Пример #1
def runCoroutine(reactor: IReactorTime,
                 routine: Coroutine[None, None, None]
                 ) -> None:
    """Run the given coroutine, while returning control to the reactor
    after every processing step.
    Use `await asyncio.sleep(0)` in your coroutine to separate processing
    except StopIteration:
        reactor.callLater(0, runCoroutine, reactor, routine)
Пример #2
class TelemetryStore(CollectionState):
    Accepts telemetry messages and exports the accumulated information obtained from them.

    def __init__(self, time_source=the_reactor):
        self.__interesting_objects = CellDict(dynamic=True)
        CollectionState.__init__(self, self.__interesting_objects)
        self.__objects = {}
        self.__expiry_times = {}
        self.__time_source = IReactorTime(time_source)
        self.__flush_call = None

    # not exported
    def receive(self, message):
        """Store the supplied telemetry message object."""
        message = ITelemetryMessage(message)
        object_id = unicode(message.get_object_id())

        if object_id in self.__objects:
            obj = self.__objects[object_id]
            obj = self.__objects[object_id] = ITelemetryObject(
                # TODO: Should probably have a context object supplying last message time and delete_me()

        expiry = obj.get_object_expiry()
        self.__expiry_times[object_id] = expiry
        if obj.is_interesting():
            self.__interesting_objects[object_id] = obj


    def __flush_expired(self):
        current_time = self.__time_source.seconds()
        deletes = []
        for object_id, expiry in self.__expiry_times.iteritems():
            if expiry <= current_time:
        for object_id in deletes:
            del self.__objects[object_id]
            del self.__expiry_times[object_id]
            if object_id in self.__interesting_objects:
                del self.__interesting_objects[object_id]


    def __maybe_schedule_flush(self):
        """Schedule a call to __flush_expired if there is not one already."""
        if self.__flush_call and self.__flush_call.active():
            # Could need to schedule one earlier than already scheduled.

        if self.__expiry_times:
            next_expiry = min(self.__expiry_times.itervalues())
            self.__flush_call = self.__time_source.callLater(
                next_expiry - self.__time_source.seconds(),
Пример #3
class BandwidthUpdater:

    def __init__(self, config, scheduler):
        self.bandwidth = 0
        self.config = config
        self.scheduler = IReactorTime(scheduler)
        self.generator = self.next_update()

    def next_update(self):
        Generator that gives out the next time to do a bandwidth update,
        as well as what the new bandwidth value should be. Here, we toggle
        the bandwidth every 20 minutes.

        while True:
            if self.bandwidth:
                self.bandwidth = 0
                self.burst = 0
                self.bandwidth = 20 * 1024 * 1024
                self.burst = self.bandwidth
            yield (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=20),
                   self.bandwidth, self.burst)

    def do_update(self):
        x = self.generator.next()
        future = x[0]
        self.new_bandwidth = x[1]
        self.new_burst = x[2]

        tm = (future - datetime.datetime.now()).seconds
        self.scheduler.callLater(tm, self.really_update)
        print "waiting", tm, "seconds to adjust bandwidth"

    def really_update(self):
        print "setting bandwidth + burst to", self.new_bandwidth, self.new_burst
        self.config.set_config('BandWidthBurst', self.new_burst,
                               'BandWidthRate', self.new_bandwidth)
Пример #4
class BandwidthUpdater:
    def __init__(self, config, scheduler):
        self.bandwidth = 0
        self.config = config
        self.scheduler = IReactorTime(scheduler)
        self.generator = self.next_update()

    def next_update(self):
        Generator that gives out the next time to do a bandwidth update,
        as well as what the new bandwidth value should be. Here, we toggle
        the bandwidth every 20 minutes.

