def main(reactor, cred, masterIP, masterPort, commPort, uid): f = open('/opt/rce/data/env.log', 'w') # TODO: Hardcoded? Use os.getenv('HOME')? log.startLogging(f) rospy.init_node('RCE_Master') print 'connect to ', masterIP, masterPort factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(masterIP, masterPort, factory) client = EnvironmentClient(reactor, commPort) def terminate(): reactor.callFromThread(client.terminate) reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop) rospy.on_shutdown(terminate) def _err(reason): print(reason) terminate() d = factory.login(cred, (client, uid)) d.addCallback(lambda ref: setattr(client, '_avatar', ref)) d.addErrback(_err) f.close()
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=1): zenlog.debug("Lost connection to %s:%s - %s",, connector.port, reason.getErrorMessage()) self._perspective = None self._cancelConnectTimeout() PBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=reconnecting) RCF = protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory RCF.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
def login(self, userID, robotID, password): """ Callback for Robot connection to login and authenticate. @param userID: User ID under which the robot is logging in. @type userID: str @param robotID: Unique ID of the robot in the namespace of the user under which the robot is logging in. @type robotID: str @param password: Hashed password as hex-encoded string which is used to authenticate the user. @type password: str @return: Representation of the connection to the robot which is used in the Robot process. (type: rce.robot.Connection) @rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ conn = Connection(self, userID, robotID) factory = PBClientFactory() self._reactor.connectTCP(self._masterIP, self._masterPort, factory) d = factory.login(UsernamePassword(userID, password)) d.addCallback(self._cbAuthenticated, conn) d.addCallback(self._cbConnected, conn) d.addCallback(lambda _: conn) return d
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): PBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=True) RCF = protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory RCF.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
def main(reactor, cred, masterIP, masterPort, commPort, uid): f = open('/opt/rce/data/env.log', 'w') # TODO: Use os.getenv('HOME') ? log.startLogging(f) rospy.init_node('RCE_Master') print 'connect to ', masterIP, masterPort factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(masterIP, masterPort, factory) client = EnvironmentClient(reactor, commPort) def terminate(): reactor.callFromThread(client.terminate) reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop) rospy.on_shutdown(terminate) def _err(reason): print(reason) terminate() d = factory.login(cred, (client, uid)) d.addCallback(client.registerAvatar) d.addCallback(client.createEnvironment) d.addErrback(_err) f.close()
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): log.debug("clientConnectionFailed %s", reason) self._perspective = None self._cancelConnectTimeout() PBClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed( self, connector, reason)
def clientConnectionMade(self, broker): log.debug("clientConnectionMade") self.resetDelay() self._cancelConnectTimeout() PBClientFactory.clientConnectionMade(self, broker) if self._creds: self._startConnectTimeout("Login") self._login(self._creds)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): PBClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) # Twisted-1.3 erroneously abandons the connection on non-UserErrors. # To avoid this bug, don't upcall, and implement the correct version # of the method here. if self.continueTrying: self.connector = connector self.retry()
def clientConnectionMade(self, broker): self.resetDelay() PBClientFactory.clientConnectionMade(self, broker) if self._doingLogin: self.doLogin(self._root) if self._doingGetPerspective: self.doGetPerspective(self._root) self.gotRootObject(self._root)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): def connected(reference): self._reference = reference return super(Client, self).run(*args, **kwargs) client = PBClientFactory() d = client.getRootObject() d.addCallback(connected) self._reactor.connectTCP('', self._port, client) return d
def connectionMade(self): """ Create a PBClientFactory and connect to master when ConsoleClient connected to StandardIO. Prompt user for Username """ HistoricRecvLine.connectionMade(self) self._factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(self._masterIP, self._console_port, self._factory) #@UndefinedVariable self.terminal.write("Username: ")
def connect(self): """Connect to the remote service.""" self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield client_connect(self.factory, self.service_name, self.service_cmdline, self.service_description) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() yield self._request_remote_objects(root) yield self.register_to_signals()
