def decrypt(encrypted): decrypted = encrypted try: logger.debug("Encrypted content is: "+encrypted) if not ONLINE: decrypted = PBEWithMD5AndDES.decrypt(encrypted, Spliveappcom.PASSWORD) elif len(encrypted)>0 and encrypted.find("http://")==-1: decrypted = Downloader.getContentFromUrl(Spliveappcom.DECODER_URL+'?data='+encrypted+"&key="+Spliveappcom.PASSWORD+"&iterations=1000") logger.debug("Decrypted content is: "+decrypted) except: logger.error("Could not be unencrypted: "+encrypted) pass return decrypted
def getChannels(page): x = [] if page == '0': page = RedeneobuxCom.LIST_PAGE results = RedeneobuxCom.getContentFromUrl(page) i=0 for result in results.split('<div class="media">'): if i>0: element = {} img = Decoder.extract('<img src=\'',"'",result) link = Decoder.extract('location.href=\'', "'", result) title = Decoder.extract('\' alt=\'', "'", result) if "http" in link: logger.debug("appending result: "+title+", url: "+link) element["title"] = title element["link"] = link element["thumbnail"] = img x.append(element) i+=1 else: content = RedeneobuxCom.getContentFromUrl(url=page,referer=RedeneobuxCom.LIST_PAGE) logger.debug("list content is: " + content) url = Decoder.extractWithRegex('http'," ",content).replace(" ","") logger.debug("url is: " + url) if 'adf' in url: listUrl = Decoder.decodeAdfly(url) logger.debug("list obtained is: "+listUrl) m3uContent = Downloader.getSimpleDownload(listUrl) #simple urllib2 download logger.debug("content: "+m3uContent) i=0 for lineContent in m3uContent.split('#EXTINF:'): if i>0: title = Decoder.extract(',','\n',lineContent) lineContent = lineContent[lineContent.find("\n"):] urlContent = Decoder.extractWithRegex('http://',"\n",lineContent).replace('\n','') element = {} element["title"] = title element["link"] = urlContent#+"|"+Downloader.getHeaders(listUrl) element["thumbnail"] = '' element["finalLink"] = True if "://" in urlContent: logger.debug("added: " + title + ", content: " + urlContent) x.append(element) i+=1 return x
def openSpliveLink(url, page, provider): if url.find(".m3u8") == -1 and url.find("rtmp://") == -1: channel = Spliveappcom.decodeUrl(url, provider) link = channel[0]["link"] if link.find(", referer:") > -1: link = link[0:link.find(", referer:")] url = link else: logger.debug( "nothing decoded for splive encrypted channels, continue...") logger.debug("splive BRUTE logic for url: " + url) try: if '' in url or '' in url: logger.debug("trying to decode cineestrenos script from url: " + url) url = Cineestrenostv.extractScriptLevel3( url, referer=Cineestrenostv.MAIN_URL) logger.debug("decoded link was: " + url) else: url = Cineestrenostv.getChannels(url)[0]["link"] html = Downloader.getContentFromUrl(url) element = Cineestrenostv.extractIframeChannel(html, url) if element is not None and element.has_key("link"): url = element["link"] logger.debug("cineestrenos url was decoded to: " + url) else: logger.debug("nothing was done to decode cineestrenostv url!") except: logger.debug("nothing to be decoded with url: " + url) pass link = url"found link: " + link + ", launching...") open(link, page)
def drawBbcCoUkNew(url): htmlContent = Downloader.getContentFromUrl(url=url) title = Decoder.extract('<p class="story-body__introduction">', '</p><div', htmlContent) if 'property="articleBody"' in htmlContent: body = Decoder.extract( 'property="articleBody"', ' </div>', htmlContent) body = body.replace('<span class="off-screen">Image copyright</span>', '') body = body.replace('<span class="story-image-copyright">AFP</span>', '') body = body.replace( '<span class="story-image-copyright">Reuters</span>', '') body = body.replace('<span class="off-screen">Image caption</span>', '') body = body.replace('<span class="off-screen">Media caption</span>', '') while '<span class="media-caption__text">' in body: line = Decoder.extractWithRegex( '<span class="media-caption__text">', "</span>", body) body = body.replace(line, "") elif 'class="text-wrapper"' in htmlContent: #special content body = Decoder.extract('class="text-wrapper"', '</p>\n', htmlContent) dates = Decoder.extractWithRegex('<div class="date', "</div>", body) lastUpdate = Decoder.extractWithRegex('<p class="date ', "</p>", body) body = body.replace(dates, "") body = body.replace(lastUpdate, "") elif '<figcaption class="sp-media-asset' in htmlContent: body = Decoder.extract('<figcaption class="sp-media-asset', '</p><div ', htmlContent) if '>' in body: body = body[body.find(">") + 1:] body = Decoder.removeHTML(body).replace(".", ".\n").replace(">", "") logger.debug("body is: " + body) drawNew(textContent=(body))
def parse_relayer(params): url = "NonE" try: if params.has_key("url"): url = params["url"] logger.debug("mobdro.directURL: " + url) elif params.has_key("relayer"): params2 = json.loads(params["relayer"]) logger.debug("RELAYED: " + repr(params2)) protocol = "http" #params2["protocol"] app = params2["app"] server = params2["server"] playpath = params2["playpath"] password = params2["password"] dire = params2["dir"] expiration_time = params2["expiration_time"] millis = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) l = millis / 1000L + expiration_time arr = [password, l, dire, playpath] url = "%s%d/%s/%s" url = url % tuple(arr) url_md5 = url_base64 = base64.b64encode(url_md5) url_base64 = url_base64.replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_").replace( "=", "") #arr = [server, url_base64, l, playpath] arr = [protocol, server, app, playpath, url_base64, l] url = "%s://%s/%s/%s?st=%s&e=%d" #"http://%s/live/%s/%d/%s" url = url % tuple(arr) url += "|" + Downloader.getHeaders(Mobdro.MAIN_URL) else: logger.debug("REJECTED: " + repr(params)) except KeyError: url = "exception" pass return url
def extractProvidersFromLink(url, cookie=""): x = [] if cookie == "": cookie = HdfullTv.getNewCookie() javascript = HdfullTv.getContentFromUrl( url='', referer=url, cookie=cookie) ''' from pyjsparser import PyJsParser p = PyJsParser() processed = p.parse(javascript) logger.debug("str: "+str(processed)) for value in processed["body"]: logger.debug("level: "+str(value)) if value.has_key('body'): pass ''' content = HdfullTv.jhexdecode(javascript) logger.debug("content is: " + content) html = HdfullTv.getContentFromUrl(url=url, cookie=cookie) contentOfuscated = Decoder.extract("var ad = '", "';", html) logger.debug("ofuscated content is: " + contentOfuscated) javascriptKey = Downloader.getContentFromUrl( url= "", cookie=cookie, referer=url) logger.debug("hdfull javascript for key is: " + javascriptKey) #key = re.match('JSON.parse\(atob.*?substrings\((.*?)\)',javascriptKey)[0] key = Decoder.extract('.substrings(', ')', javascriptKey) logger.debug("key is: " + key) logger.debug("decrypting...") jsonLinks = HdfullTv.obfs(base64.b64decode(contentOfuscated), 126 - int(key)) logger.debug("json links are: " + str(jsonLinks)) jsonList = json.loads(jsonLinks) for jsonElement in jsonList: id = jsonElement["id"] provider = str(jsonElement["provider"]) code = str(jsonElement["code"]) lang = jsonElement["lang"] quality = jsonElement["quality"] logger.debug("splitter is: " + ";p[" + provider + "]=") line = Decoder.extract(";p[" + provider + "]=", "};", content) logger.debug("line is: " + line) link = Decoder.extract('return "', '"', line) logger.debug("hdfull link is: " + link + " - " + code) if len(link) > 0: element = {} element["link"] = link + code element["title"] = Decoder.extract( "://", '"', line) + " - " + lang + " - " + quality element["finalLink"] = True x.append(element) else: logger.debug("Discarted: " + line + " - " + code) logger.debug("links procesed: " + str(len(x))) return x
def getValidToken(): html = Downloader.getContentFromUrl(url=Pepecine.MAIN_URL) token = Decoder.extract("token: '", "'", html) return token
