def kwadrat(kolor): #kwadrat t.fillcolor(kolor) t.begin_fill() for i in range(4): t.fd(B) t.rt(90) t.end_fill()
def drawStar(N, R): turtle.reset() a = 360/N for i in range(N): turtle.fd(R) turtle.bk(R) turtle.left(a)
def drawLine(self,color,coord1,coord2): """ dessine une ligne entre deux coordonné sur la grille :param color: La couleur de la ligne :param coord1: La première coordonné en tuple (i,j,"joueur") :param coord2: La deuxième coordonné en tuple (i,j,"joueur") """ if coord1[2] == coord2[2] and coord2[2] == "you": turtle.goto(38+coord1[1]*25,87-25*coord1[0]) elif coord1[2] == coord2[2] and coord2[2] == "enemy": turtle.goto(-262+(25*coord1[1]),87-25*coord1[0]) else: print('wrong player') return 0 turtle.pensize(20) turtle.pencolor(color) if coord1[1] == coord2[1]: #Vertical turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(270) turtle.fd((coord2[0]-coord1[0])*25) elif coord1[0] == coord2[0]: #horizontal turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(0) turtle.fd((coord2[1]-coord1[1])*25) else: print('Ligne non Hori ou Vert') return 0 turtle.penup() return 1
def ustDoNastKraw(ile, bokKw=10): turtle.pu() turtle.fd(bokKw) turtle.rt(90) turtle.rt(180) turtle.pd()
def drawSootSprite(N, R): # reset direction turtle.reset() # draw star drawStar(N, R) # draw body*2*R) # draw right eyeball turtle.fd(0.2*R)*R, 'white') # draw right pupil turtle.pu() turtle.bk(0.1*R) turtle.pd()*R) turtle.pu() # centre turtle.setpos(0, 0) # draw left eyeball turtle.bk(0.2*R) turtle.pd()*R, 'white') # draw left pupil turtle.pu() turtle.fd(0.1*R) turtle.pd()*R) turtle.hideturtle()
def elementSowy(r, bokKw, rMalegoKola): ##Rysujemy OD ŚRODKA turtle.colormode(255) turtle.fillcolor(209, 183, 255) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill() turtle.pu() turtle.fd(r) turtle.fd(r) turtle.pd() turtle.fillcolor(0, 0, 255) turtle.begin_fill() kwadrat(bokKw) turtle.end_fill() turtle.pu() turtle.fd((bokKw/4)*3) turtle.fd(bokKw/4) turtle.pd() turtle.fillcolor(255, 255, 255) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill() turtle.pu() turtle.fd(bokKw / 2) turtle.pd() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill()
def drawSide(l): """ Draw one side of the hexagon. l is side length """ turtle.fd(l) turtle.rt(60)
def rogi(bok): gamma = 90 + 18 beta = 360 / 5 alpha = 180 - beta romb(bok) naGoreRombu(bok) romb(bok) naGoreRombu(bok) turtle.rt(gamma) romb(bok) turtle.pu() turtle.rt(gamma) turtle.fd(bok) turtle.fd(60) turtle.rt(beta) turtle.pd() romb(bok) naGoreRombu(bok) romb(bok) naGoreRombu(bok)*1.5) naGoreRombu(bok) turtle.rt(180)
def takieCos(n): rotateUpwards = [0, 3, 4] rot = -90 for j in range(0,2): # for j in range(0,2): turtle.fd(1.5*n) turtle.rt(-90) turtle.fd(n) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(n) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(n) turtle.rt(-90) turtle.fd(1.5*n) if (j in rotateUpwards): turtle.rt(-90) else: turtle.rt(90) turtle.rt((-1)*rot) # turtle.rt(180) takieCos(n) raw_input()
def ustNaStart(dlBokKw, ile): turtle.pu() turtle.bk(dlBokKw * ile / 2 +5) turtle.fd(dlBokKw * (ile - 2) / 2 - 5) turtle.rt(90) turtle.pd()
def ustNaStart(r): turtle.pu() turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(r) turtle.pd()
def main(): turtle.setup(800, 350, 200, 200) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(-300) turtle.pensize(5) drawDate('%Y%m%d')) turtle.hideturtle()
def koch(size, n): if n == 0: turtle.fd(size) else: for angle in [0, 60, -120, 60]: turtle.left(angle) koch(size/3, n-1)