def main( reactor, cred, masterIP, masterPort, masterPassword, infraPasswd, bridgeIF, internalIP, bridgeIP, envPort, rosproxyPort, rootfsDir, confDir, dataDir, pkgDir, ubuntuRel, rosRel, data, ): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) def _err(reason): print(reason) reactor.stop() factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(masterIP, masterPort, factory) client = ContainerClient( reactor, masterIP, masterPort, masterPassword, infraPasswd, bridgeIF, internalIP, bridgeIP, envPort, rosproxyPort, rootfsDir, confDir, dataDir, pkgDir, ubuntuRel, rosRel, data, ) d = factory.login(cred, (client, data)) d.addCallback(lambda ref: setattr(client, "_avatar", ref)) d.addErrback(_err) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("before", "shutdown", client.terminate)
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): ''' ''' PBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=True) protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost( self, connector, reason, )
def clientConnectionMade(self, broker): zenlog.debug("Connected") self._cancelConnectTimeout() self.resetDelay() PBClientFactory.clientConnectionMade(self, broker) if self._doingLogin: self._startConnectTimeout("Login") self.doLogin(self._root) if self._doingGetPerspective: self.doGetPerspective(self._root) self.gotRootObject(self._root)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): zenlog.debug("Failed to create connection to %s:%s - %s",, connector.port, reason) self._perspective = None self._cancelConnectTimeout() PBClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) # Twisted-1.3 erroneously abandons the connection on non-UserErrors. # To avoid this bug, don't upcall, and implement the correct version # of the method here. if self.continueTrying: self.connector = connector self.retry()
def reconnect(self): """Reconnect with the server.""" self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield client_connect(self.factory, self.service_name, self.service_cmdline, self.service_description) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() # loop over the already present remote clients and reset their remotes for name in self.clients: remote = yield root.callRemote('get_%s' % name) remote_client = getattr(self, name) remote_client.remote = remote yield self.register_to_signals()
class UbuntuOneClient(object): """Root object that provides access to all the remote objects.""" def __init__(self): """Create a new instance.""" self.status = None = None self.sync_daemon = None self.file_system = None self.shares = None self.config = None self.folders = None self.public_files = None self.factory = None self.client = None @defer.inlineCallbacks def _request_remote_objects(self, root): """Request all the diff remote objects used for the communication.""" status = yield root.callRemote('get_status') self.status = StatusClient(status) events = yield root.callRemote('get_events') = EventsClient(events) sync_daemon = yield root.callRemote('get_sync_daemon') self.sync_daemon = SyncDaemonClient(sync_daemon) file_system = yield root.callRemote('get_file_system') self.file_system = FileSystemClient(file_system) shares = yield root.callRemote('get_shares') self.shares = SharesClient(shares) config = yield root.callRemote('get_config') self.config = ConfigClient(config) folders = yield root.callRemote('get_folders') self.folders = FoldersClient(folders) public_files = yield root.callRemote('get_public_files') self.public_files = PublicFilesClient(public_files) defer.returnValue(self) @defer.inlineCallbacks def connect(self): """Connect to the syncdaemon service.""" # pylint: disable=W0702 try: # connect to the remote objects self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield ipc_client_connect(self.factory) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() yield self._request_remote_objects(root) yield self.register_to_signals() defer.returnValue(self) except Exception, e: raise SyncDaemonClientConnectionError( 'Could not connect to the syncdaemon ipc.', e)
def test_http(self): """ When connecting to a HTTP server, a PB connection times out. """ result = defer.Deferred() site = Site(Data("", "text/plain")) client = HangCheckFactory( PBClientFactory(), lambda: result.callback(None)) self.patch(HangCheckProtocol, '_HUNG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT', 0.1) d_connected = connected_server_and_client( self, site, client, ) def cancel_all(): result.cancel() d_connected.cancel() timer = reactor.callLater(2, cancel_all) try: yield result except defer.CancelledError: raise Exception('Timeout did not happen') finally: d_connected.cancel() timer.cancel()
def __init__(self, connectTimeout=30, pingPerspective=True, pingInterval=30, pingtimeout=120): PBClientFactory.__init__(self) self._creds = None self._scheduledConnectTimeout = None self._connectTimeout = connectTimeout # should the perspective be pinged. Perspective must have a ping method. Deprecated => Always False. self._shouldPingPerspective = pingPerspective # how often to ping self._pingInterval = pingInterval # how long to wait for a ping before closing connection self._pingTimeoutTime = pingtimeout # ref to the scheduled ping timeout call self._pingTimeout = None # looping call doing the ping self._pingCheck = None self._perspective = None
