Пример #1
def test_all_instantiations():
    state = State([
        Proposition.parse("at(P, kitchen: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("in(key: o, kitchen: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("in(egg: o, kitchen: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("in(book: o, study: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("in(book: o, study: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("in(map: o, I)"),

    take = Rule.parse("take :: $at(P, r) & in(o, r) -> in(o, I)")
    actions = set(state.all_instantiations(take))
    assert actions == {
        Action.parse("take :: $at(P, kitchen: r) & in(key: o, kitchen: r) -> in(key: o, I)"),
        Action.parse("take :: $at(P, kitchen: r) & in(egg: o, kitchen: r) -> in(egg: o, I)"),

    drop = take.inverse(name="drop")
    actions = set(state.all_instantiations(drop))
    assert actions == {
        Action.parse("drop :: $at(P, kitchen: r) & in(map: o, I) -> in(map: o, kitchen: r)"),

    actions = set(state.all_instantiations(drop))
    assert len(actions) == 0

    # The state is no longer aware of the I variable, so there are no solutions
    actions = set(state.all_instantiations(take))
    assert len(actions) == 0
Пример #2
    def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Event":
        """ Creates an `Event` from serialized data.

            data: Serialized data with the needed information to build a
                  `Event` object.
        actions = [Action.deserialize(d) for d in data["actions"]]
        condition = Action.deserialize(data["condition"])
        event = cls(actions, condition.preconditions, data["commands"])
        return event
Пример #3
    def check_action(self, node: _Node, state: State, action: Action) -> bool:
        # Find the last action before a navigation action
        # TODO: Fold this behaviour into ChainingOptions.check_action()
        nav_parent = node
        while nav_parent.action is not None and self._is_navigation(
            # HACK: Going through a door is always considered navigation unless the previous action was to open that door.
            parent = nav_parent.parent
            if parent.action is not None and parent.action.name == "open/d":
            if self.backward and action.name == "open/d":
            nav_parent = parent

        if nav_parent.action is not None and not self._is_navigation(action):
            if self.backward:
                recent = action.inverse()
                pre_navigation = recent
                post_navigation = nav_parent.action.inverse()
                recent = node.action
                pre_navigation = nav_parent.action
                post_navigation = action

            relevant = set(post_navigation.preconditions)

            if len(recent.added & relevant) == 0 or len(pre_navigation.added
                                                        & relevant) == 0:
                return False

        return self.options.check_action(state, action)
Пример #4
    def setUpClass(cls):
        action_lock = Action.parse(
            "lock/c :: $at(P, r) & $at(c, r) & $match(k, c) & $in(k, I) & closed(c) -> locked(c)"
        action_close = Action.parse(
            "close/c :: $at(P, r) & $at(c, r) & open(c) -> closed(c)")
        action_insert1 = Action.parse(
            "insert :: $at(P, r) & $at(c, r) & $open(c) & in(o1: o, I) -> in(o1: o, c)"
        action_insert2 = Action.parse(
            "insert :: $at(P, r) & $at(c, r) & $open(c) & in(o2: o, I) -> in(o2: o, c)"
        action_take1 = Action.parse(
            "take :: $at(P, r) & at(o1: o, r) -> in(o1: o, I)")
        action_take2 = Action.parse(
            "take :: $at(P, r) & at(o2: o, r) -> in(o2: o, I)")
        action_win = Action.parse(
            "win :: $in(o1: o, c) & $in(o2: o, c) & $locked(c) -> win(o1: o, o2: o, c)"

        tree = ActionDependencyTree(element_type=ActionDependencyTreeElement)
        cls.tree = tree
Пример #5
def test_serialization_deserialization():
    rule = KnowledgeBase.default().rules["go/east"]
    mapping = {
        Placeholder("r'"): Variable("room1", "r"),
        Placeholder("r"): Variable("room2"),
    action = rule.instantiate(mapping)
    infos = action.serialize()
    action2 = Action.deserialize(infos)
    assert action == action2
Пример #6
def test_logic_parsing():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    egg = Variable("egg", "f")

    assert Variable.parse("P") == P
    assert Variable.parse("kitchen: r") == kitchen

    at_kitchen = Proposition("at", [P, kitchen])
    in_kitchen = Proposition("in", [egg, kitchen])
    raw_egg = Proposition("raw", [egg])
    cooked_egg = Proposition("cooked", [egg])

    assert Proposition.parse("at(P, kitchen: r)") == at_kitchen

    assert Signature.parse("at(P, r)") == at_kitchen.signature

    cook_egg = Action("cook", [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, raw_egg], [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, cooked_egg])
    assert Action.parse("cook :: $at(P, kitchen: r) & $in(egg: f, kitchen: r) & raw(egg: f) -> cooked(egg: f)") == cook_egg