def tSquare(size, level): """ The T-Square fractal. """ if level < 1: drawSquare(size, True) else: drawSquare(size, True) bk(size / 4.0) left(90) fd(size / 4.0) right(90) tSquare(size / 2.0, level - 1) up() fd(size) down() tSquare(size / 2.0, level - 1) right(90) fd(size) left(90) tSquare(size / 2.0, level - 1) bk(size) tSquare(size / 2.0, level - 1) left(90) up() fd(size * 3 / 4.0) down() right(90) fd(size / 4.0)
def draw_l(word): turtle.up() turtle.clear() turtle.setposition(0, 0) turtle.setheading(0) turtle.bk(INITIAL_POS[0]) turtle.down() stack = [] for char in word: if char == '0': turtle.fd(SIZE[0]) if char == '1': turtle.fd(SIZE[0]) if char == '[': stack.append((turtle.position(), turtle.heading())) if char == ']': position, heading = stack.pop() turtle.up() turtle.setposition(position) turtle.setheading(heading) turtle.rt(45) turtle.down()
def turmandel(step, zoom, xres, yres, xthresh, ythresh): turtle.setheading(0) for y in range(yres): turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, y) turtle.pd() for x in range(xres): x = float(x) y = float(y) u = float(x)/float((xres/zoom))-xthresh v = float(y)/float((yres/zoom))-ythresh x0 = float(u) y0 = float(v) a = 0.0 b = 0.0 i = step while ((i>0) and (a+b<=4.0)): a = float(x0*x0) b = float(y0*y0) y0 = float(2.0*x0*y0+v) x0 = float(a-b+u) i = i - 1 color = i % 255 turtle.pencolor((color, color, color)) if i < 1: turtle.pencolor((0,0,0)) turtle.fd(1)
def jeden(): turtle.fd(50) turtle.fillcolor(randint(0,255),randint(0,255),randint(0,255)) turtle.begin_fill() kwadrat(50) turtle.end_fill() turtle.bk(50)
def naGoreWiezy(bokProst1, bokTroj): turtle.pu() turtle.fd(bokProst1) turtle.rt(30) turtle.fd(bokTroj) turtle.pd()
def okoP(a): turtle.begin_fill() wielokat(6, a *4, 4) turtle.end_fill() turtle.rt(180) turtle.fd(a * 4) / 6) turtle.fd(a * 4) / 6) turtle.fd(a * 4) turtle.colormode(255) turtle.fillcolor(255, 255, 255) turtle.rt(180) turtle.fd(a) turtle.rt(120) turtle.begin_fill() wielokat(6, 2 * a, 4) turtle.end_fill() turtle.rt(60) turtle.fd(a / 2) turtle.rt(120) turtle.fillcolor(0, 0, 0) turtle.begin_fill() wielokat(6, a, 4) turtle.end_fill()
def drawSquare(myTurtle): count = 0 while count < 4: turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(90) count = count + 1 turtle.right(90)
def rowOfShapes(number): for x in xrange(number): hexaTrangle(25,90,randomColor(),randomColor()) turtle.left(90) turtle.pu() turtle.fd(15) turtle.pd()
def sier(n,length): if (n==0): return for i in range(3): sier(n-1, length/2) t.fd(length) t.rt(120)
def ustDoNastElem(dlBokMalKw): turtle.pu() turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(dlBokMalKw * 5) turtle.fd(dlBokMalKw) turtle.pd()
def test_zigzag(self): """ Test that a AsyncTurtle ends up in the correct position after several concurrent commands in sequence, and draws a zigzag line on the canvas. """ turtle = AsyncTurtle(loop=self.loop) tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(turtle.fd(10), loop=self.loop), asyncio.ensure_future(, loop=self.loop), asyncio.ensure_future(turtle.fd(10), loop=self.loop), asyncio.ensure_future(turtle.rt(90), loop=self.loop), asyncio.ensure_future(turtle.fd(10), loop=self.loop) ] self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks, loop=self.loop)) self.loop.close() self.assertEqual(turtle.pos()[0], 20) self.assertEqual(turtle.pos()[1], 10) expected_coords = [ 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0, -10.0, 20.0, -10.0 ] # Assume the last item id on the canvas is the line # drawn by the turtle. Check if this assumption is valid. line_id = max( self.assertEqual(, expected_coords)
def ustDoKwadratu(dlBokKw): turtle.pu() turtle.fd(dlBokKw * 2) turtle.fd(dlBokKw * 2) turtle.pd()
def skidMark(lineLength): turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor(0, 0, 0) for x in range(lineLength): turtle.pencolor(x,x,x) turtle.fd(x) turtle.right(90)