def __init__(self): PBClientFactory.__init__(self) # Attribute defaults: self.uuid = "" self.computeChunkSize = 10 self.computeInterval = 1 # sec self.generator = None # functor self.outputBuffer = [] self.reportInterval = 5 # sec self.taskQueue = deque() self.scheduler = None # set in WorkerDaemon self.taskmaster = None # set in WorkerDaemon deferred = self.getRootObject() deferred.addCallback(self.initProxy)
def test_http(self): """ When connecting to a HTTP server, a PB connection times out. """ result = Deferred() site = Site(Data("", "text/plain")) client = HangCheckFactory(PBClientFactory(), lambda: result.callback(None)) self.patch(HangCheckProtocol, '_HUNG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT', 0.1) connected_server_and_client( self, site, client, ) timer = reactor.callLater(2, result.cancel) result.addCallback(lambda _: timer.cancel()) def check_for_timeout(reason): reason.trap(CancelledError) raise Exception("Didn't not hangup") result.addErrback(check_for_timeout) return result
class ForwardOutput(Output): implements(IOutput) def configure(self, section): self.forwardserver = section.getString('forwarding address', None) self.forwardport = section.getInt('forwarding port', None) self.retryinterval = section.getInt('retry interval', 10) self.forwardedevents = getStat("terane.output.%s.forwardedevents" %, 0) self.stalerefs = getStat("terane.output.%s.stalerefs" %, 0) def startService(self): Output.startService(self) self._client = None self._listener = None self._remote = None self._backoff = None self._reconnect() def _reconnect(self): try: if self._client: self._client.disconnect() self._client = PBClientFactory() if self._listener: self._listener.disconnect() self._listener = reactor.connectTCP(self.forwardserver, self.forwardport, self._client) self._remote = self._client.login(Anonymous()) self._remote.addCallback(self._login) self._remote.addErrback(self._loginFailed) except Exception, e: logger.error("[output:%s] failed to connect to remote collector: %s" % (,str(e))) logger.error("[output:%s] will retry to connect in %i seconds" % (,self.retryinterval)) self._backoff = reactor.callLater(self.retryinterval, self._reconnect)
def _sendMessage(channel, message): """ Establish a connection to the bot and direct it to send the given message to the given channel. @type channel: C{str} @type message: C{str} """ messageFactory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(BOT_HOST, BOT_PORT, messageFactory) def cbGotRoot(rootObj): return rootObj.callRemote('message', channel, message) rootDeferred = messageFactory.getRootObject() rootDeferred.addCallback(cbGotRoot) rootDeferred.addErrback(err) rootDeferred.addCallback(lambda ign: reactor.stop())
def connect(self): """Connect to the remote service.""" self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield client_connect(self.factory, self.service_name, self.service_cmdline, self.service_port) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() yield self._request_remote_objects(root) yield self.register_to_signals()
def main(reactor, cred, masterIP, masterPort, internalIF, bridgeIF, envPort, rootfsDir, confDir, dataDir, srcDir, pkgDir, maxNr): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) def _err(reason): print(reason) reactor.stop() factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(masterIP, masterPort, factory) client = ContainerClient(reactor, masterIP, internalIF, bridgeIF, envPort, rootfsDir, confDir, dataDir, srcDir, pkgDir) d = factory.login(cred, (client, maxNr)) d.addCallback(lambda ref: setattr(client, '_avatar', ref)) d.addErrback(_err) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', client.terminate)
def _reconnect(self): try: if self._client: self._client.disconnect() self._client = PBClientFactory() if self._listener: self._listener.disconnect() self._listener = reactor.connectTCP(self.forwardserver, self.forwardport, self._client) self._remote = self._client.login(Anonymous()) self._remote.addCallback(self._login) self._remote.addErrback(self._loginFailed) except Exception, e: logger.error( "[output:%s] failed to connect to remote collector: %s" % (, str(e))) logger.error("[output:%s] will retry to connect in %i seconds" % (, self.retryinterval)) self._backoff = reactor.callLater(self.retryinterval, self._reconnect)
def main(): """ Connect to a PB server running on port 8800 on localhost and log in to it, both anonymously and using a username/password it will recognize. """ startLogging(stdout) factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8800, factory) anonymousLogin = factory.login(Anonymous()) anonymousLogin.addCallback(connected) anonymousLogin.addErrback(error, "Anonymous login failed") usernameLogin = factory.login(UsernamePassword("user1", "pass1")) usernameLogin.addCallback(connected) usernameLogin.addErrback(error, "Username/password login failed") bothDeferreds = gatherResults([anonymousLogin, usernameLogin]) bothDeferreds.addCallback(finished)
