Пример #1
    def set_transfer_function(self, colors=None, opacities=None):
        """ Update the volume mapper's transfer function.
        lerp = lambda x: self.vmin + x * (self.vmax - self.vmin)  # noqa

        if colors is not None:
            self.colors = colors
        if opacities is not None:
            self.opacities = opacities

        color_tf = tvtk.ColorTransferFunction()
        for color in self.colors.values():
            color_tf.add_rgb_point(lerp(color[0]), *(color[1:]))

        opacity_tf = tvtk.PiecewiseFunction()
        alphas = self.opacities.values()
        for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas):
            x = alpha[0]
            if i > 0:
                # Look back one item. VTK doesn't like exact vertical jumps, so
                # we need to jog a value that is exactly equal by a little bit.
                if alphas[i-1][0] == alpha[0]:
                    x += 1e-8
            opacity_tf.add_point(lerp(x), alpha[1] * self.global_alpha)

        self._set_volume_ctf(color_tf, opacity_tf)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, num_entries):
        self.size = num_entries
        self.table = tvtk.ColorTransferFunction()
            self.table.range = (0.0, 1.0)
        except Exception:
            # VTK versions < 5.2 don't seem to need this.

        self.alpha = tvtk.PiecewiseFunction()
        # These VTK classes perform the interpolation for us.

        # insert the control points for the left and the right end of the
        # gradient. These are fixed (i.e. cannot be moved or deleted) and
        # allow one to set begin and end colors.
        left_control_point = ColorControlPoint(fixed=True,
        left_control_point.color.set_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        right_control_point = ColorControlPoint(fixed=True,
        right_control_point.color.set_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        self.control_points = [left_control_point, right_control_point]
        # note: The array of control points always has to be sorted by gradient
        # position of the control points.

        # insert another control point. This one has no real function, it
        # is just there to make the gradient editor more colorful initially
        # and suggest to the (first time user) that it is actually possible to
        # place more control points.
        mid_control_point = ColorControlPoint(active_channels="hsv")
        mid_control_point.color.set_rgb(1.0, 0.4, 0.0)

        # These variables are only for compatibility with GradientTableOld.
        self.scaling_function_string = ""  # will receive the function string if
        # set, e.g. "x**(4*a)"

        self.scaling_function_parameter = 0.5  # the parameter a, slider controlled
        self.scaling_function = None  # the actual function object. takes one
        # position parameter. None if disabled.
