Пример #1
def with_minrpc(compile_func, server="posix_popen_server", runtime="libtvm"):
    """Attach the compiler function with minrpc related options.

    compile_func : Union[str, Callable[[str, str, Optional[str]], None]]
        The compilation function to decorate.

    server : str
        The server type.

    runtime : str
        The runtime library.

    fcompile : function
        The return compilation.
    server_path = find_minrpc_server_libpath(server)
    runtime_path = libinfo.find_lib_path([runtime, runtime + ".so", runtime + ".dylib"])[0]

    runtime_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(runtime_path))
    options = ["-std=c++14"]
    # Make sure the rpath to the libtvm is set so we can do local tests.
    # Note that however, this approach won't work on remote.
    # Always recommend to to link statically.
    options += ["-Wl,-rpath=" + runtime_dir]
    options += ["-I" + path for path in libinfo.find_include_path()]
    fcompile = cc.cross_compiler(
        compile_func, options=options, add_files=[server_path, runtime_path]
    fcompile.__name__ = "with_minrpc"
    fcompile.need_system_lib = True
    return fcompile
Пример #2
def create_micro_lib_base(
    """Compiles code into a binary for the target micro device.

    out_obj_path : str
        path to generated object file

    in_src_path : str
        path to source file

    toolchain_prefix : str
        toolchain prefix to be used. For example, a prefix of
        "riscv64-unknown-elf-" means "riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc" is used as
        the compiler and "riscv64-unknown-elf-ld" is used as the linker,

    device_id : str
        unique identifier for the target device

    lib_type : micro.LibType
        whether to compile a MicroTVM runtime or operator library

    options : List[str]
        additional options to pass to GCC

    lib_src_paths : Optional[List[str]]
        paths to additional source files to be compiled into the library
    # look at these (specifically `strip`):
    #   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15314581/g-compiler-flag-to-minimize-binary-size
    base_compile_cmd = [
    if options is not None:
        base_compile_cmd += options

    src_paths = []
    include_paths = find_include_path() + [get_micro_host_driven_dir()]
    tmp_dir = _util.tempdir()
    # we need to create a new src file in the operator branch
    new_in_src_path = in_src_path
    if lib_type == LibType.RUNTIME:
        dev_dir = _get_device_source_dir(device_id)
        dev_src_paths = glob.glob(f"{dev_dir}/*.[csS]")
        # there needs to at least be a utvm_timer.c file
        assert dev_src_paths
        assert "utvm_timer.c" in map(os.path.basename, dev_src_paths)

        src_paths += dev_src_paths
    elif lib_type == LibType.OPERATOR:
        # create a temporary copy of the operator source, so we can inject the dev lib
        # header without modifying the original.
        temp_src_path = tmp_dir.relpath("temp.c")
        with open(in_src_path, "r") as f:
            src_lines = f.read().splitlines()
        src_lines.insert(0, '#include "utvm_device_dylib_redirect.c"')
        with open(temp_src_path, "w") as f:
        new_in_src_path = temp_src_path
        raise RuntimeError("unknown lib type")

    src_paths += [new_in_src_path]

    # add any src paths required by the operator
    if lib_src_paths is not None:
        src_paths += lib_src_paths

    # print(f"include paths: {include_paths}")
    for path in include_paths:
        base_compile_cmd += ["-I", path]

    prereq_obj_paths = []
    # print(src_paths)
    for src_path in src_paths:
        curr_obj_path = tmp_dir.relpath(
        assert curr_obj_path not in prereq_obj_paths
        curr_compile_cmd = base_compile_cmd + [src_path, "-o", curr_obj_path]
        # TODO(weberlo): make compilation fail if there are any warnings

    ld_cmd = [f"{toolchain_prefix}ld", "-relocatable"]
    ld_cmd += prereq_obj_paths
    ld_cmd += ["-o", out_obj_path]
Пример #3
def create_micro_lib_base(out_obj_path,
    """Compiles code into a binary for the target micro device.