def ustDoElki(dlBokKw, bokKr): turtle.pu() turtle.fd(bokKr - dlBokKw) turtle.fd(dlBokKw) turtle.pd()
def ustDo2Elki(dlBokKw, bokKr, bokDl): turtle.pu() turtle.fd(bokKr - dlBokKw *2) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(bokDl - dlBokKw*2) turtle.rt(90) turtle.pd()
def cuadrado(lado, color): turtle.color(color) turtle.begin_fill() for _ in xrange(4): turtle.fd(lado) turtle.right(90) turtle.end_fill()
def ustNaStart(a): turtle.pu() turtle.bk(a) turtle.fd(a / 2) turtle.rt(90) turtle.pd()
def drawline(draw): drawGap() turtle.pendown() if draw else turtle.penup() turtle.fd(40) drawGap() turtle.right(90)
sides = int(input("How many sides would you like? ")) angle = 360 / sides import turtle for count in range(sides): turtle.fd(50) mainloop()
def drawGap(): turtle.penup() turtle.fd(7)
def zhi(): for i in range(0,2): t.fd(30) t.fd(10) t.bk(10) t.rt(60) t.fd(10) t.bk(10) t.fd(30) t.rt(30) for i in range(0,2): t.fd(10) t.fd(10) t.bk(90) return
def draw_bowties(size, depth): """ Takes the parameters size (size of the bow tie) and depth (recursive depth of the function) and draws multiple bow ties recursively. Pre-Conditions: Turtle is up, facing east. Located at the center of the largest bow tie. Post-Conditions: Turtle is up, facing east. Located at the center of the largest bow tie. :param size: Size of the largest drawn bow tie. :param depth: Depth of the recursive function. :return: 0 """ if depth <= 0: pass else: draw_bowtie(size) tt.left(30) tt.fd(2 * size) draw_bowties(size / 3, depth - 1) tt.fd(-2 * size) tt.left(120) tt.fd(2 * size) tt.left(180) draw_bowties(size / 3, depth - 1) tt.fd(2 * size) tt.left(30) tt.right(30) tt.fd(2 * size) draw_bowties(size / 3, depth - 1) tt.fd(-2 * size) tt.right(120) tt.fd(2 * size) tt.right(180) draw_bowties(size / 3, depth - 1) tt.fd(2 * size) tt.right(30)
def draw_bowtie(size): """ Draws one bow tie shape on the canvas. Pre-Conditions: Turtle is up, facing east. Located at the center of the bow tie about to be drawn. Pen color black. Post-Conditions: Turtle is up, facing east. Located at the center of the bow tie just drawn. Pen color black, fill color orange. :param size: Accepts any number value for the size of the bow tie. :return: 0 """ tt.down() tt.left(30) tt.fd(size) tt.right(120) tt.fd(size) tt.right(120) tt.fd(2 * size) tt.left(120) tt.fd(size) tt.left(120) tt.fd(size) tt.right(30) tt.up() tt.fillcolor("orange") tt.right(90) tt.fd(size/4) tt.left(90) tt.down() tt.begin_fill() tt.end_fill() tt.up() tt.left(90) tt.fd(size/4) tt.right(90)
def drawline(draw): #绘制单段数码管 p.pendown() if draw else p.penup() p.fd(40) p.right(90)
t.down() for i in range(n): t.fd(a) / n) t.up() t.fd(r) t.color("yellow") t.begin_fill() circle(100) t.end_fill() t.color("blue") t.rt(45) t.fd(70) t.begin_fill() circle(8) t.end_fill() t.fd(70) t.fd(70) t.begin_fill() circle(8) t.end_fill() t.fd(70) t.width(10) t.color("black") t.pendown() t.fd(20)
import turtle #penup画笔提起函数 turtle.penup() turtle.fd(100) #pendown画笔放下来的函数,与penup对应使用 turtle.down(), 360) #pensize()函数主要用来设置画笔的粗细 turtle.pensize(10) turtle.fd(100) turtle.pensize(1) turtle.fd(100) #color函数用来设置画笔的颜色 turtle.color("red") turtle.fd(100) #begin_fill函数用;来填充一定的颜色,它必须和end_fill混合使用才会有效 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color("red") print(turtle.filling()) #在填充的过程中是填充的状态,所以输出应该为true turtle.end_fill() print(turtle.filling()) #画结束之后输出为false #filling函数的功能是返回填充的状态,true或者false #clear()函数主要用来清空当前画布的图,但是并不改变画笔当前的位置,只保留下画笔当前的位置 #turtle.clear()
import turtle as t t.color("#2dbb96") t.goto(100,0) for i in range(50): t.left(80) t.fd(100) t.left(135) t.fd(105)
def Abajo(): t.seth(270) t.fd(10)
