Пример #1
def load_ontology_to_neo4jdb(db, ontology):
    Loads the supplied ontology into a neo4j database. Returns a mapping of 
    neo4j node ID to ontology ID which will be utilized when creating 
    relationships in the neo4j database.
    nodeMap = {}

    for term in ontology:
        log.info('Loading term %s...' % term.name)
        node = db.node()
        if term.obsolete:
            log.info(' ** Skipping node %s because it is obsolete **' % term.name)
        for (attr, value) in term.__dict__.iteritems():
            if value and attr not in ["relationships", "synonyms"]:
                node.set(attr, value)
            elif value and attr == "synonyms":
                # Synonyms need to be converted from a list of tuples to a list
                # of strings
                synonymStrList = [" ".join(x) for x in value]
                node.set(attr, synonymStrList)
        nodeMap.setdefault(term.id, {})
        nodeMap[term.id]['node_id'] = node.id
        nodeMap[term.id]['relationships'] = term.relationships

        index_neo4j_node(db, node, term.id)
    return nodeMap
Пример #2
def load_ontology_to_neo4jdb(db, ontology):
    Loads the supplied ontology into a neo4j database. Returns a mapping of 
    neo4j node ID to ontology ID which will be utilized when creating 
    relationships in the neo4j database.
    nodeMap = {}

    for term in ontology:
        log.info('Loading term %s...' % term.name)
        node = db.node()

        if term.obsolete:
            log.info(' ** Skipping node %s because it is obsolete **' %

        for (attr, value) in term.__dict__.iteritems():
            if value and attr not in ["relationships", "synonyms"]:
                node.set(attr, value)
            elif value and attr == "synonyms":
                # Synonyms need to be converted from a list of tuples to a list
                # of strings
                synonymStrList = [" ".join(x) for x in value]
                node.set(attr, synonymStrList)

        nodeMap.setdefault(term.id, {})
        nodeMap[term.id]['node_id'] = node.id
        nodeMap[term.id]['relationships'] = term.relationships

        index_neo4j_node(db, node, term.id)

    return nodeMap
Пример #3
def synchronize(issues):
    tw = TaskWarrior()

    # Load info about the task database
    tasks = tw.load_tasks()
    is_bugwarrior_task = lambda task: task['description'].startswith(MARKUP)

    # Prune down to only tasks managed by bugwarrior
    for key in tasks.keys():
        tasks[key] = filter(is_bugwarrior_task, tasks[key])

    # Build a list of only the descriptions of those local bugwarrior tasks
    local_descs = [t['description'] for t in sum(tasks.values(), [])]

    # Now for the remote data.
    # Build a list of only the descriptions of those remote issues
    remote_descs = [i['description'] for i in issues]

    # Build the list of tasks that need to be added
    is_new = lambda issue: issue['description'] not in local_descs
    new_issues = filter(is_new, issues)

    # Build the list of local tasks that need to be completed
    is_done = lambda task: task['description'] not in remote_descs
    done_tasks = filter(is_done, tasks['pending'])

    log.struct(new=len(new_issues), completed=len(done_tasks))

    for issue in new_issues:
        log.info("Adding task {0}", issue['description'])

    for task in done_tasks:
        log.info("Completing task {0}", task['description'])
        tw.task_done(id=None, uuid=task['uuid'])
Пример #4
def unpickle_all(filename, log=log):
    log = log.fields(filename=filename)
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
Пример #5
def synchronize(issues):
    tw = TaskWarrior()

    # Load info about the task database
    tasks = tw.load_tasks()
    is_bugwarrior_task = lambda task: task.get('description', '').startswith(MARKUP)

    # Prune down to only tasks managed by bugwarrior
    for key in tasks.keys():
        tasks[key] = filter(is_bugwarrior_task, tasks[key])

    # Build a list of only the descriptions of those local bugwarrior tasks
    local_descs = [t['description'] for t in sum(tasks.values(), []) \
        if t['status'] not in ('deleted')]

    # Now for the remote data.
    # Build a list of only the descriptions of those remote issues
    remote_descs = [i['description'] for i in issues]

    # Build the list of tasks that need to be added
    is_new = lambda issue: issue['description'] not in local_descs
    new_issues = filter(is_new, issues)
    old_issues = filter(lambda i: not is_new(i), issues)

    # Build the list of local tasks that need to be completed
    is_done = lambda task: task['description'] not in remote_descs
    done_tasks = filter(is_done, tasks['pending'])

    log.struct(new=len(new_issues), completed=len(done_tasks))

    # Add new issues
    for issue in new_issues:
        log.info("Adding task {0}", issue['description'].encode("utf-8"))

    # Update any issues that may have had new properties added.  These are
    # usually annotations that come from comments in the issue thread.
    pending_descriptions = [t['description'] for t in tasks['pending']]
    for upstream_issue in old_issues:
        if upstream_issue['description'] not in pending_descriptions:

        id, task = tw.get_task(description=upstream_issue['description'])
        for key in upstream_issue:
            if key not in task:
                log.info("Updating {0} on {1}",
                         key, upstream_issue['description'].encode("utf-8"))
                task[key] = upstream_issue[key]
                id, task = tw.task_update(task)

    # Delete old issues
    for task in done_tasks:
        log.info("Completing task {0}", task['description'].encode("utf-8"))
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, config, target, shorten):
        self.config = config
        self.target = target
        self.shorten = shorten

        log.info("Working on [{0}]", self.target)
Пример #7
	def pull(self):
		# get last pull

		log.info(' [pull]')

		for target in self.targets:
			log.info(' [{0}]', target)

			service = services.service(self.config, target)

			synch_date = self.synch_date(target)
			service.set_synch_date( synch_date )

			# Pull target tasks
			tasks = service.tasks()

			task_ids = []
			for t in tasks: task_ids.append(service.get_id(t))

			# Find exist tasks
			self.db.where_in('id_b', task_ids);
			exist = {}
			for rel in self.db.get('relations').fetchall():
				exist[rel['id_b']] = rel['id_a']

			# Fill insert/update lists
			insert_tasks = []
			update_tasks = []
			for t in tasks:
				task_key = service.get_id(t)
				if task_key in exist:
					# print t['name'], service.get_date_modified(t), parser.parse(synch_date)
					if service.get_date_modified(t) > synch_date:
						t['id'] = exist[task_key]

			log.info(' INSERT:{0} | UPDATE:{1}', len(insert_tasks), len(update_tasks))

			for task in update_tasks:
				task_id = task['id']
				task = service.task(task)
				del task['id']
				self.db.where('id','=', task_id).update('tasks', task);

			for task in insert_tasks:
				task = service.task(task)
				id_b = task['id']
				del task['id']
				task['source_target'] = target
				task_id = self.db.insert('tasks', task);
				self.db.insert('relations', dict(
					target = target,
					id_b   = id_b,
					id_a   = str(task_id),
					type   = 'tasks'


			self.synch_date(target, self.date_now())
Пример #8
				del task['id']
				task['source_target'] = target
				task_id = self.db.insert('tasks', task);
				self.db.insert('relations', dict(
					target = target,
					id_b   = id_b,
					id_a   = str(task_id),
					type   = 'tasks'


			self.synch_date(target, self.date_now())


if __name__ == '__main__':

	ztask = zTask()


	# ztask.display_tasks()
	# ztask.display_projects()

	log.info(' [END]')