    out_obj_path : str
        path to generated object file

    in_src_path : str
        path to source file

    toolchain_prefix : str
        toolchain prefix to be used. For example, a prefix of
        "riscv64-unknown-elf-" means "riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc" is used as
        the compiler and "riscv64-unknown-elf-ld" is used as the linker,

    device_id : str
        unique identifier for the target device

    lib_type : micro.LibType
        whether to compile a MicroTVM runtime or operator library

    options : List[str]
        additional options to pass to GCC
    base_compile_cmd = [
    if options is not None:
        base_compile_cmd += options

    src_paths = []
    include_paths = find_include_path() + [get_micro_host_driven_dir()]
    tmp_dir = _util.tempdir()
    # we might transform the src path in one of the branches below
    new_in_src_path = in_src_path
    if lib_type == LibType.RUNTIME:
        dev_dir = _get_device_source_dir(device_id)
        dev_src_paths = glob.glob(f"{dev_dir}/*.[csS]")
        # there needs to at least be a utvm_timer.c file
        assert dev_src_paths
        assert "utvm_timer.c" in map(os.path.basename, dev_src_paths)
        src_paths += dev_src_paths
    elif lib_type == LibType.OPERATOR:
        # create a temporary copy of the source, so we can inject the dev lib
        # header without modifying the original.
        temp_src_path = tmp_dir.relpath("temp.c")
        with open(in_src_path, "r") as f:
            src_lines = f.read().splitlines()
        src_lines.insert(0, "#include \"utvm_device_dylib_redirect.c\"")
        with open(temp_src_path, "w") as f:
        new_in_src_path = temp_src_path
        base_compile_cmd += ["-c"]
        raise RuntimeError("unknown lib type")

    src_paths += [new_in_src_path]

    for path in include_paths:
        base_compile_cmd += ["-I", path]

    prereq_obj_paths = []
    for src_path in src_paths:
        curr_obj_path = Path(src_path).with_suffix(".o").name
        assert curr_obj_path not in prereq_obj_paths
        curr_compile_cmd = base_compile_cmd + [src_path, "-o", curr_obj_path]

    ld_cmd = [f"{toolchain_prefix}ld", "-relocatable"]
    ld_cmd += prereq_obj_paths
    ld_cmd += ["-o", out_obj_path]
Пример #4
    def export_library(self, file_name, fcompile=None, addons=None, workspace_dir=None, **kwargs):
        Export the module and all imported modules into a single device library.

        This function only works on host LLVM modules, other runtime::Module
        subclasses will work with this API but they must support implement
        the save and load mechanisms of modules completely including saving
        from streams and files. This will pack your non-shared library module
        into a single shared library which can later be loaded by TVM.

        file_name : str
            The name of the shared library.

        fcompile : function(target, file_list, kwargs), optional
            The compilation function to use create the final library object during

            For example, when fcompile=_cc.create_shared, or when it is not supplied but
            module is "llvm," this is used to link all produced artifacts
            into a final dynamic library.

            This behavior is controlled by the type of object exported.
            If fcompile has attribute object_format, will compile host library
            to that format. Otherwise, will use default format "o".

        workspace_dir : str, optional
            The path of the directory used to create the intermediate
            artifacts when exporting the module.
            If this is not provided a temporary dir will be created.

        kwargs : dict, optional
            Additional arguments passed to fcompile

        result of fcompile()  : unknown, optional
            If the compilation function returns an artifact it would be returned via
            export_library, if any.
        # NOTE: this function depends on contrib library features
        # which are only available in when TVM function is available.
        if _RUNTIME_ONLY:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot call export_library in runtime only mode")
        # Extra dependencies during runtime.
        from pathlib import Path
        from tvm.contrib import cc as _cc, tar as _tar, utils as _utils

        if isinstance(file_name, Path):
            file_name = str(file_name)

        if self.type_key == "stackvm":
            if not file_name.endswith(".stackvm"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Module[%s]: can only be saved as stackvm format."
                    "did you build with LLVM enabled?" % self.type_key

