def test_required_fields():
    """Test required fields.

    Required fields are automatically discovered from the form validator
    and marked with the "requiredfield" CSS class.

    class MyFields(widgets.WidgetsList):
        name = widgets.TextField(validator=validators.String())
        comment = widgets.TextArea(validator=validators.String(not_empty=True))
    form = widgets.TableForm(fields=MyFields())

    class MyRoot(turbogears.controllers.RootController):
        def test(self):
            return dict(form=form)

    app = testutil.make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/test")
    output = response.body.lower()
    assert 'content="kid"' in output and 'content="genshi"' not in output

    name_p = 'name="comment"'
    class_p = 'class="textarea requiredfield"'
    assert (re.compile('.*'.join([class_p, name_p])).search(output)
        or re.compile('.*'.join([name_p, class_p])).search(output))

    name_p = 'name="name"'
    class_p = 'class="textfield"'
    assert (re.compile('.*'.join([class_p, name_p])).search(output)
        or re.compile('.*'.join([name_p, class_p])).search(output))
    def test_display(self):
        Checks if names fo the widgets are set correctly depending on their
        app = testutil.make_app(self.MyRoot)
        response = app.get('/?test_id=sub2')
        output = response.body
        value_p = 'value="22"'
        name_p = 'name="sub.sub2.age"'
        assert (re.compile('.*'.join([value_p, name_p])).search(output) or
                re.compile('.*'.join([name_p, value_p])).search(output))

        response = app.get('/?test_id=sub')
        output = response.body
        value_p = 'value="22"'
        name_p = 'name="sub.age"'
        id_p = 'id="myform_sub_age"'
        assert (re.compile('.*'.join([value_p, name_p])).search(output) or
                re.compile('.*'.join([name_p, value_p])).search(output))
        assert (re.compile('.*'.join([value_p, id_p])).search(output) or
                re.compile('.*'.join([id_p, value_p])).search(output))

        response = app.get('/?test_id=age')
        output = response.body
        value_p = 'value="22"'
        name_p = 'name="age"'
        assert (re.compile('.*'.join([value_p, name_p])).search(output) or
                re.compile('.*'.join([name_p, value_p])).search(output))
def test_exc_done_rollback():
    """No problems with error handler if controller manually rollbacks."""
    app = make_app(RbRoot)
    response = app.get('/doerr?id=28&dorb=1')
    assert 'KARL27' in response, 'Exception handler should have answered'
    assert session.query(User).get(28) is None
    assert session.query(User).get(29) is not None
    def test_validation(self):
        """Data can be converted and validated"""
        response ="/istrue?value=true")
        assert response.body == 'True'
        response ="/istrue?value=false")
        assert response.body == 'False'

        app = testutil.make_app(MyRoot)
        response = app.get("/istrue?value=foo")
        assert response.raw['msg'] == 'Error Message'

        response = app.get("/save?submit=send&firstname=John&lastname=Doe")
        assert response.raw['fullname'] == "John Doe"
        assert response.raw['submit'] == "send"
        response = app.get("/save?submit=send&firstname=Arthur")
        assert response.raw['fullname'] == "Arthur Miller"
        response = app.get("/save?submit=send&firstname=Arthur&lastname=")
        assert response.raw['fullname'] == "Arthur "
        response = app.get("/save?submit=send&firstname=D&lastname=")
        assert len(response.raw['errors'].keys()) == 1
        assert "firstname" in response.raw['errors']
        assert "characters" in response.raw['errors']["firstname"].lower()
        response = app.get("/save?submit=send&firstname=&lastname=")
        assert len(response.raw['errors'].keys()) == 1
        assert "firstname" in response.raw['errors']
Пример #5
def test_textfield():
    """Test form rendering inside a request."""
    #form name is prepended to element ids only when running inside a request.

