def main(): screen.mode("logo") t = Turtle(shape="triangle") t.penup(); t.back(280); t.pendown() t.pensize(3) itree(t, 250, 0.63, ["black", "brown", "red", "orange", "violet", "lightblue"])
def __init__(self, lmbda, mu, queue, server, speed): """ Arguments: lmbda: arrival rate (float) interarrivaltime: a randomly sampled interarrival time (negative exponential for now) mu: service rate (float) service: a randomly sampled service time (negative exponential for now) queue: a queue object shape: the shape of our turtle in the graphics (a circle) server: a server object served: a boolean that indicates whether or not this player has been served. speed: a speed (integer from 0 to 10) to modify the speed of the graphics balked: a boolean indicating whether or not this player has balked (not actually needed for the base Player class... maybe remove... but might be nice to keep here...) """ Turtle.__init__(self) # Initialise all base Turtle attributes self.interarrivaltime = randexp(lmbda) self.lmbda = lmbda = mu self.queue = queue self.served = False self.server = server self.servicetime = randexp(mu) self.shape('circle') self.speed(speed) self.balked = False
def init_drawman(): global t, x_current, y_current t=Turtle() t.penup() x_current = 0 y_current = 0 t.goto(x_current,y_current)
def __init__(self, distance, color, speed): Turtle.__init__(self) self.pencolor(color) self.speed = speed self.penup() self.forward(distance) self.pendown()
def __init__(self, bilddatei, game): Turtle.__init__(self, bilddatei) = game self.penup() self.speed(0) self.onclick(self.hit) self.start()
def main(): global screen screen = Screen() screen.colormode(255) p = Turtle() screen.tracer(75,0) u = doit1(6, Turtle(undobuffersize=1)) s = doit2(7, Turtle(undobuffersize=1)) t = doit3(5, Turtle(undobuffersize=1)) v = doit4(6, Turtle(undobuffersize=1)) w = doit5(5, Turtle(undobuffersize=1)) a = clock() while True: done = 0 for b in u,s,t,v,w: try: next(b) except: done += 1 if done == 5: break screen.tracer(1,10) b = clock() return "runtime: {0:.2f} sec.".format(b-a)
def __init__(self, start=(10,10), end=(160,160), width=200, height=200): Turtle.__init__(self) self.hideturtle() self.screen.bgcolor("blue") self.screen.setworldcoordinates(-DISTANCE, -DISTANCE, DISTANCE+width, DISTANCE+height) self.screen.tracer(30,0) self.pensize(5) self.color("white", "black") lab = {start} while True: new_points = set() for point in lab: x,y = map(add, point, choice(WAYS)) if (0 <= x <= width and 0 <= y <= height and (x,y) not in lab and (x,y) not in new_points): self.penup() self.goto(*point) self.pendown() self.goto(x,y) new_points.add((x,y)) if new_points or end not in lab: lab |= new_points else: break self.mark_targets(start, end) self.maze_map = lab self.start = start self.end = end print("KONEC")
def draw_figures(figures): for figure in figures: t = Turtle() t.speed('slow') figure.draw_figure(t) done()
class LSystem(object): def __init__(self): self.turtle = Turtle() def reset(self): self.turtle.reset() def set_lsystem(self,lsystem): self.axiom,self.rules,self.angle = lsystem self.segment_length=5 def generate(self,generations_num): def generate_help(start): for e in start: for r in self.rules.get(e,e): yield r if generations_num==0: return self.axiom return generate_help(self.generate(generations_num-1)) def draw(self,generations,chunk_size): iterable = interpret(self.turtle,self.generate(generations),self.angle) l=[] for e in iterable: l.append(e) if len(l)==chunk_size: yield l l=[] if l: yield l
def init_drawman(): global t, x_current, y_current, _drawman_scale t=Turtle() t.penup() x_current = 0 y_current = 0 t.goto(x_current, y_current) drawman_scale(default_scale)