        modules = self._collect_dso_modules()
        if workspace_dir is None:
            temp = _utils.tempdir()
            workspace_dir = temp.temp_dir
        files = addons if addons else []
        is_system_lib = False
        has_c_module = False
        llvm_target_string = None
        for index, module in enumerate(modules):
            if fcompile is not None and hasattr(fcompile, "object_format"):
                if module.type_key == "c":
                    assert module.format in [
                    ], "The module.format needs to be either c, cc, cpp or cu."
                    object_format = module.format
                    has_c_module = True
                    object_format = fcompile.object_format
                if module.type_key == "c":
                    if len(module.format) > 0:
                        assert module.format in [
                        ], "The module.format needs to be either c, cc, cpp, or cu."
                        object_format = module.format
                        object_format = "c"
                    if "cc" in kwargs:
                        if kwargs["cc"] == "nvcc":
                            object_format = "cu"
                    has_c_module = True
                    assert module.type_key == "llvm" or module.type_key == "static_library"
                    object_format = "o"
            path_obj = os.path.join(workspace_dir, f"lib{index}.{object_format}")
            is_system_lib = (
                module.type_key == "llvm" and module.get_function("__tvm_is_system_module")()
            llvm_target_string = (
                module.type_key == "llvm" and module.get_function("_get_target_string")()
        if not fcompile:
            if file_name.endswith(".tar"):
                fcompile = _tar.tar
                fcompile = _cc.create_shared

        if llvm_target_string is None and hasattr(fcompile, "get_target_triple"):
            triple = fcompile.get_target_triple()
            assert triple, "Target triple should not be empty"
            llvm_target_string = "llvm -mtriple " + triple

        if getattr(fcompile, "need_system_lib", False) and not is_system_lib:
            raise ValueError("%s need --system-lib option" % str(fcompile))

        if self.imported_modules:
            if enabled("llvm") and llvm_target_string:
                path_obj = os.path.join(workspace_dir, f"devc.{object_format}")
                m = _ffi_api.ModulePackImportsToLLVM(self, is_system_lib, llvm_target_string)
                path_cc = os.path.join(workspace_dir, "devc.c")
                with open(path_cc, "w") as f:
                    f.write(_ffi_api.ModulePackImportsToC(self, is_system_lib))

        # The imports could contain a c module but the object format could be tar
        # Thus, it would not recognize the following include paths as options
        # which are there assuming a c compiler is the fcompile.
        if has_c_module and not file_name.endswith(".tar"):
            options = []
            if "options" in kwargs:
                opts = kwargs["options"]
                options = opts if isinstance(opts, (list, tuple)) else [opts]
            opts = options + ["-I" + path for path in find_include_path()]
            kwargs.update({"options": opts})

        return fcompile(file_name, files, **kwargs)
Пример #5
    def export_library(self, file_name, fcompile=None, **kwargs):
        """Export the module and its imported device code one library.

        This function only works on host llvm modules.
        It will pack all the imported modules

        file_name : str
            The name of the shared library.

        fcompile : function(target, file_list, kwargs), optional
            Compilation function to use create dynamic library.
            If fcompile has attribute object_format, will compile host library
            to that format. Otherwise, will use default format "o".

        kwargs : dict, optional
            Additional arguments passed to fcompile
        # NOTE: this function depends on contrib library features
        # which are only available in when TVM function is available.
        if _RUNTIME_ONLY:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot call export_library in runtime only mode")
        # Extra dependencies during runtime.
        from pathlib import Path
        from tvm.contrib import cc as _cc, tar as _tar, util as _util

        if isinstance(file_name, Path):
            file_name = str(file_name)

        if self.type_key == "stackvm":
            if not file_name.endswith(".stackvm"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Module[%s]: can only be saved as stackvm format."
                    "did you build with LLVM enabled?" % self.type_key)

        modules = self._collect_dso_modules()
        temp = _util.tempdir()
        files = []
        is_system_lib = False
        has_c_module = False
        llvm_target_triple = None
        for index, module in enumerate(modules):
            if fcompile is not None and hasattr(fcompile, "object_format"):
                object_format = fcompile.object_format
                if module.type_key == "llvm":
                    object_format = "o"
                    assert module.type_key == "c"
                    object_format = "cc"
                    has_c_module = True
            path_obj = temp.relpath("lib" + str(index) + "." + object_format)
            is_system_lib = (module.type_key == "llvm" and
            llvm_target_triple = (module.type_key == "llvm" and
        if not fcompile:
            if file_name.endswith(".tar"):
                fcompile = _tar.tar
                fcompile = _cc.create_shared

        if llvm_target_triple is None and hasattr(fcompile,
            llvm_target_triple = fcompile.get_target_triple()