def Izquierda(): t.seth(180) t.fd(10)
def Arriba(): t.seth(90) t.fd(10)
def Derecha(): t.seth(0) t.fd(10)
def main(): turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.up() turtle.left(180) turtle.fd(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(200) turtle.right(180) turtle.down() #all getting into starting position to draw card drawCard() #draws first card turtle.fd(140) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(140) turtle.right(90) #centers turtle in order to write letter or number in center turtle.down() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.write("K", align="center", font=( "Arial", 100, "bold")) #writes K turtle.up() turtle.fd(200) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(120) turtle.right(90) #moves to top right corner to draw first diamond turtle.fillcolor("red") drawDiamond() #draws first diamond turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(240) turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(330) turtle.right(180)#moves to bottom left corner to draw second diamond drawDiamond() #draws second diamond turtle.right(180) turtle.fd(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(390) turtle.left(90)#moves into position to draw second card turtle.down() turtle.pencolor("black") #change pen back to black drawCard() #draws second card turtle.fd(140) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(140) turtle.right(90) # centers turtle in order to write letter or number in center turtle.down() turtle.write("8", align="center", font=("Arial", 100, "bold")) # writes 8 turtle.up() turtle.fd(190) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(100) turtle.right(90) #moves turtle to top right to draw first heart turtle.fillcolor("black") drawTriangle() #draws bottom of heart turtle.fd(40) drawCircle() #draws left bump of heart turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(90) #moves to right to do second bump on heart drawCircle() #draws second bump of heart turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(180) turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(350) turtle.right(180) drawTriangle() # draws bottom of heart turtle.fd(40) drawCircle() # draws left bump of heart turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(90) # moves to right to do second bump on heart drawCircle() # draws second bump of heart turtle.done()
def drawLineRight(draw): turtle.right(90) drawGap() turtle.pendown() if draw else turtle.penup() turtle.fd(40) drawGap()
import turtle as t import random # 랜덤함수를 생성 a = random.randint(0, 359) #a는 0도부터 359도까지 랜덤 설정 #벽만들기 t.speed(0) #가장 빠르게 t.up() #꼬리들기 t.goto(-250, -250) #벽을 그리기 위해 시작점으로 이동 t.down() #꼬리내리기 for x in range(4): t.fd(500) #거북이 중앙으로 가기 t.up() t.home() t.down() #랜덤 설정된 각도로 회전후 벽까지 이동 t.seth(a) while -250 < t.xcor() < 250 and -250 < t.ycor() < 250: t.fd(1) # 벽에 부딪히기 전까지 앞으로 1만큼씩 이동 #while True: #아래를 무한 반복 #a=t.heading() if 0 < a < 45: - 2 * a) t.fd(1) while -250 < t.xcor() < 250 and -250 < t.ycor() < 250: t.fd(1) if 45 < a < 90: t.rt(2 * a) t.fd(1) while -250 < t.xcor() < 250 and -250 < t.ycor() < 250:
""" Нарисуйте, используя модуль turtle число: 3549 """ import turtle as t t.setup(800, 800) t.width(5) t.color('#ff0004') t.speed(2) for three in range(1): t.down() t.fd(50) t.left(60) t.bk(60) t.right(60) t.fd(30) t.left(90) t.bk(50) t.right(90) t.bk(50) t.up() for five in range(1): t.goto(70, 0) t.down() t.fd(50) t.bk(50) t.right(90) t.fd(50) t.left(90)
def x(n): if n == 0: return x(n - 1) turtle.rt(90) y(n - 1) turtle.fd(l)