def main(): dimension = int(input('Enter dimension: ')) t = Turtle() t.speed('fastest') t.pensize(3) draw_table(dimension, 50, t, -200, 300)
def __init__(self): Turtle.__init__(self) self.up() self.setheading(random.randrange(360)) self.setpos(random.randrange(-200,200),random.randrange(-200,200)) self.down() self.newHead = None Schooler.swarm.append(self)
def __init__(self, col, row): Turtle.__init__(self) self.speed(0) self.pu() self.shape("square") self.color("black", "") self.shapesize((BLOCKWIDTH-1)/20., (BLOCKWIDTH-1)/20., 1) self.goto(-COLUMNS*BLOCKWIDTH/2+14+col*BLOCKWIDTH, ROWS*BLOCKWIDTH/2 - 14 - row*BLOCKWIDTH)
def init_drawman(): global x_current, y_current, t, _drawman_scale t=Turtle() t.penup() x_current=0 y_current=0 t.goto(x_current,y_current) drawman_scale(default_scale) # функция задает масштаб по умолчанию
def test_segments_stored(self): """With branching, some points exist""" my_turtle = Turtle() my_turtle.speed(0) my_tree = Tree() my_tree.draw(my_turtle, max_depth=1) self.assertTrue(len(my_tree.segments) > 0, "Some segments should be stored")
def __init__(self, picfile, action): Turtle.__init__(self) self.getscreen().register_shape(picfile) self.shape(picfile) def _action(x,y): action() self.onclick(_action) self.pu() self.speed(0)
def test_points_stored(self): """After one iteration, as least a trunk segment should be stored""" my_turtle = Turtle() my_turtle.speed(0) my_tree = Tree() my_tree.draw(my_turtle, max_depth=1) # whitebox self.assertTrue(len(my_tree._points) > 0, "Some points should be stored")
def init_drawman(): """ Инициализация черепашки """ global t, x_current, y_current, _drawman_scale t = Turtle() t.penup() x_current = 0 y_current = 0 t.goto(x_current, y_current) drawman_scale(default_scale)
def __init__(self, m, x, v, gravSys, shape): Turtle.__init__(self, shape=shape) self.penup() self.m = m self.setpos(x) self.v = v gravSys.planets.append(self) self.gravSys = gravSys self.resizemode("user") self.pendown()
def init_drawman(): global t, x_current, y_current, _drawman_scale, _step_grid, _count_point t = Turtle() t.penup() x_current = 0 y_current = 0 t.goto(x_current, y_current) _count_point = default_count_point _step_grid = default_step_grid drawman_scale(default_scale,default_step_grid)
def init_drawman(): global t, x_current, y_current, _drawman_scale, dx, dy t = Turtle() t.penup() x_current = 0 y_current = 0 dx = t.screen.window_width()/2 dy = t.screen.window_height()/2 t.goto(x_current, y_current) drawman_scale(default_scale)
def __init__(self, distance, color, speed, angle): Turtle.__init__(self) self.pencolor(color) self.speed = speed self.angle = angle self.penup() self.forward(distance) self.pendown() self.left(90)
def __init__(self, m, x, v, gravSys, shape): Turtle.__init__(self, shape) gravSys.planets.append(self) self.gravSys = gravSys self.dt = self.gravSys.dt self.penup() self.m = m self.setpos(x) self.vel = v self.pendown()
def init(): global TTiles, STiles, designer screen.mode("logo") screen.tracer(False) designer = Turtle(visible=False) designer.pu() makerhomboidshapes() screen.bgcolor("gray10") STiles = [TStein(A/20., clickable=False), TStein(A/20., clickable=False), TStein(2*d/20., clickable=False), TStein(A/40., clickable=False), TStein(A/40., clickable=False), TStein(d/20., "square", clickable=False), TRhomboid(clickable=False)] TTiles = [TStein(A/20.), TStein(A/20.), TStein(2*d/20.), TStein(A/40.), TStein(A/40.), TStein(d/20., "square"), TRhomboid()] for s in STiles: s.color((1,1,0.9)) s.turtlesize(s.size, s.size, 2) screen.update() designer.goto(-390,-288) designer.pencolor("gray70") designer.write("Inspired by Pavel Boytchev's Elica-Logo implementation of the tangram game", font=("Courier", 10, "bold")) nextBtn = Button("next.gif", resetgame) nextBtn.setpos(320,220) helpBtn = Button("help.gif", helpme) helpBtn.setpos(320,-220)