def getChannels(page): x = [] if page == '0': html = Youtvgratis.getContentFromUrl(url=Youtvgratis.MAIN_URL) i = 0 for line in html.split('<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2'): if i > 0: title = Decoder.extract('</a>', '</div>', line).strip() img = Decoder.extract(' src="', '"', line) link = Decoder.extract('<a href="', '"', line) element = {} element["link"] = link element["title"] = title element["thumbnail"] = img logger.debug("appending img: " + img + ", title: " + title + ", link: " + link) x.append(element) i += 1 else: html = Youtvgratis.getContentFromUrl(url=page, referer=Youtvgratis.MAIN_URL) logger.debug("decoded html is: " + html) url2 = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', '') html2 = Youtvgratis.getContentFromUrl(url=url2, referer=page, cookie=Youtvgratis.cookie) if 'file: "' in html2: listUrl = Youtvgratis.extractFile(html2) element = {} element["link"] = listUrl + "|" + Downloader.getHeaders(url2) element["title"] = page element["thumbnail"] = "" x.append(element) else: logger.debug("html2 is: " + html2) if '' in html2: newUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex( '', '"', html2).replace('"', "") logger.debug("extracting") x = Cineestrenostv.getChannels(newUrl) elif '' in html2: #search iframe iframeUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex( '', '"', html2).replace('"', "") html3 = Youtvgratis.getContentFromUrl(url=iframeUrl, referer=url2) if "" in html3: iframeUrl2 = Decoder.extractWithRegex( '', '"', html3).replace('"', "") logger.debug("trying with latinoweb url: " + iframeUrl2) html4 = Youtvgratis.getContentFromUrl( url=iframeUrl2, referer=iframeUrl) if 'file: "' in html4: listUrl = Youtvgratis.extractFile( html4) + "|" + Downloader.getHeaders( iframeUrl2) element = {} element["link"] = listUrl element["title"] = page element["thumbnail"] = "" x.append(element) return x
def getValidCookie(): Downloader.getContentFromUrl(url=Elitetorrent.MAIN_URL) return "NOBOT=" + Decoder.extract('NOBOT=', ';', Downloader.cookie) + ";"
def open(url, page): if url.find("rtmp://") == -1 and url.find("|Referer=") == -1 and ( url.find("") > -1 or url.find("") > -1 or url.find("") > -1 or url.find("") > -1 or url.find("") > -1):"brute url [referer] is: " + url) referer = '' if (url.find("referer: ") > -1): referer = url[url.find("referer: ") + len("referer: "):] url = url[0:url.find(",")] if url.find("") > -1: html = Downloader.getContentFromUrl(url, "", "", referer) url = Decoder.decodePrivatestream(html, referer) elif url.find("") > -1: url = Decoder.extractDinostreamPart(url, referer)["link"] elif url.find("") > -1: #url = url.replace("/membedplayer/","/embedplayer/") url = Cineestrenostv.getContentFromUrl(url, "", "", referer) elif url.find("") > -1: html4 = Cineestrenostv.getContentFromUrl(url, "", Cineestrenostv.cookie, referer) finalIframeUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('http://', '%3D"', html4) if finalIframeUrl.find('"') > -1 or finalIframeUrl.find("'") > -1: finalIframeUrl = finalIframeUrl[0:len(finalIframeUrl) - 1] finalHtml = Cineestrenostv.getContentFromUrl( finalIframeUrl, "", Cineestrenostv.cookie, referer) url = Decoder.decodeBussinessApp(finalHtml, finalIframeUrl) elif url.find("") > -1: url = Mamahdcom.getChannels(url)[0]["link"] elif url.find("") > -1: url = ShowsportTvCom.getChannels(url)[0]["link"] elif url.find("rtmp://") == -1: try: if url.find(", referer: ") > -1: page = url[url.find(", referer: ") + len(", referer: "):] url = url[:url.find(", referer: ")] logger.debug("changing page to referer: " + page) logger.debug("trying decoder part for url: " + url) url = Decoder.decodeLink(url, page) except: "decoder url launched an exception, probably could not be decoded" ) pass #launch redirects to his better addons if url.find("sop://") > -1 or url.find("acestream://") > -1 or url.find( ".acelive" ) > -1: #required plexus or something similar installed, this dependency is external from this addon so needs to be installed"trying to send link to plexus: " + url) mode = "1" if url.find("sop://") > -1: mode = "2" url = "plugin://program.plexus/?mode=" + mode + "&url=" + url + "&name=RemoteLink" elif ".torrent" in url or url.find("magnet:") > -1:"trying to send link to quasar: " + url) url = urllib.quote_plus(url) url = "plugin://" + url elif url.find("") > -1: id = "" if url.find("v=") > -1: id = url[url.find("v=") + len("v="):] elif url.find("/embed/") > -1: id = url[url.find("/embed/") + len("/embed/"):] url = "plugin://" + id + "" elif url.find("") > -1: url = "plugin://" + urllib.quote_plus( url) else:"nothing done!") logger.debug("launching playable url: " + url) play(url, page)
def getChannels(page): x = [] logger.debug("page is: "+page) if str(page) == '0': page=Zonasportsme.MAIN_URL else: logger.debug("decoding page: "+page) page = base64.b64decode(page) logger.debug("decoded page: "+page) logger.debug("launching web petition to page: "+page) html = Zonasportsme.getContentFromUrl(page,"",Zonasportsme.cookie,Zonasportsme.MAIN_URL) if page==Zonasportsme.MAIN_URL: logger.debug("browsing main menu...") menu = Decoder.extract('<ul class="nav" id="main-menu">',"</li></ul></li></ul>",html) x = Zonasportsme.extractElements(menu) else: url = "" #decoder part if '' in html: uStreamUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('http://www.ustream.','"',html) url = Decoder.getUstreamLink(uStreamUrl,page) elif '' in html: channel = Decoder.extract('channel="','"',html) url = Decoder.getCastcampLink(channel,page) elif '' in html: if "<script type='text/javascript'>id='" in html: id2 = Decoder.extract("<script type='text/javascript'>id='", "';", html) logger.debug("using id = " + id2) url4 = "" + id2 + "&width=700&height=450&stretching=uniform" html4 = Zonasportsme.getContentFromUrl(url4, "", Zonasportsme.cookie, page) logger.debug("html4: " + html4) curl = Decoder.rExtract('= "', '=";', html4)+'=' fn = Decoder.rExtract('"','.php";',html4) token = Zonasportsme.getContentFromUrl(''+fn+'.php', "",Zonasportsme.cookie, url4, True) logger.debug("token: " + token) token = Decoder.extract('":"', '"', token) file = base64.decodestring(curl) + token + "|" + Downloader.getHeaders('') logger.debug("final url is: " + file) url = file elif '' in html: channel = Decoder.extract("channel='","'",html) url = ''+channel+'/1/700/400/' html2 = Zonasportsme.getContentFromUrl(url=url,referer=page) logger.debug("html2 is: "+html2) #newParam = Decoder.extract("so.addParam('FlashVars', '", "'", html2) # brute params, needs a sort newParam = Decoder.extractParams(html2) rtmp = "rtmp:// playPath="+newParam+" swfVfy=1 timeout=10 conn=S:OK live=true swfUrl= flashver=WIN/2019,0,0,226 pageUrl="+page url = rtmp elif '' in html: channel = Decoder.extract("channel='", "'", html) url = '' + channel + '/1/700/400/' html2 = Zonasportsme.getContentFromUrl(url=url, referer=page) logger.debug("html2 is: " + html2) url = Decoder.decodeUcaster(html2,url) elif '' in html: channel = Decoder.extract("channel='", "'", html) url = ''+channel+'/2/750/420' url = Decoder.decode247bay(url,page) element = {} element["title"] = "Stream" element["link"] = url element["permaLink"] = True x.append(element) return x