# coding: utf-8 # import turtle as t t.pensize(1) for i in range(1,300,2): t.left(90) t.fd(i*2)
# coding:utf-8 import turtle as t t.title("自动轨迹绘制") t.setup(800, 600, 0, 0) t.pencolor("red") t.pensize(5) # 数据读取 datas = [] f = open("data.txt") for line in f: line = line.replace("\n", "") datas.append(list(map(eval, line.split(",")))) f.close() # 自动绘制 for i in range(len(datas)): t.pencolor(datas[i][3], datas[i][4], datas[i][5]) t.fd(datas[i][0]) if datas[i][1]: t.right(datas[i][2]) else: t.left(datas[i][2]) t.done() # 300,0,144,1,0,0 # 300:行进距离,1:转向判断(0:左转,1:右转),144:转向角度1,0,0:RGB三个通道颜色,0~1之间浮点数
def drawLineLeft(draw): turtle.left(90) drawGap() turtle.pendown() if draw else turtle.penup() turtle.fd(40) drawGap()
def foot(): t.pensize(10) t.color((240,128,128)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-75) t.seth(0) t.fd(-180) t.pd() t.seth(-90) t.fd(40) t.seth(-180) t.color("black") t.pensize(15) t.fd(20) t.pensize(10) t.color((240,128,128)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(40) t.seth(0) t.fd(90) t.pd() t.seth(-90) t.fd(40) t.seth(-180) t.color("black") t.pensize(15) t.fd(20)
def eye(): t.color((255,155,192),"white") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-20) t.seth(0) t.fd(-95) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() t.color("black") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(12) t.seth(0) t.fd(-3) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() t.color((255,155,192),"white") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-25) t.seth(0) t.fd(40) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() t.color("black") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(12) t.seth(0) t.fd(-3) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill()
def hand(): t.color((255,155,192)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-40) t.seth(0) t.fd(-27) t.pd() t.seth(-160),15) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(15) t.seth(0) t.fd(0) t.pd() t.seth(-10),90) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(30) t.seth(0) t.fd(237) t.pd() t.seth(-20),15) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(20) t.seth(0) t.fd(0) t.pd() t.seth(-170),90) import turtle as t t.title('自动归集绘制') t.setup(800, 600, 0, 0) t.pencolor("red") t.pensize(5) #数据读取 datals = [] f = open("data.txt") for line in f: line = line.replace("\n", "") datals.append(list(map(eval, line.split(",")))) f.close() #自动绘制 for i in range(len(datals)): t.pencolor(datals[i][3], datals[i][4], datals[i][5]) t.fd(data[i][0]) if datals[i][1]: t.right(datals[i][2]) else: t.left(datals[i][2])
import turtle turtle.setup(650, 350, 200, 200) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(-250) turtle.pendown() turtle.pensize(25) turtle.pencolor("purple") turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(4):, 80), 80), 40) turtle.fd(40), 180) turtle.fd(40 * 2 / 3)
import turtle turtle.fd(250) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(120) turtle.fd(250) turtle.seth(-120) turtle.fd(250)
''' 自动轨迹绘制 1、定义数据文件格式(接口) 2、编写程序,根据文件接口解析参数绘制图形 3、编制数据文件 ''' import turtle as t t.title('自动绘制') t.setup(800, 600, 0, 0) #绘制窗口的大小 t.pencolor("red") #画笔的初始颜色 t.pensize(5) #画笔的大小 #数据文件的读取 datals = [] f = open("data.txt") for line in f: line = line.replace("\n", "") datals.append(list(map(eval, line.split(",")))) #list map eval 作用是去掉字符串中的引号 #f.close() #自动绘制 for i in range(len(datals)): t.pencolor(datals[i][3], datals[i][4], datals[i][5]) t.fd(datals[i][0]) #表示一行的第一个元素表示行进距离 if datals[i][1]: t.right(datals[i][2]) else: t.left(datals[i][2]) f.close()
import turtle as t t.pensize(4) t.hideturtle() t.colormode(255) t.color((255, 155, 192), "pink") t.setup(840, 500) t.speed(10) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(25) t.seth(0) t.fd(10) t.pd() t.pencolor(255, 155, 192) t.seth(10) t.begin_fill() t.color(160, 82, 45) t.end_fill()