def setup(color, distance): t = Turtle() t.pencolor(color) t.penup() t.forward(distance) t.pendown() return t
def init_drawman(): ''' Инициализация черепашки ''' global t, x_current, y_current, _drawman_scale shag=40 vod=0.5 t = Turtle() t.penup() x_current = 0 y_current = 0 t.goto(x_current, y_current) drawman_scale(shag,vod)
def startTurtle(): t = Turtle() t.hideturtle() t.speed(10) t.up() t.setpos(-dim/2,-dim/2) colormode(255) return t
def init_drawman(): """ Инициализация Чертежника""" global t, x_current, y_current, _drawman_scale, _drawman_pen_size t = Turtle() t.penup() shag = 40 vod = 0.5 x_current = 0 y_current = 0 t.goto(x_current, y_current) drawman_scale(default_scale, shag, vod) drawman_pen_size(default_pen_size)
return a * b / math.gcd(a, b) math.lcm = lcm # Setup Turtle ############################################################### window = Pixels(800) turtle_global.getscreen().setup(width=int(window), height=int(window), startx=None, starty=None) turtle_global.screensize(int(window) - 20, int(window) - 20, "black") turtle_global.hideturtle() turtle = Turtle() screen_size = Pixels(turtle.screen.screensize()[0]) world_size = CartesianResolution(900, 900) Distance.set_conversion_factor(screen_size, world_size.x) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.speed(0) turtle.color("white", "white") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.setpos(0, -int(TABLE_RADIUS_MM.pixels())) turtle.setpos(0, 0) turtle.end_fill() turtle.color("black", "white") turtle.speed('fast') turtle = Turtle()
def new_turtle(): tt = Turtle('circle') tt.color('white') tt.penup() tt.speed(0) return tt
from turtle import Turtle t = Turtle() t.screen.bgcolor("black") t.hideturtle() t.color("red") def slanted_rectangle(length, width, angle): t.setheading(angle) for steps in range(2): t.fd(width) t.left(90) t.fd(length) t.left(90) slanted_rectangle(length=200, angle=45, width=100)
# # # from turtle import Turtle, Screen timmy = Turtle() print(timmy) timmy.shape("turtle") timmy.color("coral") timmy.forward(100) my_screen = Screen() print(my_screen.canvheight) my_screen.exitonclick() # go to pypi.prg and search for "prettytable" and install the pakage. # File - settings - project folder - interpreter - click the "+" to add "install" from prettytable import PrettyTable # to see the source code, right click on "prettytable" and Go to implementation table = PrettyTable() table.field_names = ["Pokemon Name", "Type"] table.add_row(["Pikcachu", "Electric"]) table.add_row(["Squirtle", "Water"]) table.add_row(["Charmander", "Fire"]) print(table) table2 = PrettyTable() table2.add_column("Pokemon Name", ["Pikcachu", "Squirtle", "Charmander"]) table2.add_column("Type", ["Electric", "Water", "Fire"])
from turtle import Turtle, Screen TURTLE_SIZE = 20 screen = Screen() yertle = Turtle(shape="turtle", visible=False) yertle.penup() yertle.goto(TURTLE_SIZE / 2 - screen.window_width() / 2, screen.window_height() / 2 - TURTLE_SIZE / 2) yertle.pendown() yertle.showturtle() for i in range(5): yertle.penup() yertle.forward(20) yertle.right(90) yertle.pendown() yertle.showturtle() input("Press to continue") screen.mainloop()
