Пример #1
def difference(feature_1: Feature, feature_2: Feature) -> Feature:
    Find the difference between given two features.
    :param feature_1: A GeoJSON feature
    :param feature_2: A GeoJSON feature
    :return: A GeoJSON feature


    >>> from geojson import Polygon, Feature
    >>> from turfpy.transformation import difference
    >>> f1 = Feature(geometry=Polygon([[
    >>>     [128, -26],
    >>>     [141, -26],
    >>>     [141, -21],
    >>>     [128, -21],
    >>>     [128, -26]]]), properties={"combine": "yes", "fill": "#00f"})
    >>> f2 = Feature(geometry=Polygon([[
    >>>     [126, -28],
    >>>     [140, -28],
    >>>     [140, -20],
    >>>     [126, -20],
    >>>     [126, -28]]]), properties={"combine": "yes"})
    >>> difference(f1, f2)
    properties_list = []

    if "properties" in feature_1.keys():

    if "properties" in feature_2.keys():

    shape_1 = shape(get_geom(feature_1))

    shape_2 = shape(get_geom(feature_2))

    difference_result = shape_1.difference(shape_2)

    difference_result = mapping(difference_result)

    if len(difference_result["coordinates"]) == 0:
        return None

    properties = merge_dict(properties_list)

    difference_feature = Feature(geometry=difference_result,

    return difference_feature
Пример #2
def intersect(geojson_1: Feature, geojson_2: Feature):
    Takes two polygons and finds their intersection
    :param geojson_1: Geojson data
    :param geojson_2: Geojson data
    :return: Intersection Geojson Feature


    >>> from turfpy.transformation import intersect
    >>> from geojson import Feature
    >>> f = Feature(geometry={"coordinates": [
    >>> [[-122.801742, 45.48565], [-122.801742, 45.60491],
    >>> [-122.584762, 45.60491], [-122.584762, 45.48565],
    >>> [-122.801742, 45.48565]]], "type": "Polygon"})
    >>> b = Feature(geometry={"coordinates": [
    >>> [[-122.520217, 45.535693], [-122.64038, 45.553967],
    >>> [-122.720031, 45.526554], [-122.669906, 45.507309],
    >>> [-122.723464, 45.446643], [-122.532577, 45.408574],
    >>> [-122.487258, 45.477466], [-122.520217, 45.535693]
    >>> ]], "type": "Polygon"})
    >>> inter = intersect(f, b)

    geometry_1 = get_geom(geojson_1)
    geometry_2 = get_geom(geojson_2)

    shape_1 = shape(geometry_1)
    shape_2 = shape(geometry_2)

    if not shape_1.is_valid:
        shape_1 = shape_1.buffer(0)

    if not shape_2.is_valid:
        shape_2 = shape_2.buffer(0)

    intersection = shape_1.intersection(shape_2)
    intersection = mapping(intersection)

    if len(intersection["coordinates"]) == 0:
        return None

    intersection_feature = Feature(geometry=intersection)

    return intersection_feature
Пример #3
def boolean_point_in_polygon(point, polygon, ignore_boundary=False):
    Takes a Point or a Point Feature and Polygon or Polygon Feature as input and returns
    True if Point is in given Feature.

    :param point: Point or Point Feature.
    :param polygon: Polygon or Polygon Feature.
    :param ignore_boundary: [Optional] default value is False, specify whether to exclude
        boundary of the given polygon or not.
    :return: True if the given Point is in Polygons else False


    >>> from turfpy.measurement import boolean_point_in_polygon
    >>> from geojson import Point, MultiPolygon, Feature
    >>> point = Feature(geometry=Point((-77, 44)))
    >>> polygon = Feature(geometry=MultiPolygon([([(-81, 41), (-81, 47), (-72, 47),
    (-72, 41), (-81, 41)],),
    >>> ([(3.78, 9.28), (-130.91, 1.52), (35.12, 72.234), (3.78, 9.28)],)]))
    >>> boolean_point_in_polygon(point, polygon)
    if not point:
        raise Exception("point is required")
    if not polygon:
        raise Exception("polygon is required")

    pt = get_coord(point)
    geom = get_geom(polygon)
    geo_type = geom["type"]
    bbox = polygon.get("bbox", None)
    polys = geom["coordinates"]

    if bbox and not in_bbox(pt, bbox):
        return False

    if geo_type == "Polygon":
        polys = [polys]

    inside_poly = False

    for i in range(0, len(polys)):
        if in_ring(pt, polys[i][0], ignore_boundary):
            in_hole = False
            k = 1
            while k < len(polys[i]) and not in_hole:
                if in_ring(pt, polys[i][k], not ignore_boundary):
                    in_hole = True
                k += 1
            if not in_hole:
                inside_poly = True

    return inside_poly
Пример #4
def bezier_spline(line: Feature, resolution=10000, sharpness=0.85) -> Feature:
    Takes a line and returns a curved version by applying a Bezier spline algorithm
    :param line: LineString Feature which is used to draw the curve
    :param resolution: time in milliseconds between points
    :param sharpness: a measure of how curvy the path should be between splines
    :return: Curve as LineString Feature