def main(reactor, cred, masterIP, masterPort, consolePort, extIP, extPort, commPort, pkgPath, customConverters): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) def _err(reason): print(reason) reactor.stop() factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(masterIP, masterPort, factory) rosPath = [] for path in get_ros_paths() + [p for p, _ in pkgPath]: if path not in rosPath: rosPath.append(path) loader = Loader(rosPath) converter = Converter(loader) for customConverter in customConverters: # Get correct path/name of the converter module, className = customConverter.rsplit('.', 1) # Load the converter mod = __import__(module, fromlist=[className]) converter.addCustomConverter(getattr(mod, className)) client = RobotClient(reactor, masterIP, consolePort, commPort, extIP, extPort, loader, converter) d = factory.login(cred, client) d.addCallback(lambda ref: setattr(client, '_avatar', ref)) d.addErrback(_err) # portal = Portal(client, (client,)) robot = CloudEngineWebSocketFactory(client, 'ws://localhost:{0}'.format(extPort)) listenWS(robot) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', client.terminate)
def main(reactor, cred, masterIP, masterPort, masterPassword, infraPasswd, bridgeIF, internalIP, bridgeIP, envPort, rosproxyPort, rootfsDir, confDir, dataDir, pkgDir, ubuntuRel, rosRel, data): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) def _err(reason): print(reason) reactor.stop() factory = PBClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP(masterIP, masterPort, factory) client = ContainerClient(reactor, masterIP, masterPort, masterPassword, infraPasswd, bridgeIF, internalIP, bridgeIP, envPort, rosproxyPort, rootfsDir, confDir, dataDir, pkgDir, ubuntuRel, rosRel, data) d = factory.login(cred, (client, data)) d.addCallback(lambda ref: setattr(client, '_avatar', ref)) d.addErrback(_err) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', client.terminate)
def connect(self): """Connect to the sso service.""" ac = ActivationClient(get_activation_config()) port = yield ac.get_active_port() # got the port, lets try and connect to it and get the diff # remote objects for the wrappers self.factory = PBClientFactory() # the reactor does have a connectTCP method # pylint: disable=E1101 self.client = reactor.connectTCP(LOCALHOST, port, self.factory) # pylint: enable=E1101 root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() client = yield self._request_remote_objects(root) defer.returnValue(client)
def connect(self): """Connect to the syncdaemon service.""" # pylint: disable=W0702 try: # connect to the remote objects self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield ipc_client_connect(self.factory) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() yield self._request_remote_objects(root) yield self.register_to_signals() defer.returnValue(self) except Exception, e: raise SyncDaemonClientConnectionError( 'Could not connect to the syncdaemon ipc.', e)
def _reconnect(self): try: if self._client: self._client.disconnect() self._client = PBClientFactory() if self._listener: self._listener.disconnect() self._listener = reactor.connectTCP(self.forwardserver, self.forwardport, self._client) self._remote = self._client.login(Anonymous()) self._remote.addCallback(self._login) self._remote.addErrback(self._loginFailed) except Exception, e: logger.error("[output:%s] failed to connect to remote collector: %s" % (,str(e))) logger.error("[output:%s] will retry to connect in %i seconds" % (,self.retryinterval)) self._backoff = reactor.callLater(self.retryinterval, self._reconnect)
def connect(self): """Connect to the syncdaemon service.""" yield self.connection_lock.acquire() try: if self.client is None: # connect to the remote objects self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield ipc_client_connect(self.factory) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() yield self._request_remote_objects(root) yield self.register_to_signals() defer.returnValue(self) except Exception as e: raise SyncDaemonClientConnectionError( 'Could not connect to the syncdaemon ipc.', e) finally: self.connection_lock.release()
class ForwardOutput(Output): implements(IOutput) def configure(self, section): self.forwardserver = section.getString('forwarding address', None) self.forwardport = section.getInt('forwarding port', None) self.retryinterval = section.getInt('retry interval', 10) self.forwardedevents = getStat( "terane.output.%s.forwardedevents" %, 0) self.stalerefs = getStat("terane.output.%s.stalerefs" %, 0) def startService(self): Output.startService(self) self._client = None self._listener = None self._remote = None self._backoff = None self._reconnect() def _reconnect(self): try: if self._client: self._client.disconnect() self._client = PBClientFactory() if self._listener: self._listener.disconnect() self._listener = reactor.connectTCP(self.forwardserver, self.forwardport, self._client) self._remote = self._client.login(Anonymous()) self._remote.addCallback(self._login) self._remote.addErrback(self._loginFailed) except Exception, e: logger.error( "[output:%s] failed to connect to remote collector: %s" % (, str(e))) logger.error("[output:%s] will retry to connect in %i seconds" % (, self.retryinterval)) self._backoff = reactor.callLater(self.retryinterval, self._reconnect)
