Пример #1
    def _read_loop(self, resp):
        data = ''
        while self.running:
            if resp.isclosed():

            # read length
            length = ''
            while True:
                c = resp.read(1)
                if c == '\n':
                length += c
            length = length.strip()
            if length.isdigit():
                length = int(length)

            # read data
            data = resp.read(length)

            # turn json data into status object
            if 'in_reply_to_status_id' in data:
                status = parse_status(json.loads(data), self.api)
                if self.listener.on_status(status) == False:
                    self.running = False
            elif 'delete' in data:
                delete = json.loads(data)['delete']['status']
                if self.listener.on_delete(delete['id'], delete['user_id']) == False:
                    self.running = False
            elif 'limit' in data:
                if self.listener.on_limit(json.loads(data)['limit']['track']) == False:
                    self.running = False
Пример #2
    def on_data(self, data):
        """Called when raw data is received from connection.

        Override this method if you wish to manually handle
        the stream data. Return False to stop stream and close connection.

        if 'in_reply_to_status_id' in data:
            status = parse_status(json.loads(data), self.api)
            if self.on_status(status) is False:
                return False
        elif 'delete' in data:
            delete = json.loads(data)['delete']['status']
            if self.on_delete(delete['id'], delete['user_id']) is False:
                return False
        elif 'limit' in data:
            if self.on_limit(json.loads(data)['limit']['track']) is False:
                return False
Пример #3
for user_name in members:
    print user_name
    if not os.path.exists('data/%s.txt' % user_name):
    f = open('data/%s.txt' % user_name)
    data = json.load(f)

    if is_finding_graph:
        friends = []

    if is_finding_times:
        hour_counts = {}

    for d in data:
        s = parse_status(d,api)

        if is_finding_hashes:
            hashes = find_hash(s.text)
            for h in hashes:
                if not hash2people.has_key(h):
                    hash2people[h] = []
                if not user_name in hash2people[h]:

        if is_finding_graph:
            build dict:
            members = {'user':['user_mentioned1','user_mentioned2']}
            people = find_hash(s.text,find_mentionings=True)