    class MyField(widgets.WidgetsList):
        blonk = widgets.TextField()
    tf = widgets.ListForm(fields=MyField())

    class MyFieldOverrideName(widgets.WidgetsList):
        blonk = widgets.TextField(name="blink")
    tf2 = widgets.ListForm(fields=MyFieldOverrideName())

    class MyRoot(controllers.RootController):
        def fields(self):
            return tf.render(format='xhtml')

        def override(self):
            return tf2.render(format='xhtml')

    testutil.mount(MyRoot(), '/')
    app = testutil.make_app()
    r = app.get('/fields')
    assert 'name="blonk"' in r
    assert 'id="form_blonk"' in r

    r = app.get('/override')
    assert 'name="blink"' in r
    assert 'id="form_blink"' in r
def test_cntrl_commit():
    """It's safe to commit a transaction in the controller."""
    app = make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=23&docom=1")
    assert 'InvalidRequestError' not in response
    assert session.query(Person).get(23) is not None, \
        'The Person 23 should have been saved during commit inside controller'
def test_cntrl_commit2():
    """A commit inside the controller is not rolled back by the exception."""
    app = make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=24&docom=1&doerr=1")
    assert 'InvalidRequestError' not in response
    assert session.query(Person).get(24) is not None, \
        'The Person 24 should have been saved during commit' \
        ' inside controller and not rolled back'
def test_user_exception():
    """If a controller raises an exception, transactions are rolled back."""
    app = make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=19&docom=0&doerr=1&name=Martin%20GAL")
    assert 'KARL25' in response, \
        'The exception handler should have answered us'
    p = session.query(Person).get(19)
    assert p is None, \
        'This Person should have been rolled back: %s' % p
def test_implicit_trans_no_error():
    """If a controller runs sucessfully, the transaction is commited."""
    app = make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/no_error?name=A.%20Dent")
    arthur = session.query(Person).filter_by(name="A. Dent").first()
    assert 'someconfirmhandler' in response, \
        'The no error should have redirected to someconfirmhandler'
    assert arthur is not None, 'Person arthur should have been saved!'
    assert == "A. Dent", 'Person arthur should be named "A. Dent"'
Пример #10
def test_nested_variables():
    url = u"/checkform?".encode("utf-8")
    testutil.stop_server(tg_only = True)
    app = testutil.make_app(NestedController)
    request = app.get(url)
    assert config.get("decoding_filter.encoding", path='/') == "utf8"
    assert request.raw["name"] == "Kevin"
    assert request.raw["age"] == u"some Numero"
def test_raise_sa_exception():
    """If a controller causes an SA exception, it is raised properly."""
    app = make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=20")
    assert 'No exceptions occurred' in response
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=20", status=500)
    assert 'KARL25' not in response, \
        'Exception should NOT have been handled by our handler'
    assert 'IntegrityError' in response, \
        'The page should have displayed a database integrity error'
def test_exc_rollback2():
    """An exception within a controller method causes a rollback.

    Try to create a user that should rollback because of an exception
    so user XX should not exist.

    app = make_app(RbRoot)
    response = app.get('/doerr?id=XX')
    assert 'KARL27' in response, 'Exception handler should have answered'
    assert session.query(User).get('XX') is None
Пример #13
def test_field_for():
    app = make_app(NestedController)
    response = app.get('/field_for')
    assert "form_foo_appears" in response
    assert "form_foo_foo_appears" in response
    assert "foo.appears" in response
    assert "" in response
    assert "error_appears" in response
    assert "textfield" in response
    assert "HiYo!" in response
    assert "size=\"100\"" in response
def test_cntrl_flush():
    """It's safe to flush in the controller."""
    app = make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=25&doflush=1")
    print response
    assert 'No exceptions occurred' in response
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=25&doflush=0", status=500)
    assert 'IntegrityError' in response
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=25&doflush=1")
    assert 'IntegrityError' in response
    response = app.get("/create_person?id=25&doflush=2")
    assert 'No exceptions occurred' in response
 def test_allow_json_config(self):
     """JSON output can be enabled via config."""
     class JSONRoot(controllers.RootController):
         def allowjsonconfig(self):
             return dict(title="Foobar", mybool=False, someval="foo",
     app = testutil.make_app(JSONRoot)
     response = app.get('/allowjsonconfig?tg_format=json')
     assert response.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json"
     config.update({'tg.allow_json': False})
Пример #16
 def test_nested_login(self):
     """Check that we can login using a nested form."""
         'identity.form.user_name': 'credentials.user',
         'identity.form.password': '******',
         'identity.form.submit': ''})
     testutil.stop_server(tg_only=False) = testutil.make_app(self.root)
     response ='/logged_in_only?'
     assert 'logged_in_only' in response, response
def test_exc_rollback():
    """An exception within a controller method causes a rollback.