def main(): p = Turtle() p.color("green") p.pensize(5) # p.setundobuffer(None) p.hideturtle( ) # Make the turtle invisible. It’s a good idea to do this while you’re in the middle of doing some complex drawing, # because hiding the turtle speeds up the drawing observably. # p.speed(10) # p.getscreen().tracer(1,0)#Return the TurtleScreen object the turtle is drawing on. p.speed(10) # TurtleScreen methods can then be called for that object. p.left(90) # Turn turtle left by angle units. direction 调整画笔 p.penup() # Pull the pen up – no drawing when moving. p.goto( 0, -200 ) # Move turtle to an absolute position. If the pen is down, draw line. Do not change the turtle’s orientation. p.pendown( ) # Pull the pen down – drawing when moving. 这三条语句是一个组合相当于先把笔收起来再移动到指定位置,再把笔放下开始画 # 否则turtle一移动就会自动的把线画出来 # t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375) t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375)
print("Colors extracted (rgb values): ") for color in colors: colors_list.append((color.rgb[0], color.rgb[1], color.rgb[2])) # Handy function to return a random RGB value to be used throughout the program def generate_rgb(): r = randint(0,255) g = randint(0,255) b = randint(0,255) return (r, g, b) #print(generate_rgb()) # Create and configure turtle timmy_the_turtle = Turtle() timmy_the_turtle.shape("turtle") timmy_the_turtle.color("red") colormode(255) # Pen up so lines will not show timmy_the_turtle.penup() timmy_the_turtle.hideturtle() # Adjust turtle to be at a spot timmy_the_turtle.setheading(225) timmy_the_turtle.forward(250) timmy_the_turtle.setheading(90) timmy_the_turtle.forward(50) timmy_the_turtle.left(90) timmy_the_turtle.forward(500) timmy_the_turtle.right(90)
# ['DEFAULT_ANGLEOFFSET', 'DEFAULT_ANGLEORIENT', 'DEFAULT_MODE', 'START_ORIENTATION', '__class__', '__delattr__', # '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', # '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', # '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_cc', '_clear', '_clearstamp', # '_color', '_colorstr', '_delay', '_drawturtle', '_getshapepoly', '_go', '_goto', '_newLine', '_pen', '_polytrafo', # '_reset', '_rotate', '_screen', '_setDegreesPerAU', '_setmode', '_tracer', '_undo', '_undogoto', '_update', # '_update_data', '_write', 'back', 'backward', 'begin_fill', 'begin_poly', 'bk', 'circle', 'clear', 'clearstamp', # 'clearstamps', 'clone', 'color', 'degrees', 'distance', 'dot', 'down', 'end_fill', 'end_poly', 'fd', 'fillcolor', # 'filling', 'forward', 'get_poly', 'get_shapepoly', 'getpen', 'getscreen', 'getturtle', 'goto', 'heading', 'hideturtle', # 'home', 'ht', 'isdown', 'isvisible', 'left', 'lt', 'onclick', 'ondrag', 'onrelease', 'pd', 'pen', 'pencolor', 'pendown', # 'pensize', 'penup', 'pos', 'position', 'pu', 'radians', 'reset', 'resizemode', 'right', 'rt', 'screens', 'seth', # 'setheading', 'setpos', 'setposition', 'settiltangle', 'setundobuffer', 'setx', 'sety', 'shape', 'shapesize', # 'shapetransform', 'shearfactor', 'showturtle', 'speed', 'st', 'stamp', 'tilt', 'tiltangle', 'towards', 'turtlesize', # 'undo', 'undobufferentries', 'up', 'width', 'write', 'xcor', 'ycor'] from turtle import Turtle tess = Turtle() distancia = 1 while True: tess.speed(10000000) tess.forward(distancia) tess.right(90) tess.forward(distancia) tess.right(90) tess.forward(distancia) tess.begin_fill() distancia = distancia * 1.6
root = tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() is_race_on = False screen = Screen() screen.bgcolor("black") screen.setup(width=500, height=400) user_bet = screen.textinput( title="Make your bet", prompt="Which turtle will win the race? Make a bet.: ") colors = ["red", "blue", "pink", "green", "purple", "orange"] y_positions = [-70, -40, -10, 20, 50, 80] all_turtles = [] for turtle_index in range(0, 6): new_turtle = Turtle(shape="turtle") new_turtle.penup() new_turtle.color(colors[turtle_index]) new_turtle.goto(x=-230, y=y_positions[turtle_index]) all_turtles.append(new_turtle) if user_bet: is_race_on = True while is_race_on: for turtle in all_turtles: if turtle.xcor() > 210: is_race_on = False winning_color = turtle.pencolor() if winning_color == user_bet:
def __init__(self): Turtle.__init__(self) self.shape = hexagon
def main(): # Main function for k in range(1, 25): # Picking the time mylist = [] # lisr declaration for i in range(1, c): # Reading the dataset every hour fun(i, k, mylist) print(mylist) ROOT3_OVER_2 = sqrt(3) / 2 # Graphics Representation FONT_SIZE = 12 FONT = ('Arial', FONT_SIZE, 'normal') SIDE = 90 # the scale used for drawing # Convert hex coordinates to rectangular def hex_to_rect(coord): v, u, w = coord x = -u / 2 + v - w / 2 y = (u - w) * ROOT3_OVER_2 return x * SIDE, y * SIDE def hexagon(turtle, radius, color, label): clone = turtle.clone() # so we don't affect turtle's state xpos, ypos = clone.position() clone.setposition(xpos - radius / 2, ypos - ROOT3_OVER_2 * radius) clone.setheading(-30) clone.color('black', color) clone.pendown() clone.begin_fill(), steps=6) clone.end_fill() clone.penup() clone.setposition(xpos, ypos - FONT_SIZE / 2) clone.write(label, align="center", font=FONT) # Initialize the turtle tortoise = Turtle(visible=False) tortoise.speed('fastest') tortoise.penup() Dict2 = { 'Live linguistic news': 'Red', 'Live sports event': 'Grey', 'Cinematic movies': 'Blue', 'Anime/Cartoon': 'Pink', 'Study related material': 'Orange', 'Company related material': 'Cyan', 'Web Series': 'Yellow', 'Fitness videos': 'Green', 'Online gaming': 'White' } coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, -1], [-1, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 1], [0, -1, 1], [1, -1, 0], [1, 0, -1], [-2, 1, 1], [4, 4, 1], [1, 1, 4]] labels = mylist #colors = [Dict2[8], Dict2[3], Dict2[8], Dict2[8], Dict2[1], Dict2[8], Dict2[8],Dict2[1],Dict2[1],Dict2[1]] colors = [ Dict2[mylist[0]], Dict2[mylist[1]], Dict2[mylist[2]], Dict2[mylist[3]], Dict2[mylist[4]], Dict2[mylist[5]], Dict2[mylist[6]], Dict2[mylist[7]], Dict2[mylist[8]], Dict2[mylist[9]] ] # Plot the points for hexcoord, color, label in zip(coords, colors, labels): tortoise.goto(hex_to_rect(hexcoord)) hexagon(tortoise, SIDE, color, label) # Wait for the user to close the window screen = Screen() time.sleep(5) screen.exitonclick()
while score < 50: # open prompt for user question answer_state = screen.textinput( title=f"{score}/50 States", prompt="What's another State's name?").title() if answer_state.title() == "Exit": # generate list of non guessed states missing_states = [ state for state in us_states_list if state not in guessed_states ] # generate a csv file with all states user couldn't name new_data = pandas.DataFrame(missing_states) new_data.to_csv("states_to_learn.csv") # exit prompt break # check in all the states name for nb in range(len(us_states_name)): # check if user answer match with one of US States name if str(answer_state) == str(us_states_name[nb]): guessed_states.append(answer_state) # write name of the state at the state coor, increase score name_on_map = Turtle() name_on_map.hideturtle() name_on_map.penup() name_on_map.goto(us_states_x[nb], us_states_y[nb]) name_on_map.write(f"{answer_state}", font=("Calibri", 8, "bold")) score += 1 turtle.mainloop()
