm[1]
        tsm_id = tsm[0].get('id')
        datasetid = tsm[0].get('datasetid')
        if tsm_id is None or datasetid is None:
Пример #3
        VSM_INTERFACE, 'dnsserver': VSM_DNS, \
        'ipaddress': VSM_IP, 'totalthroughput': 4*int(POOL_IOPS)}

# Create VSM using the pool_id and the params received from conf file

result = create_tsm(
    STDURL)  # This method is an aberration, elsewhere STDURL is 1st param
if result[0] == 'FAILED':
    logging.error('Testcase %s is blocked due to' \
            ': %s', tcName,result[1])
    is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)

# Get the info for the VSM created above (this list method response contains id, not create, so needed)

vsm = listTSMWithIP_new(STDURL, VSM_IP)
if vsm[0] == 'FAILED':
    logging.error('Testcase %s is blocked due to' \
            ': %s', tcName,tsm[1])
    is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
vsminfo = vsm[1]
print vsminfo

# Extract the vsm_id & vsm_dataset_id from info obtained above

vsm_id = vsminfo[0].get('id')
vsm_dataset_id = vsminfo[0].get('datasetid')

# Provide variables for Volume1 & Volume2 creation (from conf & hardcode) in dict format

vol1_dict = {'name': VOL1_NAME, 'quotasize': '500G', 'tsmid': vsm_id, 'iops': VOL1_IOPS, \
Пример #4
        return result[1]
    result = ['PASSED', ""]
    return result

def umountLogout():
    unmountISCSI = umountVolume(volume1)
    if "FAILED" in unmountISCSI:
        result = ['FAILED', unmountISCSI]
        return result[1]
    logout = iscsi_login_logout(iqnName, tsmIP, 'logout')
    result = ['PASSED', '']
    return result

TSM = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsmip)
if 'PASSED' in TSM:
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsmip)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list TSMs due to: ' + TSM[1]
    logging.debug('ISCSI login/logout alerts(devd logs), '\
                'testcase is Blocked due to %s', TSM[1])
        '-------Ending script because this testcase is blocked------')
    resultCollection('ISCSI login/logout alerts(devd logs), '\
        'testcase is', ['BLOCKED',' '], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
Пример #5
        print 'Volume \"%s\" is not mounted' % (volume['name'])
        return ['PASSED', 'Volume is not mounted']


startTime = ctime()
infile = '/etc/default/useradd'
HOME = getoutput('cat /etc/default/useradd | grep HOME | cut -d  "=" -f 2')
HOME = HOME[0].rstrip('\n')
usr1 = 'user1'
pwd = 'test123'
usr2 = 'user2'

list_tsm = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsm_ip)
if list_tsm[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('Tsm present with the given IP "%s"', tsm_ip)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list list_tsms due to: ' + list_tsm[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', list_tsm[1], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(list_tsm[1])
tsm_id = get_tsmInfo[0]
tsm_name = get_tsmInfo[1]
dataset_id = get_tsmInfo[2]
logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
            tsm_name, tsm_id, dataset_id)
Пример #6
    print "python nfsSoftmount.py conf.txt soft/hard"
    logging.debug("----Ending script because of parameter mismatch----\n")

resultCollectionNew('\n"%s" testcase starts....' % testcase, ['', ''])
print('----Start of testcase "%s"----' % testcase)

config = configFile(sys.argv)
apikey = get_apikey(config)
stdurl = get_url(config, apikey[1])
prtcl = sys.argv[2]
tsm_ip = config['ipVSM1']

startTime = ctime()
logging.info('Listing Tsm for given TSMIP "%s" to get its ID', tsm_ip)
tsm_list = listTSMWithIP_new(stdurl, tsm_ip)
if tsm_list[0] == 'PASSED':
    logging.info('TSM present with the given IP "%s"', tsm_ip)
    endTime = ctime()
    print 'Not able to list TSMs due to: ' + tsm_list[1]
    logAndresult(testcase, 'BLOCKED', tsm_list[1], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('Getting tsm_name, tsm_id, and dataset_id...')
#get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(list_tsm[1]) -- ERROR
get_tsmInfo = get_tsm_info(tsm_list[1])
tsm_id, tsm_name, dataset_id = get_tsmInfo[0], get_tsmInfo[1], get_tsmInfo[2]
logging.debug('tsm_name: %s, tsm_id: %s, dataset_id: %s',\
                    tsm_name, tsm_id, dataset_id)

volume1 = {'name': 'NFS%sPrtcl'%prtcl, 'tsmid': tsm_id, \