Пример #1
 def before():
     x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.add(x, relay.const(1, "float32"))
     z = relay.squeeze(y)
     u = relay.transpose(y, axes=[0, 1])
     w = relay.left_shift(z, u)
     return relay.Function([x], w)
Пример #2
 def before():
     x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.add(x, relay.const(1, "float32"))
     z = relay.squeeze(y)
     u = relay.transpose(y, axes=[0, 1])
     w = relay.left_shift(z, u)
     return relay.Function([x], w)
Пример #3
def quantize(data, shift_bits, target_bits=relay.const(7, dtype='int32')):
    """Quantize output of layer, to be consistent with source code @yx

    Question: should the shift_bits participating to network control flow?
            At mxnet quantization with truman's code, the bits number of max_v
            is converted to normal interger using function `asscalar()`. However,
            I cannot find the related function in relay.
            I am confused with the control flow logic in model network, whether
            the condition `shift_bits == -1` should join in model network or just
            left it in python code flow. By Longtao.Wang

    shift_bits: tvm.relay.Expr
        The shift_bits parameter is never used according to @yx's source code,
        which always be constant Expr(-1).
    max_v = relay.max(relay.abs(data))
    min_v = relay.min(data)

    ln_max_v = relay.log(relay.cast(max_v, 'float32'))
    ln_2 = relay.log(relay.const(2.))
    total_bits = relay.ceil(relay.divide(ln_max_v, ln_2)) # ceil( ln(max_v) / ln(2) )
    shift_bits = relay.subtract(total_bits.astype('int32'), target_bits)
    shift_bits = relay.maximum(shift_bits, relay.const(0))

    denominator = relay.left_shift(relay.const(1),
            relay.cast(shift_bits, 'int32'))
    out = relay.divide(data, denominator)
    # According to @yx's code, use divide operation instead of shift op for
    # possible negative number round.
    # out = relay.right_shift(data, shift_bits)

    out = relay.cast(relay.clip(out, a_min=-128, a_max=127), 'int8')
    return out, max_v, min_v, shift_bits
Пример #4
 def create_graph():
     input1 = relay.var("x1", shape=ifm_shape, dtype=dtype)
     input2 = relay.var("x2", shape=ifm2_shape, dtype=dtype)
     c1 = relay.left_shift(input1, input2)
     f = relay.Function([input1, input2], c1)
     mod = tvm.IRModule()
     mod["main"] = f
     return mod
Пример #5
 def create_model():
     ifm = relay.var("ifm", shape=ifm_shape, dtype=dtype)
     ifm2 = relay.var("ifm2", shape=ifm2_shape, dtype=dtype)
     c1 = relay.left_shift(ifm, ifm2)
     f = relay.Function([ifm, ifm2], c1)
     mod = tvm.IRModule()
     mod["main"] = f
     return mod
Пример #6
 def expected():
     x = relay.var("p", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.add(x, relay.const(1, "float32"))
     z = relay.squeeze(y)
     u = relay.transpose(y, axes=[0, 1])
     w = relay.left_shift(z, u)
     f1 = relay.Function([x], w)
     x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.Call(f1, [x])
     return relay.Function([x], y)
Пример #7
 def approx_exp(x):
     x = relay.minimum(relay.maximum(x, C((- 88.0))), C(88.0))
     x = (C(127.0) + (x * C(1.44269504)))
     xf = relay.floor(x)
     i = relay.cast(xf, 'int32')
     x = (x - xf)
     Y = (C(0.99992522) + (x * (C(0.69583354) + (x * (C(0.22606716) + (x * C(0.078024523)))))))
     exponent = relay.left_shift(i, relay.expr.const(23, 'int32'))
     exponent = relay.reinterpret(exponent, 'float32')
     return (exponent * Y)
Пример #8
 def expected():
     x = relay.var("p", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.add(x, relay.const(1, "float32"))
     z = relay.squeeze(y)
     u = relay.transpose(y, axes=[0, 1])
     w = relay.left_shift(z, u)
     f1 = relay.Function([x], w)
     x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.Call(f1, [x])
     return relay.Function([x], y)
Пример #9
 def expected():
     x = relay.var("p", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.add(x, relay.const(1, "float32"))
     z = relay.squeeze(y)
     u = relay.transpose(y, axes=[0, 1])
     w = relay.left_shift(z, u)
     f1 = relay.Function([x], w)
     f1 = f1.with_attr("Primitive", tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", 1))
     x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 20))
     y = relay.Call(f1, [x])
     return relay.Function([x], y)
Пример #10
 def approx_exp(x):
     # An approximation derived from Opus,
     # https://github.com/xiph/opus/blob/c1c247/celt/mathops.h#L147-L165
     x = relay.minimum(relay.maximum(x, C(-88.0)), C(88.0))
     x = C(127.0) + x * C(1.44269504)
     xf = relay.floor(x)
     i = relay.cast(xf, "int32")
     x = x - xf
     Y = C(0.99992522) + x * (C(0.69583354) + x * (C(0.22606716) + x * C(0.078024523)))
     exponent = relay.left_shift(i, relay.expr.const(23, "int32"))
     exponent = relay.reinterpret(exponent, "float32")
     return exponent * Y
Пример #11
    def generate_relay_counter_array(self, counter):
        """Generate relay symbolic uint64 counter array for Philox2x32 RNG.

        Generate a relay vector of 64-bits integers
        which encodes couples (counter, i) for i in range(n)

        counter must be a relay expression
        (e.g. a relay constant or variable).
        c = relay.cast(counter, "uint64")
        b = relay.op.transform.full(c, (self.n, ), "uint64")
        d = relay.left_shift(b, RELAY_UINT64_32)
        e = relay.arange(relay.const(self.n, "uint64"), dtype="uint64")
        return relay.bitwise_or(d, e)
Пример #12
    def __impl_philox_2x_round(self, ctr, key):
        """Compute a round in Philox2x32.

        :param ctr: uint64 vector
        :param key: uint32 scalar
        ctr_0 = relay.right_shift(ctr, RELAY_UINT64_32)
        ctr_1 = relay.bitwise_and(ctr, RELAY_UINT64_CLEAR_HIGH)

        # mul_hi_lo
        product = relay.multiply(RELAY_PHILOX_M2x32_0, ctr_0)

        key_64 = relay.cast(key, "uint64")
        ctr_1_xor_key = relay.bitwise_xor(ctr_1, key_64)
        ctr_1_xor_key_up = relay.left_shift(ctr_1_xor_key, RELAY_UINT64_32)
        return relay.bitwise_xor(product, ctr_1_xor_key_up)
Пример #13
 def create_model():
     ifm = relay.var("ifm", shape=ifm_shape, dtype=dtype)
     ifm2 = relay.var("ifm2", shape=ifm2_shape, dtype=dtype)
     c1 = relay.left_shift(ifm, ifm2)
     return tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([ifm, ifm2], c1))