# set screen size using setup method screen.setup(width=600, height=600) screen.bgcolor("black") screen.title("Snake Game") # turn screen tracker off - things are happening in code # but it is not showing on screen. screen.update will refresh the screen # and show what has been happening. screen.tracer(0) starting_positions = [(0, 0), (-20, 0), (-40, 0)] # for movement create an empty list of segments segments = [] #new turtle 3 20x20 3 squares lined up on the horizon for position in starting_positions: new_segment = Turtle("square") new_segment.color("white") new_segment.penup() new_segment.goto(position) segments.append(new_segment) game_is_on = True while game_is_on: # once all segments have moved calling update screen.update() # slow the snake down time.sleep(0.1) # for i in segments: # i.forward(20) # change loop so that it goes from last to first, in reverse order # use the range type of for loop and pass in start,stop and step
from turtle import Turtle, Screen timmy = Turtle() def move(user): user.forward(100) user.right(90) for i in range(4): move(timmy) screen = Screen() screen.exitonclick()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Oct 8 13:14:00 2020 @author: mhimanshu """ from turtle import Turtle r=Turtle() lenght = 10 dx = 5 for x in range(40): lenght = lenght + dx*3 r.forward(lenght) r.left(120) r.forward(lenght) r.left(120) r.forward(lenght) r.penup() r.forward(dx) r.right(60) r.forward(dx) r.right(180) r.pendown() input("enter") exit()
class Pen: score_a = 0 score_b = 0 def __init__(self): self.pen = Turtle() self.pen.speed(0) self.pen.shape("square") self.pen.color("white") self.pen.penup() self.pen.hideturtle() self.pen.goto(0, 260) self.pen.write("0 0", align="center", font=("Courier", 24, "normal")) def a_win(self): self.score_a += 1 self.pen.clear() self.pen.write("{} {}".format( self.score_a, self.score_b), align="center", font=("Courier", 24, "normal")) def b_win(self): self.score_b += 1 self.pen.clear() self.pen.write("{} {}".format( self.score_a, self.score_b), align="center", font=("Courier", 24, "normal"))
# A turtle in a big pond that knows your voice from turtle import Turtle, Screen print("Creating and Ocean") ocean = Screen() ocean.title("Lets find Nemo") print("Creating a turtle") bob = Turtle() print("Defining some commands") def keyLeft(): bob.left(45) def keyRight(): bob.right(45) def keyUp(): bob.forward(20) def keyDown(): bob.backward(20) def keyHome():
def init_drawman(): global t, x_current, y_current x_current = 0 y_current = 0 t = Turtle() t.turtlesize(1) t.shape('turtle') t.color('darkgreen') t.penup() t.goto(x_current, y_current)
from turtle import Turtle, Screen tim = Turtle() screen = Screen() def move_forwards(): tim.forward(2) def move_backwards(): tim.backward(2) def counter_clockwise(): tim.left(5) def clockwise(): tim.right(5) def clear_drawing(): tim.reset() screen.listen() screen.onkey(move_forwards, "w") screen.onkey(move_backwards, "s") screen.onkey(counter_clockwise, "a") screen.onkey(clockwise, "d")
# Named Constants DELTA = 3 MINIMUM = DELTA * 2 CURSOR_SIZE = 20 num_squares = -1 # Gets input for user on the number of squares needed. In this case 100 while num_squares < 1: try: num_squares = int(input('Input the number of squares: ')) except ValueError: print("please enter an integer.") if num_squares < 1: print("You must have at least 1 square.") # Starts Turtle screen = Screen() turtle = Turtle("square", visible=False) turtle.fillcolor("white") # Uses a loop to stamp the squares into place instead of drawing them. for size in range(((num_squares - 1) * DELTA) + MINIMUM, MINIMUM - 1, -DELTA): turtle.goto(turtle.xcor() + DELTA / 2, turtle.ycor() - DELTA / 2) turtle.shapesize(size / CURSOR_SIZE) turtle.stamp() # Closes turtle when the user clicks. screen.exitonclick()
from turtle import Turtle myTurtle = Turtle() myWin = myTurtle.getscreen() def listSum(numlist): if len(numlist) == 1: return numlist[0] else: return numlist[0] + listSum(numlist[1:]) def tostr(n, base): convertStr = "0123456789ABCDEF" if n < base: return convertStr[n] else: return tostr(n // base, base) + convertStr[n % base] def drawspiral(myTurtle, lineLen): if lineLen > 0: myTurtle.forward(lineLen) myTurtle.right(90) drawspiral(myTurtle, lineLen - 5) #1. lst = [3, 5, 7, 9] print(listSum(lst))
