Пример #1
def introduce_unmapped_node(out_pth, conn_zip_pth):
    Creates a connectivity with one extra node in the first position.
    This node represents the unmapped regions.
    :param out_pth: destination path
    :param conn_zip_pth: connectivity zip path.
    fh = FilesHelper()
    tmp_pth = os.path.splitext(out_pth)[0]
    files = fh.unpack_zip(conn_zip_pth, tmp_pth)
    for file_name in files:
        file_name_low = file_name.lower()
        if "centres" in file_name_low:
            with open(file_name) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
            with open(file_name, "w") as f:
                f.write("None  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000\n")
        elif "weight" in file_name_low or "tract" in file_name_low:
            with open(file_name) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                nr_regions = len(lines)
            with open(file_name, "w") as f:
                f.write("   0.0000000e+00" * (nr_regions + 1) + "\n")
                for line in lines:
                    f.write("   0.0000000e+00" + line)
            raise Exception("this transformation does not support the file " + file_name)

    fh.zip_folder(out_pth, tmp_pth)
Пример #2
def introduce_unmapped_node(out_pth, conn_zip_pth):
    Creates a connectivity with one extra node in the first position.
    This node represents the unmapped regions.
    :param out_pth: destination path
    :param conn_zip_pth: connectivity zip path.
    fh = FilesHelper()
    tmp_pth = os.path.splitext(out_pth)[0]
    files = fh.unpack_zip(conn_zip_pth, tmp_pth)
    for file_name in files:
        file_name_low = file_name.lower()
        if "centres" in file_name_low:
            with open(file_name) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
            with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
                f.write("None  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000\n")
        elif "weight" in file_name_low or "tract" in file_name_low:
            with open(file_name) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                nr_regions = len(lines)
            with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
                f.write("   0.0000000e+00" * (nr_regions + 1) + '\n')
                for line in lines:
                    f.write("   0.0000000e+00" + line)
            raise Exception("this transformation does not support the file " +

    fh.zip_folder(out_pth, tmp_pth)
    def export_project(self, project):
        Given a project root and the TVB storage_path, create a ZIP
        ready for export.
        :param project: project object which identifies project to be exported
        if project is None:
            raise ExportException("Please provide project to be exported")

        files_helper = FilesHelper()
        project_folder = files_helper.get_project_folder(project)
        bursts_dict = {}
        datatype_burst_mapping = {}
        bursts_count = dao.get_bursts_for_project(project.id, count=True)
        for start_idx in range(0, bursts_count, BURST_PAGE_SIZE):
            bursts = dao.get_bursts_for_project(project.id, page_start=start_idx, page_end=start_idx + BURST_PAGE_SIZE)
            for burst in bursts:
                self._build_burst_export_dict(burst, bursts_dict)
        datatypes_count = dao.get_datatypes_for_project(project.id, count=True)
        for start_idx in range(0, datatypes_count, DATAYPES_PAGE_SIZE):
            datatypes = dao.get_datatypes_for_project(project.id, page_start=start_idx,
                                                      page_end=start_idx + DATAYPES_PAGE_SIZE)
            for datatype in datatypes:
                datatype_burst_mapping[datatype.gid] = datatype.fk_parent_burst

        # Compute path and name of the zip file
        now = datetime.now()
        date_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
        zip_file_name = "%s_%s.%s" % (date_str, project.name, self.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION)
        export_folder = self._build_data_export_folder(project)    
        result_path = os.path.join(export_folder, zip_file_name) 
        bursts_file_name = os.path.join(project_folder, BURST_INFO_FILE)
        burst_info = {BURSTS_DICT_KEY: bursts_dict,
                      DT_BURST_MAP: datatype_burst_mapping}
        with open(bursts_file_name, 'w') as bursts_file:
        # pack project content into a ZIP file
        result_zip = files_helper.zip_folder(result_path, project_folder)
        # remove these files, since we only want them in export archive
        return result_zip