def getChannels(page): x = [] start = False if str(page) == '0': html = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(ShowsportTvCom.MAIN_URL) element = {} element["link"] = '1' element["title"] = 'Display by event' x.append(element) if html.find('<div id="cssmenu">')>-1: #build channels menu from provider cssMenu = Decoder.extract('<div id="cssmenu">','</ul>',html) for htmlElement in cssMenu.split('<li class="has-sub">'): if htmlElement.find('<a href="')>-1: element = {} link = Decoder.extract('<a href="','"',htmlElement) if htmlElement.find(' title="')>-1: title = Decoder.extract(' title="','"',htmlElement) img = Decoder.extract('img src="/','"',htmlElement) element["title"] = title element["link"] = ShowsportTvCom.MAIN_URL+link element["thumbnail"] = ShowsportTvCom.MAIN_URL+img logger.debug("found element: "+title+", url: "+element["link"]) if title != '': x.append(element) elif str(page) == '1': #show by events html = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(ShowsportTvCom.MAIN_URL) html = Decoder.extract('<div class="listmatch">','<div id="right_content">',html) for htmlElement in html.split('<div class="leaguelogo column">'): if htmlElement.find(' href="')>-1: href = Decoder.extract(' href="','">',htmlElement) timeHtml = Decoder.extract('<div class="date_time column"><span class="','</span></div>',htmlElement) time = "" if timeHtml.find('</span><span')>-1: time = Decoder.extract('>','</span><span',timeHtml) time+= " - "+timeHtml[timeHtml.rfind(">")+1:] name = Decoder.extract('png"><span>','</span></div>',htmlElement) logger.debug("first name is: "+name) if htmlElement.find('px;">')>-1 and htmlElement.find('</span><img')>-1: name += " vs "+Decoder.extract('px;">','</span><img',htmlElement) logger.debug("final name is: "+name) element = {} if time=='': element["title"] = name else: element["title"] = time+" - "+name element["link"] = ShowsportTvCom.MAIN_URL+href logger.debug("appending event: "+element["title"]) if element["title"].find(" vs ")>-1: x.append(element) else: #open link html = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(page) iframeUrl = ShowsportTvCom.MAIN_URL+Decoder.extract('<iframe frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" height="450" src="/','"',html) logger.debug("iframeUrl is: "+iframeUrl) html2 = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(iframeUrl,"",ShowsportTvCom.cookie,page) if html2.find("")>-1: id = Decoder.extract("var id = "," ;",html2) url2 = ""+id html3 = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(url2,"id="+id,ShowsportTvCom.cookie,iframeUrl) script = Decoder.extract('<script type="text/javascript">\n','</script>',html3) if script.find("document.write(unescape('")>-1: #patch scriptContent = Decoder.extract("document.write(unescape('","'));",script) scriptContent = urllib.unquote(scriptContent) script=re.compile('eval\(function\(w,i,s,e\).*}\((.*?)\)').findall(scriptContent)[0] finalScriptContent = Decoder.preWise(script) logger.debug(finalScriptContent) token = Decoder.extract("token:\"","\"",finalScriptContent) logger.debug("pre-token is: "+token) ajaxContent = dict(token=token, is_ajax=1) #logger.debug(html3) tokenResponse = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl("",urllib.urlencode(ajaxContent),ShowsportTvCom.cookie,url2,True) logger.debug("token response: "+tokenResponse) file = Decoder.extract("file:\"","\"",finalScriptContent)+Decoder.extract('","','",',tokenResponse)+"&e="+Decoder.rExtract(',',']',tokenResponse)+"|Referer=" elif html2.find("")>-1: fid = Decoder.extract('<script type="text/javascript"> fid="','"',html2) url3 = ""+fid html3 = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(url3,"",ShowsportTvCom.cookie,iframeUrl) if html3.find("")>-1: id2 = Decoder.extract("<script type='text/javascript'>id='","';",html3) logger.debug("using id = "+id2) url4 = ""+id2+"&width=700&height=450&stretching=uniform" html4 = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(url4,"",ShowsportTvCom.cookie,url3) logger.debug("html4: "+html4) curl = Decoder.extract('curl = "','"',html4) token = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl('',"",ShowsportTvCom.cookie,url4,True) logger.debug("token: "+token) token = Decoder.extract('":"','"',token) file = base64.decodestring(curl)+token+"|"+Downloader.getHeaders('') logger.debug("final url is: "+file) elif html2.find("")>-1: nextIframeUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('','"',html2).replace('"',"") file = Decoder.decodeIguide(nextIframeUrl,iframeUrl) elif "/embedplayer.php" in html2: nextIframeUrl = ShowsportTvCom.MAIN_URL+Decoder.extractWithRegex('/embedplayer.php', "'", html2).replace("'", "") logger.debug("next loop will use: "+nextIframeUrl) file = ShowsportTvCom.getChannels(nextIframeUrl) elif html2.find("")>-1: token = False if "" not in html2: token = True id2 = Decoder.extract("<script type='text/javascript'>id='","';",html2) logger.debug("using id = "+id2) url4 = ""+id2+"&width=700&height=450&stretching=uniform" else: #it's built, not needed extract id url4 = Decoder.extractWithRegex("",'"',html2) html4 = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(url4,"",ShowsportTvCom.cookie,iframeUrl) logger.debug("html4: "+html4) curl = Decoder.extract('curl = "','"',html4) tokenUrl = "" swfUrl = "" if token: tokenUrl = '' swfUrl = '' token = ShowsportTvCom.getContentFromUrl(tokenUrl,"",ShowsportTvCom.cookie,url4,True) logger.debug("token: "+token) token = Decoder.extract('":"','"',token) file = base64.decodestring(curl)+token+"|"+Downloader.getHeaders(swfUrl) logger.debug("final url is: "+file) else: logger.debug("trying crickfreetv way...: "+html2) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, page, page) logger.debug("final remote url: "+file) element = {} element["link"] = file element["permaLink"] = True element["title"] = "Watch streaming" x.append(element) return x
def seekIframeScript(html, referer, iframeUrl): lastIframeHtml = html file = "" logger.debug("seek iframe logic... ") if html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic( "", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find('') > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic( "", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic( "", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif '' in html: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif "" in html: id = Decoder.extract('fid="', '"', html) scriptUrl = "" + id + "&vw=620&vh=490" logger.debug("using script url: " + scriptUrl) lastIframeHtml = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl( scriptUrl, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) logger.debug("html is: " + lastIframeHtml) lastIframeHtml = Decoder.rExtract("<body", "</body>", lastIframeHtml) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(lastIframeHtml, iframeUrl, scriptUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: id = Decoder.extract("<script type='text/javascript'>id='", "'", html) logger.debug("violadito id=" + id) #newUrl = ""+id+"&width=620&height=460" jsLogic = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl( '', "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) try: jsLogic = jsunpack.unpack(jsLogic) logger.debug("jsLogic: " + jsLogic) newUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('http://', '"', jsLogic).replace( "\\'+id+\\'", str(id)) except: logger.debug( "could not use unpack from jsunpack, using new method...") logger.debug("jsLogic is: " + jsLogic) newUrl = Decoder.extract(' src="', '"', jsLogic).replace("'+id+'", id) pass logger.debug("using referer: " + iframeUrl) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(newUrl, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) logger.debug("extracting file from " + newUrl) if html2.find('file: "') > -1: file = Decoder.extract('file: "', '"', html2) logger.debug("obtained file: " + file) elif 'file: "rtmp:' in html: # found final link logger.debug("detected rtmp link...") rtmp = "rtmp:" + Decoder.extract('file: "rtmp:', '"', html) swfJS = Decoder.extract('<script src="', '"', html[html.find('<div id="myElement">'):]) jsContent = Downloader.getContentFromUrl(url=swfJS, referer=referer) swfUrl = Decoder.extract('"flashplayer": "', '"', jsContent) if "http:" not in swfUrl: swfUrl = "http:" + swfUrl logger.debug("swfUrl is: " + swfUrl) logger.debug("iframeUrl is: " + iframeUrl) logger.debug("referer is: " + referer) link = rtmp + " swfUrl=" + swfUrl + " pageUrl=" + iframeUrl logger.debug("final rtmp link built is: " + link) file = link elif 'file: "http' in html: # found final link logger.debug("using http file extractor...") file = "http" + Decoder.extract('file: "http', '"', html) file += "|" + Downloader.getHeaders( iframeUrl) #TODO review this part logger.debug("found final link: " + file) elif html.find("") > -1: url = Decoder.extractWithRegex("", '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("using first url from provider, url: " + url + ", r: " + referer) file = Filmoncom.launchScriptLogic(url, referer)[0]["url"] elif html.find('return(["r","t","m","p"' ) > -1: #changed order to build final url first logger.debug("launching array logic for rtmp link...") swfUrl = "" if '' in html: swfUrl = "" elif '' in html: swfUrl = "" if '<script type="text/javascript">\nvar' in html: scriptSplit = '<script type="text/javascript">\nvar' elif '<script type="text/javascript">\n\nvar' in html: scriptSplit = '<script type="text/javascript">\n\nvar' bruteData = Decoder.extract(scriptSplit, "</script>", html) rtmp = "" file = Decoder.extract('file: ', '}],', bruteData).replace(' ', '') logger.debug("file form is: " + file) playpath = "" for functionName in file.split('+'): if functionName.find("/") == -1: logger.debug("using function: " + functionName) bruteData2 = Decoder.extract( 'function ' + functionName + ' {', "}", bruteData) line = Decoder.extract('return([', ');', bruteData2) #now begin the fix for linePart in line.split("+"): if '].join' in linePart: linePart = linePart[:linePart.find('].join')] linePart2 = linePart.replace('","', "").replace( '"', '').replace('\\', "").replace(",", "") logger.debug("at this moment linePart1 is: " + linePart2) rtmp += linePart2 if '/' not in linePart2: playpath = linePart2 elif 'document.getElementById' in linePart: #extract id and get content idSpan = Decoder.extract('(', ')', linePart).replace( "\"", "").replace("'", "") content = Decoder.extract(' id=' + idSpan + '>', '</span>', html) logger.debug("at this moment linePart2 is: " + content) rtmp += content elif 'join("")' in linePart: #array to join with a replace like first condition idArrayVar = linePart.replace('.join("")', '').replace(' ', '') content = Decoder.extract( 'var ' + idArrayVar + " = [", "];", bruteData).replace(",", "").replace('"', '') logger.debug("at this moment linePart3 is: " + content) rtmp += content else: rtmp += "/" logger.debug("at this moment final rtmp is: " + rtmp) ''' token = "" if bruteData.find('securetoken: ')>-1: token = Decoder.extract('securetoken: ','\n',bruteData) swfUrlJS = '' htmlToken = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=swfUrlJS) token = Decoder.extract('var '+token+' = "','"',htmlToken) logger.debug("Fresh token is: "+token) ''' if "/live" in rtmp: app = 'live' + Decoder.extract('/live', '==/', rtmp) + "==/" else: #/hd app = 'hd' + Decoder.extract('/hd', '==/', rtmp) + "==/" file = rtmp + " app=" + app + " playpath=" + playpath + r" token=%XB00(nKH@#. flashver=WIN\2021,0,0,182 timeout=30 live=1 swfUrl=" + swfUrl + " pageUrl=" + iframeUrl + "" logger.debug("Built a rtmp with data: " + file) elif html.find('securetoken:') > -1: logger.debug("building final link from html: " + html) file = Decoder.extract('file: "', '"', html) securetoken = Decoder.extract('securetoken: "', '"', html) #logger.debug(html) flashPlayer = '' tokenString = "" if "html>" not in securetoken: tokenString = " token=" + securetoken else: jsUrl = Decoder.rExtract( '<script type="text/javascript" src="', '" ></script>', html) jsContent = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=jsUrl) var = Decoder.extract('securetoken: ', "\n", html) logger.debug("seeking