Пример #1
    def queueDevCmd(self, devCmdStr, userCmd):
        """Add a device command to the device command queue

        @param[in] devCmdStr: a command string to send to the device.
        @param[in] userCmd: a UserCmd associated with this device (probably but
                                not necessarily linked.  Used here for writeToUsers
        log.info("%s.queueDevCmd(devCmdStr=%r, cmdQueue: %r"%(self, devCmdStr, self.devCmdQueue))
        # append a cmdVerb for the command queue (otherwise all get the same cmdVerb and cancel eachother)
        # could change the default behavior in CommandQueue?
        cmdVerb = devCmdStr.split()[0]
        assert cmdVerb in self.validCmdVerbs
        devCmd = DevCmd(cmdStr=devCmdStr)
        devCmd.cmdVerb = cmdVerb
        devCmd.userCmd = userCmd
        def queueFunc(devCmd):
            # when the command is ready run this
            # everything besides a move should return quickly
            if cmdVerb == "status":
                # wipe status, to ensure we've
                # gotten a full status when done.
        self.devCmdQueue.addCmd(devCmd, queueFunc)
        return devCmd
Пример #2
    def queueDevCmd(self, devCmdStr, userCmd):
        """Add a device command to the device command queue

        @param[in] devCmdStr: a command string to send to the device.
        @param[in] userCmd: a UserCmd associated with this device (probably but
                                not necessarily linked.  Used here for writeToUsers
        log.info("%s.queueDevCmd(devCmdStr=%r, cmdQueue: %r"%(self, devCmdStr, self.devCmdQueue))
        #print("%s.queueDevCmd(devCmdStr=%r, cmdQueue: %r"%(self, devCmdStr, self.devCmdQueue))
        # append a cmdVerb for the command queue (otherwise all get the same cmdVerb and cancel eachother)
        # could change the default behavior in CommandQueue?
        devCmd = DevCmd(cmdStr=devCmdStr)
        devCmd.userCmd = userCmd
        devCmd.cmdVerb = devCmdStr
        self.devCmdQueue.addCmd(devCmd, self.startDevCmd)
        return devCmd
Пример #3
    def queueDevCmd(self, cmdStr, userCmd=None):
        """Add a device command to the device command queue

        @param[in] cmdStr, string to send to the device.
        log.info("%s.queueDevCmd(cmdStr=%r, cmdQueue: %r"%(self, cmdStr, self.devCmdQueue))
        # print("%s.queueDevCmd(devCmd=%r, devCmdStr=%r, cmdQueue: %r"%(self, devCmd, devCmd.cmdStr, self.devCmdQueue))
        # append a cmdVerb for the command queue (other wise all get the same cmdVerb and cancel eachother)
        # could change the default behavior in CommandQueue?
        userCmd = expandUserCmd(userCmd)
        devCmd = DevCmd(cmdStr)
        devCmd.cmdVerb = cmdStr.split()[0]
        devCmd.userCmd = userCmd
        def queueFunc(devCmd):
        self.devCmdQueue.addCmd(devCmd, queueFunc)
        return devCmd