    >>> from geojson import LineString, Feature
    >>> from turfpy.transformation import bezier_spline
    >>> ls = LineString([(-76.091308, 18.427501),
    >>>                     (-76.695556, 18.729501),
    >>>                     (-76.552734, 19.40443),
    >>>                     (-74.61914, 19.134789),
    >>>                     (-73.652343, 20.07657),
    >>>                     (-73.157958, 20.210656)])
    >>> f = Feature(geometry=ls)
    >>> bezier_spline(f)
    coords = []
    points = []
    geom = get_geom(line)

    for c in geom["coordinates"]:
        points.append({"x": c[0], "y": c[1]})

    spline = Spline(points_data=points,

    i = 0
    while i < spline.duration:
        pos = spline.pos(i)
        if floor(i / 100) % 2 == 0:
            coords.append((pos["x"], pos["y"]))
        i = i + 10

    return Feature(geometry=LineString(coords))
Пример #5
def union(features: List[Feature]) -> Feature:
    Given list of two or more `Polygons` return union of those.

    :param features: A list of GeoJSON features(Polygons).
    :return: union GeoJSON Feature.

    shapes = []
    for f in features:
        if f.geometry.type != "Polygon":
            raise ValueError("All the features in the list must be Polygon")
        poly = get_geom(f)
        s = shape(poly)

    result = cascaded_union(shapes)
    result = mapping(result)

    if not result["coordinates"]:
        return None

    return Feature(geometry=result)
Пример #6
def union(
    features: Union[List[Feature], FeatureCollection]
) -> Union[Feature, FeatureCollection]:
    Given list of features or ``FeatureCollection`` return union of those.

    :param features: A list of GeoJSON features or FeatureCollection.
    :return: A GeoJSON Feature or FeatureCollection.

        >>> from turfpy.transformation import union
        >>> from geojson import Feature, Polygon, FeatureCollection
        >>> f1 = Feature(geometry=Polygon([[
        ...          [-82.574787, 35.594087],
        ...          [-82.574787, 35.615581],
        ...          [-82.545261, 35.615581],
        ...          [-82.545261, 35.594087],
        ...          [-82.574787, 35.594087]
        ...      ]]), properties={"fill": "#00f"})
        >>> f2 = Feature(geometry=Polygon([[
        ...          [-82.560024, 35.585153],
        ...          [-82.560024, 35.602602],
        ...          [-82.52964, 35.602602],
        ...          [-82.52964, 35.585153],
        ...          [-82.560024, 35.585153]]]), properties={"fill": "#00f"})
        >>> union(FeatureCollection([f1, f2], properties={"combine": "yes"}))

    shapes = []
    properties_list = []
    if isinstance(features, list):
        for f in features:
            if f.type != "Feature":
                raise Exception("Not a valid feature")
            geom = get_geom(f)
            s = shape(geom)

            if "properties" in f.keys():
        if "features" not in features.keys():
            raise Exception("Invalid FeatureCollection")
        if "properties" in features.keys():

        for f in features["features"]:
            geom = get_geom(f)
            s = shape(geom)

            if "properties" in f.keys():

    result = cascaded_union(shapes)
    result = mapping(result)
    properties = merge_dict(properties_list)

    if result["type"] == "GeometryCollection":
        features = []
        for geom in result["geometries"]:
        return FeatureCollection(features, properties=properties)

    return Feature(geometry=result, properties=properties)
Пример #7
def intersect(features: Union[List[Feature], FeatureCollection]) -> Feature:
    Takes polygons and finds their intersection
    :param features: List of features of Feature Collection
    :return: Intersection Geojson Feature


    >>> from turfpy.transformation import intersect
    >>> from geojson import Feature
    >>> f = Feature(geometry={"coordinates": [
    >>> [[-122.801742, 45.48565], [-122.801742, 45.60491],
    >>> [-122.584762, 45.60491], [-122.584762, 45.48565],
    >>> [-122.801742, 45.48565]]], "type": "Polygon"})
    >>> b = Feature(geometry={"coordinates": [
    >>> [[-122.520217, 45.535693], [-122.64038, 45.553967],
    >>> [-122.720031, 45.526554], [-122.669906, 45.507309],
    >>> [-122.723464, 45.446643], [-122.532577, 45.408574],
    >>> [-122.487258, 45.477466], [-122.520217, 45.535693]
    >>> ]], "type": "Polygon"})
    >>> inter = intersect([f, b])
    properties_list = []

    if isinstance(features, list):
        shapes = []
        for f in features:
            poly = get_geom(f)
            s = shape(poly)

            if "properties" in f.keys():

        if "features" not in features.keys():
            raise Exception("Invalid FeatureCollection")

        if "properties" in features.keys():

        shapes = []
        for f in features["features"]:
            poly = get_geom(f)
            s = shape(poly)

            if "properties" in f.keys():

    intersection = shapes[0]

    for shape_value in shapes:
        intersection = shape_value.intersection(intersection)

    intersection = mapping(intersection)

    if len(intersection["coordinates"]) == 0:
        return None

    properties = merge_dict(properties_list)

    intersection_feature = Feature(geometry=intersection, properties=properties)

    return intersection_feature