    P = Placeholder("P", "P")
    r = Placeholder("r", "r")
    d = Placeholder("d", "d")
    rp = Placeholder("r'", "r")
    assert Placeholder.parse("P") == P
    assert Placeholder.parse("r") == r
    assert Placeholder.parse("d") == d
    assert Placeholder.parse("r'") == rp

    at_r = Predicate("at", [P, r])
    link = Predicate("link", [r, d, rp])
    unlocked = Predicate("unlocked", [d])
    at_rp = Predicate("at", [P, rp])
    assert Predicate.parse("link(r, d, r')") == link

    go = Rule("go", [at_r, link, unlocked], [link, unlocked, at_rp])
    assert Rule.parse("go :: at(P, r) & $link(r, d, r') & $unlocked(d) -> at(P, r')") == go

    # Make sure the types match in the whole expression
    assert_raises(ValueError, Rule.parse, "take :: $at(P, r) & $in(c, r) & in(o: k, c) -> in(o, I)")
Пример #7
    def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Quest":
        """ Creates a `Quest` from serialized data.

            data: Serialized data with the needed information to build a
                  `Quest` object.
        win_events = [Event.deserialize(d) for d in data["win_events"]]
        fail_events = [Event.deserialize(d) for d in data["fail_events"]]
        commands = data.get("commands", [])
        reward = data["reward"]
        desc = data["desc"]
        actions = [Action.deserialize(a) for a in data["actions"]]
        return cls(win_events, fail_events, reward, desc, commands, actions)
Пример #8
def test_match():
    rule = Rule.parse("go :: at(P, r) & $link(r, d, r') & $free(r, r') & $free(r', r) -> at(P, r')")

    mapping = {
        Placeholder.parse("P"): Variable.parse("P"),
        Placeholder.parse("r"): Variable.parse("r1: r"),
        Placeholder.parse("r'"): Variable.parse("r2: r"),
        Placeholder.parse("d"): Variable.parse("d"),

    action = Action.parse("go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) -> at(P, r2: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    # Order shouldn't matter

    action = Action.parse("go :: $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & at(P, r1: r) -> at(P, r2: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    action = Action.parse("go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) -> at(P, r2: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    # Predicate matches can't conflict
    action = Action.parse("go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) -> at(P, r3: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == None
Пример #9
    def set_conditions(self, conditions: Iterable[Proposition]) -> Action:
        Set the triggering conditions for this event.

            conditions: Set of propositions which need to
                        be all true in order for this event
                        to get triggered.
            Action that can only be applied when all conditions are statisfied.
        if not conditions:
            if len(self.actions) == 0:
                raise UnderspecifiedEventError()

            # The default winning conditions are the postconditions of the
            # last action in the quest.
            conditions = self.actions[-1].postconditions

        variables = sorted(set([v for c in conditions for v in c.arguments]))
        event = Proposition("event", arguments=variables)
        self.condition = Action("trigger", preconditions=conditions,
                                postconditions=list(conditions) + [event])
        return self.condition
Пример #10
def test_match_complex():
    rule = Rule.parse("combine/3 :: $at(P, r) & $correct_location(r) & $in(tool, I) & $in(tool', I) & $in(tool'', I) & in(o, I) & in(o', I) & in(o'', I) & $out(o''') & $used(slot) & used(slot') & used(slot'') -> in(o''', I) & free(slot') & free(slot'')")

    mapping = {
        Placeholder.parse("P"): Variable.parse("P"),
        Placeholder.parse("I"): Variable.parse("I"),
        Placeholder.parse("r"): Variable.parse("r"),
        Placeholder.parse("o"): Variable.parse("o1: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("o'"): Variable.parse("o2: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("o''"): Variable.parse("o3: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("o'''"): Variable.parse("o4: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("tool"): Variable.parse("tool1: tool"),
        Placeholder.parse("tool'"): Variable.parse("tool2: tool"),
        Placeholder.parse("tool''"): Variable.parse("tool3: tool"),
        Placeholder.parse("slot"): Variable.parse("slot1: slot"),
        Placeholder.parse("slot'"): Variable.parse("slot2: slot"),
        Placeholder.parse("slot''"): Variable.parse("slot3: slot"),

    action = Action.parse("combine/3 :: $at(P, r) & $correct_location(r) & $in(tool1: tool, I) & $in(tool2: tool, I) & $in(tool3: tool, I) & in(o1: o, I) & in(o2: o, I) & in(o3: o, I) & $out(o4: o) & $used(slot1: slot) & used(slot2: slot) & used(slot3: slot) -> in(o4: o, I) & free(slot2: slot) & free(slot3: slot)")
    for _ in range(10000):
        assert rule.match(action) == mapping
Пример #11
    def apply(self, node: _Node, action: Action) -> Optional[State]:
        """Attempt to apply an action to the given state."""
        new_state = node.state.copy()
        for prop in action.preconditions:

        # Make sure new_state still respects the constraints
        if not self.check_state(new_state):
            return None


        # Detect cycles
        state = new_state.copy()
        while node.action:
            if new_state == state:
                return None
            node = node.parent

        return new_state
Пример #12
def test_is_sequence_applicable():
    state = State([
        Proposition.parse("at(P, r_1: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("empty(r_2: r)"),
        Proposition.parse("empty(r_3: r)"),

    assert state.is_sequence_applicable([
        Action.parse("go :: at(P, r_1: r) & empty(r_2: r) -> at(P, r_2: r) & empty(r_1: r)"),
        Action.parse("go :: at(P, r_2: r) & empty(r_3: r) -> at(P, r_3: r) & empty(r_2: r)"),

    assert not state.is_sequence_applicable([
        Action.parse("go :: at(P, r_1: r) & empty(r_2: r) -> at(P, r_2: r) & empty(r_1: r)"),
        Action.parse("go :: at(P, r_1: r) & empty(r_3: r) -> at(P, r_3: r) & empty(r_1: r)"),

    assert not state.is_sequence_applicable([
        Action.parse("go :: at(P, r_2: r) & empty(r_3: r) -> at(P, r_3: r) & empty(r_2: r)"),
        Action.parse("go :: at(P, r_3: r) & empty(r_1: r) -> at(P, r_1: r) & empty(r_3: r)"),
Пример #13
class Event:
    Event happening in TextWorld.

    An event gets triggered when its set of conditions become all statisfied.

        actions: Actions to be performed to trigger this event
        commands: Human readable version of the actions.
        condition: :py:class:`tw_textlabs.logic.Action` that can only be applied
                    when all conditions are statisfied.

    def __init__(self, actions: Iterable[Action] = (),
                 conditions: Iterable[Proposition] = (),
                 commands: Iterable[str] = ()) -> None:
            actions: The actions to be performed to trigger this event.
                     If an empty list, then `conditions` must be provided.
            conditions: Set of propositions which need to
                        be all true in order for this event
                        to get triggered.
            commands: Human readable version of the actions.
        self.actions = tuple(actions)
        self.commands = tuple(commands)
        self.condition = self.set_conditions(conditions)

    def is_triggering(self, state: State) -> bool:
        """ Check if this event would be triggered in a given state. """
        return state.is_applicable(self.condition)

    def set_conditions(self, conditions: Iterable[Proposition]) -> Action:
        Set the triggering conditions for this event.

            conditions: Set of propositions which need to
                        be all true in order for this event
                        to get triggered.
            Action that can only be applied when all conditions are statisfied.
        if not conditions:
            if len(self.actions) == 0:
                raise UnderspecifiedEventError()

            # The default winning conditions are the postconditions of the
            # last action in the quest.
            conditions = self.actions[-1].postconditions

        variables = sorted(set([v for c in conditions for v in c.arguments]))
        event = Proposition("event", arguments=variables)
        self.condition = Action("trigger", preconditions=conditions,
                                postconditions=list(conditions) + [event])
        return self.condition

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash((tuple(self.actions),

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        return (isinstance(other, Event) and
                self.actions == other.actions and
                self.commands == other.commands and
                self.condition == other.condition)

    def deserialize(cls, data: Mapping) -> "Event":
        """ Creates an `Event` from serialized data.

            data: Serialized data with the needed information to build a
                  `Event` object.
        actions = [Action.deserialize(d) for d in data["actions"]]
        condition = Action.deserialize(data["condition"])
        event = cls(actions, condition.preconditions, data["commands"])
        return event

    def serialize(self) -> Mapping:
        """ Serialize this event.

            `Event`'s data serialized to be JSON compatible.
        data = {}
        data["commands"] = self.commands
        data["actions"] = [action.serialize() for action in self.actions]
        data["condition"] = self.condition.serialize()
        return data

    def copy(self) -> "Event":
        """ Copy this event. """
        return self.deserialize(self.serialize())