        while True:
            if self.bandwidth:
                self.bandwidth = 0
                self.burst = 0
                self.bandwidth = 20 * 1024 * 1024
                self.burst = self.bandwidth
            yield (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=20),
                   self.bandwidth, self.burst)

    def do_update(self):
        x = self.generator.next()
        future = x[0]
        self.new_bandwidth = x[1]
        self.new_burst = x[2]

        tm = (future - datetime.datetime.now()).seconds
        self.scheduler.callLater(tm, self.really_update)
        print "waiting", tm, "seconds to adjust bandwidth"

    def really_update(self):
        print "setting bandwidth + burst to", self.new_bandwidth, self.new_burst
        self.config.set_config('BandWidthBurst', self.new_burst,
                               'BandWidthRate', self.new_bandwidth)
Пример #5
class EventualQueue(object):
    def __init__(self, clock):
        # pass clock=reactor unless you're testing
        self._clock = IReactorTime(clock)
        self._calls = []
        self._flush_d = None
        self._timer = None

    def eventually(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
        self._calls.append((f, args, kwargs))
        if not self._timer:
            self._timer = self._clock.callLater(0, self._turn)

    def fire_eventually(self, value=None):
        d = Deferred()
        self.eventually(d.callback, value)
        return d

    def _turn(self):
        while self._calls:
            (f, args, kwargs) = self._calls.pop(0)
                f(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception:
        self._timer = None
        d, self._flush_d = self._flush_d, None
        if d:

    def flush_sync(self):
        # if you have control over the Clock, this will synchronously flush the
        # queue
        assert self._clock.advance, "needs clock=twisted.internet.task.Clock()"
        while self._calls:

    def flush(self):
        # this is for unit tests, not application code
        assert not self._flush_d, "only one flush at a time"
        self._flush_d = Deferred()
        self.eventually(lambda: None)
        return self._flush_d
Пример #6
def deferLater(
    clock: IReactorTime,
    delay: float,
    callable: Optional[Callable[..., _T]] = None,
    *args: object,
    **kw: object,
) -> Deferred[_T]:
    Call the given function after a certain period of time has passed.

    @param clock: The object which will be used to schedule the delayed

    @param delay: The number of seconds to wait before calling the function.

    @param callable: The callable to call after the delay, or C{None}.

    @param args: The positional arguments to pass to C{callable}.

    @param kw: The keyword arguments to pass to C{callable}.

    @return: A deferred that fires with the result of the callable when the
        specified time has elapsed.

    def deferLaterCancel(deferred: Deferred[object]) -> None:

    def cb(result: object) -> _T:
        if callable is None:
            return None  # type: ignore[return-value]
        return callable(*args, **kw)

    d: Deferred[_T] = Deferred(deferLaterCancel)
    delayedCall = clock.callLater(delay, d.callback, None)
    return d
Пример #7
class TelemetryStore(CollectionState):
    Accepts telemetry messages and exports the accumulated information obtained from them.

    def __init__(self, time_source=the_reactor):
        self.__interesting_objects = CellDict(dynamic=True)
        CollectionState.__init__(self, self.__interesting_objects)
        self.__objects = {}
        self.__expiry_times = {}
        self.__time_source = IReactorTime(time_source)
        self.__flush_call = None

    # not exported
    def receive(self, message):
        """Store the supplied telemetry message object."""
        message = ITelemetryMessage(message)
        object_id = unicode(message.get_object_id())

        if object_id in self.__objects:
            obj = self.__objects[object_id]
            obj = self.__objects[object_id] = ITelemetryObject(
                # TODO: Should probably have a context object supplying last message time and delete_me()

        expiry = obj.get_object_expiry()
        self.__expiry_times[object_id] = expiry
        if obj.is_interesting():
            self.__interesting_objects[object_id] = obj


    def __flush_expired(self):
        current_time = self.__time_source.seconds()
        deletes = []
        for object_id, expiry in self.__expiry_times.iteritems():
            if expiry <= current_time:
        for object_id in deletes:
            del self.__objects[object_id]
            del self.__expiry_times[object_id]
            if object_id in self.__interesting_objects:
                del self.__interesting_objects[object_id]


    def __maybe_schedule_flush(self):
        """Schedule a call to __flush_expired if there is not one already."""
        if self.__flush_call and self.__flush_call.active():
            # Could need to schedule one earlier than already scheduled.