        if self.imported_modules:
            if enabled("llvm") and llvm_target_triple:
                path_obj = temp.relpath("devc.o")
                m = _ffi_api.ModulePackImportsToLLVM(self, is_system_lib,
                path_cc = temp.relpath("devc.cc")
                with open(path_cc, "w") as f:
                    f.write(_ffi_api.ModulePackImportsToC(self, is_system_lib))

        if has_c_module:
            options = []
            if "options" in kwargs:
                opts = kwargs["options"]
                options = opts if isinstance(opts, (list, tuple)) else [opts]
            opts = options + ["-I" + path for path in find_include_path()]
            kwargs.update({'options': opts})

        fcompile(file_name, files, **kwargs)
Пример #6
    def export_library(self, file_name, fcompile=None, addons=None, workspace_dir=None, **kwargs):
        """Export the module and its imported device code one library.

        This function only works on host llvm modules.
        It will pack all the imported modules

        file_name : str
            The name of the shared library.

        fcompile : function(target, file_list, kwargs), optional
            Compilation function to use create dynamic library.
            If fcompile has attribute object_format, will compile host library
            to that format. Otherwise, will use default format "o".

        workspace_dir : str, optional
            the path to a directory used to create intermediary
            artifacts for the process exporting of the library.
            If this is not provided a temporary dir will be created.

        kwargs : dict, optional
            Additional arguments passed to fcompile

        result of fcompile()  : unknown, optional
            If the compilation function returns an artifact it would be returned via
            export_library, if any.
        # NOTE: this function depends on contrib library features
        # which are only available in when TVM function is available.
        if _RUNTIME_ONLY:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot call export_library in runtime only mode")
        # Extra dependencies during runtime.
        from pathlib import Path
        from tvm.contrib import cc as _cc, tar as _tar, utils as _utils

        if isinstance(file_name, Path):
            file_name = str(file_name)

        if self.type_key == "stackvm":
            if not file_name.endswith(".stackvm"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Module[%s]: can only be saved as stackvm format."
                    "did you build with LLVM enabled?" % self.type_key

        modules = self._collect_dso_modules()
        if workspace_dir is None:
            temp = _utils.tempdir()
            workspace_dir = temp.temp_dir
        files = addons if addons else []
        is_system_lib = False
        has_c_module = False
        llvm_target_triple = None
        for index, module in enumerate(modules):
            if fcompile is not None and hasattr(fcompile, "object_format"):
                if module.type_key == "c":
                    object_format = "c"
                    has_c_module = True
                    object_format = fcompile.object_format
                if module.type_key == "llvm":
                    object_format = "o"
                    assert module.type_key == "c"
                    object_format = "c"
                    has_c_module = True
            path_obj = os.path.join(workspace_dir, f"lib{index}.{object_format}")
            is_system_lib = (
                module.type_key == "llvm" and module.get_function("__tvm_is_system_module")()
            llvm_target_triple = (
                module.type_key == "llvm" and module.get_function("_get_target_triple")()
        if not fcompile:
            if file_name.endswith(".tar"):
                fcompile = _tar.tar
                fcompile = _cc.create_shared

        if llvm_target_triple is None and hasattr(fcompile, "get_target_triple"):
            llvm_target_triple = fcompile.get_target_triple()

        if getattr(fcompile, "need_system_lib", False) and not is_system_lib:
            raise ValueError("%s need --system-lib option" % str(fcompile))

        if self.imported_modules:
            if enabled("llvm") and llvm_target_triple:
                path_obj = os.path.join(workspace_dir, f"devc.{object_format}")
                m = _ffi_api.ModulePackImportsToLLVM(self, is_system_lib, llvm_target_triple)
                path_cc = os.path.join(workspace_dir, "devc.c")
                with open(path_cc, "w") as f:
                    f.write(_ffi_api.ModulePackImportsToC(self, is_system_lib))

        # The imports could contain a c module but the object format could be tar
        # Thus, it would not recognize the following include paths as options
        # which are there assuming a c compiler is the fcompile.
        if has_c_module and not file_name.endswith(".tar"):
            options = []
            if "options" in kwargs:
                opts = kwargs["options"]
                options = opts if isinstance(opts, (list, tuple)) else [opts]
            opts = options + ["-I" + path for path in find_include_path()]
            kwargs.update({"options": opts})

        return fcompile(file_name, files, **kwargs)