    Try to create a user that should rollback because of an exception
    so user 25 should not exist, but user 26 should be present since it
    is created by the exception handler.

    app = make_app(RbRoot)
    response = app.get('/doerr?id=26')
    assert 'KARL27' in response, 'Exception handler should have answered'
    assert session.query(User).get(26) is None
    assert session.query(User).get(27) is not None
 def test_allow_json_config_false(self):
     """Make sure JSON can still be restricted with a global config on."""
     config.update({'tg.allow_json': False})
     class JSONRoot(controllers.RootController):
         def allowjsonconfig(self):
             return dict(title="Foobar", mybool=False, someval="foo",
     app = testutil.make_app(JSONRoot)
     response = app.get('/allowjsonconfig')
     response = app.get('/allowjsonconfig?tg_format=json', status=404)
     assert response.headers["Content-Type"] == "text/html"
     config.update({'tg.allow_json': True})
Пример #19
def test_expose_pass_options():
    """Test that expose correctly passes kwargs as options to template engine."""
    app = make_app(ExposeRoot)
    response = app.get("/with_testplugin")
    info, options = loads(response.body)
    assert info['fruit'] == 'apple' and info['tree'] == 'Rowan', \
        "Data dict returned from exposed method not included in output."
    assert options['cache'] is True, \
        "Options passed to template engine constructor not used."
    assert options['renderer'] == 'fast', \
        "Options passed as kwargs to expose() not passed to render()."
    assert options['strict'] is not True, \
        "Options passed to expose() do not override options passed to __init__()."
    response = app.get("/with_testplugin_using_mapping")
    info, options = loads(response.body)
    assert options['mapping'] == dict(deprecated=True), \
        "Options passed in mapping arg to expose() not passed to render()."
Пример #20
def test_allow_json():

    class NewRoot(controllers.RootController):
        @expose(template="turbogears.tests.doesnotexist", allow_json=True)
        def test(self):
            return dict(title="Foobar", mybool=False, someval="niggles")

    app = make_app(NewRoot)
    response = app.get("/test", headers= dict(accept="application/json"))
    values = loads(response.body)
    assert values == dict(title="Foobar", mybool=False, someval="niggles",
    assert response.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json"
    response = app.get("/test?tg_format=json")
    values = loads(response.body)
    assert values == dict(title="Foobar", mybool=False, someval="niggles",
    assert response.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json"
def test_session_freshness():
    """Check for session freshness.

    Changes made to the data in thread B should be reflected in thread A.

    test_table.insert().execute(dict(id=1, val='a'))
    app = make_app(FreshRoot)
    response = app.get("/test1", status = 200)
    assert 'AssertionError' not in response
    # Call test2 in a different thread
    class ThreadB(threading.Thread):
        def run(self):
            response = app.get("/test2", status=200)
            assert 'AssertionError' not in response
    thrdb = ThreadB()
    response = app.get("/test3", status=200)
    assert 'AssertionError' not in response
def test_table_widget_js():
    """The TableForm Widget can require JavaScript and CSS resources.