        if self.__expiry_times:
            now = self.__time_source.seconds()
            next_expiry = min(self.__expiry_times.itervalues())
            sec_until_expiry = max(0, next_expiry - now)
            self.__flush_call = self.__time_source.callLater(
Пример #8
    def __init__(self,
        This will read the output from a Tor process and attempt a
        connection to its control port when it sees any 'Bootstrapped'
        message on stdout. You probably don't need to use this
        directly except as the return value from the
        :func:`txtorcon.launch_tor` method. tor_protocol contains a
        valid :class:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol` instance by that

        connection_creator is a callable that should return a Deferred
        that callbacks with a :class:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol`;
        see :func:`txtorcon.launch_tor` for the default one which is a
        functools.partial that will call
        ``connect(TorProtocolFactory())`` on an appropriate

        :param connection_creator: A no-parameter callable which
            returns a Deferred which promises a
            <IStreamClientEndpoint>`. If this is None, we do NOT
            attempt to connect to the underlying Tor process.

        :param progress_updates: A callback which received progress
            updates with three args: percent, tag, summary

        :param config: a TorConfig object to connect to the
            TorControlProtocl from the launched tor (should it succeed)

        :param ireactortime:
            An object implementing IReactorTime (i.e. a reactor) which
            needs to be supplied if you pass a timeout.

        :param timeout:
            An int representing the timeout in seconds. If we are
            unable to reach 100% by this time we will consider the
            setting up of Tor to have failed. Must supply ireactortime
            if you supply this.

        :param kill_on_stderr:
            When True, kill subprocess if we receive anything on stderr

        :param stdout:
            Anything subprocess writes to stdout is sent to .write() on this

        :param stderr:
            Anything subprocess writes to stderr is sent to .write() on this

        :ivar tor_protocol: The TorControlProtocol instance connected
            to the Tor this
            <ProcessProtocol>`` is speaking to. Will be valid after
            the Deferred returned from
            :meth:`TorProcessProtocol.when_connected` is triggered.

        self.config = config
        self.tor_protocol = None
        self.progress_updates = progress_updates

        # XXX if connection_creator is not None .. is connected_cb
        # tied to connection_creator...?
        if connection_creator:
            self.connection_creator = connection_creator
            self.connection_creator = None
        # use SingleObserver
        self._connected_listeners = [
        ]  # list of Deferred (None when we're connected)

        self.attempted_connect = False
        self.to_delete = []
        self.kill_on_stderr = kill_on_stderr
        self.stderr = stderr
        self.stdout = stdout
        self.collected_stdout = StringIO()

        self._setup_complete = False
        self._did_timeout = False
        self._timeout_delayed_call = None
        self._on_exit = []  # Deferred's we owe a call/errback to when we exit
        if timeout:
            if not ireactortime:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Must supply an IReactorTime object when supplying a '
            ireactortime = IReactorTime(ireactortime)
            self._timeout_delayed_call = ireactortime.callLater(
                timeout, self._timeout_expired)
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, connection_creator, progress_updates=None, config=None,
                 ireactortime=None, timeout=None, kill_on_stderr=True,
                 stdout=None, stderr=None):
        This will read the output from a Tor process and attempt a
        connection to its control port when it sees any 'Bootstrapped'
        message on stdout. You probably don't need to use this
        directly except as the return value from the
        :func:`txtorcon.launch_tor` method. tor_protocol contains a
        valid :class:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol` instance by that

        connection_creator is a callable that should return a Deferred
        that callbacks with a :class:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol`;
        see :func:`txtorcon.launch_tor` for the default one which is a
        functools.partial that will call
        ``connect(TorProtocolFactory())`` on an appropriate

        :param connection_creator: A no-parameter callable which
            returns a Deferred which promises a :api:`twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint <IStreamClientEndpoint>`

        :param progress_updates: A callback which received progress
            updates with three args: percent, tag, summary

        :param config: a TorConfig object to connect to the
            TorControlProtocl from the launched tor (should it succeed)

        :param ireactortime:
            An object implementing IReactorTime (i.e. a reactor) which
            needs to be supplied if you pass a timeout.