return [3, 4] elif opc == 2: return [4, 6] else: return [6, 8] # Programa principal [filas, columnas] = menu() pantalla = Screen() pantalla.setup(columnas * 50, filas * 50) pantalla.screensize(columnas * 50, filas * 50) pantalla.setworldcoordinates(-.5, -.5, columnas + .5, filas + .5) pantalla.delay(0) tortuga = Turtle() tortuga.hideturtle() simbolo = crea_matriz(filas, columnas) tablero = crea_matriz(filas, columnas) temporal1 = None temporal2 = None inicializa_tablero(tablero) rellena_simbolos(simbolo) dibuja_tablero(tablero, simbolo) pantalla.onclick(clic) pantalla.mainloop()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python3 from turtle import Screen, Turtle pantalla = Screen() ancho = 625 alto = 425 pantalla.setup(ancho, alto) pantalla.screensize(ancho - 25, alto - 25) pantalla.setworldcoordinates(-50, -150, 350, 250) tortuga = Turtle() tortuga.speed(1) tortuga.pensize(3) tortuga.forward(100) tortuga.forward(100) tortuga.forward(100) tortuga.penup() tortuga.goto(0, 100) tortuga.pendown() tortuga.pencolor('red') tortuga.pensize(5) tortuga.forward(50) tortuga.pensize(4)
from turtle import Turtle, Screen import turtle as t timmy = Turtle() timmy.shape("turtle") timmy.color("#EA4335") t.colormode(255) import random def random_color(): r = random.randint(0, 255) g = random.randint(0, 255) b = random.randint(0, 255) random_rgb = (r, g, b) # tuple is immutable return random_rgb def draw_circle(): timmy.pensize(2) timmy.left(25) timmy.speed("fastest") for walk in range(200): timmy.color(random_color()) draw_circle() """ stops when reach the first circle
def add_segment(self, pos): new_segment = Turtle('square') new_segment.color('white') new_segment.penup() new_segment.goto(pos) self.segments.append(new_segment)
from turtle import Turtle, Screen cursor = Turtle() screen = Screen() cursor.shape() def reset(): cursor.clear() cursor.reset() def btn_up(): cursor.fd(5) def btn_down(): cursor.back(5) def btn_left(): head = cursor.heading() + 5 cursor.setheading(head) def btn_right(): head = cursor.heading() - 5 cursor.setheading(head) screen.listen()
def create_car(self): new_car = Turtle("square") new_car.shape('square') new_car.shapesize(1, 2) new_car.color(random.choice(COLORS)) new_car.penup() new_car.goto(300, random.randint(-250, 250)) self.all_cars.append(new_car)
def add_segment(self, position): new_snake = Turtle("square") new_snake.color("white") new_snake.penup() new_snake.goto(position) self.segments.append(new_snake)
def __init__ (self,x,y): Turtle.__init__(self) turtle.register_shape("rectangle",((0,0),(0,y),(x,y),(x,0),(0,0))) self.shape("rectangle")
from turtle import Turtle root = Turtle() root.left(45) root.forward(60) root.right(135) root.forward(80) root.right(135) root.forward(110) root.left(135) root.forward(80) print(root.position()) root.left(135) root.forward(60) root.penup() root.setposition(42.43, 42.43) root.pendown() root.left(135) root.forward(30) root.penup() root.forward(10) root.pendown() root.forward(40) root.penup() root.setposition(-35.36, -39.79) root.pendown() root.left(180) root.forward(10) root.penup() root.forward(10) root.pendown() root.forward(40)
def __init__(self, w, h): Turtle.__init__(self, visible=False) self.screen = Screen() self.screen.setup(w, h) self.speed(0) self.penup() self.goto(-WINWIDTH//2 + 50, -WINHEIGHT//2 + 20) self.pencolor("yellow")
def create_turtles(ne): for i in range(ne): t = Turtle() t.speed(0) t.seth(i * 360.0 / ne) t.width(3) return s.turtles()