class UbuntuSSOClient(object): """Root client that provides access to the sso API.""" def __init__(self): self.sso_login = None self.cred_management = None self.factory = None self.client = None @defer.inlineCallbacks def _request_remote_objects(self, root): """Get the status remote object.""" sso_login = yield root.callRemote('get_sso_login') logger.debug('SSOLogin is %s', sso_login) self.sso_login = SSOLoginClient(sso_login) cred_management = yield root.callRemote('get_cred_manager') self.cred_management = CredentialsManagementClient(cred_management) defer.returnValue(self) @defer.inlineCallbacks def connect(self): """Connect to the sso service.""" ac = ActivationClient(get_activation_config()) port = yield ac.get_active_port() # got the port, lets try and connect to it and get the diff # remote objects for the wrappers self.factory = PBClientFactory() # the reactor does have a connectTCP method # pylint: disable=E1101 self.client = reactor.connectTCP(LOCALHOST, port, self.factory) # pylint: enable=E1101 root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() client = yield self._request_remote_objects(root) defer.returnValue(client) def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from the process.""" if self.client: self.client.disconnect()
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=1): PBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=reconnecting) RCF = protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory RCF.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
def __init__(self): PBClientFactory.__init__(self) self._doingLogin = False self._doingGetPerspective = False
def buildProtocol(self, addr): return PBClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
class BaseClient(object): """Client that will connect to the service listening on the description. Inherit from this class and define service_name, service_description and service_cmdline so they return the proper values. The service_cmdline must be redefined so it returns the command line to execute to run the service, if it's not running. If 'connect' is called, 'disconnect' should be called when done. """ # a mapping of (client name, client class (an instance of RemoteClient)) clients = {} service_name = None service_description = None service_cmdline = None def __init__(self): self.factory = None self.client = None for client in self.clients: setattr(self, client, None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _request_remote_objects(self, root): """Request all the diff remote objects used for the communication.""" logger.debug('Requesting remote objects (%r) for %s', self.clients.keys(), self.__class__.__name__) for name, client_class in self.clients.items(): remote = yield root.callRemote('get_%s' % name) setattr(self, name, client_class(self, remote)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def connect(self): """Connect to the remote service.""" self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield client_connect(self.factory, self.service_name, self.service_cmdline, self.service_description) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() yield self._request_remote_objects(root) yield self.register_to_signals() @defer.inlineCallbacks def reconnect(self): """Reconnect with the server.""" self.factory = PBClientFactory() self.client = yield client_connect(self.factory, self.service_name, self.service_cmdline, self.service_description) root = yield self.factory.getRootObject() # loop over the already present remote clients and reset their remotes for name in self.clients: remote = yield root.callRemote('get_%s' % name) remote_client = getattr(self, name) remote_client.remote = remote yield self.register_to_signals() @defer.inlineCallbacks def register_to_signals(self): """Register all the clients to their signals.""" for name in self.clients: client = getattr(self, name) yield client.register_to_signals() @defer.inlineCallbacks def unregister_to_signals(self): """Unregister from the all the client's signals.""" for name in self.clients: client = getattr(self, name) yield client.unregister_to_signals() @defer.inlineCallbacks def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from the process.""" yield self.unregister_to_signals() if self.client: self.client.disconnect()
def clientConnectionMade(self, broker): self.resetDelay() PBClientFactory.clientConnectionMade(self, broker) self.doLogin(self._root, broker) self.gotRootObject(self._root)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): PBClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) if self.continueTrying: self.connector = connector self.retry()