Пример #1
def send_mail(subject, body, author=None, **kwargs):
    msg = Message(author or from_, parse_mail(kwargs.get('to', [])), subject)
    msg.cc = parse_mail(kwargs.get('cc', []))
    bcc = kwargs.get('bcc', [])
    if not bcc:
        if kwargs.get('debug', True):
            bcc = debug_list

    msg.bcc = parse_mail(bcc)
    msg.plain = subject
    msg.rich = body
    [msg.attach(attachment) for attachment in kwargs.get('attachments', [])]
Пример #2
def send(to, template_path, context=None, reply_to='', bcc='*****@*****.**'):
    Send message based on a mako template. The recipient is automatically added
    to the context_dict that gets fed to the template.

    t = EMAIL_TEMPLATE_LOOKUP.get_template(template_path)
    context = context or {}
    context['url_for'] = absolute_url_for
    def get_email(u, set_context=True):
        if isinstance(u, users.User):
            if set_context: context['user'] = u
            return u.email
        return u
    if isinstance(to, users.User):
        to = get_email(to)
    if isinstance(to, (list, tuple)):
        to = [get_email(u, set_context=False) for u in to]

    pc = pylons.config
    subject = t.get_def('subject').render_unicode(**context).strip()
    body = line_reduce(t.render_unicode(**context).strip())
    f = (pc['mail.message.author_name'], pc['mail.message.author'])
    reroute = pc.get('mail.reroute')
    if reroute:
        old_to = to
        to = reroute
    lmsg = 'Sending email from %s to %s.' % (f, to)
    if reroute:
        lmsg += ' Message was rerouted from %s' % old_to
    msg = Message(f, to, subject, plain=body)
    msg.plain = body
    msg.bcc = bcc
    if reply_to:
        msg.reply_to = reply_to