var: " + var) tokenString = Decoder.extract('var ' + var + " = \"", '";', jsContent) logger.debug("new token string is: " + tokenString) tokenString = " token=" + tokenString rtmpUrl = file[0:file.rfind('/') + 1] + " playpath=" + file[ file.rfind('/') + 1:] + tokenString + " swfUrl=" + flashPlayer + " live=1 timeout=13 pageUrl=" + iframeUrl logger.debug("found final link: " + rtmpUrl) file = rtmpUrl elif html.find("eval(unescape('") > -1: logger.debug("eval unescape js logic...") html = Cricfreetv.decodeContent(html).lower() elif html.find('<a href="' ) > -1 or html.find('') > -1: logger.debug("embed link logic...") if html.find('') > -1: urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("seek new iframe url with: " + urlLink) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(urlLink, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, urlLink) elif html.find('<a href="') > -1: logger.debug("urlLink...") urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex( '<a href="', '/"', html) logger.debug("urlLink2..." + urlLink) urlLink = urlLink[urlLink.find('"') + 1:urlLink.rfind('"')] logger.debug("urlLinkFinal..." + urlLink) if urlLink != iframeUrl: urlLink = urlLink.replace(".tv/", ".pw/") html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl( url=urlLink, cookie=Cricfreetv.cookie, referer=iframeUrl) logger.debug("html2 is: " + html2) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, urlLink) if file == '': #extract iframe value iframe = Decoder.extract( '<iframe frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginWidth="0" height="490" id="iframe" src="', '" id="', html).replace('"', "") file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue( iframe, html, referer) elif ' src="' in html: logger.debug("native logic") #it's a native page, so launch this logic urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("seek new iframe url with: " + urlLink) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(urlLink, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, urlLink) elif '' in html: logger.debug("repeating proccess...") newOldUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', '') logger.debug("new old url is: " + newOldUrl) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=newOldUrl, referer=iframeUrl) logger.debug("html is: " + html2) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, newOldUrl) else: logger.debug("enterring to ELSE logic") if html.find( '<iframe id="player" scrolling="no" width="620" height="490" allowtransparency="no" frameborder="0" src="' ) > -1: iframe = Decoder.extract( '<iframe id="player" scrolling="no" width="620" height="490" allowtransparency="no" frameborder="0" src="', '"', html) file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue(iframe, html, referer) elif html.find('<iframe ') > -1: # brute method forced logger.debug("brute method launched...") logger.debug("referer is: " + referer) logger.debug("iframeUrl is: " + iframeUrl) iframe = Decoder.rExtract('<iframe ', '</iframe>', html) iframe = Decoder.extract('src="', '"', iframe) if iframe == referer or iframe == iframeUrl: logger.debug("is the same page so needs to be changed!") logger.debug("html is: " + html) for content in html.split(".php"): link = content[content.rfind('"') + 1:] + ".php" logger.debug("target ELSE link is: " + link) if "http://" in link and "/update/" not in link and "/update/" in iframeUrl: logger.debug("ELSE link has been updated from: " + iframeUrl + ", to: " + link) iframe = link if iframe != referer and iframe != iframeUrl: logger.debug("fixed the same url, continue...") file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue( iframe, html, referer) else: logger.debug("NOT fixed the same url, stopping...") else: file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue(iframe, html, referer) else: logger.debug(html) return file