Пример #1
def generate_jtlv_ltl(spec):
    """Return LTL specification for JTLV.

    @type spec: L{GRSpec}
    a, g = translation.translate(spec, 'jtlv')

    if not a:
        a = 'TRUE'

    if not g:
        g = 'TRUE'

    ltl = ltl_template.format(a=a, g=g)

    logger.debug('JTLV input formula:\n' + ltl)

    return ltl
Пример #2
def generate_jtlv_ltl(spec):
    """Return LTL specification for JTLV.

    @type spec: L{GRSpec}
    a, g = translation.translate(spec, 'jtlv')

    if not a:
        a = 'TRUE'

    if not g:
        g = 'TRUE'

    ltl = ltl_template.format(a=a, g=g)

    logger.debug('JTLV input formula:\n' + ltl)

    return ltl
Пример #3
def synthesize(formula, env_vars=None, sys_vars=None):
    """Return Moore transducer if C{formula} is realizable.

    Variable C{dict}s have variable names as keys and their type as
    value. The types should be 'boolean'. These parameters are only
    used if formula is of type C{str}. Else, the variable dictionaries
    associated with the L{LTL} or L{GRSpec} object are used.

    @param formula: linear temporal logic formula
    @type formula: C{str}, L{LTL}, or L{GRSpec}

    @param env_vars: uncontrolled variables (inputs); used only if
        C{formula} is of type C{str}
    @type env_vars: C{dict} or None

    @param sys_vars: controlled variables (outputs); used only if
        C{formula} is of type C{str}
    @type sys_vars: C{dict} or None

    @return: symbolic Moore transducer
        (guards are conjunctions, not sets)
    @rtype: L{MooreMachine}
    if isinstance(formula, GRSpec):
        env_vars = formula.env_vars
        sys_vars = formula.sys_vars
    elif isinstance(formula, LTL):
        env_vars = formula.input_variables
        sys_vars = formula.output_variables

    all_vars = dict(env_vars)
    if not all(v == 'boolean' for v in all_vars.itervalues()):
        raise TypeError(
            'all variables should be Boolean:\n{v}'.format(v=all_vars))

    if isinstance(formula, GRSpec):
        f = translate(formula, 'wring')
        T = parse(str(formula))
        f = translate_ast(T, 'wring').flatten(env_vars=env_vars,

    # dump partition file
    s = '.inputs {inp}\n.outputs {out}'.format(
        inp=' '.join(env_vars),
        out=' '.join(sys_vars)
    with open(IO_PARTITION_FILE, 'w') as fid:

    # call lily
        p = subprocess.Popen([LILY, '-f', f, '-syn', IO_PARTITION_FILE],
                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        out = p.stdout.read()
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT:
            raise Exception(
                'lily.pl not found in path.\n'
                'See the Lily docs for setting PERL5LIB and PATH.')

    dotf = open(DOTFILE, 'r')
    fail_msg = 'Formula is not realizable'
    if dotf.read(len(fail_msg)) == fail_msg:
        return None
    g = nx.read_dot(dotf)
    moore = lily_strategy2moore(g, env_vars, sys_vars)
    return moore
Пример #4
def check_translate_unrecognized_types(spc):
    ts.translate(spc, 'gr1c')
Пример #5
def check_translate_unrecognized_types(spc):
    ts.translate(spc, 'gr1c')
def test_translate_unrecognized_types(spc):
    ts.translate(spc, 'gr1c')