    Addresses ticket #425. Should be applicable to any widget.
    class MyTableWithJS(widgets.TableForm):
        javascript = [widgets.JSLink(mod=widgets.static, name="foo.js"),
        css = [widgets.CSSLink(mod=widgets.static, name="foo.css")]

    form = MyTableWithJS(fields=[widgets.TextField(name='title')])

    class MyRoot(turbogears.controllers.RootController):
        def test(self):
            return dict(form=form)
        test = turbogears.expose(template="kid:turbogears.widgets.tests.form")(test)

    app = testutil.make_app(MyRoot)
    response = app.get("/test")
    assert 'foo.js' in response.body
    assert "alert('hello');" in response.body
    assert 'foo.css' in response.body
def setup_module():
    global app
    app = testutil.make_app(MyRoot)
Пример #24
 def setUp(self):
     "Tests the output of the index method" = testutil.make_app(self.root)
 def setUp(self):
     testutil.mount(MyRoot(), '/')
     testutil.mount(SubApp(), '/subthing')
     testutil.mount(SubApp(), '/subthing/subsubthing') = testutil.make_app()
     super(TestURLs, self).setUp()
Пример #26
def test_gettingjson():
    app = make_app(ExposeRoot)
    response = app.get("/with_json?tg_format=json")
    assert '"title": "Foobar"' in response
Пример #27
def test_gettingjsonviaaccept():
    app = make_app(ExposeRoot)
    response = app.get("/with_json_via_accept",
    assert '"title": "Foobar"' in response
def test_calendardatepicker_js():

    class MyRoot(turbogears.controllers.RootController):

        def test(self, lang=None):
            return dict(widget=widgets.CalendarDatePicker(calendar_lang=lang))
        test = turbogears.expose(template="kid:turbogears.widgets.tests.widget")(test)

    app = testutil.make_app(MyRoot)

    # testing default language (en)
    response = app.get("/test")
    assert 'calendar/calendar.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/calendar-setup.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' in response.body

    # testing non-existing language
    response = app.get("/test", headers={"Accept-Language": "x"})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-x.js' not in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' in response.body

    # testing French language
    response = app.get("/test", headers={"Accept-Language": "fr"})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-fr.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' not in response.body
    assert 'charset="utf-8"' in response.body

    # testing German language with any charset
    response = app.get("/test",
        headers={"Accept-Language": "de", "Accept-Charset": "*"})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-de.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' not in response.body
    assert 'charset="*"' not in response.body

    # testing Turkish language with non-existing charset
    response = app.get("/test",
        headers={"Accept-Language": "tr", "Accept-Charset": "big5"})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-tr.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' not in response.body
    assert 'charset="big5"' not in response.body

    win1254 = 'windows-1254'
    from codecs import lookup
        assert lookup(win1254).name == 'cp1254'
    except AttributeError: # Py < 2.5
        win1254 = 'cp1254' # cannot test name normalization here

    # testing Turkish language with existing, not normalized charset
    response = app.get("/test",
        headers={"Accept-Language": "tr", "Accept-Charset": win1254})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-tr-cp1254.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' not in response.body
    assert 'charset="cp1254"' in response.body

    # testing more than one language and charset
    response = app.get("/test", headers={"Accept-Language": "x,tr,de,fr",
        "Accept-Charset": "big5,%s,latin-1" % win1254})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-tr-cp1254.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-x.js' not in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' not in response.body
    assert 'charset="cp1254"' in response.body
    assert 'charset="big5"' not in response.body

    # testing predetermined language (fr)
    response = app.get("/test?lang=fr",
        headers={"Accept-Language": "de,en,tr"})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-fr.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' not in response.body

    # testing predetermined non-existing language
    response = app.get("/test?lang=x",
        headers={"Accept-Language": "de,en,fr,tr"})
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-de.js' in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-x.js' not in response.body
    assert 'calendar/lang/calendar-en.js' not in response.body
Пример #29
def test_getting_json_with_accept_but_using_tg_format():
    app = make_app(ExposeRoot)
    response = app.get("/with_json_via_accept?tg_format=json")
    assert '"title": "Foobar"' in response
Пример #30
def test_getting_plaintext():
    app = make_app(ExposeRoot)
    response = app.get("/with_json_via_accept",
    assert response.body == "This is a plain text for foo."