        :param timeout:
            An int representing the timeout in seconds. If we are
            unable to reach 100% by this time we will consider the
            setting up of Tor to have failed. Must supply ireactortime
            if you supply this.

        :param kill_on_stderr:
            When True, kill subprocess if we receive anything on stderr

        :param stdout:
            Anything subprocess writes to stdout is sent to .write() on this

        :param stderr:
            Anything subprocess writes to stderr is sent to .write() on this

        :ivar tor_protocol: The TorControlProtocol instance connected
            to the Tor this :api:`twisted.internet.protocol.ProcessProtocol <ProcessProtocol>`` is speaking to. Will be valid
            when the `connected_cb` callback runs.

        :ivar connected_cb: Triggered when the Tor process we
            represent is fully bootstrapped


        self.config = config
        self.tor_protocol = None
        self.connection_creator = connection_creator
        self.progress_updates = progress_updates

        self.connected_cb = defer.Deferred()

        self.attempted_connect = False
        self.to_delete = []
        self.kill_on_stderr = kill_on_stderr
        self.stderr = stderr
        self.stdout = stdout
        self.collected_stdout = StringIO()

        self._setup_complete = False
        self._did_timeout = False
        self._timeout_delayed_call = None
        if timeout:
            if not ireactortime:
                raise RuntimeError('Must supply an IReactorTime object when supplying a timeout')
            ireactortime = IReactorTime(ireactortime)
            self._timeout_delayed_call = ireactortime.callLater(timeout, self.timeout_expired)
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, connection_creator, progress_updates=None, config=None,
                 ireactortime=None, timeout=None):
        This will read the output from a Tor process and attempt a
        connection to its control port when it sees any 'Bootstrapped'
        message on stdout. You probably don't need to use this
        directly except as the return value from the
        :func:`txtorcon.launch_tor` method. tor_protocol contains a
        valid :class:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol` instance by that

        connection_creator is a callable that should return a Deferred
        that callbacks with a :class:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol`;
        see :func:`txtorcon.launch_tor` for the default one which is a
        functools.partial that will call
        ``connect(TorProtocolFactory())`` on an appropriate

        :param connection_creator: A no-parameter callable which
            returns a Deferred which promises a :api:`twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint <IStreamClientEndpoint>`

        :param progress_updates: A callback which received progress
            updates with three args: percent, tag, summary

        :param config: a TorConfig object to connect to the
            TorControlProtocl from the launched tor (should it succeed)

        :param ireactortime:
            An object implementing IReactorTime (i.e. a reactor) which
            needs to be supplied if you pass a timeout.

        :param timeout:
            An int representing the timeout in seconds. If we are
            unable to reach 100% by this time we will consider the
            setting up of Tor to have failed. Must supply ireactortime
            if you supply this.

        :ivar tor_protocol: The TorControlProtocol instance connected
            to the Tor this :api:`twisted.internet.protocol.ProcessProtocol <ProcessProtocol>`` is speaking to. Will be valid
            when the `connected_cb` callback runs.

        :ivar connected_cb: Triggered when the Tor process we
            represent is fully bootstrapped


        self.config = config
        self.tor_protocol = None
        self.connection_creator = connection_creator
        self.progress_updates = progress_updates

        self.connected_cb = defer.Deferred()

        self.attempted_connect = False
        self.to_delete = []
        self.stderr = []
        self.stdout = []

        self._setup_complete = False
        self._timeout_delayed_call = None
        if timeout:
            if not ireactortime:
                raise RuntimeError('Must supply an IReactorTime object when supplying a timeout')
            ireactortime = IReactorTime(ireactortime)
            self._timeout_delayed_call = ireactortime.callLater(timeout, self.timeout_expired)